Creative Processes Final
Creative Processes Final
Creative Processes Final
express what you see, how they see it and ask themselves why they see it that way? But also for the
more profound souls, they might ask the last question: is my neighbour seeing it the same way that
I am seeing it?
It is not as complicated as it sounds; it is a straightforward game. Yes, this is a playful collage, you
can focus on one particular piece of the puzzle, you can try to create or recreate a story with the
different component, you can even imagine what the collage would have looked like if you made it
or you can try to guess what the creator was thinking about while making it. It is a game, the game
of perception and interpretation.
The definition of perception suggests that it is the ability of one to become aware of something
1...........................................................................................................................Perception through his senses; it is the capacity to see, hear and feel. Many would associate these capabilities
2...........................................................................................................................The script with an individual called a creative.
3...........................................................................................................................TFL Just a little parenthesis according to me even creatives do not necessarily replicate and recreate
4........................................................................................................................... The spiral, The clown the idea that they have in their head as accurately as they envisioned it.
I belong to the group of people who prefers abstract art for this simple reason; I get to imagine
and The detective
and see what I think the artist was trying to showcase. And sometimes just asking the person stand-
5........................................................................................................................... Kolb Learning Cycle ing next to you in art gallery what they see. It is so exciting to see the difference in interpretation but
6...........................................................................................................................Bibliography also after listening to that interpretation the way you will look at the painting will be different. I am
referring to us drawing 3 things that we value the most and ask someone else to interpret our draw-
ings. Some interpretation can even become an illumination because you might not have realized
what you were drawing, or the different meaning your drawing could have.
I can use the words distorted to qualify the idea that will come out from you after listening to others
perception of your work.
Part of the process is enabling others to guess how others learn about themselves, especially in the
absence of any explicit communication which increases social interaction. This process can differ
from one person to another.
To avoid any risk of misinterpretation, I encourage everyone to interpret as they wish. But here is my
interpretation of this interesting collage.
The yellow pen is predominant, which makes me believe that the author wanted to make an em-
phasis that the exercises was mainly using hand, freehand type of art, underneath the pen there
is a heart which many people will consider as love but in this context the heart makes reference to
the human side of the art piece. On the far right, there is a domino which suggests a game or even
role-playing, the background is green and has a puzzle. Green is the color of growth, harmony,
and freshness and the puzzle suggests attempt, to find the right pieces, you have to be patient and
dedicated to finding it. But also puzzle takes time to put together, so I will also suggest time con-
straints and on the right inside there is a book about creativity, I would suggest asking the ques-
tion, is creativity teachable? What can you learn from a creative book? Probably ways to improve
or boost your creativity. Or the book can also suggest different element put together for you to
awaken your creative side. On the top on the collage, there are numbers? That suggests teamwork,
and numbers can also indicate a mystical, paranormal relationship between different sphere and
sectors. Finally, snow suggests a cold temperature which can affect people’s mood, feelings, per-
ception, and even creativity.
This work, is my personal interpretation of my experience, the memories I collected and a certain
aspect that resonated with me.
Think and see this work as an intersection of meaning where many roads meet. I was not attempt-
ing to provide a linear meaning but rather an experience that stimulates your cellular brains, emo-
tions, intellect and your inner creativity.
The script TFL
I believe that the advertisement campaign that are not straight forward
Knowing those facts should have been enough not to trust my brain and are either a hit or a miss. Because sometimes I can look at an advert and
start looking for ideas when I haven’t thoroughly read and understood because I can’t understand the message will take the time to research
what was required to make the movie. about the company, in this case, the advertisement is a hit. On the other
Here were the requirements: create a movie using two subject lines: hand, if the message is too vague and does not capture my attention, I
To look at the world around you and fix something you do not like would not be bothered looking it up.
or The average person in London travels for 2 hours every day which in-
2- What could you do to make a difference in your world? cludes going to work and coming back home. During the hour that you
In order for me to create this movie, I had to stay in a frame that you can are seating down, even if you have to be on your phone for the entire
find below which was imposed by the teacher. journey chances are your eyes will catch one or at least four advertising
Movie length: Not less than 3 minutes and not more than 4 minutes in campaign. On your way to the platform all along the escalators, you have
length, work will be penalised 50% if outside these parameters. adverts. When you are looking for the right platform chances are before
Not more than 10% of third party content. finding information on your journey you are more likely to stumble across
Must include at least 3 theories which you have learnt from the module. 2 or 3 adverts, and when you are finally waiting for your train, opposite
It must be your original work, thinking and process. you will, be a giant advert. And the story continues until you get home
Any music scores and images etc. must be referenced at the end of the because even when you are on the train making sure that you are going
movie. to the right direction all around your map journey are adverts.
