3HAC050972 AM Programming Integrated Power Source IRC5-En
3HAC050972 AM Programming Integrated Power Source IRC5-En
3HAC050972 AM Programming Integrated Power Source IRC5-En
Application manual
Programming Integrated Power Source
Trace back information:
Workspace R18-2 version a11
Checked in 2018-10-11
Skribenta version 5.3.008
Application manual
Programming Integrated Power Source
RobotWare 6.08
Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 7
1 Safety 9
1.1 Safety ............................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Safety for arc welding ........................................................................................ 10
1.3 Safety signals in the manual ................................................................................ 11
1.4 Make sure that the main power has been switched off .............................................. 13
4 Programming schedules 53
4.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 53
4.1.1 About schedules ..................................................................................... 53
4.2 Synergic data values – a programming aid ............................................................. 54
4.2.1 Syneric data values ................................................................................. 54
4.3 Schedule components ........................................................................................ 55
4.3.1 Settings ................................................................................................. 55
4.3.2 Mode .................................................................................................... 56
4.3.3 Method .................................................................................................. 57
4.3.4 Creepstart .............................................................................................. 61
4.3.5 Hotstart ................................................................................................. 62
4.3.6 Craterfill ................................................................................................ 65
4.3.7 Synergic ................................................................................................ 70
4.3.8 Wirefeed speed ....................................................................................... 71
4.3.9 Voltage .................................................................................................. 72
4.3.10 Arc length .............................................................................................. 74
Index 109
This manual is intended to be used for:
• Programming
• Maintenance
Basic knowledge
Readers of this manual must be:
• Familiar with industrial robots and the relevant terminology
• Familiar with RAPID programming language
• Familiar with system parameters and how to configure them.
Reference documents
References Document ID
Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions 3HAC050917-001
and Data types
Technical reference manual - System parameters 3HAC050948-001
Application manual - Arc and Arc Sensor 3HAC050988-001
ESAB user manual
Revision Comment
- First revision.
A Released with RobotWare 6.04
• Updated FlexPendant screen shots.
• Minor corrections.
B Released with RobotWare 6.08.
• Added limitation for AristoMig Integrated.
1 Safety
1.1 Safety
Safety of personnel
A robot is heavy and extremely powerful regardless of its speed. A pause or long
stop in movement can be followed by a fast hazardous movement. Even if a pattern
of movement is predicted, a change in operation can be triggered by an external
signal resulting in an unexpected movement.
Therefore, it is important that all safety regulations are followed when entering
safeguarded space.
Safety regulations
Before beginning work with the robot, make sure you are familiar with the safety
regulations described in the manual Operating manual - General safety information.
All personnel working with the welding robot system must have a full
understanding of the applicable safety instructions.
Danger levels
The table below defines the captions specifying the danger levels used throughout
this manual.
Symbol Designation Significance
DANGER Warns that an accident will occur if the instructions
are not followed, resulting in a serious or fatal injury
and/or severe damage to the product. It applies to
warnings that apply to danger with, for example,
contact with high voltage electrical units, explosion
or fire risk, risk of poisonous gases, risk of crushing,
impact, fall from height, and so on.
WARNING Warns that an accident may occur if the instructions
are not followed that can lead to serious injury, pos-
sibly fatal, and/or great damage to the product. It
applies to warnings that apply to danger with, for
example, contact with high voltage electrical units,
explosion or fire risk, risk of poisonous gases, risk
of crushing, impact, fall from height, etc.
ELECTRICAL Warns for electrical hazards which could result in
SHOCK severe personal injury or death.
1.4 Make sure that the main power has been switched off
Working with high voltage is potentially lethal. Persons subjected to high voltage
may suffer cardiac arrest, burn injuries, or other severe injuries. To avoid these
personal injuries, switch off the main power on the controller before proceeding
Integrated Power Source is an administrative interface for power sources in
The following power sources are compatible with the Integrated Power Source:
• Arcitec IRC5
• MigRob 500
• AristoMig 500 Integrated
Action Info/Illustration
1 Tap the ABB menu.
2 Tap Integrated Power Source.
The program starts.
