PST Final Notes
PST Final Notes
PST Final Notes
Computer – components of a computer system-Algorithm, and Flowchart for problem solving with
Sequential Logic Structure, Decisions and Loops.
The term computer is derived from the word compute. The word compute means to calculate. A
computer is an electronic machine that accepts data from the user, processes the data by performing
calculations and operations on it, and generates the desired output results. Computer performs both
simple and complex operations, with speed and accuracy.
Basic functions of computer are
Input (Data):
Input is the raw data entered into a computer from the input devices. It is the collection of letters,
numbers, images etc.
Process is the operation on data as per given instruction. It is totally internal process of the computer
Output is the processed data or information given by computer after data processing. Output is also
called as result. We can save these results in the storage devices for the future use.
Storage technology consists of recording media which is used to retain the data.
Computers store information in the form of "1" and "0"s in different types of storages such as memory,
hard disk, and usb drives etc. The smallest unit of data in a computer is called Bit. Data storage units
are: bit, byte, kilobyte (kb), megabyte (mb), gigabyte (gb), terabyte (tb), petabyte and exabyte,
Zettabyte, Yottabyte
A digital computer uses distinct values to represent the data internally. All information are
represented using the digits Os and 1s. The computers that we use at our homes and offices are digital
Analog computer is another kind of a computer that represents data as variable across a
continuous range of values. The earliest computers were analog computers. Analog computers are used
for measuring of parameters that vary continuously in real time, such as temperature, pressure and
voltage. Analog computers may be more flexible but generally less precise than digital computers. Slide
rule is an example of an analog computer.
Speed, accuracy, diligence, storage capability and versatility are some of the key characteristics
of a computer.
Speed The computer can process data very fast, at the rate of millions of instructions per second.
Some calculations that would have taken hours and days to complete otherwise, can be completed in a
few seconds using the computer. For example, calculation and generation of salary slips of thousands of
employees of an organization, weather forecasting that requires analysis of a large amount of data
related to temperature, pressure and humidity of various places,etc.
Accuracy Computer provides a high degree of accuracy. For example, the computer can
accurately give the result of division of any two numbers up to 10 decimal places.
Diligence When used for a longer period of time, the computer does not get tired or fatigued. It
can perform long and complex calculations with the same speed and accuracy from the start till the end.
Storage Capability Large volumes of data and information can be stored in the computer and
also retrieved whenever required. A limited amount of data can be stored, temporarily, in the primary
memory. Secondary storage devices like floppy disk and compact disk can store a large amount of data
Versatility Computer is versatile in nature. It can perform different types of tasks with the same
ease. At one moment you can use the computer to prepare a letter document and in the next moment
you may play music or print a document.
Computers have several limitations too. Computer can only perform tasks that it has been
programmed to do. Computer cannot do any work without instructions from the user. It executes
instructions as specified by the user and does not take its own decisions.
Input Unit:
An input device is a hardware or peripheral device used to send data to a computer. An input
device allows users to communicate and feed instructions and data to computers for processing, display,
storage and/or transmission.
Some of the most popularly used input devices are:
a) Mouse
b) Light Pen
c) Touch Screen
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d) Keyboard
e) Scanner
f) OCR and MICR
g) Bar Code Reader
h) Joy Stick etc.
The processed data is displayed in the form of result through the output device.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is known as the heart of the computer which takes control of
the entire processing system of a computer.
It performs the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of a computer system.
The part of a computer that interprets and carries out instructions.
It also transfers information to and from other components, such as a disk drive or the
Arithmetic-Logic Unit(ALU):
The ALU is an electronic circuit used to carry out the arithmetic operations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
It performs the operation on the data provided by the input devices.
A comparison operation allows a program to make decisions based on its data input and
results of the previous calculations.
Logical operations can be used to determine whether particular statement is TRUE or
The ALU operates on the data available in the main memory and sends them back after
processing again to main memory.
Control Unit:
The control unit coordinates the activities of all the other units and in the system.
Its main functions are to control the transfer of data and information between various units
and to initiate appropriate actions by the arithmetic-logic unit.
The control unit fetches instructions from the memory, decodes them, and directs them to
various units to perform the on specified tasks.
Memory Unit:
Primary Memory
The Primary memory is also called Main memory, is used to store data during processing. Once
the CPU has carried out an instruction, it needs the result to be stored. This storage space is
provided by the computer’s memory.
The storage capacity of the memory is generally measured in megabytes. 1 nibble=4 bits
8 Bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes= 1 Kilobyte (KB)
1 024 Kilobytes= 1 Megabyte (MB)
1024 Megabytes= 1 Gigabyte (GB)
RAM is a volatile memory, which means that the stored information is lost when the power
is switched off.
used to read and write data in RAM
We can only read the data from ROM and you cannot write anything into it and the data is
ROM is a non – volatile memory
Secondary Memory
There are different kinds of secondary storage devices available. Few of them are :
Floppy Disk
Fixed or Hard Disk
Optical Disk like: CD (Compact Disk) DVD (Digital Versatile Disk)
Magnetic Tape Drive
Computers have proliferated into various areas of our lives. For a user, computer is a tool that
provides the desired information, whenever needed. You may use computer to get information about the
reservation of tickets (railways, airplanes and cinema halls), books in a library, medical history of a
person, a place in a map, or the dictionary meaning of a word. The information may be presented to you
in the form of text, images, video clips, etc.
