Practical Experience With Distance Measurement Based On Single Visual Camera
Practical Experience With Distance Measurement Based On Single Visual Camera
Practical Experience With Distance Measurement Based On Single Visual Camera
The manuscript was received on 19 September 2012 and was accepted after revision for
publication on 4 October 2012.
The paper deals with the problem of distance measurement of stationary target by single
visual camera in laboratory conditions. The paper describes the practical experiments
performed in order to estimate the distance of a target using visual odometry. For the
estimation of the distances, we used a camera and a target. For these estimations,
photos were taken to obtain the coordinates of reference points on the target surface.
The coordinates obtained were used in optical equations to estimate distances of the
target in the space. The paper explains the procedures made for the experiment
preparation, describes the experiments and finally analyses the results acquired. These
practical experiments establish a basis for the implementation of the position algorithm
into navigation subsystem of swarm robots.
Single visual camera, distance measurement, error analysis, image analysis, optical
1. Introduction
The reason for using cameras to measure the distance from the target is a creation of
a measuring subsystem for autonomous robot which will make odometry more
accurate. This functionality will be very helpful especially in robot cooperation. To
introduce this intention, a theory has to be defined and tested in applications.
This article follows the time-line described in the paper and published at the
IEEE Conference 15 th Mechatronika 2012 [1]. In the paper’s conclusion, the general
experience and conclusions of the experiment are mentioned to enhance experiment
Corresponding author: Department of Air Defence Systems, Kounicova 65, 662 10 Brno,
Czech Republic, Telephone: +420 973 44 36 83, E-mail:
50 A. de La Bourdonnaye, R. Doskočil, V. Křivánek and A. Štefek
The object of all experiments described in the article was to obtain the highest
possible accuracy.
The practical experiments and the first analysis were carried out by cadet De La
Bourdonnaye from the French Air Force Academy in Salon de Provence in the context
of the Project “Learning Through Research”. It is a French program for second year
students of the Master Course. Deeper analyses of the results were carried out by the
research team of the Department of Air Defence Systems.
2. Experiment Preparation
Fig. 1 Reference points and size (in millimetres) of the model of target
Practical Experience with Distance Measurement Based on Single 51
Visual Camera
Important parameters were set up manually while the other ones (i.e. shutter,
aperture) were used automatically. A delayed self-timer was applied because when a
finger presses the button to shoot, the camera can slightly move and this can lead to
measurement errors. With the delay, the camera is stable while the photo is taken.
Furthermore, no flash has been utilised because otherwise errors caused by brightness
could occur.
In the text Fnumber has been used. Eq. (1) explains it:
52 A. de La Bourdonnaye, R. Doskočil, V. Křivánek and A. Štefek
Fnumber , (1)
where f’ is focal length in image plane and D diameter of the camera lens.
The equation (1) can be also replaced by equation (2). It means that Fnumber has
direct influence on relative aperture RA
Fnumber . (2)
3. Experiment description
This part of the article describes practical experiments which were approved and, in
addition, a process of camera model was established.
b' mm
2 . (5)
b px
The results of the calculation are in Tab. 2.
Model of 1 2
b' s
plane 2' 1'
Tab. 2 Table of pixel size on CCD for different distances of model of target
Tested distance l [mm] ∆2 [mm/px]
1 002 0.008 029 267
2 003 0.008 022 451
3 004 0.007 993 694
4 002 0.007 952 456
5 003 0.007 885 078
6 004 0.007 679 727
Fig. 4 shows the results of calibration phase after which all six samples were
approximated by the curve.
We can state that the second model is valid from the distance of 2 003 mm. If
measuring is performed in shorter distances, the camera is not able to give accurate
results because of images’ distortion. The average value of ∆2 taken in the distance of
minimum 2 003 mm is ∆2 = 0.007 957 1725 mm/px. In the next part both models are
54 A. de La Bourdonnaye, R. Doskočil, V. Křivánek and A. Štefek
s [m]
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
b' [px]
Fig. 5 shows the results of distance measurement. The black lines represent the
method which calculates with mathematical model. Their error according to the sign of
partial error is –0.30 %. The average error in absolute value is ±0.43 %. Contrary, the
grey lines correspond to the model based on CCD size. In the interval between 2 and 5
meters, the error is less than ±1.0 %. In other cases errors are too big.
4. Conclusion
The paper deals with the use of a CCD camera to obtain more accurate indoor
navigation data. It should be noted that the distance measurement contains many
obstacles. The presented achievements are valid only for an exact type of camera in
combination with a particular lens. Nevertheless, the conclusions are generally valid.
Another limitation is caused by the model of target which has to be in optical
axes and perpendicular to it. However, the accuracy of distance measurement is less
than ±1.0 % for significant samples. Both models are more accurate than the model
presented in [1]. In that case the average error could be 6.28 % and maximal error
17.7 %. Hence, a significant progress has been reached.
The method based on mathematical analysis is more accurate than the model
using CCD size mainly in low distances. Its disadvantage is that it creates a relative
complication for robot embedded computers.
The presented experiments have proved the theory applied, and open the
opportunity to define measuring subsystem for odometry support. Even though there
were found some limitations, this approach can be applied. The subsystem used in
Practical Experience with Distance Measurement Based on Single 55
Visual Camera
Matematical model
Error [%]
1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0
s (m]
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The work presented in this paper has been supported by the Ministry of Defence of the
Czech Republic in institutional development project “Development of air forces
constituents in connection with simulation technologies and cybernetic systems”.