Sleep Wake Disorder
Sleep Wake Disorder
Sleep Wake Disorder
62 2,688
1 author:
Giulio Perrotta
Università Politecnica delle Marche
All content following this page was uploaded by Giulio Perrotta on 30 September 2020.
Neurology and
Invi t ing Innova t ions
Proper sleep is biologically imperative for sustaining life. The b) The electrooculogram (conventionally abbreviated as “EOG”)
psychophysical health of the individual depends on the quality and records eye movements and translates them into electric waves;
duration of sleep. Sleep disorders, such as insomnia, are present c) The electromyogram (conventionally abbreviated as “EMG”)
in many psychiatric disorders, in which sleep deprivation has a which records muscular activity (usually in polysomnography that
significant impact on a person’s quality of life. of the mylohyoid muscle). For a thorough examination of sleep we
It is difficult to give a precise and unambiguous definition of use polysomnography, with which we record, during an entire night,
sleep. One of the mostaptis the one given in 1985 by Fagioli and a series of physiological parameters, such as the movement of the
Salzarulo, who present it as “a state of the organism characterized ribcage and the abdomen, the flow of air that passes through the
by reduced reactivity to environmental stimuli that involves a oronasal cavity, blood oxygen saturation and heart rate.
suspension of relational activity (relationships with the environment) In 1953, Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman discovered
and modifications of the state of consciousness: it is established the presence of Rapid Eye Movements (REM) during sleep. This
autonomously and periodically, is self-limited in time and is simple observation made it possible to differentiate sleep in a REM
reversible “.Another well accepted definition efinesitas “a temporary phase (with rapid eye movements) and in a non-REM phase (NREM
and reversible detachment of the mind from the body, indispensable
Citation: Perrotta G. Sleep-Wake Disorders: Definition, Contexts and Neural Correlations. J Neurol Psychol. 2019; 7(1): 09.
Citation: Perrotta G. Sleep-Wake Disorders: Definition, Contexts and Neural Correlations. J Neurol Psychol. 2019; 7(1): 09.
ISSN: 2332-3469
ISSN: 2332-3469
Part II. Source: Hypersomnolence disorder: excessive sleepiness despite a main
sleep period of at least 7 hours, manifesting at least three times a week
muscles. Moreover, this phase is characteristic for the paralysis of for at least three months. It is accompanied by clinically significant
the muscles (to avoid mimicking dreams) and because it is the one distress or impairment in cognitive, social, occupational or other
in which dreams predominantly occur. The brain consumes oxygen important areas. It is not attributable to the effects of a substance
and glucose as if the subject were awake and engaged in intellectual (a substance of abuse, a drug) and the complaint of sleep inessis
activity. If you wake up in this phase you are perfectly oriented. not adequately explained by the coexistence of mental and clinical
This stage is also characterized by a more imprecise control of the disorders. It is not justified by another sleep disorder and does not
vegetative functions of the organism, in fact the arterial pressure occur exclusively during the course of another sleep disorder.
increases and undergoes sudden changes, the heart rate increases and Narcolepsy: It is characterized by recurrent periods of
extra systoles can appear, the respiratory frequency becomes more irrepressible bi-dream of sleeping, sleep attacks or naps that occur
irregular and the part is compromised thermo regulation. Penile
erection in men and genital changes in women may occur. REM sleep
tends to decrease with advancing age and reaches a peak at the age of
1 year and then decreases in favor of non-REM sleep.
Sleep deprivation was tested by Randy Gardner in 1965, a young
17-year-old student who stayed awake for 264 hours, or 11 days. On
the second day, his concentration diminished and subsequently lost
the ability to identify objects by touch. At the end of the third day
he experienced bad temper and disorientation. At the end of the
experiment it was difficult to concentrate, to remember recent events;
he became paranoid and began to hallucinate. On the eleventh day, the
medical personnel who kept him under control wrote: “Confusional
state and disorientation, sudden mood swings, irritability, speak with
a road sign believing him a man, hallucinations, temporary loss of
identity, difficulty in pronouncing tongue twisters, mumbles many
words, diminished reflexes, memory lapses, difficulty in focusing
objects, visual problems with too bright colors ... “. When we
sleep little, in fact, learning, memory, mood and quick reflexes are Figure 4: Sleepphisiology.