The selection of the arc welding system determines which equipment is active
when manual operations - i.e. Gas On, Manual Wire feed, Editing schedules - are
See Application manual - Arc and Arc Sensor on how to change active arc welding
The arc welding system System 1 associated with robot ROB_1 is active. The power
source B_AW_PROC_40 is configured in that system.
A The robot associated with the active arc welding system, e.g ROB_1
B The name of the active arc welding system, e.g System 1
C The I/O unit name of the active power source, e.g B_AW_PROC_40
When the active arc welding system or active robot is changed, the Integrated
Power Source reverts to desktop mode. If active power source is not compatible
with Integrated Power Source or that the power source is unconnected, the
Integrated Power Source desktop icons will be grayed out.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Tap Schedules in the start window
to open the schedule window.
A schedule with the Super pulse mode activated is followed by a plus character.
This schedule occupies two schedule memory positions. E.g if schedule 1 has
the Super pulse mode enabled, it is not possible to store a schedule with the
number 2.
Create a schedule
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Schedule window, tap New.
The content of the new schedule is identical to the most recently activated
schedule in the power source. See Copy a schedule on page 22.
A new schedule never has Super pulse activated, regardless of what the last
activated schedule had.
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Schedule window, tap to select the
schedule to be copied.
2 Tap Duplicate.
A schedule with Super pulse can only be copied to an odd schedule number
between 1 and 95.
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the schedule window, select the sched-
2 Tap Delete.
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the schedule window, select the sched-
2 Tap Edit.
Make a practice of always tapping the Cancel button if you are only interested
in viewing a schedule and not making unintentional changes.
1. Mode (switch between primary and secondary schedule for Super pulse)
2. Method
3. Material
4. Gas
5. Wire size
6. Creepstart
7. Hotstart
8. Craterfill
9. Synergic
In addition the user may choose to display only a subset of the components, by
selecting a different view.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Tap View.
These categories and the schedule components included in each category are
configurable. See Advanced functions on page 37.
If there are no categories for view management, the View button will be greyed
out and all numeric schedule components available in the schedule will be
Starting from a schedule window as described in Viewing schedule components
on page 24.
An arbitrary number of components can be changed in the open schedule before
closing the schedule window.
Action Info/Illustration
2 A new window is displayed.
3 Select method, material, gas and wire size.
Depending on the options set, the value of the numeric schedule components
can be changed, and also the number of schedule components in the list.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Select the schedule component that you
want to change.
2 Tap the plus or minus button to change the
value of the selected schedule component.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Select the schedule component that you
want to change.
2 Tap the 123... button to open a numerical
When a new value is given using numerical input, the value may sometimes be
adjusted automatically. The value is rounded off to the nearest valid value.
3.2.1 Open the window for management of user defined synergic lines
Action Info/Illustration
1 Tap on the Synergic Lines icon to open the
window for management of user defined
synergic lines.
2 The window for management of user
defined synergic lines is displayed.
From here, you can:
• Create a user defined synergic line.
• Display all user defined synergic
• Delete user defined synergic lines.
• Open and save user defined syner-
gic lines.
Start with defining working points for your synergic line. These working points are
created from the schedule management window.
See Schedule management on page 19.
The working points must be stored in schedule 96-99.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Start from the window for management of
user defined synergic lines.
• Tap User defined synergic lines.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Start from the window for management of
user defined synergic lines.
• Tap User defined synergic lines.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Start from the window for management of
user defined synergic lines.
• Tap on the File menu.
• Select the Open option.
2 Select a file.
3 Tap OK to open the file.
4 Tap Cancel to abort and return to the Syn-
ergic Lines window.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Start from the window for management of
user defined synergic lines.
• Tap the File menu.
• Tap Save.
Action Info/Illustration
2 A file name is suggested
3 If you want to change the filename, tap
4 Tap OK to save the file.
5 Tap Cancel to return to the synergic lines
window without saving the file.
To open advanced functions for the power source:
Action Info/Illustration
1 Tap on the Advanced functions icon to
open the Advanced functions window for
the power source.
