Unit 5-1
Unit 5-1
Unit 5-1
Internet was evolved in 1969, under the project called ARPANET (Advanced Research
Projects Agency Network) to connect computers at different universities and U.S.
defence. Soon after the people from different backgrounds such as engineers, scientists,
students and researchers started using the network for exchanging information and
In 1990s the internet working of ARPANET, NSFnet and other private networks resulted
into Internet. Therefore, Internet is a global network of computer networks’ . It comprises
of millions of computing devices that carry and transfer volumes of information from one
device to the other. Desktop computers, mainframes, GPS units, cell phones, car alarms,
video game consoles, are connected to the Net.
4. Web services: Web services are software that uses defined messaging
protocols and are made accessible for usage by a client or other web-based
programs through an application service provider’s web server. Web
services allow information to be exchanged across web-based
applications. Using Utility Computing, web services can be provided.
5. World Wide Web: The internet is a vast network of interconnected
computers. Using this network, you can connect to the world wide web
(abbreviated as ‘www’ or ‘web’) is a collection of web pages. The web
browser lets you access the web via the internet.
6. Directory Services: A directory service is a set of software that keeps
track of information about your company, customers, or both. Network
resource names are mapped to network addresses by directory services. A
directory service provides users and administrators with full transparent
access to printers, servers, and other network devices. The directory
services are :
● DNS (Domain Number System): This server provides DNS.
The mappings of computer hostnames and other types of
domain names to IP addresses are stored on a DNS server.
● LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol): It is a set of
open protocols that are used for obtaining network access to
stored data centrally. It is a cross-platform authentication
protocol for directory services and also allows users to interact
with other directory services servers.
Connection Types:
● Broadband: This is a high-speed internet connection that is always on.
Cable, DSL, fiber-optic, and satellite are common broadband technologies.
● DSL (Digital Subscriber Line): Provides high-speed internet access over
traditional copper telephone lines.
● Cable: Uses the same infrastructure as cable television to deliver internet
● Fiber-Optic: Employs optical fibers to transmit data as pulses of light,
offering very high-speed internet connections.
● Satellite: Internet access is provided via satellite signals, making it
available in remote areas.
● ISPs offer various service plans with different speeds and data limits,
catering to the diverse needs of residential and business customers.
● Some ISPs also provide additional services such as email accounts, web
hosting, virtual private networks (VPNs), and online security features.
Global Connectivity:
● ISPs interconnect with each other to form the global Internet. They have
agreements and infrastructure in place to facilitate the exchange of data
across their networks.
Wireless ISPs (WISPs):
● Some ISPs provide internet access through wireless technologies,
including Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Tiered Access:
● ISPs often offer different tiers of service, allowing customers to choose
plans based on their internet usage needs and budget.
Regulation and Compliance:
● ISPs are subject to regulations and policies set by governmental bodies or
regulatory authorities in the regions they operate. Compliance with these
regulations ensures fair and lawful provision of internet services.
Customer Support:
● ISPs typically offer customer support services to address technical issues,
billing inquiries, and other concerns.
Examples of ISPs:
● Some well-known ISPs include Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, Charter
Spectrum, and many others. Additionally, there are regional and local ISPs
that serve specific areas.
f. Domain name system:
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical decentralized naming
system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private
network. It translates user-friendly domain names into IP addresses, which are numerical
identifiers used to locate and identify devices on a network. The DNS plays a crucial role
in making the Internet more accessible by allowing users to use easily memorable domain
names instead of numeric IP addresses.
Domain Names:
● A domain name is a human-readable label assigned to a specific IP
address or a group of IP addresses. For example, "www.example.com" is a
domain name.
● The DNS is organized in a hierarchical structure, with levels represented
by the dots in a domain name. For instance, in "www.example.com,"
".com" is the top-level domain (TLD), "example" is the second-level
domain (SLD), and "www" is a subdomain.
Name Servers:
● DNS uses a distributed network of servers called name servers. These
servers store information about domain names and their corresponding IP
DNS Resolution Process:
● When a user enters a domain name in a web browser, a DNS resolution
process begins.