compromised. Several studies show that sleeping systematically less Part III. Source:
than six hours a night increases the risk of heart attack for well over sleep-and-eeg-for-undergraduates
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c) Sleep-relatedhypoventilation: polysomnography shows REM sleep represents that phase of sleep, mostly represented in
episodes of decreased respiration associated with high levels of carbon the second part of the night, in which there is an almost complete
dioxide, in the absence of a concomitant sleep disorder. loss of tone of the voluntary musculature (“it is as if immobilized”)
and during which the more dreamlike activity occurs intense. The
Circadian disorders of the wake-sleep rhythm: sleep interruption behavioral disturbance in REM sleep (RBD) is characterized by
due to an alteration of the circadian system, to a misalignment of the the loss of physiological muscle a tony. For this reason, during the
endogenous circadian rhythm and the wake-sleep rhythm required episodes, which occur more frequently in the second part of the night,
by the physical conditions of an individual or imposed by social the patients present an excessive motor activity, often characterized
or work commitments. In these cases, sleep interruption leads to by abrupt behavior (such as screaming, punching and kicking), in
excessive sleepiness or insomnia or both. Sleep disturbance causes relation to the content of their dreams. In fact, patients often report
clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or dreams with a negative content, which they “act” by performing
other important areas. violent actions, which can assume characteristics of aggressiveness,
Parasomnias: they are disorders characterized by abnormal for example towards the bed partner. These manifestations therefore
experiences and behaviors or physiological events that occur in entail a high risk of trauma both for the patient and for those close
association with sleep, specific stages of sleep or sleep-wake passages. to him. Their duration is usually between 2 and 10 minutes and the
According to the most recent classification of sleep disorders, frequency can be very varied: from weekly or monthly episodes to
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multi-night (4-5 / night). hallucinations, but they can also be auditory, tactile, gustatory or
olfactory. They may be associated with sleep paralysis and, like these,
b) Sleep paralysis
occur frequently in individuals without other sleep disorders or may
They consist in the inability to perform any voluntary motor be one of the symptoms of narcolepsy.
activity (one has the perception of being completely immobilized),
d) Sleep-related eating disorder (SRED).
although the subject is completely conscious. They can occur during
the phase of falling asleep (“hypnagogic paralysis”) or following an Consists of repeated episodes during sleep of compulsive food
awakening (“hypnopompic paralysis”). They can be accompanied or drink ingestion (even unusual or inedible); often the level of
by auditory or visual hallucinations and can last from a few seconds consciousness during the episodes appears to be null or partial, just as
to several minutes, often causing intense anxiety in the person who the patient on waking frequently does not retain any memory of what
lives them. They can be resolved spontaneously or following sensory happened. This form of parasomnias appears more frequent in the
stimulation. They can be favored by an irregular sleep-wake rhythm female sex and has an onset around the 20-30 years; familiarity with
and sleep deprivation. other NREM sleep parasomnias is common. SRED can be associated
with other sleep disorders (arousal disorders, restless legs syndrome,
c) Nightly nightly
sleep apnea, narcolepsy) and can be triggered by taking certain drugs
They consist of fearful dreams, with a negative content, often (benzodiazepines, zolpidem, lithium) or by abrupt withdrawal of
of long duration; these dreams frequently induce the awakening of alcohol intake. This syndrome must be distinguished from other
the subject that keeps a vivid memory of it. They are common in forms of eating behavior in sleep such as “Night Eating Syndrome”,
children or in patients with “post-traumatic stress disorder”. They characterized by hyperphagia (overeating) evening and night and / or
can be favored by fever or by the abrupt withdrawal of alcohol or anorexia (lack of appetite) morning and insomnia.
drugs that reduce REM sleep (amphetamines, some antidepressants
and benzodiazepines). These conditions, in fact, could lead to a sharp
The Neural Correlates in Sleep-Wake Disorders
and significant increase in the representation of REM sleep, favoring A first system that controls and maintains the waking state is
the occurrence of nightmares. represented by the aminergic nuclei of the brainstem [7], in particular
by the noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus and by the
• Other parasomnias.