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Advanced functions window, click
the Information tab.
2 The following service information is dis-
• Product name
• Power Source id
• Product code
• Weld data unit software version
• Power source software version
NOTE! Only applicable to Mig-
Rob500 and AristoMig 500 Integrated
or similar. xx1400001785
• IO unit name
• DeviceNet address
General reset
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Service functions window, tap Gen-
eral reset.
When the power source is reset, the schedule memory is cleared and all user
defined synergic lines are deleted!
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Service functions window, tap
Change address.
Action Info/Illustration
2 Enter the new address in the number field
that appears.
3 Tap OK to continue with the address
4 Tap Cancel to abort the address change.
Once the address has been changed, the robot system immediately loses contact
with the power source. To enable the robot system to find the power source that
has changed address, the I/O configuration in the robot system must be changed.
3.3.4 Settings
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Advanced functions window, tap the
Settings tab.
2 You can configure the user interface for the
schedule editor here:
• Configuring Views.
• Hiding/showing certain nonnumeric
schedule components (Advanced).
• Selecting which schedule compon-
ents are to be used for on-line tuning
in RobotWare Arc (Tuning).
Customizing views
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Settings tab, tap Views.
Creating views
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Settings tab, tap New to add a new
Editing views
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Settings tab, select the name of the
2 Tap Edit.
Action Info/Illustration
3 A new window opens showing the names
of all possible schedule components.
• Select the schedule components to
be included in the view by checking
the box beside each schedule com-
ponent name.
4 Tap OK to save the changes to the view.
5 Tap Cancel to cancel all changes.
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Settings tab, tap and hold on the
name of an existing view.
2 Select Rename.
Deleting views
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Settings tab, tap and hold the view
2 Select Delete.
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Settings tab, tap Advanced.
Action Info/Illustration
2 A new window opens showing the configur-
able non-numeric schedule components.
If the box beside the name of the schedule
component is selected, the component is
3 If the box beside the name of the schedule
component is not selected, the component
is hidden in the schedule editor.
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Settings tab, tap Tuning.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Tap Backup and restore.
2 In this window you can select to:
Back up the schedule memory.
Restore the schedule memory.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Tap Backup SID file.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Tap Restore SID file.
Action Info/Illustration
6 Tap Restore. The SID file will be loaded
into the power source.
All existing schedules will be deleted and replaced with the schedules stored in
the SID file.
Exports all schedule components in one or more schedules to readable form. The
exported file may be imported into any word processor or spreadsheet.
Action Info/Illustration
1 In the Backup and Restore window, tap
Export Schedules.
When an arc welding program is executing the Integrated Power Source window
showing voltage, current and heat input of process in active arc welding system.
The voltage and current are measured and returned by the power source. These
values are accurate values.
The heat input is calculated from the power and the current welding speed. This
value should only be seen as an estimation of the real heat input.
4 Programming schedules
4.1 Overview
A welding schedule is a set of data that is given a task equivalent to RAPID data
type. The schedule contains components that control the power source. The
schedule is called up from the current seamdata or welddata used in the arc
welding instruction.
Before a welding procedure starts, a schedule is always called up automatically.
This schedule, or a sequence from any number of schedules, remains active until
the welding operation is complete.
The schedule memory contains 99 available schedules defined by numbers 1 - 99.
All 99 schedules are available, but schedule numbers 96 - 99 are special numbers
used when creating user defined synergic lines.
There is a synergic function in the power source to simplify the welding program.
This means that:
• There is a pre-programmed relationship between the wire feed speed and
all other schedule components in the power source.
When programming takes place in synergic mode, only the value for wire
feed is programmed, after which all other variables are calculated
automatically from the synergic line. The synergic line is based on specified
values for method (short arc, spray arc or short pulsed arc), material, wire
size and gas mixture. A synergic setting also covers other variables that
affect the process: Dynamic Properties, etc.
