Xii CS I
Xii CS I
Xii CS I
* Syllabus*
XII Computer Science Software Paper-I (Theory & Practical)
Theory Index
Sr. Topic Weightage
1. Operating Systems 22
2. Data Structures 17
3. C++ Programming 41
4. HTML 14
Name of the Topic Scope of Syllabus
1. Operating Systems • What is Operating System?
• Services in OS
• Overview of OS:Windows 98, Windows NT, LINUX
• Concept related to Information management (Only
• File System, Device Drivers,
• Terminal I/O
• Concepts related to process management (Only
• Process, Multiprogramming,
• Context Switching, Process States,
• Priority, Multitasking, Timesharing.
• Concepts Related to Memory Management (Only
• A typical map for single user computer, Partitioning,
Fixed & Variable Partitioning, Paging, Segmentation,
Virtual memory.
•GUI: Basic GUI features such as Windows, Task List,
Drag, Resize, Close, Minimise, Maximise.
• Access and Security aspects of OS
• Security Threats, Attacks on Security, Computer
Worms,Computer Viruses.
2. Data Structures • Introduction to Data Structures, Data Structure.
• Arrays - representation in memory, traversing, inserting,
deleting, sorting, binary search in an array. Pointers
arrays, Records in memory using arrays.
• Link List, Representation of link list in memory.
• Trees, Binary tree, representing Binary tree in
5. Write a visual basic program to calculate sum of first n numbers using whileloop.
6. Write a visual basic program to transfer and remove list item
8. write a visual basic program to select shape and calculate the area.
CPP Program
9. Write a C++ program to display Fibonacci series of given no.
10. Write a C++ program to calculate area and circumference of circle using class.
11. Write a C++ program to implement the following class hierarchy :class studentto obtain
roll number. class test to obtain marks scored in two different subjects. Class sports to
obtain weightage(mark) in sports and class result to calculate the marks. the program
must print the roll number ,individual marks obtainted in two subject ,sports and total
12. Write a C++ program to reverse the given string using operator overloading.
15. write a C++ program to sort numbers in descending order using Bubble-sortmethod.
1. TPS Computer Science-I (Prof. Preyas Chinchure, Prof. ShwetaJawale,)
2. XII Computer Science
Computer Software (P-I), A Text Book on Theory & Practical,
F.Y.J.C Bifocal Computer Science JEE Based Text Book (Paperback,