GS3 Pyqs
GS3 Pyqs
GS3 Pyqs
By Dr. Shivin Chaudhary
Slot 1 - Economy
1) Indian Economy (issues relating to : planning, mobilisation of resources, growth, development, employment)
2) Inclusive growth and issues therein
What is the status of digitalization in the Indian economy? Examine the problems faced
22 2023 Development 10
in this regard and suggest improvements.
Distinguish between ‘care economy’ and ‘monetised economy’. How can care economy be
24 2023 Inclusive Growth 15
brought into monetised economy through women empowerment?
Government Budgeting
What are the reasons for introduction of Fiscal responsibility and Budget Management
3 2013 FRBM 10
(FRBM) act, 2003? Discuss critically its salient features and their effectiveness.
Women empowerment in India needs gender budgeting. What are the requirements and
4 2016 Gnder Budgeting 12.5
status of gender budgeting in the Indian context?
One of the intended objectives of Union Budget 2017-18 is to ‘transform, energize and
5 2017 clean India’. Analyse the measures proposed in the Budget 2017-18 to achieve the Budget 15
Comment on the important changes introduced in respect of the Long-term Capital Gains
6 2018 Tax 10
Tax (LCGT) and Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) in the Union Budget for 2018-2019.
Enumerate the indirect taxes which have been subsumed in the Goods and Services Tax
7 2019 (GST) in India. Also, comment on the revenue implications of the GST introduced in GST 10
India since July 2017.
The public expenditure management is a challenge to the government of India in the
8 2019 Budget 15
context of budget-making during the post-liberalization period. Clarify it.
Explain the rationale behind the Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act of
9 2020 2017. How has COVID-19 impacted the GST compensation fund and created new federal GST 15
Distinguish between Capital Budget and Revenue Budget. Explain the components of
10 2021 Budget 10
both these Budgets.
National urban transport policy emphasizes on moving people instead of moving vehicles.
3 2014 Transport 12.5
Discuss critically the success of various strategies of the government in this regard.
Effects of Liberalisation on the economy; Changes in Industrial policy & their effects on industrial growth
Slot 2 - Agriculture
Major crops, cropping patterns in various parts of the country, different types of irrigation and irrigation systems.
2 2016 What is allelopathy? Discuss its role in major cropping systems of irrigated agriculture. System 12.5
Given the vulnerability of Indian agriculture to vagaries of nature, discuss the need for
3 2016 crop insurance and bring out the salient features of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Policy 12.5
Yojana (PMFBY)
What are the major reasons for declining rice and wheat yield in the cropping system?
4 2017 Yield 15
How crop diversification is helpful to stabilize the yield of the crop in the system?
Sikkim is the first ‘Organic State’ in India. What are the ecological and economical
5 2018 Concept 10
benefits of Organic State?
Assess the role of National Horticulture Mission (NHM) in boosting the production,
6 2018 productivity and income of horticulture farms. How far has it succeeded in increasing the Mission 15
income of farmers?
How has the emphasis on certain crops brought about changes in cropping patterns in
7 2018 Patterns 15
recent past? Elaborate the emphasis on millets production and consumption.
How far is the Integrated Farming System (IFS) helpful in sustaining agricultural
9 2019 System 10
Elaborate on the impact of the National Watershed Project in increasing agricultural
10 2019 Project 10
production from water-stressed areas.
How was India benefited from the contributions of Sir M.Visvesvaraya and Dr. M. S.
11 2019 Contributions 10
Swaminathan in the fields of water engineering and agricultural science respectively?
Suggest measures to improve water storage and irrigation system to make its judicious
12 2020 Measures 15
use under depleting scenario.
What are the major factors responsible for making rice-wheat system a success? In spite
13 2020 Factors 15
of this success how has this system become bane in India?
14 2021 How and to what extent would micro-irrigation help in solving India’s water crisis? Micro 10
What is Integrated Farming System ? How is it helpful to small and marginal farmers in
15 2022 Concept 15
India ?
Explain the changes in cropping patterns in India in the context of changes in
16 2023 Patterns 15
consumption patterns and marketing conditions.