After reading these guidelines, I did not straight away had an idea of So how can these companies not invest in TfL advertisement? They are
what my movie would be about but at least I had a starting point. all over your face without being all over your face and the other part is
During one of my simulation weekend, I came across a very interesting that they use many techniques not too appear overwhelming for exam-
situation with one of my team members and realised the importance of ples the sizes of the adverts, the colours etc... Because of the crises in the
knowing each other colour personality. environment, I would like to research; how the advertisement industry
So I thought why not base my movie on the importance of knowing your is playing a role in reducing pollution? Are they recycling those adverts,
personality but also other people personality treat in order to improve do they use environmentally friendly paint? Please note that all of these
the increase in today’s world of miscommunication. questions started from me looking to find 15 images that could speak to
I came across Debono’s 6 coloured hats theory multiple times across me in one way or another.
the different classes that I am undertaking. There was “the idea” the exe-
cution was the second half of the marathon.
Asking people who are not actors or drama student was much harder
than I thought so was asking random people to act for you is indeed not
the easiest thing to do as an introvert.
It was not my first time making a movie but like at the beginning of each creative process the main question we all have is This process did not only teach me to go out of my way to make some- ‘Perception is strong and sight weak. In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a
what is “the idea” what story am I trying to tell? And making a movie was not different. I came up with different ideas like thing happen but the importance and beauty of teamwork. If I had distanced view of close things.’ Miyamoto Musashi 1584–1645, legendary Japanese swordsman – From MANAGING COM-
making a movie about the complexity of movie out, the benefit of moving out, the process of decluttering until I decided found just one group of people who were so confident in front of a PLEXIY, simulation weekend brief
to go back and get some guidance on what exactly was required for me to make. This process made me realised how camera, I would have just created a movie with one set of person, but It is funny how you start paying more attention as soon as you have a target. My objecting was to find 15 images. What
important it is to understand the brief, but also to take the time to read through the instructions given because what hap- because all of those who helped me were not even sure that they want- could those images possibly represent to me? Art pieces, favourite movie, favourite magazine. So on my way home on that
pens most of the time is that according to a study people remember only “10 percent of what they READ, 20 percent of ed to take part, I could only ask them for so much. Another essential day the adverts on the TfL caught my attention more than usual I started telling myself this advert could be a great image
what they HEAR, 30 percent of what they SEE, 50 percent of what they SEE and HEAR, 70 percent of what they SAY and aspect behind this movie was the importance of working within a frame, to have but why? Because I think that the marketing objective was successful in catching my attention. And some of them
WRITE and 90 percent of what they DO”. and if I did not go back to look for a structure, I am not sure that I would even made we wonder about the link between the graphic design and the company. Slowly I started to realise how well
have been able to come up with anything. For creative individuals, strategically this advert are placed and the number of people that get to see them every day. My curiosity grew one level
boundaries are necessary to some extent otherwise when do you stop after another and led me to TfL website wondering how lucrative the TfL advertising business makes.
coming up with ideas?
The spiral, The clown and Kolb Learning Cycle
The detective
I want to use Kolb as a method to reflective on my creative processes module.
I have previously graduated from a creative degree, so I signed up for creative processes.
You are in a wood in a clearing; there is a box.
The practicality of this course has allowed me to evolve even more as an Interior Designer
It was the end of a very stressful day at work so, and I decided to take a walk back home. I was on
that I did during my previous degree. I hadn’t come across Lego play so to realise that Busi-
the phone with my mother who was telling me about my niece adventures of the day. Talking to my
nesses uses Lego was a discovery. I am still putting my head around how businesses can be
mom have always been a stress relief treatment at least on that day. I felt very detached from my job
in the middle of a crisis and decide to start playing Lego not to distract themselves but as a
that “I love so much” yes, I do love my job, it is just that sometimes I cannot seem to remember what
way of solving solution. The same way I was amazed by the benefit of playing the marshmal-
I like about it. After hanging off from the phone with my mother I decided to be adventurous, turn off
low challenge and how without realising it we were building trust and getting to learn as a
google maps and take a new way home. It was getting dark, but I did not mind. I needed to recon-
team in one of my other class. Another method that I have been applying is lateral thinking. I
nect, I needed nature, so when I saw this isolated path with branchless trees, I decided to take a go
discovered so many techniques that I haven’t previously used in coming up with ideas for my
at it. There I was, breathing in some fresh air, being mindful of my surroundings. Realizing how great
different interior design projects and it makes me wonder why do business programs learns
God is to have designed all of these beautiful things. My thoughts were finally calm, then, suddenly
so many techniques but are still longing for creativity and in creative courses we do not have
in the middle of nowhere I saw this double glazed framed house, the house was entirely made with
all of these techniques, because all you have to do is do your research, come up with an idea,
glass. Seeing it was just magical. A glass box in the middle of the clearing. I approached, put my
then apply. But when I think about it subconsciously I might have been using lateral thinking
hands on the handle, and when I was just about to open the door…
because when you go through books you stop focusing on the idea that you thought would
I decided to choose the 3 key elements of any creative work as my evidence because these 3 ele-
be the one then you have an aha moment when you know exactly the direction to take.
