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NASA MBSE Implementation

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NASA MBSE Implementation

George Plattsmier MSFC

September 10, 2019

NASA Systems Engineering

What is MBSE?

• INCOSE definition of MBSE

– Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is the formalized application of
modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and
validation, beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout
development and later life cycle phases (Systems Engineering Vision 2020,

• MBSE is not a new process being added to the existing SE processes.

MBSE is systems engineering through the use of models.

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MBSE Infusion And Modernization Initiative
Systems Modeling WG
FY16: Learn & Align Digital
Systems Analysis and Data
Visualization WG
Infra-structure and Ecosystem WG
FY17: Learn & Apply

FY18 & FY19:

Develop Recognized
Core Capability

FY20: Targeted

MBSE Vision
MBSE Roadmap

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MBSE Agency Collaboration

“A fully operational model-centric infrastructure that enables integration of physical

models with domain discipline analytical models, simulations and cost models to
support activities throughout lifecycle from concept through disposal”

JSC • Shared system model is
explicit, available, durable
and authoritative
• System design kept
GRC current with 2-way
information exchange
with discipline models
LaRC • Agency-wide modeling
standards facilitate multi-
GSFC center collaboration

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MSFC MBSE Advocacy

• Primarily utilizing MagicDraw 19.0 Service Pack 2 as the MBSE pathfinding tool
throughout the Agency
• Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is focusing on small wins by infusing MBSE
through Tech Excellence (TE) projects
• Project scope is centered around lifecycle deliverables
• Process of Establishing common framework

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MagicGrid 101

• The MagicGrid approach is based on the framework, which can be represented

as a Zachman style matrix (link below), and is designed to guide the engineers
through the modeling process and answer their questions, like “how to organize
the model?”, “what is the modeling workflow?”, “what model artifacts should be
produced in each step of that workflow?”, “how these artifacts are linked
together?”, and so on.
• The approach includes the definition of the problem, solution, and implementation
domains in the system model. They align with the processes defined by
ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 as follows: problem domain with the Stakeholder Needs
Development process, solution domain with the Architecture Definition process,
and implementation domain with the Design Definition process. Each domain is
represented as a separate row of the MagicGrid framework.
• https://www.zachman.com/about-the-zachman-framework
• http://www.15288.com/about_standards.php

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MagicGrid 101 Cont.

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SysML 4 Pillars
2. Behavior
1. Structure


3. Requirements 4. Parametrics
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NASA MBSE 4 Pillar SE Integration
Technical Management
Technical Planning Product Realization
System Design
eg.NPR 7123.1B Processes
10. Technical Planning

Product Transition
Technical Control Process
Requirement Definition
Processes 9. Product Transition
1. Stakeholder Expectations 11. Requirements Management
Definition 12. Interface Management
2. Technical Requirements 13. Technical Risk Management
Definition 14. Configuration Management Processes
15. Technical Data Management 7. Product Verification
8. Product Validation

Technical Solution Technical Assessment Data Realization

Definition Processes Process Processes
16. Technical Assessment

NASA Evolution
3. Logical Decomposition
5. Product Implementation
4. Design Solution Definition
6. Product Integration
Technical Decision
Analysis Process
Beginner: 4 Pillar basics 17. Decision Analysis

Intermediate: Integrating 4
Pillars (OOSEM)

Advanced: Model what’s


needed for products!!
FY20+: Generate tailored
NASA-standard profiles,
artifacts and views

MSFC MBSE Architecture Approach

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Stakeholder Expectations Definition Process

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MSFC MBSE Architecture Approach

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SE Product Maturity

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Requirement Challenges

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Requirement Extendibility

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Requirement Development

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Requirement Derivation Process

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Activity Implementation

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Requirement Derivation Process

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Requirement Derivation Process

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Requirement Derivation Process

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Use Case Refinement

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Requirement to Design Trace

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Stakeholder Need Trace

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Mass Roll Up

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Mass Rollup Requirement Verification

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Views and Viewpoints

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HTML Document Generation

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MBMA Integration


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MBMA Pathfinding

• Pathfinding approach with MagicDraw Plugin Cameo Safety and Reliability


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NASA Future MBSE Work

Pilot Patterns for deploying a Scalable Architecture

Develop Profile (and patterns) for generating a complete set
of tailorable 7123 products, artifacts and views
Explore end verification and validation approaches.
Research Configuration and Data Management approaches.
Further investigation into PLM tools for complete Digital
Pilot Patterns for implementing S&MA Comprehensive
Project Risk Management
Exploring Teamwork Cloud Environment centered around
Cameo Collaboration

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CLM Takeaways Using MBSE

• Managing a Complex System

– View multiple perspectives
– Analyze change impacts
– Evaluate system for consistency,
accuracy, and completeness
• Improved Communications – Simulate the functionality of the
– Graphical elements system
– Consistent definitions – Integrate with other disciplines
– Collaborative infrastructure
– Authoritative data Reduced Time
Reduced Cost
• Enhanced Knowledge Transfer
– Store models and model elements in a library Reduced Risk
– Reduced start-up time but…Requires up-
– Consistent information between projects and front investment
between project lifecycle phases
– Iterative and multi-level modeling

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•Any Questions or go

* Details can be found in backup charts

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MBSE Trace to NPR 7123 17 SE Processes

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