Efficiency Energy in Ports
Efficiency Energy in Ports
Efficiency Energy in Ports
ISSUE no.2
MBNA Publishing House Constanta 2021
Submitted: 10.09.2021
Revised: 17.11.2021
Accepted: 04.12.2021
doi: 10.21279/1454-864X-21-I1-003
SBNA© 2021. This work is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Energy Efficiency in Ports: Comparative Performance and
Cost Analysis of Heat Demand in Port Facilities Using Solar
1. Introduction
Logistics management plays an important role for sustainable development and related sustainability
issues are the priority areas of societies as a social necessity. In this process, in particular the growing
international trade potential has made it more important in the maritime transportation. Energy
demand is constantly increasing in the maritime sector, which currently carries about 90% of
international trade [1,2]. The market demand and operations of maritime transport have increased
energy demand directly and indirectly, while raising environmental pollution and emissions. In
shipping applications, ports are an important key player and energy costs are a parameter that must be
taken into account in operating processes. In this context, it is a criterion based on reducing costs for
management elements [3]. In view of environmental sustainability and marine environment protection,
green shipping and green port initiatives will play an important role to reduce emissions.
Ports are composed of integrated systems and structures where energy is used continuously and
intensively. In this context, sustainability of energy is a structural management requirement. In this
process, planning for holistic approaches such as energy efficiency, effective energy management,
operational initiatives and using alternative resources need to be evaluated to emphasize the process
efficiency and efficient use of energy as well as the success of an effective energy management system.
However, management of environmental pollution and emissions related to inefficiency and loss as
well as consumption inefficiency evaluated as priority issue in system analysis and preferences.
Energy has been evaluated quantity wise until the recent years and this approach has always been
taken as basis in determining efficiency strategies as well as efficiency calculations. New studies have
shown that the energy quality instead of the quantity for the rational management of energy, is more
valid parameter in the evaluation of energy efficiency [4]. In studies aiming to keep environment
sustainable and reducing carbon emissions, considering the quality of energy has been accepted as a
more realistic approach. Today, as in all public structures, ports need growth paradigms that will
support their economic development needs and also provide climate and environmental sustainability.
Economic activities and environmental protection are related to processes that negatively affect each
other in traditional approaches. However, effective energy management and sustainable energy
efficiency are both key players for sustainable development. Main activities based on energy
management at the ports are as follows.
Sustainable energy efficiency and use of renewable or clean energy instead of fossil fuels
Organizing sustainable energy management that adds value to all building processes in the
port operations (e.g., low carbon technologies, operational control and energy efficiency,
smart networks and management, waste management, renewable energy)
Many studies are carried out for renewable energy preferences and low temperature heating systems
under the International Energy Agency's (IEA) public and building systems program (LowEx).
International low temperature heating systems research program (Annex 37); use of renewable energy
and hybrid technology in heating and cooling preferences, encourage the use of low carbon
technologies in energy system preferences, which will contribute to the rational use of energy as well
as effective energy management in ports [5,6]. Considering these studies, the sustainable environment;
along with alternative source solutions such as solar and wind energy, created an environment for low
energy approaches to be molded in active and passive system applications. Thus, it highlighted the
preferences of low-energy systems with renewable energy support in building heating and cooling
system applications [6]. This study examined the energy management framework in a port application
and evaluated the heating system preference developed as an alternative. The environmental effects of
meeting the heat demand of a selected port with a hybrid application with solar support were also
Ports are structures with intense activities for various operations. Only container ship movement is
around 1000 port calls weekly which includes handling of average 9000 containers. This involves
more than 10000 ship movement around the world. [7]
Energy efficiency in ports is a managerial action that needs to be evaluated from multiple perspectives.
Ports are institutional structures that have operational continuity together with intense energy
consumption when their operational processes are taken into account. However, considering
consumption behaviors, ports are a problematic area not only economically but also in terms of
environmental impacts. In this context, for energy continuity and corporate manageability, it is
essential to develop an effective energy management system and actions that will support the related
improvement processes. There are many studies in the literature to be evaluated in this context.
However, strategic approaches such as the green port concept point to an institutional transformation
based on the protection of the ecosystem and the environment in ports and sustainable change in ports
[8]. Some studies highlight key indicators such as greenhouse gas emissions from ports, waste from
processes, and versatile energy consumption behaviors to improve energy and environmental
sustainability [9]. However, for all these processes, port managements should develop the energy
management culture in their corporate strategies and define behaviors and actions based on energy
efficiency as a strategic goal.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has developed many regulations or regulations that
will improve energy and environmental sustainability. However, environmental sustainability,
especially in port and maritime operations, is defined by the International MARPOL Convention and
refers to the regulations for the prevention of pollution from ships. Indeed, under MARPOL Annex VI,
ship-based emissions have emerged as both global requirements and strict requirements applicable to
ships located in Emission Control areas in the Baltic and North Sea [10]. In recent years, especially the
sustainability of ports, energy management, de-carbonization and green port studies have become
prominent issues. It is based on green growth, energy and environmental sustainability, as well as
effective economic growth and sectoral sustainable development. In this development and growth
process, it aims to develop energy efficiency actions together with effective energy management. This
envisages the widespread use of low carbon technology, priority to the use of renewable energy
sources and efficient use of solar energy as basic approaches in sectoral applications. Energy-related
sustainability in ports is a dynamic process and actually needs support from many disciplines. An
example of a plan is shared in Figure 1. The institutional character of energy management in ports is
related to the disciplinary process developed by the port authorities [11].