• Synergic settings are often adequate as final settings. However, sometimes
you have to view it as an aid for preliminary setting of data values. In certain
cases these must be adjusted using non-synergic settings for various types
of joint, welding positions, torch angles, electrode projection, surface quality,
• More schedule components are available when welding programming is
undertaken in non-synergic mode. The advantage is that the welding operation
can be adapted to more specific requirements.
• When switching from synergic to non-synergic mode the system retains the
data values set in the synergic mode.
• When switching in the opposite direction, from non-synergic to synergic
mode, the data values are changed back to the synergic values.
4.3.1 Settings
Which schedule components that are used is depending on the following settings:
• Mode
• Method
• Material
• Gas
• Wire size
The schedule components displayed in a schedule can vary depending on:
Setting Description
Mode The welding mode indicates if the power source uses normal schedule
mode or Super pulse.
Only applicable to MigRob500 and AristoMig 500 Integrated and similar.
Method Each method has a specific maximum set of schedule components.
Material The method determines the available wire materials.
Gas The method and material determine the available gases.
Wire size The method, material and gas selected determine the available wire
There may be more than one option for certain diameters; this is indicated
by high or low. Select the most appropriate with regards to the wirefeed
4.3.2 Mode
Specifies the welding mode of the power source. Available settings are:
• Normal
• Super pulse
Welding with the parameters specified in the specific schedule.
Super pulse
The power source pulses between two different schedule settings, called instance
1 and 2.
When Super pulse is activated some of the schedule components can only be
used in either one of the instances. These schedule components are related to
start and stop/end. The power source always starts with instance 1 settings and
stops/ends with instance 2 settings.
Instance 1 Instance 2
Burnback time
Final pulse
4.3.3 Method
Selectable methods
The methods that can be selected are:
• Short arc
• Spray arc
• Short pulsed arc
Synergic is ON
If Synergic is ON, the power source calculates the values for components using
the current synergic line and the current speed reference for the wire feed. These
calculated components are not displayed in the schedule when editing takes place
in synergic mode.
Synergic is OFF
If Synergic is OFF, the components and their calculated values are visible in the
schedule. There is no difference to the welding process whether Synergic is ON
or OFF.
• Material
• Gas
• Wire size
• Creepstart
• Hotstart
• Craterfill
• Synergic
• Wirefeed speed
• Voltage
• Hotstart - wire feed speed I
• Hotstart voltage II
• Hotstart time I
• Dynamic properties
• Regulator III
• Final wirefeed speed IV
• Final voltage V
• Craterfill time IV
• Burnback time
• Final pulse
• Phase time VI
I Available if Hotstart is ON
II Available if Hotstart is ON and Synergic is OFF
III Available if Synergic is OFF
IV Available if Craterfill is Short arc craterfill
V Available if Craterfill is Short arc craterfill and Synergic is OFF
VI Available if welding mode is in Super pulse mode
Program code
Program code used in this example:
ArcLStart *, v600, sm3, wd6, fine, tool;
ArcL *, v600, sm3, wd5, z5, tool;
ArcLEnd *, v600, sm3, wd6, fine, tool;
4.3.4 Creepstart
Creepstart is an integrated ignition function used to reduce the wire feed speed
until the arc is ignited. The wirefeed speed is reduced to 50% of the speed in the
current schedule until the arc is stabilized.
Another way of influencing the conditions until the arc is ignited is to use an ignition
schedule in seamdata. However, creepstart and ignition schedule should not be
used in combination.
If the method is changed when editing a schedule, the value for creepstart may
sometimes change automatically. If so, the new creepstart value becomes the
same as the most recently used value in the selected method.
4.3.5 Hotstart
Hotstart is an OFF/ON function that provides increased heat input at the start of
welding in order to reduce the risk of defects.
Hotstart is defined in the schedule called up at weld start. The function actuates
the process for a specific period defined in Hotstart time, which begins when the
arc is ignited.
Hotstart - wirefeed speed functions as a relative value for the wirefeed speed set
in the schedule.
In synergic mode, the system automatically selects a higher voltage during the
hotstart time. The synergic line is changed temporarily to a slightly higher voltage
level. The size of the voltage correction is dependent on the synergic line. The
hotstart voltage is not shown in synergic mode.