● The request starts at the user's local DNS resolver (often provided by the
ISP). If the resolver has the requested information in its cache, it returns
the IP address immediately.
● If the resolver doesn't have the information, it queries the root DNS
servers to find the authoritative DNS server for the top-level domain
● The TLD server directs the resolver to the authoritative DNS server for the
second-level domain (SLD).
● The process continues until the authoritative DNS server for the specific
domain is reached, and it provides the corresponding IP address.
● The resolver caches the information to speed up future requests.
DNS Records:
● The DNS system stores various types of records, including:
● A (Address) Record: Maps a domain to an IPv4 address.
● AAAA (IPv6 Address) Record: Maps a domain to an IPv6 address.
● CNAME (Canonical Name) Record: Alias of one domain to
● MX (Mail Exchange) Record: Specifies mail servers responsible
for receiving email on behalf of the domain.
DNS Security:
● DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is a suite of extensions that add an
additional layer of security by ensuring the integrity and authenticity of
DNS data.
2. Web basics: The World Wide Web (WWW) or web is an internet based service, which
uses common set of rules known as protocols, to distribute documents across the Internet
in a standard way. World Wide Web, which is also known as a Web, is a collection of
websites or web pages stored in web servers and connected to local computers through
the internet. These websites contain text pages, digital images, audios, videos, etc. Users
can access the content of these sites from any part of the world over the internet using
their devices such as computers, laptops, cell phones, etc. The WWW, along with
internet, enables the retrieval and display of text and media to your device.
The World Wide Web. Or ‘Web’ is a part of the Internet. The Web is viewed through web
browser software such as Google chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc. Using
browsers one can access the digital libraries containing innumerable articles, journals,
e-books, news, tutorials stored in the form of web pages on computers around the world
called web servers-Today thousands of web pages/websites are added to the WWW every
The Web was invented in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, while consulting at CERN
(European Organization for Nuclear Research) in Switzerland. The Web is a distributed
information system. The Web contains multimedia. Information in the Web is connected
by hyperlinks.
a. Web Browsers:
● Definition: Web browsers are software applications that enable users to access and
navigate the World Wide Web. They interpret HTML documents, render
multimedia elements, and allow users to interact with web content.
● Key Features:
● Rendering Engine: Interprets HTML, CSS, and other web technologies to
display content.
● User Interface: Provides tools like the address bar, bookmarks, and
navigation buttons.
● Add-ons/Extensions: Extend functionality with plugins or extensions.
● Security Features: Built-in tools for privacy and protection against
malicious websites.
● HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol):
● Application layer protocol for data communication on the web.
● Stateless protocol for transferring hypertext (text with links).
● Uses port 80 for communication.
● HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure):
● Secure version of HTTP.
● Encrypts data using SSL/TLS protocols.
● Uses port 443 for secure communication.
● Commonly used for secure transactions (e.g., online banking,
c. URL (Uniform Resource Locator):
● Definition: URL is a reference to a resource on the internet. It consists of several
● Protocol (e.g., HTTP/HTTPS): Specifies how the browser should retrieve
the resource.
● Domain: Identifies the server hosting the resource.
● Path: Specifies the location of the resource on the server.
● Example: In "https://www.example.com/page.html":
● Protocol: HTTPS
● Domain: www.example.com
● Path: /page.html
Document Structure:
● <article>: Represents a self-contained piece of content that could be distributed
and reused independently.
● <section>: Represents a generic section of a document.
● <nav>: Defines a section containing navigation links.
● <header>: Represents the header of a section or page.
● <footer>: Represents the footer of a section or page.
● <aside>: Represents content that is tangentially related to the content around it.
Text Elements:
● <mark>: Represents text highlighted for reference or notation purposes.
● <progress>: Represents the completion progress of a task.
● <time>: Represents a specific period in time.
● <audio>: Embeds audio content in a document.
● <video>: Embeds video content in a document.
