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Systemic Pathology

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Long Questions

1. Define Atheroma, risk factors for atherosclerosis, role of lipid and endothelial
2. Define atherosclerosis. Discuss in detail the risk factors, pathogenesis,
morphology and complications.
3. Discuss etiology, pathogenesis and features of Hypertension.
4. A 12 year boy weighing 70 kgs, doesn’t play any outdoor games and is
always in front of his play station with lot of snacks besides him.
What is he having? What are the methods to assess it? b) What is the
etiopathogenesis? Enumerate the complications?

Short Questions

1. Atheromatous plaque
2. Aneurysm
3. Aortic dissection
4. Buerger’s disease (TAO)
5. Kaposi sarcoma
6. Monckeberg’s medial sclerosis
7. Atheromatous plaque
8. Takayasu arteritis
9. Giant cell arteritis
10. Kawasaki disease
11. Raynaud phenomenon
12. Benign tumors of blood vessels

Long Questions

1. Define Ischemic heart diseases. Discuss about Myocardial infarction.

2. Rheumatic heart disease.
3. Infective endocarditis.
4. Ennumerate cardiomyopathies. Explain dilated cardiomyopathy.

Short Questions

1. Jones criteria.
2. Non-infective endocarditis
3. Fallot’s tetrology
4. Morphology of infarct
5. Lab investigations of Acute myocardial infarction
6. Cor pulmonale
7. Vegetation of heart
8. Rheumatic fever
9. Aschoff’s bodies
10. Duke’s criteria
11. List Cardiomyopathies and their causes.
12. Oslers node
13. Libman-sacks endocarditis
14. Enlist causes of acute myocarditis
15. Differences between 3 types of cardiomyopathy
16. Types of acute pericarditis
17. cardiac myxoma
18. Angina pectoris

Long Questions

1. Define and classify COPD, Explain in detail about emphysema.

2. Pathogenesis and features of Bronchial asthma
3. Classify pneumonia. Discuss the etiology and morphology of bacterial
4. Classify bronchogenic carcinoma, write in detail about malignant tumours of

Short Questions

2. Bronchiectasis
3. Difference between Chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
4. Coal-workers Pneumoconiosis
5. Silicosis
6. Asbestosis
7. Sarcoidosis
8. Good Pasteur’s syndrome
9. Oat cell carcinoma
10. Carcinoid tumors of lung
11. Chronic bronchitis
12. Mesothelioma
13. Reid index
14. Ferruginous bodies
15. Asteroid bodies
16. Causes of hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
17. Stages of pneumonia


Short Questions

1. Classify tumors of salivary glands.

2. Pre cancerous lesions of oral cavity.
3. Ameloblastoma
4. Pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland
5. Warthin tumor
6. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma

Long Questions

1. Define and discuss peptic ulcer disease.

2. Carcinoma stomach.
3. Polyps of intestine.
4. Define IBD, discuss crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
5. Carcinoma of colon

Short Questions

1. Toxic megacolon
2. Hirschsprung’s disease
3. Barret’s esophagus
4. H.pylori gastritis
5. Zollinger Ellison syndrome
6. Etiology of gastric cancer
7. Coeliac sprue
8. Difference Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis
9. Adenoma-carcinoma sequence
10. Linitis plastica
11. Gross difference between benign and malignant ulcers of stomach
12. Mention two malabsorption syndrome
13. Whipple disease
14. Peutz-Jaghers syndrome
15. Familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome

Long Questions

1. Classify cirrhosis. details about portal cirrhosis

2. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of viral hepatitis and in detail about serological
3. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and findings in Hepatitis B.
4. Classify Tumours of liver, Etiopathogenesis, prognosis of Hepatocellular

Short Questions

1. Cirrhosis of liver
2. Investigation of viral hepatitis
3. Hepatitis A
4. Hepatits C
5. Etio-pathological classification of jaundice
6. Alcoholic liver disease
8. Lennec’s cirrhosis
9. Hemochromatosis
10. Wilson disease
11. Portal hypertension
12. Discuss inherited liver diseases
13. Biliary cirrhosis
14. Gall stones
15. Aetiology and Pathology of Acute Pancreatitis
16. Fatty changes in liver
17. Ground glass hepatocytes
18. Mallory bodies
19. Name four causes of fatty liver
20. Mention 2 conditions of hereditary unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia

Long Questions

1. Classify acute glomerular nephritis, details about acute post streptococcal

2. Define nephrotic syndrome. Enlist the causes of nephritoc syndrome.
Discuss in detail the pathogenesis and morphology in MPGN (Membrano
Proliferative GlomeruloNephritis)
3. Chronic pyelonephritis
4. Classfiy renal cell carcinoma. Explain pathogenesis and morphology.

