ABSTRACT: Learning and socializing are fostered via collaborative learning. The study determined the level of learners'
collaborative learning and learners’ academic performance in elementary schools of Laguindingan District, Division of Misamis
Oriental, for School Year 2023 – 2024 in terms of positive interdependence, promotive interaction, and individual accountability.
The learners’ level of academic performance and its relationship to collaborative learning. The descriptive method with content
analysis using probability sampling was used as the research design with two hundred two (202) Grade - VI public elementary
school learners. The data employed were collected through an adapted and modified survey questionnaire by Youngren (2021)
and Delfino (2019). To analyze the gathered data statistically, the mean, standard deviation, and Pearson Correlational Coefficient
(r) were employed. The results indicated the highest in collaborative learning in terms of promotive interaction, while individual
accountability as the lowest. There was a significant relationship between collaborative learning and learners’ academic
performance. It is recommended that teachers should continuously encourage the learners to promote positive attitudes,
motivation, and a sense of shared purpose. Further, teachers need to improve strategies, evaluate group dynamics, collect
feedback from collaborative activities, and make necessary adjustments.
A vital part of education and human growth is the interconnected processes of teaching and learning. Both are interactive
and entail the sharing of information, abilities, and knowledge between a teacher and a learner. When it comes to the teaching
and learning process, Collaborative Learning (CL) refers to a collection of teaching and learning techniques that encourage learners
to work together in small groups (Le et al., 2018). According to Ismail et al. (2018), the very essence of collaborative learning is
working together toward a shared goal. This implies that in addition to their own learning, learners are accountable for one
another's academic progress.
A collaborative group consists of two to five learners working in a group to maximize both individual and group learning.
Collaborative learning may occur through peer-to-peer learning, also known as peer instruction that involves learners working in
pairs or small groups to discuss concepts or find solutions to problems. The collaborative method emphasizes getting learners
involved in group learning as opposed to traditional lecture-based training, which frequently emphasizes memorization.
Furthermore, learners work together to better grasp the subject matter by drawing on their varied experiences, backgrounds, and
views. To achieve the goal, learners must work collaboratively to understand and learn the subject thoroughly. That is why
teachers delegated extra effort to incorporate various sorts of collaborative learning activities in every lesson to accomplish lesson
goals and objectives that affect learners’ academic performance. The capacity of learners to demonstrate mastery
of academic skills and knowledge in a variety of subject areas was referred to as learners' academic performance. This is typically
measured in terms of scores and grades earned by the learners, which largely determines their success (Baliyan et al. 2021). This
ability is evaluated through a variety of methods, including tests, quizzes, assignments, projects, and exams. Moreover, according
to Tus (2020), learners' academic performance represents an important component of the factors influencing learners' success. It
is essential to teaching and learning, particularly as a practical tool for evaluating the learner’s educational progress.
Hence, as mentioned by Chapagain (2021), learners’ academic performance is the primary indication of educational
improvement in every country. Learners who have poor academic performance in class may find it distressing and difficult for
The study used a descriptive method to describe and determine the relationship between collaborative learning and
learners' academic performance. An accurate and systematic description of a population, situation, or phenomenon was the goal
of descriptive research. What, where, when, and how questions can be answered in this method. Also, this study involves the
Table 4 presents the learners’ overall level of collaborative learning. It reveals that the indicators under collaborative
learning specifically positive interdependence, promotive interaction, and individual accountability. It has an overall Mean of 4.04
with SD = 0.90, which is described as Agree and interpretated as High. This means that respondents do agree that collaborative
learning allows learners to work and collaborate together so that they can all learn and grow together. However, in collaborative
learning, some individuals may put in less effort and just depend on other group members to finish the task. To minimize the risk
of free-riding or social loafing in collaborative learning settings, learners must realize that learners who engage in collaborative
learning not only acquire higher-order thinking skills but also experience an increase in confidence and self-worth. Through
providing an example of the topic, group activities can optimize the educational experience while enhancing social and
interpersonal skills. Learners gain leadership experiences and learn how to collaborate with different kinds of learners.