Hotstart ON
The following components are available when Hotstart ON is selected:
• Hotstart - wire feed speed (relative value).
• In non-synergic mode: Hotstart voltage or Hotstart arc length dependent on
selected method.
• Hotstart time.
therefore check that the components in subsequent schedules have the required
Example of hotstart
In this example a hotstart is executed as follows:
• Hotstart for two seconds once the arc is ignited.
• The wirefeed speed during the hot start time is 8.00 m/min.
Hotstart is defined in ignition schedule 3 in seamdata sm3. See screenshot of sm3
The hotstart function uses the wirefeed speed in the schedule, in welddata wd3,
which in this case is the same schedule:
Program code:
ArcLStart *, v600, sm3, wd3, fine, tool;
ArcLEnd *, v600, sm3, wd3, fine, tool;
4.3.6 Craterfill
Craterfill is an ON/OFF function. It provides ramped craterfill by means of the
welding values decreasing in stationary mode at the end of the welding operation.
This is done to reduce the risk of defects in the weld's end crater.
There are two variants of craterfill
• Short arc craterfill
• Short pulse craterfill
Both these can be used after a short pulsed arc phase.
Only short arc fill can be used after short arc or spray arc welding.
If the filling function is available, in this case the filling time must be set to 0 in
seamdata schedule sm3.
Program code
Program code used in this example:
ArcLStart *, v600, sm3, wd3, fine, tool;
ArcLEnd *, v600, sm3, wd3, fine, tool;
Craterfill is defined in the filling schedule used in ArcWare seamdata sm4. In sm4,
0.01 seconds' filling time is used for initiation of craterfill by calling up schedule 3.
The cooling time in this example is 1 second.
Program code
Program code used in this example:
ArcLStart *,v600, sm4, wd4, fine, tool;
ArcLEnd *, v600, sm4, wd4, fine, tool;
Short arc
Schedule 4 is defined as:
Mode Normal
Method Short arc
Material Fe
Gas Ar+8% CO2
Wire size 0.8 mm
Craterfill Off
Creepstart Off
Hotstart Off
Synergic On
Voltage 0.00 V
Wirefeed speed 6.00 m/min
Burnback time 0.12 sec
Dynamic properties 85%
4.3.7 Synergic
The power source can be used in both synergic and non-synergic mode.
Synergic means that certain values used in the process are calculated by the
system on the basis of a synergic line once a wire feed speed is selected. This
procedure follows the original principle of "one knob control".
The number of components shown in a schedule is dependent on whether synergic
or non-synergic mode has been selected. Information on available schedule
components can be found in the Method section.
The wirefeed speed for the welding electrode.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range for the wirefeed speed is dependent on the type of wire feed
unit and power source used. The speed range is displayed automatically in the
schedules used. The wire feed unit's speed range is specified in the description
of the unit in the Welding equipment manual.
Synergic ON
When synergic is ON, changes to the wirefeed speed affect the welding voltage
and other variables included in the synergic line calculation.
Synergic OFF
When synergic is OFF, changes to the wirefeed speed do not affect any other
The wire feed speed range is described in the product manual for the welding
4.3.9 Voltage
Voltage is available when short arc or spray arc has been selected as method.
Voltage adjustment is used for fine tuning of the arc so that the process remains
One fundamental feature of both methods is that an increased voltage value
increases the arc length and heat input, and a reduced voltage value reduces the
arc length and heat input.
Control of the welding voltage differs depending on whether synergic or
non-synergic mode has been selected.
Synergic ON
In synergic mode, the welding voltage is calculated from the synergic line. The
welding voltage can be adjusted +/- from the synergic line. The working area is
dependent on the values selected for the components' material, gas and wirefeed
speed. The absolute value of the voltage is shown in brackets as information.
The relationship between wire feed speed and voltage is shown in graphic form
Synergic OFF
The programmed voltage value is the actual voltage value used (absolute value).
Minimum and maximum for the operation values are determined by all factors in
the application, including method, material, gas, wire size and wire feed speed.
Voltage is available when short arc or spray arc are selected.