1)Food processing and related industries in India (scope & significance, location, upstream-downstream requirements, supply chain
2) Storage, transport & marketing of agro-produce and related issues & constraints
3) Economics of animal-rearing
What are the reasons for poor acceptance of cost effective small processing unit? How the
6 2017 Small Farmers 10
food processing unit will be helpful to uplift the socio-economic status of poor farmers?
Examine the role of supermarkets in supply chain management of fruits, vegetables and
7 2018 SCM 10
food items. How do they eliminate number of intermediaries?
Elaborate on the policy taken by the government of India to meet the challenges of the
8 2019 Policy 15
food processing sector.
What are the main constraints in transport and marketing of agricultural produce in Transport and
9 2020 10
India? Marketing
What are the challenges and opportunities of food processing sector in the country? How
10 2020 Food Processing 10
can income of the farmers be substantially increased by encouraging food processing?
What are the salient features of the National Food Security Act, 2013? How has the Food
11 2021 Act 15
Security Bill helped in eliminating hunger and malnutrition in India?
12 2022 Elaborate the scope and significance of the food processing industry in India Food Processing 10
What are the main bottlenecks in upstream and downstream process of marketing of
13 2022 Marketing 15
agricultural products in India ?
State the objectives and measures of land reforms in India. Discuss how land ceiling
4 2023 Policy 10
policy on landholding can be considered as an effective reform under economic criteria.
1)Farm subsidies and MSP and issues therein (direct and indirect)
2) PDS (objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping, issues of buffer stocks & food security)
How important are vulnerability and risk assessment for pre-disaster management. As
1 2013 Administration 10
an administrator ,what are key areas that you would focus in a disaster management
Drought has been recognised as a disaster in view of its party expense, temporal
duration, slow onset and lasting effect on various vulnerable sections. With a focus on the
2 2014 Drought 12.5
September 2010 guidelines from the National disaster management authority, discuss
the mechanism for preparedness to deal with the El Nino and La Nina fallouts in India.
Disaster preparedness is the first step in any disaster management process. Explain how
8 2019 Landslide 15
hazard zonation mapping will help in disaster mitigation in the case of landslides.
Vulnerability is an essential element for defining disaster impacts and its threat to
9 2019 people. How and in what ways can vulnerability to disasters be characterized? Discuss Vulnerability 10
different types of vulnerability with reference to disasters.
Discuss the recent measures initiated in disaster management by the Government of
10 2020 Measures 15
India departing from the earlier reactive approach.
Discuss about the vulnerability of India to earthquake-related hazards. Give examples
11 2021 including the salient features of major disasters caused by earthquakes in different parts Earthquake 10
of India during the last three decades
Describe the various causes and the effects of landslides. Mention the important
12 2021 Landslide 15
components of the National Landslide Risk Management Strategy.
Explain the mechanism and occurrence of cloudburst in the context of the Indian
13 2022 Cloudburst 10
subcontinent. Discuss two recent examples.
Explain the causes and effects of coastal erosion in India. What are the available coastal
14 2022 Coastal 15
management techniques for combating the hazard?
Dam failures are always catastrophic, especially on the downstream side, resulting in a
15 2023 colossal loss of life and property. Analyse the various causes of dam failures. Give two Dam Failure 10
examples of large dam failures.
Give an account of the current status and the targets to be achieved pertaining to
10 2016 renewable energy sources in the country. Discuss in brief the importance of National Programmes 12.5
Programme on Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs).
‘Climate Change’ is a global problem. How India will be affected by climate change? How
11 2017 Impact 15
Himalayan and coastal states of India will be affected by climate change?
Not many years ago, river linking was a concept but it is becoming reality in the country.
12 2017 Projects 10
Discuss the advantages of river linking and its possible impact on the environment.
What are the impediments in disposing the huge quantities of discarded solid wastes
13 2018 which are continuously being generated? How do we remove safely the toxic wastes that Waste 10
have been accumulating in our habitable environment?
What is wetland? Explain the Ramsar concept of ‘wise use’ in the context of wetland International
14 2018 10
conservation. Cite two examples of Ramsar sites from India. Mechanisms
How does biodiversity vary in India? How is the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 helpful in
15 2018 Act 15
conservation of flora and fauna?