Moreover, promotive interaction, has the highest variable with a Mean of 4.11 with SD = 0.91, which is discribed as Agree
and interpreted as High. This shows that it is of the utmost importance for learners to respect and assist one another as well as
share pertinent ideas, opinions, and experiences. This is because through this promotive interaction, learners enjoy learning and
Table 5 shows the learners’ overall academic performance. As shown in the table above, among the two-hundred two
(202) respondent learners, forty-four (44) of them with a percentage of 21.78 got outstanding, eighty-four (84) of the learners got
a percentage of 41.58, got very satisfactory, sixty-nine (69) learners with a percentage of 34.16 got the Satisfactory, and lastly,
five (5) learners with a percentage of 2.48 got the fairly satisfactory .Based on the presented data above, it is clear that there are
no Grade V learners below Fairly Satisfactory. It clearly implies that the learners' general averages for School Year 2022-2023 have
a very satisfactory academic performance despite not being exceptionally high or outstanding ; 85-89 general averages are not
bad. This very satisfactory level of academic performance leads to personal and professional development and success, which
opens doors to every learner’s variety of opportunities in the future. By investing in the learners' academic performance, learners
can acquire the abilities needed to excel both within and outside of the classroom. It also enables the learners to make
contributions to society, build valuable connections with their peers and other people, and, lastly, grow in confidence.
Problem 3: Is there a significant relationship between collaborative learning and learners’ academic performance?
Table 6 shows the test correlation between learners’ collaborative learning and academic performance. This provides an
analysis that all the independent variables mentioned are significant. The variable promotive interaction got the highest p- value
of 0.0079 followed by the variable positive interdependence with the p-value of 0.0024 and lastly the variable individual
accountability with the p-value of 0.0015. This clearly means that these variables under collaborative learning has a significant
effect on learners’ academic performance.
This means that there is a significant relationship between the dependent and independent variables because when
learners have collaborative work, there is active participation, which clearly means that learners are more actively involved in the
learning process, leading to a more profound understanding of the lesson that affects the learners' academic performance.
IJMRA, Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024 www.ijmra.in Page 1332
Collaborative Learning and Learners’ Academic Performance
Positive Interdependence encourages learners to motivate one another, work well together, and pursue group goals
when they believe that their success is dependent on that of their peers. This variable is significant for the reason that it promotes
teamwork, creates a positive learning atmosphere for both the learners and teachers that results in higher academic achievement.
On the other hand, the variable promotive interaction highlights positive and constructive engagement between
teachers, peers, and learners. When there's a supportive and encouraging atmosphere, learners are motivated to assist each other
in their academic pursuits that leads to high academic performance. This variable promotes effective teacher-learner
communication, collaborative group work, peer tutoring, and a general culture that fosters curiosity and a love for learning. Such
an environment often enhances learners' engagement, understanding, and overall academic performance.
The third variable, under individual accountability is significant as it gives a strong emphasis on taking ownership of
learning results. Learners who are individually accountable are held responsible for their own academic progress exhibit excellent
work habits, self-control, and a sense of ownership over their education. Learners are driven to meet expectations, create and
fulfill personal and group goals to do better academically.
Thus, the independent variables, namely positive interdependence, promotive interaction, and individual accountability
under collaborative learning, are associated with learners’ academic performance, with a p-value of far less than 0.05. This implies
that learners learn effectively with collaborative learning because this is where learners form good social relationships and exert
collective efforts into a group activity, assignment, or educational project assigned to them. Delfino (2019) puts emphasis on
building strong collaboration among educators, learners, and other stakeholders since it clearly articulates expectations, shares
information, and encourages dialogue to promote a collaborative atmosphere in creating meaningful learning experiences.
Based on the previously gathered and mentioned results, the study's conclusions are as follows:
1. The level of collaborative learning in terms of promotive interaction is high, where learning involves communication and
behavior that encourage each member's educational involvement and learning.
2. Learners are performing well academically based on the learners’ overall academic performance. Given that the majority of
the learners received a very satisfactory general average, they were able to effectively meet the academic requirements.
3. There is a significant relationship between collaborative learning and learners’ academic performance. Learners are more
actively involved in the learning process, leading to a more profound understanding of the lesson that influences their school
In the light of the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are made:
1. Teachers may continuously emphasize the significance of individual accountability among diverse learners. The learners need
to actively participate in group work structures and analytical discussions. Group dynamics strengthen the learning experience,
which actively engages and takes ownership of the role within the group.
2. To achieve better performance, teachers may use a variety of collaborative teaching strategies. These activities encourage active
learning, which will open doors to different engaging capabilities.
3. Teachers may enrich learners' academic performance through collaborative learning that leads to high academic performance.
Effective teacher-learner communication, collaborative group work, peer tutoring, and a general culture that fosters curiosity and
a love for learning. Such an environment often enhances learners' engagement, understanding, and overall academic
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