serotonergic neurons of the raphe nuclei, but it is assumed that the
a) Groaning (Catathrenia) substance dopaminergic neurons also play a role Black. These neurons
project diffusely to the cortex, the thalamus, the hypothalamus and
It consists of the emission of a monotonous vocalization during
the hippocampus. When the subject is alert, the discharge frequency
a prolonged exhalation associated with bradypnea (reduction of
of the neurons of these systems is maximum, is greatly reduced during
respiratory rate). It often arises at a young age (20-30 years). The
non-REM sleep and almost completely during REM sleep, suggesting
episodes, which last about 2-20 seconds, occur more frequently during
that they are systems involved in waking maintenance. These neurons
REM sleep (especially in the second half of the night). The cause still
can also undergo phenomena of self-inhibition that promote sleep.
appears to be unknown and, at present, there is no treatment. Cases
Conditions that stimulate activity promote wakefulness, but if these
have been described in association with sleep apnea and only a few
systems are inhibited, sleep is promoted. If, however, it seems true that
have been resolved with nocturnal ventilatory treatment. However,
the stimulation of the noradrenergic system stimulates and maintains
it is important to distinguish such manifestations from snoring
wakefulness, serotonin, while also stimulating wakefulness, favors,
over time, the synthesis and release of substances that promote sleep
b) Exploding head syndrome and inhibit the cholinergic neurons of the forebrain basal, involved in
maintaining the vigil, thus playing an ambiguous role.
It is characterized by the perception of a sound often very intense,
similar to an explosion or an explosion, which occurs especially during A second system that promotes wakefulness is the cholinergic
the phase of falling asleep, often resulting in a sudden wakening. The neurons of the basal forebrain. These neurons project to the cortex,
perceived sound, although very violent, is never accompanied by activating it, to the hippocampus and amygdale, and, in addition to
pain, but sometimes it can be related to visual flashes. If the crises being awake; they are active during the REM phase, which are not very
are recurrent and the sound perceived is particularly intense, the active in the non-REM phase. They are inhibited by serotoninergic
patient will tend to fall asleep with fatigue for fear of a new attack. terminations originating from the raphe nuclei. The cholinergic
The syndrome affects mainly women around the age of 50 and can nuclei of the brainstem include the laterodorsal nucleus of the
be favored by stressful conditions. Currently there is no univocal pontine tegmentum and the peduncolo pontine tegmentum nucleus
explanation of these phenomena as well as an effective therapy (some which are made up of two populations of neurons. A first population
cases described have been treated with calcium channel blockers). is characterized by neurons active during REM sleep, which discharge
watery low frequency during wakefulness and non-REM sleep
c) Hypnagogical / Ipnopompical hallucinations.
and which project to the aminergic nuclei of the brainstem. The
Vivid experiences, similar to dreams, often with bizarre or second population consists of neurons whose discharge frequency
terrifying contents, which occur during sleep (“hypnagogic”) or is maximum during wakefulness and during REM sleep and which
after awakening (“hypnopompic”). During the attacks the fantastic project to the thalamus and hypothalamus, activating them. The
sensations can be mistaken for real. In most cases these are visual tuberomammillary nucleus contains Histaminergic hypothalamic
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neurons which project diffusely to almost the entire central nervous attentional processes and in maintaining arousal, through direct
system, promoting waking maintenance and are maximally active dopaminergic connections towards the striatum nucleus, the basal
in this phase. The inhibition of these neurons with antihistamine forebrain and the cortex (Lu et al., 2006). These dopaminergic
induces sleepiness. The posterolateral hypothalamus comprises a neurons show the highest level of activity during wakefulness and
small group of orexinergic neurons that maintain vigil and are also REM sleep, 33 while their discharge decreases during slow-wave sleep
involved in the regulation of food intake. They diffusely project to the (Lena et al., 2005; Maloney et al., 2002).
structures involved in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle in the
4) Serotonin (5-HT). The waking state is also maintained by the
central nervous system.
neurons of other brain stem structures: the Dorsal Nucleus of the
Vigil is a behavioral state characterized by arousal and cortical Raphe (DR) and the Medial Nucleus of the Raphe (MR). The neurons
activation, manifested in a desynchronized EEG pattern. In humans of these structures use serotonin (5-HT) as a neurotransmitter
it is characterized by a beta-type rhythm (frequency: 15 - 30 Hz; and project towards many regions of the diencephalon, the limbic
amplitude: <20 µV) during active and alpha-type vigil (frequency: 8 - system and the neocortex. These structures reach their maximum
12 Hz; amplitude: < 50 µV) during a relaxed vigil (Figure 5). peak discharge during wakefulness, decrease their activation during
NREM sleep and are silent during REM sleep.