Define the concept of carrying capacity of an ecosystem as relevant to an environment.
16 2019 Explain how understanding this concept is vital while planning for sustainable Concept 15
development of a region.
Coastal sand mining, whether legal or illegal, poses one of the biggest threats to our
17 2019 environment. Analyse the impact of sand mining along the Indian coasts, citing specific Mining 10
How does the draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2020 differ from
18 2020 EIA 10
the existing EIA Notification, 2006?
What are the salient features of the Jal Shakti Abhiyan launches by the Government of
19 2020 Programmes 10
India for water conservation and water security?
Describe the benefits of deriving electric energy from sunlight in contrast to the
20 2020 conventional energy generation. What are the initiatives offered by our Government for Programmes 15
this purpose?
What are the key features of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) initiated by the
21 2020 Programmes 15
Government of India?
Explain the purpose of the Green Grid Initiative launched at the World Leaders Summit
22 2021 of the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November 2021. When was 10
this idea first floated in the International Solar Alliance (ISA)?
Describe the key points of the revised Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) recently
released by the World Health Organisation (WHO). How are these different from its last International
23 2021 10
update in 2005? What changes in India’s National Clean Air Programme are required to Mechanisms
achieve these revised standards?
Describe the major outcomes of the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to
24 2021 the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). What are the 15
commitments made by India in this conference? (
Each year a large amount of plant material, cellulose, is deposited on the surface of
25 2022 Planet Earth. What are the natural processes this cellulose undergoes before yielding Concept 10
carbon dioxide, water and other end products?
Discuss in detail the photochemical smog emphasizing its formation, effects and International
26 2022 10
mitigation. Explain the 1999 Gothenburg Protocol. Mechanisms
Discuss global warming and mention its effects on the global climate. Explain the control
27 2022 measures to bring down the level of greenhouse gases which cause global warming, in the 15
light of the Kyoto Protocol, 1997.
What is oil pollution? What are its impacts on the marine ecosystem? In what way is
28 2023 Pollution 10
pollution particularly harmful for a country like India.
Comment on the National Wetland Conservation Programme initiated by the
29 2023 Government of India and name a few India’s wetlands of international importance Programmes 15
included in the Ramsar Sites.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has predicted a global sea level
30 2023 rise of about one metre by AD 2100. What would be its impact in India and the other 15
countries in the Indian Ocean region?
In a globalised world, intellectual property rights assume significance and are a source of
6 2014 IPR 12.5
litigation. Broadly distinguish between the terms – copyrights, patents and trade secrets.
India’s Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) which has a database containing
formatted information on more than 2 million medicinal formulations is proving a
7 2015 IPR 12.5
powerful weapon in the country’s fight against erroneous patents. Discuss the pros and
cons making this database publicly available under open-source licensing
What are the areas of prohibitive labour that can be sustainably managed by robots?
8 2015 Discuss the initiatives that can propel research in premier research institutes for Robot 12.5
substantive and gainful innovation.
Stem cell therapy is gaining popularity in India to treat a wide variety of medical
conditions including Leukaemia, Thalassemia, damaged cornea and several burns.
9 2017 Biotechnology 10
Describe briefly what stem cell therapy is and what advantages it has over other
Why is there so much activity in the field of biotechnology in our country? How has this
10 2018 Biotechnology 15
activity benefitted the field of biopharma?
11 2020 What do you understand by nanotechnology and how is it helping in health sector? Nanotechnology 10
How is science interwoven deeply with our lives? What are the striking changes in
12 2020 Impact 10
agriculture triggered off by the science-based technologies?
COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented devastation worldwide. However,
13 2020 technological advancements are being availed readily to win over the crisis. Give an Vaccine 15
account of how technology was sought to aid management to the pandemic.
How is S-400 air defence system technically superior to any other system presently
14 2021 defence 10
available in the world?
What are the research and developmental achievements in applied biotechnology/? How
15 2021 Biotechnology 15
will these achievements help to uplift the poorer sections of society?
The increase in life expectancy in the country has led to newer health challenges in the
16 2022 Medical 10
community. What are those challenges and what steps need to be taken to meet them ?