When short pulsing is selected as method, voltage is replaced by a setting for arc
length. One fundamental feature is that an increased arc length value increases
the arc's length and heat input, and a reduced arc length value reduces the arc's
length and heat input. Arc length functions in the same way as voltage with regard
to synergic settings and has roughly the same value range as voltage, however,
Arc length is not a quantity but a unit.
Arc length is available when short pulsed arc is selected.
Dynamic properties is an electronic inductance control that is used to control the
current rise during the short circuit phase in the short arc cycle.
It is used to fine-tune short arc welding by regulating the short circuit frequency,
heat input and molten pool. It is particularly useful when CO2 is used as shielding
Dynamic properties influences the heat input, depth of penetration and quantity of
welding spatter. Low values provide less heat input, and higher values provide
greater heat input.
Dynamic properties regulates the size of the globules in short arc welding. With
spray arc welding, the process is only influenced during the ignition phase when
the wire is shortcircuited against the workpiece.
Dynamic properties is only available with the short arc and spray arc methods.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 0 - 100%.
There are 12 different types of regulators.
Regulator type 1
Regulator type 1 is designed for Ar and CO2 welding.
Regulator type 1 is suitable for standard short arc welding.
Regulator type 2 - 5
Regulator type 2 - 5 are designed for CO2 welding with various wire sizes and are
selected automatically in synergic mode.
• Optional regulator type 2 - 5 can be selected by the user in order to the
Regulator type 6
Regulator type 6 is designed for Ar and CO2 welding.
Regulator type 6 produces less heat and is therefore suitable for high-speed welding
with short arc.
Regulator type 7 - 12
Regulator type 7 - 12 are experimental versions without a specified purpose.
Regulator type is only available with the short arc and spray arc methods in
non-synergic mode.
Pulse current is the pulse's amplitude (see Diagram- short pulsing components on
page 81). In synergic mode the amplitude is dependent on selected values for
material, gas and wire size.
A higher pulse current provides greater pinch off current and alters the arc shape.
Pulse current and pulse time can be combined in order to alter the shape of the
arc from concentrated to broad, which affects weld penetration and weld width.
The arc's length is also affected.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 100 - 600 A.
Pulse current is only available when short pulsing and synergic OFF are selected.
The pulse time controls the pulse current's duration for short pulsing and includes
the slope on one side of the pulse (see Diagram- short pulsing components on
page 81).
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 1.7 - 11.0 milliseconds.
Pulse time is only available when short pulsing and synergic OFF are selected.
Background current is the current level between the pulses (see on page 63). The
background current maintains the arc between the pulses. The background current
affects the arc length and stability.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 12 - 300 A.
Background current is only available when short pulsing and synergic OFF are
4.3.16 Frequency
The frequency controls the length of the pulse cycle and directly affects the duration
of the background current (see Diagram- short pulsing components on page 81).
The frequency has a big influence on the arc length and the heat input to the
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 38 - 312 Hz.
Frequency is only available when short pulsing and synergic OFF are selected.
4.3.17 Slope
Slope controls the pulse's up and down ramping time.
Adjustment range
Slope is defined by a value between 1 and 9 on a proportional scale. The value of
1 equates to the shortest time and the value of 9 equates to the longest time.
Slope is only available when short pulsing and synergic OFF are selected.
4.3.18 Ka
Ka is a proportional gain factor for control of the arc length. Ka has an individual
synergic line. Ka is expressed as a percentage value representing the gain factor.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 0 - 100%.
• 0% provides the slowest regulation.
• 100% provides the fastest regulation.
If the process has been set to self-oscillation or is unstable, try reducing Ka to a
lower value.
Ka is only available when short pulsing and synergic OFF are selected.
4.3.19 Ki
Ki is the gain factor.
Ki is expressed as a percentage of the maximum permitted value.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 0 - 100%.
• 0% provides the slowest integration.
• 100% provides the fastest integration.
The standard value can probably be used for all applications, and so Ki does not
normally need to be adjusted.
Ki is only available when short pulsing and synergic OFF are selected.