This behavioral state is supported by the interaction between
different brain regions and by different types of neuromedicators: 5) Acetylcholine (Ach). Ponto-mesencephalic cholinergic
structures, such as the nucleus of the Laterodorsal tegmentum
1) Glutamate (Glu). At the level of the brainstem, the Reticular
(LDT) and the nucleus of the Pedunculopontine Tegmentum
Formation (FR) is essential to maintain the typical activating
(PPT), play an important role in maintaining wakefulness, but also
characteristics of waking. The FR is part of the Ascending Activating
in REM sleep, facilitating arousal cortical and desynchronization.
System (ARAS) which through diffuse projections from the
Both structures, parallel to the neurons of the FR, project towards
brainstem reaches up to the cortex, causing desynchronization. The
the specific thalamus-cortical projection system, where they cause a
projections that depart from the neurons present in the oral part of
diffuse cortical activation (Jones, 1995; McCormick, 1992; Steriade et
the pontine and mesencephalic FR ascend towards the prosencephaly
al., 1990). In small part, these structures also project to the posterior
and the cortex, where they sustain a cortical bone through a dorsal
hypothalamus, to the basal pros encephalon and to the FR through the
pathway, towards the thalamus, and a ventral pathway, towards the
extra-thalamic pathway. The discharge activity of these cholinergic
hypothalamus and the fore brain basal (Lindsley et al., 1950; Starzl et
neurons of LDT and PPT is high during wakefulness, decreases
al., 1951). On the other hand, the neurons present in the caudal part of
during NREM sleep and increases again during REM sleep (elMansari
the pontine and bulbar FR facilitate the tone of the postural muscles
M. et al., 1989; Steriade et al., 1990). The discharge of this cholinergic
through their projections towards the motor neurons present in the
system occurs in association with states of cortical activation (Jones,
spinalcord (Jones, 2005). One of the neuromediators that is involved
2005; Steriade et al., 1990), but it is not related to behavioral arousal.
in projections from FR nuclei is probably Glutamate (Glu) (Jones,
In fact, it has been shown that the injection at the level of the ponto-
1995). The importance of glutamate in wakefulness is also underlined
mesencephalic tegmentum of Acetyl Choline Agonists (ACh), such
by the fact that most anesthetics (including those for inhalation
as carbachol, causes cortical activation accompanied by inhibition
and ketamine) attenuate glutamate-mediated neuro transmissions
of muscle tone (Jones, 2004b). According to this, ACh can act in
(Rudolph and Antkowiak, 2004).
different populations of target cells to promote cortical activation
2) Nore Pinephrine (NA). The Locus Coeruleus (LC) is another and inhibit muscle tone. In the thalamus, for example, ACh acts on
important structure for waking: its noradrenergic neurons stimulate nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) and muscarinic receptors (M1ACh
cortical activation and arousal through their diffuse projections to and M2ACh) to facilitate cortical activation (Curro et al., 1991;
the forebrain, the trunk of the brain and the spinalcord. The neurons McCormick, 1992); in fact, Ach activates the thalamus-cortical relais
of the LC, in fact, discharge every frequently during wakefulness nuclei through an excitatory action directed on the nAChRs and
(especially during active wakefulness), decrease their discharge M1ACh receptors and through an indirect facilitation: inhibitory
during slow-wave sleep and cease their activity during REM sleep action on the thalamic-reticular GABAergic neurons through the
(Aston-Jones and Bloom, 1981; McCarley and Hobson, 1975). The M2ACh receptors. Similarly, in the FR of the brain stem, ACh can
role of Nor Adrenaline (NA) is however ambivalent, as it depends act on different receptors to excite some neurons that are involved
on the type of receptor on which it is going to act; in general, α-1 it her in cortical activation or motor inhibition, and based on two
adrenergic receptors have an excitatory action (depolarization due behavioral states, the wake and REM sleep, which are similar to each
to the closure of potassium channels); on α-2 adrenergic receptors, other due to the desynchronization of the tracing, but differ in other
it has an inhibitory action (hyper polarization due to opening of aspects, such as the presence or absence of muscular tony. How can we
the potassium channels). Through its receptors, the NA selectively explain this phenomenon? Under normal conditions there is a certain
excites the other systems that are involved in waking and inhibits balance between the noradrenergic and cholinergic systems so that
those structures that support sleep, especially at the level of the basal the activation of both neuronal systems maintains the waking state,
prosencephalon and the preoptic area (Jones, 2005). characterized by activation of the motor system and cortical arousal.