● <source>: Specifies multiple media resources for <audio> and <video>.
● <datalist>: Contains a set of <option> elements that represent the permissible or
suggested options available to users.
● <output>: Represents the result of a calculation or user action.
● New Input Types: <email>, <url>, <tel>, <date>, <time>, <number>, etc.
Interactive Elements:
● <details>: Represents a disclosure widget from which the user can obtain
additional information or controls.
● <summary>: Represents a summary or caption for the content of a <details>
● <dialog>: Represents a dialog box or other interactive component.
● <canvas>: Provides a drawing space for graphics using JavaScript.
● Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG): Used for vector graphics and illustrations.
APIs and Scripting:
● <script>: Embeds or references external scripts.
● <noscript>: Provides alternative content to be displayed if a script is not
supported or enabled.
Meta Information:
● <meta charset="UTF-8">: Specifies the character encoding for the document.
● <main>: Represents the main content of the document.
● <figure> and <figcaption>: Used to embed content, such as images or videos,
with a caption.
Form Attributes:
● placeholder: Specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input
● required: Indicates that an input field must be filled out before submitting the
● autocomplete: Specifies whether a form or input field should have autocomplete
These are just a selection of HTML5 tags, and there are more introduced in HTML5 to enhance
the structure, semantics, and functionality of web documents. It's important to note that the
adoption and support for these features can vary across different browsers, so developers often
use feature detection and polyfills to ensure a consistent experience across various platforms.
b. CSS:
Advantages of CSS-
1. CSS saves time - You can write CSS once and then reuse the same sheet in
multiple HTML pages. You can define a style for each HTML element and
apply it to as many web pages as you want.
2. Pages load faster - If you are using CSS, you do not need to write HTML
tag attributes every time. Just write one CSS rule of a tag and apply it to
all the occurrences of that tag. So, less code means faster download times.
3. Easy maintenance - To make a global change, simply change the style, and
all the elements in all the web pages will be updated automatically.
4. Superior styles to HTML - CSS has a much wider array of attributes than
HTML, so you can give a far better look to your HTML page in
comparison to HTML attributes.
5. Multiple Device Compatibility - Style sheets allow content to be
optimized for more than one type of device. By using the same HTML
document, different versions of a website can be presented for handheld
devices such as PDAs and cellphones or for printing.
6. Global web standards – Now HTML attributes are being deprecated and it
is being recommended to use CSS. So it’s a good idea to start using CSS
in all the HTML pages to make them compatible with future browsers.
1. Selectors:
Selectors are patterns used to select and style HTML elements. They can be simple, like
selecting an HTML tag (p, h1, etc.), or more complex using classes (.class) or IDs (#id).
Selectors help target specific elements in the HTML document.
2. Properties:
Properties define the style that you want to apply to the selected elements. Examples
include color, font-size, margin, padding, and many others. Each property has a value
associated with it.
3. Values:
Values are assigned to properties and determine how the property should be applied. For
example, color: red; sets the text color to red.
4. Box Model:
The box model is a fundamental concept in CSS. It describes how every HTML element
is treated as a rectangular box with properties like margin, border, padding, and content.
Understanding the box model is crucial for layout design.
5. Layout:
CSS provides various techniques for layout design. Flexbox and Grid are two powerful
layout models that allow developers to create complex and responsive designs.
6. Media Queries:
Media queries enable the creation of responsive designs by applying different styles
based on the characteristics of the device or screen size. This is crucial for making
websites look good on a variety of devices, from small mobile screens to large desktop
CSS allows the creation of smooth transitions and animations to enhance the user
experience. This includes the transition property for gradual style changes and the
@keyframes rule for defining animations.
CSS selectors can be combined and used with combinators to target specific elements
based on their relationship with other elements. Common combinators include
descendant (space), child (>), adjacent sibling (+), and general sibling (~) combinators.
Pseudo-classes (:hover, :focus, etc.) and pseudo-elements (::before, ::after, etc.) allow the
styling of elements based on their state or position in the document.