Final wirefeed speed is the wire feed speed at the end of the craterfill time.
Adjustment range
If this value is lower than the set value for wire feed speed in the current schedule,
the system will ramp down the speed during the crater filling time.
Final wirefeed speed cannot be given a higher value than that for wire feed speed
in the current schedule.
Final wirefeed speed is only available when craterfill has been defined.
Final voltage is the final voltage value at the end of the craterfill time.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range for voltage is approximately 8 - 50 V.
Final voltage is only available when short arc fill and synergic OFF are selected.
Final arc length is the final arc length value at the end of the craterfill time.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range for arc length is approximately 8 - 50.
Final arc length is only available when short pulse fill and synergic OFF are selected.
Final pulse current is the pulse current value at the end of the craterfill time.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 100 - 600 A.
If this value is lower than the set value for cutting pulse current in the current
schedule, the system will ramp down the pulse current during the craterfill time.
Final pulse current cannot be given a higher value than that for the pulse current
in the current schedule.
The schedule component is only used when short pulse fill and synergic OFF are
Final background current is the background current at the end of the craterfill time.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 12 - 300 A.
If this value is lower than the set value for background current in the current
schedule, the system will ramp down the current during the craterfill time.
Final background current cannot be given a higher value than that for background
current in the current schedule.
Final background current is only available when short pulse fill and synergic OFF
are selected.
Final frequency is the frequency at the end of the craterfill time.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 38 - 312 Hz.
If this value is lower than the set value for frequency in the current schedule, the
system will ramp down the frequency during the craterfill time.
Final frequency cannot be given a higher value than that for frequency in the current
Final frequency is only available when short pulse fill and synergic OFF are selected.
The craterfill time is the down ramping time at the end of the weld when the robot
has stopped at the end position.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 0 - 10 seconds.
Craterfill time is only available with short arc fill or short pulse fill.
Burnback time is used to prevent the electrode getting stuck in the cooling molten
pool once the welding process is complete.
The burnback time is the time the welding current remains on once the wire feeding
has stopped.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 0 - 1 seconds
Suggested values:
Aluminium 0.05 sec
Steel 0.05 - 0.13 sec
Final pulse controls the amplitude of the ”pinch off” at the end of the process after
the backburn time.
The high current cuts off the final globule from the wire and forces it into the still
liquid molten pool so that the wire is cleaned ready for the next welding operation.
The value is a percentage value of an internally calculated value based on current
and wire type.
Adjustment range
The adjustment range is 10 - 120%.
For thin sheet, a low value must be considered. A high value applies high pressure
on the molten pool.
Final pulse is only available when the short arc or spray arc method and synergic
OFF are selected.
The current that must flow between the wire and the material before the power
source signals that it has contact.
See ESAB manual for current setting range.
Phase time is the time that the power source welds with the individual schedule
during Super pulse welding.
Setting range
The setting range is 1 - 25 ms.
The phase time is available only if Super pulse is selected as the welding mode.
There are predefined synergic lines for the power source. The purpose of the
synergic lines is to help the user set up a functional welding process.
This chapter contains:
• A description of the geometric welding process that ABB used for
development of the synergic lines.
The geometric conditions used for the settings are:
90 degree fillet weld in horizontal position. The welding torch is positioned vertically.
Sectional view of the weld path and the welding torch's position
Sectional view of the weld path and the position of the welding torch.
The RAPID command *Load is used to load the .sid file from a storage medium
to the memory in the power source.
* is valid for
• Arci (Arcitec IRC5)
• MigRob (MigRob 500)
• AristoMig (AristoMig 500 Integrated)
*Load "HOME:/AWdata.sid" \UnitName:="B_AW_PROC_40";
All the schedules in the file AWdata.sid in the HOME directory are loaded in to the
schedule memory on the power source with the I/O unit name B_AW_PROC_40.
*Load FileName \UnitName
Data type: string
The file name.
Data type: string
The unit name. The standard name is specified in PROC in CFG.
Use *Load at the beginning of procedures to load the .sid file.