Launched on 25th December, 2021, James Webb Space Telescope has been much in the
news since then. What are its unique features which make it superior to its predecessor
17 2022 Space 15
Space Telescopes? What are the key goals of this mission? What potential benefits does it
hold for the human race?
Introduce the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI). How does Al help clinical diagnosis?
18 2023 Medical 10
Do you perceive any threat to privacy of the individual in the use of Al in healthcare?
Discuss several ways in which microorganisms can help in meeting the current fuel
19 2023 Biotechnology 10
The adoption of electric vehicles is rapidly growing worldwide. How do electric vehicles
20 2023 contribute to reducing carbon emissions and what are the key benefits they offer EV 15
compared to traditional combustion engine vehicles?
Can overuse and the availability of antibiotics without doctor’s prescription, the
2 2014 contributors to the emergence of drug-resistant diseases in India? What are the available Issue 12.5
mechanisms for monitoring and control? Critically discuss the various issues involved.
Slot 4 - Security
1) Linkages between Development & spread of Extremism;
2) Linkages of Organized crime and Terrorism
Article 244 of Indian Constitution relates to Administration of Scheduled areas and tribal
1 2013 areas. Analyze the impact of non-implementation of the provisions of fifth schedule on the LWE 10
growth of Left Wing Extremism.
The persisting drives of the government for development of large industries in backward
areas have resulted in isolating the tribal population and the farmers who face multiple
2 2015 displacements with Malkangiri and Naxalbari foci, discuss the corrective strategies LWE 12.5
needed to win the left wing extremism (LWE) doctrine affected citizens back into the
mainstream of social and economic growth.
Religious indoctrination via digital media has resulted in Indian youth joining the ISIS.
3 2015 What is ISIS and its mission? How can ISIS be dangerous for the internal security of our Terrorism 12.5
“Terrorism is emerging as a competitive industry over the last few decades.” Analyse the
4 2016 Terrorism 12.5
above statement.
Mob violence is emerging as a serious law and order problem in India. By giving suitable
5 2017 Organised Crime 15
examples, analyze the causes and consequences of such violence.
The scourge of terrorism is a grave challenge to national security. What solutions do you
6 2017 Terrorism 15
suggest to curb this growing menace? What are the major sources of terrorist funding?
The north-eastern region of India has been infested with insurgency for a very long time.
7 2017 Insurgency 10
Analyze the major reasons for the survival of armed insurgency in this region.
Left Wing Extremism (LWE) is showing a downward trend, but still affects many parts of
8 2018 the country. Briefly explain the Government of India’s approach to counter the challenges LWE 10
posed by LWE.
Indian government has recently strengthened the anti-terrorism laws by amending the
unlawful activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), 1967 and the NIA Act. Analyze the changes
9 2019 Anti-Terrorism 15
in the context of prevailing security environment while discussing the scope and reasons
for opposing the UAPA by human rights organizations.
The banning of ‘Jamaat-e – islaami’ in Jammu and Kashmir brought into focus the role of
over-ground workers (OGWs) in assisting terrorist organizations. Examine the role
10 2019 Terrorism 10
played by OGWs in assisting terrorist organizations in insurgency affected areas. Discuss
measures to neutralize the influence of OGWs.
What are the sound determinants of left-wing extremism in Eastern part of India? What
11 2020 strategy should Government of India, civil administration and security forces adopt to LWE 15
counter the threat in the affected areas?
Analyse the complexity and intensity of terrorism, its causes, linkages and obnoxious
2 2021 Terrorism 15
nexus. Also, suggest measures required to be taken to eradicate the menace of terrorism.
Discuss the types of organised crimes. Describe the linkages between terrorists and
13 2022 Organised Crime 10
organised crime that exist at the national and transnational levels.
Naxalism is a social, economic and developmental issue manifesting as a violent internal
14 2022 security threat. In this context, discuss the emerging issues and suggest a multilayered LWE 15
strategy to tackle the menace of Naxalism.
Winning of ‘Hearts and Minds’ in terrorism affected areas is an essential step in restoring
15 2023 the trust of the population. Discuss the measures adopted by the Government in this Terrorism 10
respect as part of the conflict resolution in Jammu and Kashmir.