REM sleep and loss of muscle tone occur when the noradrenergic
3) Dopamine (DA). At the most rostral level, in the mesencephalic
system is inactive, while cholinergic is active. This association became
region, the Substantia Nigra (SN), the ventral tegmental area (VTA)
evident in the 1970s in an animal model through the administration
and the ventral Periaqueductal Gray (vPAG) play a priority role in
of Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibitors (AChE), used to strengthen the
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activity of Ach. When they were administered alone, AchE inhibitors to the hypothesis that orexin, besides being important for waking
stimulated wakefulness; conversely, when they were administered maintenance, is fundamental for the stabilization of the wake-sleep
following the removal of catecholamines (therefore also of NA), by switch (Saper et al., 2001).
administration of reserpine, they stimulated REM sleep (Curro et al.,
Melatonin: Contexts and Clinical Profiles
1991; Jones, 2004b; McCormick, 1992). In men, acetyl cholinesterase
inhibitors, when given during waking, stimulate cortical activation From a neurobiochemical point of view, as already stated [8],
and induce prolongation of waking state; while, they accelerate the the pineal gland produces melatonin, a hormone isolated for the first
onset of REM sleep when administered during NREM sleep, when time in 1958 by Aaron Lerner and produced by pinealocytes starting
the noradrenergic system and other arousal systems are inactive from the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-hydroxy-tryptamine) for
(Gillin and Sitaram, 1984). On a more rostra level, in the basal N-acetylation and oxy-methylation, by virtue of the fact that these
pros encephalon, there are other neural compartments that use cells contain the enzyme Hydroxyindole-O’xymethyltransferase
acetylcholine as a neuro mediator, such as the medial septum (MS (HIOMT), epiphysis marker enzyme.
/ vDB: medial septum / vertical limb of the diagonal band) and
It acts in the circadian rhythm of sleep and has powerful
other nuclei, which play a major role in cortical activation, receiving
antioxidant effects: melatonin is synthesized in the absence of
input from structures of the brainstem and the hypothalamus, and
light from the pineal gland; shortly after the onset of darkness, its
projecting diffusely towards the cortex (Jones, 2004a; Lee et al., 2005).
concentrations in the blood increase rapidly and reach the maximum
These neurons are very important in generating the theta rhythm (4 -
between 2 and 4 am and then gradually decrease as the morning
7 Hz) and gamma (30-60 Hz) during wakefulness and REM sleep. At
this level there are also other GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons
that increase their discharge in association with corticalactivation Exposure to light (especially at the blue wave length between
(Gritti et al., 1997; Manns et al., 2003) and seem, above all the latter, 460 and 480 nm) inhibits the production of melatonin in a dose-
to be responsible for the increase in behavioral arousal and tone of dependent manner. It is therefore used for the short-term treatment
postural muscles (Gritti et al., 1994; Henny and Jones, 2006). of insomnia over 55 years of age.