PROC main
PROC part1
! Loading the schedule from the part1.sid file
*Load "HOME:/part1.sid" \UnitName:="B_AW_PROC_40";
PROC part2
! Loading the schedule from the part2.sid file
*Load "HOME:/part1.sid" \UnitName:="B_AW_PROC_40";
[ FileName ':=' ] < phrase (IN) for string > ';'
[ \UnitName ':=' ] < phrase (IN) for string > ';'
Reference document
Described in:
Saving the .sid file Instructions - MigRobStore
Setting numeric parameters Instructions - MigRobTune
Restoring See Restore schedules on page 49
* is valid for
• Arci (Arcitec IRC5)
• MigRob (MigRob 500)
• AristoMig (AristoMig 500 Integrated)
The rapid command *Store is used to save all schedules in the MigRob memory
to a storage medium.
*Store "HOME:/AWdata.sid" \UnitName:="B_AW_PROC_40";
All schedules in the power source with the I/O unit name B_AW_PROC_40 are saved
to the AWdata.sid file in the HOME directory. The file extension should be .sid.
*Store FileName \UnitName
Data type: string
The file name.
Data type: string
The unit name. The standard name is specified in PROC in CFG.
Use *Store at the end of procedures to save the .sid file.
PROC main
PROC part1
! Saving the schedule to the part1.sid file
*Store "HOME:/part1.sid" \UnitName:="B_AW_PROC_40";
PROC part2
! Saving the schedule to the part2.sid file
ArciStore "HOME:/part2.sid"
[ FileName ':=' ] < phrase (IN) for string > ';'
[ \UnitName ':=' ] < phrase (IN) for string > ';'
Reference document
Described in:
Loading the .sid file Rapid command *Load on page 99
Setting numeric parameters Instructions - MigRobTune
Manual backup See Backup schedules on page 48
* is valid for
• Arci (Arcitec IRC5)
• MigRob (MigRob 500)
• AristoMig (AristoMig 500 Integrated)
The rapid command *Tune is used to set the numeric schedule parameters in the
power source.
VAR num parid;
parid := 20;
*Tune\Offset, parid, 0.5;
The parameter with the identity of 20 is increased by 0.5.
*Tune [\Offset] | [\Write] ParId Value
Data type: switch
The argument \Offset is used when an increment is to be added in a numeric
Data type: switch
The argument \Write is used when a numeric parameter is to be given a new
Data type: num
Parameter identity.
Data type: num
If the switch argument \Offset is active, the Value argument is an increment
added to the existing value of the numeric parameter defined by the ParId
argument. The increment can be positive or negative.
If the switch argument \Write is active, the Value argument is the new value of
the numeric parameter defined by the ParId argument.
Data type: string
The unit name. The standard name is specified in PROC in CFG.
Use two programmable buttons for the settings (one to increase and one to reduce
parameter values). You can configure which signals and buttons you want to link
up on the FlexPendant control panel under programmable buttons.
!Global parameter declaration num parid;
PROC main
! Method for determining parameter identity
! Connecting two Trap drivers (simulated) to digital
! actuated by the programmable buttons.
CONNECT intno1 WITH IncPar;
ISignalDI, 1, intno1;
CONNECT intno2 WITH DecrPar;
ISignalDI, 1, intno2;
! Main sequence
! Switching off the Trap drivers
IDelete intno1;
IDelete intno2;
! Trap driver for increasing the value in steps of 0.5
*Tune\Offset, parid, 0.5;
! Trap driver for reducing the value in steps of 0.5
*Tune\Offset, parid, -0.5;
[ '\'Offset',' ] | [ '\'Write',' ]
[ ParId ':=' ] < phrase (IN) for num > ','
[ Value ':=' ] < phrase (IN) for num > ';'
[ '\'UnitName ':=' ] < phrase (IN) for string> ';'
Reference document
Described in:
Saving the .sid file Rapid command *Store on page 101
Loading the .sid file Rapid command *Load on page 99
ABB Inc.
Robotics and Motion
1250 Brown Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Telephone: +1 248 391 9000
3HAC050972-001, Rev B, en