Give out the major sources of terror funding in India and the efforts being made to curtail
16 2023 these sources. In the light of this, also discuss the aim and objective of the No Money for Terrorism 15
Terror (NMFT) Conference recently held at New Delhi in November 2022.
1) Border Areas (security challenges and management thereof)
2) Security forces & agencies (mandate)
3) Role of External State & Non-State actors in creating internal security challenges
How far are India’s internal security challenges linked with border management,
1 2013 particularly in view of the long porous borders with most countries of South Asia and Border 10
International civil aviation laws provide all countries complete and exclusive sovereignty
over the airspace above the territory. What do you understand by airspace? What are the
2 2014 Forces 12.5
implications of these laws on the space above this airspace? Discuss the challenges which
this poses and suggests ways to contain the threat.
The diverse nature of India as a multireligious and multi-ethnic society is not immune to
3 2014 the impact of radicalism which has been in her neighbourhood. Discuss along with the Challenge 12.5
strategies to be adopted to counter this environment.
How illegal transborder migration does pose a threat to India’s security? Discuss the
4 2014 Border 12.5
strategies to curb this, bring out the factors which give impetus to such migration.
In 2012, the longitudinal marking of the high-risk areas for piracy was moved from 65°
5 2014 East to 78° east in the Arabian Sea by International Maritime organisation. What impact Maritime 12.5
does this have on India’s maritime security concerns?
China and Pakistan have entered into an agreement for development of an economic
6 2014 Border 12.5
corridor. What thread does it dispose for India’s security? Critically examine.
Human rights activists constantly highlight the view that the Armed Forces (Special
Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA) is a draconian act leading to cases of human rights abuses by
7 2015 Forces 12.5
the security forces. What sections of AFSPA are opposed by the activists? Critically
evaluate the requirement with reference to the view held by the Apex Court.
The terms ‘Hot Pursuit’ and ‘Surgical Strikes’ are often used in connection with armed
8 2016 Forces 12.5
action against terrorist attacks. Discuss the strategic impact of such actions.
Border management is a complex task due to difficult terrain and hostile relations with
9 2016 Border 12.5
some countries. Elucidate the challenges and strategies for effective border management.
India’s proximity to two of the world’s biggest illicit opium-growing states has enhanced
her internal security concerns. Explain the linkages between drug trafficking and other
2 2018 Linkage 15
illicit activities such as gunrunning, money laundering and human trafficking. What
counter-measures should be taken to prevent the same?
Discuss how emerging technologies and globalisation contribute to money laundering.
3 2021 Elaborate measures to tackle the problem of money laundering both at national and Technologies 10
international levels.
3 2013 What are social networking site and what security implications do these sites present? Social Network 10
Discuss the advantage and security implications of cloud hosting of server vis-a-vis in-
4 2015 Concept 12.5
house machine-based hosting for government businesses.
Considering the threats cyberspace poses for the country, India needs a “Digital Armed
5 2015 Force” to prevent crimes. Critically evaluate the National Cyber Security Policy, 2013 Policy 12.5
outlining the challenges perceived in its effective implementation.
Use of Internet and social media by non-state actors for subversive activities is a major
6 2016 concern. How have these have misused in the recent past? Suggest effective guidelines to Social Network 12.5
curb the above threat.
7 2017 Discuss the potential threats of Cyber attack and the security framework to prevent it. 10
Data security has assumed significant importance in the digitized world due to rising
cyber crimes. The Justice B. N. Srikrishna Committee Report addresses issues related to
8 2018 Data 15
data security. What, in your view, are the strengths and weakness sof the Report relating
to protection of personal data in cyber space?
What is the CyberDome Project? Explain how it can be useful in controlling internet
9 2019 Project 10
crimes in India.
Discuss different types of cyber crimes and measures required to be taken to fight the
10 2020 Concept 10
What are the different elements of cyber security? Keeping in view the challenges in
11 2022 cyber security, examine the extent to which India has successfully developed a Concept 10
comprehensive National Cyber Security Strategy.
What are the internal security challenges being faced by India? Give out the role of
12 2023 Challenges 15
Central Intelligence and Investigative Agencies tasked to counter such threats.