Lesson 6
Lesson 6
Lesson 6
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A Job to Do
Many human activities endanger sea Things are changing in the country of
turtles. Illegal fishing and development Honduras, however. There, hueveros are
of beaches both contribute to the threat changing jobs.
sea turtles face. A new program pays the egg hunters
People who sell sea turtle eggs also to care for eggs rather than sell them.
cause problems. Even though it is against In addition, former hueveros report
the law, people still eat turtle eggs. In information about the turtles they find.
some places, people make a living selling This information can be used to help the
turtle eggs. The Spanish word for egg is turtles.
huevo [WAY•vo]. In Central and Latin As a result of the program, everyone
America, people who sell turtle eggs are wins. Hueveros keep their jobs, and
called hueveros [way•VAY•ros]. because more protected eggs means more
sea turtles, the turtles are less endangered.
Use the Inference Map below to record information about three causes in
the selection that lead to one effect. Then answer the question.
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Lesson 6
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Basic Write the Basic Word that best completes each analogy.
Spelling Words
1. King is to robe as knight is to .
2. Bulb is to lamp as fire is to . 1. glory
3. Meat is to butcher shop as milk is to . 2. aware
3. carton
4. Ride is to elevator as walk is to .
4. adore
5. Attack is to defend as condemn is to . 5. aboard
6. Exciting is to thrill as difficult is to . 6. dairy
7. ordeal
7. Run is to dash as fly is to .
8. pardon
8. Soup is to can as eggs are to . 9. warn
9. Hate is to detest as love is to . 10. vary
11. barely
10. Chef is to cook as actor is to .
12. torch
Challenge 11–14. Write about what it would be like if you won 13. barge
a contest. Use four of the Challenge Words. Write on a separate 14. soar
sheet of paper. 15. beware
16. absorb
17. armor
18. stairway
19. perform
20. former
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Lesson 6
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First Pass
Lesson 6
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Find the misspelled words and circle them. Write them correctly
on the lines below. Spelling Words
Scientists worn us not to go near sea turtle nests. The 1. glory
turtles need space to lay their eggs. If you do happen to go near 2. aware
one, bewear! You might step on a baby turtle. That young turtle 3. carton
4. adore
faces an ordele to get from land to the sea. So many are eaten by 5. aboard
predators on the way. Instead of getting close to a nest, imagine 6. dairy
you are abord a barje in the ocean and enjoy the turtles from a 7. ordeal
8. pardon
safe distance. You can see the glorie of nature from there without 9. warn
harming it. You are awear of everything around you. Your 10. vary
heart sores as you see a sea turtle. The turtle bearly disturbs the 11. barely
12. torch
water as it swims by. Its beautiful shell is like armer. It looks so 13. barge
free! Remember, a discarded drink carten in the water can trap 14. soar
a turtle. A turtle may also mistake it for food. Left undisturbed, 15. beware
16. absorb
the turtle preforms graceful motions in the sea. It is safe. 17. armor
18. stairway
1. 7.
19. perform
2. 8. 20. former
3. 9. Challenge
4. 10. discard
5. 11.
6. 12. rarity
An action verb shows what the subject does or did. Thinking Question
What is the subject of
action verb the sentence doing?
The sea turtles swam out to sea.
A linking verb does not tell what the subject does. It tells Thinking Question
what the subject is or is like. Linking verbs connect the Does the verb tell what
someone or something
subject to information about the subject. Most linking
is, or what someone or
verbs are forms of the verb be. something is like?
linking verb
She was the first person to finish the hike.
First Pass
Lesson 6
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Subject Predicate
Sentence Many marine animals are endangered.
Fragment A special kind of sea bird
Activity Underline the subject of each sentence once and the predicate
of each sentence twice. If the sentence does not have a subject and
predicate, write fragment.
1–5. Choose the verb that gives more detail about the action.
1. (ran, went) Max to find seaweed.
2. (reading, analyzing) The marine biologists were the
3. (helped, cured) The veterinarian the
stunned sea turtle.
4. (changed, darkened) Suddenly, the color of the sea .
5. (speeds, sails) The fishing boat away.
6–10. Complete each sentence with a verb from the box. Choose the verb
that will make the sentence most clear.
B. Read each example without transitional words or phrases. Add transitional words and
phrases to make the connections between ideas clearer. Write your new sentences.
Pair/Share Work with a partner to brainstorm transitional words
and phrases.
First Pass