In energy planning, conducting a study according to consumption behaviors and controlling resource
continuity is a managerial responsibility in energy management processes. It is a correct approach to
plan actions in a limited way, especially for port authorities to support cost-effective solutions and to
support the right feasibility at solution points. In this context, consumption needs and their scope areas
are evaluated together with demand control in energy management. As exemplified in Figure 3 in
ports, priority can be considered as a step in architectural evaluation and defining structure
Energy is evaluated in two forms: heat and work. In structural needs, fuel-based consumption is used
to meet the heat demand directly. Especially in ports with integrated building concept, heat
requirement is the type of energy used for different purposes. This need, which mostly originates from
fossil fuels, is generally evaluated over peak requirement. However, in effective energy management
processes, this need is defined by demand management based on degree/day values.
Demand management is the primary target of reducing the carbonization pollution originating from
fossil fuels in the control of energy demand for integrated structures. In this context, resource demand
should be handled holistically for the relevant building components. Capacity management should be
shaped directly with energy demand, especially in system preferences. While this will directly control
fossil fuel consumption, it will also define technology management based on system preference.
Different energy usage in conventional systems or process needs will find value especially with low
carbon approach. In addition to sustainable fuel control, management of structural demands can be
seen within this integrity. In this context, reduction of primary fuel consumption in enterprises or
buildings, together with low carbon technologies, is a result of demand management. Demand
management has an approach methodology given in Fig.4.
In demand management, needs should be provided with sustainable resources and technologies,
independent of conventional approaches. However, the use of an effective resource such as the sun
provides a significant advantage in holistic system management. Especially the evaluation of solar
energy with seasonal potentials is an important advantage in reducing fossil fuel consumption with
technology and energy management. However, this system preference should be handled with actions
planned within the energy management discipline. In this context, this study has revealed an approach
in which energy demand management is evaluated in direct system selection with system preference.
The developed work has shown that system preference, operation control and management in energy
control provide significant energy and cost savings.
Solar systems can play an important role in reducing energy consumption in ports, especially with
conventional heating systems (space heating, water heating) and PV technologies. However, in both
conditions, together with a demand management, sustainable feasibility studies should be handled.
Solar technologies can provide significant advantages in terms of emission control at all ports and
reducing energy costs depending on the requirements. Fig.5 shows application of PVT technologies
developed in recent years.
These technologies increase 10-15% efficiency in PVs to 25-30% range with thermal energy. However,
another solution in solar technologies is Parabolic dish applications. In solar energy systems, parabolic
collection collectors (PTC) have completed the R&D process and are commercial collectors. The
system diagram can be seen in Fig.6.
Fig.6. Parabolic concentrated solar technologies [14]
In these technologies, the average efficiency is in the range of 15-25% and the efficiency average of the
system together with the heat recovery units is 40%. The energy transfer is provided through a
secondary fluid. It is an important advantage especially for processes where more than one type of
energy is needed.
Especially administration offices and closed areas have been evaluated as manageable elements for
solar energy preferences in ports. In this context, a model was developed through concentrated
parabolic solar technologies as defined in Fig.7.
Electric network line
Port Buildings
Steam Turbine
Parabolic dish application area
.m2 2
..unit collector
Heat pump
(From water to water)
This model study is based on the use and evaluation of solar technology for a selected port in
İzmir/Turkey. In Turkey, the average annual sunshine time is 2640 hours (7.2 hours per day total), and
average total solar radiation is 1311 kWh /m2/year (daily total of 3.6 kWh / m2). Monthly solar energy
potential and radiation values are given in Fig.8 [15].
Fig.8. Solar energy in Turkey [15]
İzmir is a region with high potential for solar energy preference. Solar radiation values are above the
average of Turkey. As a matter of fact, the radiation time for İzmir is 7. 8 hours / day and the average
of solar radiation is 1500 kWh / m2/year. Below, both sunshine time and solar radiation values are
given in Fig.9 and Fig. 10 separately.
In line with the low carbon approach and sustainability concepts, it is possible to decrease the energy
cost values by using solar energy in the public facilities with high energy consumption. For this
purpose, a sample application model was studied in line with low carbon emission energy
management approach by making thermo economic analyses on the annual energy consumption value
of a public facility in İzmir.
Where is thermal efficiency, is network based on electric, is the net heat related to fuel.