6) Histamine (His). As already observed by von Economo (von The side effects of melatonin are not null, although the contrary
Economo, 1930), another important region for waking maintenance belief is widespread: over the years, various professional bodybuilders
is the hypothalamus. The back and side of this structure appears and various sports information magazines have affirmed the
to have a specific role in cortical activation. The neurons of the possibility, with the support of some scientific studies, that daily
tuberomammillary nuclei (TMN), forming part of the posterior doses between 0.5 mg and 3 mg, taken 30-60 minutes before training,
rhypothalamus, use histamine as mediator and stimulate, through increase the levels of growth hormone, without giving side effects,
diffuse projections, cortical activation (Brown et al., 2001b; Saper which are usually recognized in irritability and drowsiness.
et al., 2001). Histaminergic neurons discharge profusely during
Melatonin decreases the release of GnRH: for this reason the
wakefulness, decrease during NREM sleep and cease their activity
in REM sleep. Histamine has an excitatory effect on most of the synthesis of testosterone and therefore libido decreases. More
ARAS nuclei and, in contrast, inhibits the “sleep active” neurons of precisely, it inhibits the secretion of the luteinizing hormone, which
the Ventro Lateral Preoptic area (VLPO), by excitatory synapses on stimulates the male endocrine activity of the interstitial cells of the
inhibitory inter neurons (Liu et al., 2010). testis with testosterone and sperm production, and in the female
ovulation and conversion of the ovarian follicle into the corpus
7) Oressin / Hypocretin (Orx / Hcrt).Finally, at the level of the luteum. Taken for prolonged periods, melatonin can have a depressive
lateral hypothalamus (Lateral Hypothalamus, LH) there are neurons effect in predisposed subjects; furthermore, it can inhibit ovulation
that use a known peptide with the double word: oressin / hypocretinas precisely because of the suppression of the GnRH release it causes.
mediator. This plays a fundamental role in promoting and stabilizing
the waking state, while suppressing REM sleep. A deficiency of this Recent research in the biomedical field, especially on melatonin,
peptide leads to narcolepsy (Chemelli et al., 1999; Lin et al., 1999; has shown that:
Mignot et al., 2002; Peyron et al., 2000), ie a neurological disorder 1) Melatonin is importantly involved in inflammatory processes
characterized by daytime sleepiness accompanied by cataplexy and cellular apoptosis [9].
(sudden loss of muscle tone), hypnagogic hallucinations (auditory and
/ or visual hallucinations during the phases of sleep / wake or sleep) 2) Exposure to electromagnetic fields decreases the secretion of
and sleep paralysis (inability to move or speak during awakenings) melatonin [10], which negatively affects cellular processes linked to
(Yoss and Daly, 1957). Oressinergic neurons have connections with death, acts on sex hormones and connected glands and interferes
all the nodes that intervene in the wake-sleep cycle and are actively with the sleep-wake rhythm [11].
inhibited during the NREM sleep phase by the GABAergic neurons 3) Melatonin intervenes in the neurobiological processes involved
of the preoptic region and of the basal pros encephalon. These
in anorexic and bulimic disorders and in the predisposition to be
oressinergic nuclei maintain the vigil by a diffuse projection towards
subject to these psychophysical pathologies [12].
the aminergic systems, in particular towards the LC, where they
promote the vigilat the expense of REM sleep (Bourgin et al., 2000; 4) Melatonin is involved with cortisol in the immunomodulatory
Hagan et al., 1999). The anatomical distribution of the connections response [13].
of oressinergic neurons and their involvement in narcolepsy has led
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5) Melanin intervenes in the regulation of acidosis in malignant naps during the day.
tumor processes [14].
- Always follow the same ritual before going to bed, dedicating
6) Melatonin is a potent inhibitor of ovarian and prostate cancer yourself to relaxing activities.
- Perform physical activity during the day and not in the evening
7) Melatonin has positive effects on blood pressure, reducing hours.
hypertension [17].
- Take meals at regular times, preferring a light diet for dinner.
8) Melatonin, having antioxidant and modulating properties - Avoid the intake of exciting substances (tea, coffee, alcohol,
of the circadian rhythm, has positive effects on drug therapy in the nicotine) in the evening hours.
presence of schizophrenia and in general in psychotic syndromes
[18,19]. - Rest on a comfortable bed in a cool, dark room silent and well
9) Melatonin has a positive effect on blood sugar, reducing blood
levels and favoring a positive prognosis on insulinic therapy in the In the presence of a pathological disorder, however, the
rats [20]. intervention of a specialist in neurology or psychiatry is required to
carry out a targeted therapy consisting of pharmacological and/or
10) Melatonin, compared to problems related to the central psychotherapeutic treatment.
nervous system, seems to be directly involved in the reduction of
tissue and nerve lesions, affecting free radicals due to its powerful References
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