ments are the main component of any successful business plan or original work, I believe that these
Even the fact that we had guests coming in to teach us different techniques was another tech-
elements should be used in every field to reduce the polarity that there is between play and work. In
nique for us to get used to different teaching methods. And each week was different, I was
this case, I used the spiral which is creative writing.
craving for my brain to create new neuro connexion and it did after the 11 weeks spent in the
I am a pen and paper individual. I love to connect my mind with my hands. I feel more in control and
creative processes programme.
connected when I manually write stories down. Does this have to do with my formal education? Back
After my first and only tutorial, I was quite confused by what we were supposed to use as evi-
home in Congo, we do not use computers as much as school and universities do in this part of the
dence of learning and how I should structure my 500 reflective writing on the piece, I am still
world, pen and paper are what we use, that is probably why I still find it challenging to take notes on
not sure, but I believe it was worth trying. I am sure you will be able to see a difference from
my phone or any other digital platform, I can even see a difference in the way I would take notes digi-
the first evidence I created called perception and the rest afterward.
tally or manually.
I do believe that one class on how to create pieces of evidence and then how to go about
I also find that spaces have a significant impact on the work that you produce. For me there is a dif-
writing a reflective piece of writing would have been beneficial.
ference when I am using a computer screen and a laptop. The environment also plays a big role. If
One of the techniques I used for my entrepreneurship and Innovation class, was using each
we had to reconsider the way the classes were design to fit the learning process of each student I
other specific characteristic and finding the overall idea like playing Lego’s. For us to come up
doubt that the rooms will be square. Nowadays businesses also start to take more seriously their CSR
with a business idea, I proposed to my team to all write down what we are passionate about;
responsibilities. Because in order for employees to be productive they need to be in an environment
you can only imagine the looks they all gave me. So many people would not associate work
that will allow them to be creative, and more and more designers are trying to break conventional
and play or work and fun, but at the end, they took a chance on my idea, and we decided to
rules while reimagining spaces two great examples for that would be the late Zaha Hadid and the
create an app that offers different services, and those services included what we are all pas-
great Franck Gerry, they both use unconventional shapes building in their architecture. In my opinion,
sionate about.
as an Interior Designer, I believe that buildings just like books have their own magic and it is the story
The only suggestion I would make to improve this module it would be to include site visits,
they are trying to tell. A great storyteller has more chances of securing a job than a qualified individu-
visitors were great but seeing them in their actual studio would have made this experience
al because today’s society is not really about who is the most qualified but who can tell the best story.
even more memorable.
1. CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. (2013) Creativity : the psychology of discovery and invention. New York, NY: Harper Perennial Modern Classics.
2. BERGER, P.L. and LUCKMANN, T. (1991) The social construction of reality : a treatise in the sociology of knowledge. London: Penguin.
3. GENDLIN, E.T. (2003) Focusing : how to gain direct access to your body’s knowledge. London: Rider.
4. WOLFF, J. (2012) Creativity now: get inspired, create ideas and make them happen. London: Pitman.
5. DeBono, E. (1983). Lateral thinking for management. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
6. Weird Lime Ltd. (2019). London Underground Advertising include tube ads, escalators & car panels. [online] Available at:
cy/london-underground-advertising/?gclid=CjwKCAjwqLblBRBYEiwAV3pCJuVfNk8lpIEXp1ljuP2QOGF_Kc8hAe1Sy9YsasNitrok-oilhzQIHBoCIbYQAvD_BwE [Accessed 11 Apr.
7. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Apr. 2019].
8. Main. (2019). Debunk This: People Remember 10 Percent of What They Read. [online] Available at:
of-what-they-read [Accessed 11 Apr. 2019].