In solar energy systems, besides electrical energy, which is defined as useful work, consumptions in
power systems are also taken into consideration and evaluated as losses. Accordingly, the total energy of
the system.
The Q l̇ oss in the formula refers to the losses in the systems. The energy delivered to the system depends
directly on the amount of fuel. In this case, the energy given to the system can be expressed as follows.
Where is the total fuel, is the low heat value. The amount of fuel ( ) needed for the
total energy load in a system can be calculated as follows.
Where is the efficiency of boiler [16]. The energy cost effect is a defined economic value for
each type of fuel. The cost and value of energy obtained in a thermal system are mostly defined by the
cost of resources.
In this study, unit costs are derived directly from the purchasing costs of the enterprise.
All systems with fossil fuels and combustion processes cause direct or indirect environmental
pollution due to combustion reactions. In particular, entropy production due to irreversibility is
expressed by the greenhouse gas emissions of such processes. Especially the wastes produced after the
combustion reaction are considered as the main source for both pollution and greenhouse gas
emissions. In this context, this emission effects are defined as CO2 equivalent emissions by the
International Panel Climate Conference with an emission factor depending on the type of fuel. These
results determine in an equivalent emission potential for each fuel type. (IPCC) [18]. Improvements in
energy systems that can be achieved in such analyses indicate a reduction in process-induced
emissions. In these analyses, emission potential is defined as a function of total fuel consumption and
emission factor ( . Total emission related to fuel is;
It is seen that electrical energy load is quite high in port energy demand. Especially in the summer
months, the use of electricity has highlighted the solar energy system solutions. According to building
demands, it is aimed to use concentrated solar technologies primarily for heat and electricity. Load
analyses based on the annual energy demand described above have been accepted as reference values
of the solar energy system to be installed. Absorption heat pump system for energy demand in the
facility and especially for heat needs has also been added to the proposed model frame. The
distribution of energy demanded in the port area is given in Fig.12.
The analyses have shown that the main energy demand in the port area is electricity. In solar system
preference, the priority is also for electricity demand. Parabolic bowl system was evaluated for the port
and a system in the temperature range of 200-300 °C was planned. In practice, 200 kW steam turbine
was based on, and 2 steam turbines with a total peak load of 2x700 kW were targeted for power needs.
For the storage capacity of the facility, an analysis has been made for the conditions where the
efficiency of the steam generator will be minimum at 250 ° C and 220 °C outlet conditions and the
turbine outlet temperature 105 ° C for the conditions where the efficiency factor is 88% for the fluid
temperature 250 ° C. Accordingly, 502 kWe value was taken as a reference for each turbine peak load
generation. The 78.43% of the annual electricity requirement of the facility which is approximately 3
GWh can be met especially for the summer months. With this approach, energy system analyses are
handled separately for each month and coverage rates are evaluated. The coverage rates and
distributions are given in Fig.13.
In condensed parabolic system solutions, both electricity and heat needs can be met from the system.
The distribution of the coverage ratio in natural gas compared to the heat energy demand, is given in
In this study, the amount of savings to be achieved with the solar energy system compared to annual
electricity consumption and natural gas consumption was evaluated. It has been observed that there is
32.88% saving in natural gas and 46.05% in electricity. It corresponds to a saving potential of 44.31%
in total consumption.
The thermo economic potential of this savings to be achieved in the port facilities has been based over
the fuel equivalency for natural gas and the consumption cost for electricity. Total saving amount in
the study was found to be $ 160600 / year, including $ 4060 / year for natural gas and $ 1560000 /
year for electricity. In the analyses made, not only the annual energy cost, but also the annual emission
savings have an important potential. This distribution can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1 CO2 emission distribution of port
5. Conclusions
The effectiveness of energy management in ports is primarily related to the development of energy
efficiency depending on the choice of energy systems and operating parameters. In this process, the
basic energy management include the evaluation of consumption related to direct energy demand and
calculation of consumption-related emission threats. In this respect, this study has yielded important
results in defining the impact of renewable energy sources, especially in energy system preferences in
a port facility. Particularly the concentrated parabolic system preference attracts attention with a
saving of approximately 44.31% in the efficiency potential of the system. In addition, supporting the
systems with renewable energies such as solar energy in terms of sustainable environment has also
been shown to affect the consumption costs of heating systems positively. However, it was seen that
not only solar system preference, but also the proposed framework, heat pump preference is suitable
for sustainable environment. For this purpose, besides the use of renewable energy sources such as
solar technologies, low temperature heating in buildings, development of high temperature cooling
systems will improve energy savings in all port buildings with operational parameters. Establishing
effective energy management system for sustainability in ports should be perceived as an imperative.
Abbreviations and symbols with subscripts and superscripts
: Fuel cost
: Unit fuel cost
: Emission potential
: Emission factor
: Low heat value
: Unit mass flow rate
: Unit mass flow rate of fuel
: Total mass flow rate
: Heat flow
: Heat flow for input process
: Annual heat flow demand
: Net powe
: Efficiency
: Boiler efficiency
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