Short Questions

1. Membranous nephritis
2. Rapid Progressive glomerulonephritis/ Crescentic glomerulonephritis
3. Features of Nephrotic syndrome
4. Minimal change nephropathy
5. Contracted granular kidney
6. Lupus nephritis
7. Acute tubular necrosis
8. Acute pyelonephritis
9. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
10. Ennumerate and briefly discuss cystic lesions in kidney
11. Polycystic kidney disease
12. Cystic diseases of renal medulla
13. Renal stones
14. Clear cell RCC
15. Urinary casts
16. Transitional cell carcinoma bladder
17. Malakoplakia
18. Mention two difference between nephrotic syndrome and nephritic
19. Wire loop lesion
20. Four causes of nephrotic syndrome


Long Questions

1. Classify tumours of testis. Explain seminoma.

2. Prostatic adenocarcinoma.

Short Questions

1. Bowens disease
2. Cryptorchidism
3. BPH
4. Gleason grading
5. Condyloma acuminata
6. Difference between classic and spermatocytic seminomas
7. Alpha feto protein


Long Questions

1. Cervical cancer – etiopathogenesis, morphology, clinical features

2. Classify ovarian neoplasms. Discuss in detail about surface epithelial
3. Classify ovarian neoplasm. Discuss in detail the germ cell tumours.
4. Classify ovarian neoplasms. Discuss in detail about sex cord stromal
5. Classify endometrial carcinomas and discuss their morphology.
6. Discuss gestational trophoblastic disease.

Short Questions

3. Etiology of carcinoma cervix
4. Endometriosis - pathogenesis
5. Uterus leiomyomas
6. Teratoma ovary
7. Krukenberg tumour
8. Hydatiform mole
9. Four sites of endometriosis
10. Adenomyosis
11. Dermoid cyst of ovary
12. Schiller Dual bodies
13. Call Exner bodies
14. Struma ovarii
15. Screening of cervical cancer
16. Endometrial hyperplasia

Long Questions

1. Breast cancer – molecular and morphological classification, gross and

2. Classify CA breast, etiology and prognostic factors.

Short Questions

1. Fibrocystic disease of breast

2. Gynecomastia
3. Paget disease of nipple
4. Fibroadenoma
5. Phyllodes tumor breast


Long Questions

1. Classify thyroid neoplasms. Discuss in detail about pathogenesis of

malignant thyroid neoplasms. Add a note on morphology of papillary
carcinoma of thyroid.
2. Describe etiopathogenesis of diabetes. What are the clinical features and

Short Questions

1. Cretinism
2. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
3. Grave’s disease
4. De Quervain thyroiditis
5. Multi nodular goiter
6. Medullary carcinoma thyroid
7. Hyperparathyroidism
8. Macrovascular complications of DM
9. Microvascular complications of DM
10. Lab diagnosis DM
11. IDDM
12. Diabetic nephropathy
13. Cushing syndrome
14. Pheochromocytoma
15. MEN syndrome
16. Hurthle cell
17. 4 Features of hyperthyroidism
18. 4 Features of hypothyroidism
19. Psammoma bodies
20. Microalbuminuria
21. Mention 4 features of Addison’s disease
22. Classic triad of DM

Long Questions

1. Malignant melanoma.
2. Squamous cell carcinoma.

Short Questions

1. Basal cell carcinoma

2. Blue nevus
3. Mention four pre malignant lesions of skin
4. ABCDE of melanoma.


Long Questions

1. Define repair, fracture of bone, factor influencing healing.

2. Classify tumor bone, details about osteosarcoma.
3. Classify Tumors of Bone. Discuss in detail the Etiopathogenesis and
Pathology of Ewing sarcoma.
4. Osteomyelitis.

Short Questions

1. Paget disease of bone

2. Pyogenic osteomyelitis
3. TB osteomyelitis
4. Cartilage forming bone tumours
5. Giant cell tumor bone
6. Aneurysmal bone cyst
7. Pannus
8. Gout
9. Duchenne muscular dystrophy
10. Rheumatoid arthritis.
11. Tophi
12. Liposarcoma
13. Rhabdomyosarcoma
14. Schwannoma
15. Lipoma
16. Pott’s spine
17. Rickets


Long Questions

1. Classify tumor CNS, details about gliomas.

2. Classify tumor meningiomas, details about meningiomas.

Short Questions

1. CSF in TB meningitis / pyogenic /viral meningitis

2. Prion disease
3. Astrocytoma
4. Glioblastoma multiforme
5. Medulloblastoma
6. Retinoblastoma
7. Berry aneurysm
8. Negri bodies
9. Creutzfeldt Jakob disease
10. Features of diabetic retinopathy
11. Flexner Wintersteiner rosettes
12. Homer wright rosettes
13. Neurofibromatosis

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