A computer has high speed of calculation, diligence, accuracy, reliability, or versatility which
made it an integrated part in all business organizations.
Today, banking is almost totally dependent on computers. Banks provide following facilities:
Banks provide online accounting facility, which includes current balances, deposits,
overdrafts, interest charges, shares, and trustee records.
ATM machines are making it even easier for customers to deal with bank transactions.
Insurance companies are keeping all records up-to-date with the help of computers. The insurance
companies, finance houses and stock broking firms are widely using computers for their concerns.
Insurance companies are maintaining a database of all clients with information showing
The computer provides a tool in the education system known as CBE (Computer Based
CBE involves control, delivery, and evaluation of learning.
The education in schools and colleges is made easy by using computers.
Computers are used in the field of marketing for promoting their products by
Advertising - With computers, advertising professionals create art and graphics, write and
revise copy, and print and disseminate ads with the goal of selling more products.
At Home shopping – Shopping from home has been made possible through use of
computers (Online shopping) that provide access to product information and permit direct
entry of orders to be filled by the customers.
Computers play an important role in hospitals, labs etc., for diagnosis. ECG, EEG, Ultrasounds and CT
Scans etc., are also done by computerized machines.
Some major fields of health care in which computers are used are:
Diagnostic System - Computers are used to collect data and identify cause of illness.
Lab-diagnostic System - All tests can be done and reports are prepared by computer.
Patient Monitoring System - These are used to check patient's signs for abnormality such
as in Cardiac Arrest, ECGetc.
Pharma Information System - Computer checks Drug-Labels, Expiry dates, harmful
drug’s side effects etc.
Surgery: Nowadays, computers are also used to perform surgery.
Engineering Design
Computers are widely used in engineering purpose.
One of major areas is CAD (Computer aided design) for creation of architectural plans and designs
such as
Structural Engineering - Requires stress and strain analysis for design of Ships, Buildings,
Budgets, and Airplanes etc.
Industrial Engineering - Computers deal with design, implementation
and improvement of integrated systems of people, materials and equipments.
Architectural Engineering - Computers help in planning towns, designing buildings,
determining a range of buildings on a site using both 2D and 3Ddrawings.
Computers are largely used in defense. Some military areas where a computer has been used are:
Missile Control
Military Communication
Military Operation and Planning
Smart Weapons
Communication means to convey a message, an idea, a picture or speech that is received and
understood clearly and correctly by the person for whom it is meant for. Some main areas in this
category are:
Computers play an important role in government. Some major fields in this category are:
Sales tax department
Income tax department
Male/Female ratio
Computerization of voters lists
Computerization of driving licensing system
Computerization of PAN card
Weather forecasting
As stated earlier, a program is needed to instruct the computer about the way a task is to be
performed. The instructions in a program have three essential parts:
The instructions in a program are defined in a specific sequence. Writing a computer program is
not a straightforward task. A person who writes the program (computer programmer) has to follow the
Program Development Life Cycle.
Let’s now discuss the steps that are followed by the programmer for writing a program:
Problem Analysis - The programmer first understands the problem to be solved. The
programmer determines the various ways in which the problem can be solved, and decides upon a
single solution which will be followed to solve the problem.
Program Design - The selected solution is represented in a form, so that it can be coded. This
requires three steps:
An algorithm is written, which is an English-like explanation of the solution.
A flowchart is drawn, which is a diagrammatic representation of the solution. The solution is
represented diagrammatically, for easy understanding and clarity.
A pseudo code is written for the selected solution. Pseudo code uses the structured programming
constructs. The pseudo code becomes an input to the next phase.
Program Development
The computer programming languages are of different kinds—low-level languages, and high-
level languages like C, C++ and Java. The pseudo code is coded using a suitable programming
The coded pseudo code or program is compiled for any syntax errors. Syntax errors arise due to
the incorrect use of programming language or due to the grammatical errors with respect to the
programming language used. During compilation, the syntax errors, if any, are removed.
The executed program generates the output result, which may be correct or incorrect. The
program is tested with various inputs, to see that it generates the desired results. If incorrect results are
displayed, then the program has semantic error (logical error). The semantic errors are removed from
the program to get the correct results. The successfully tested program is ready for use and is installed
on the user’s machine.
Program Documentation and maintenance Document the program, for later use.
Maintain the program for updating,
removing errors, changing requirements etc.
For accomplishing a particular task, different algorithms can be written. The different algorithms
differ in their requirements of time and space. The programmer selects the best- suited algorithm for the
given task to be solved.
Let’s now look at two simple algorithms to find the greatest among three numbers, as follows:
Algorithm to find the greatest among three numbers:
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read the three numbers A, B, C
Step 3: Compare A and B. If A is greater perform step 4 else perform step 5.
Step 4: Compare A and C. If A is greater, output ―A is greatest‖ else output ―C is
greatest‖. Perform step 6.
Step 5: Compare B and C. If B is greater, output ―B is greatest‖ else output ―C is
Step 6: Stop
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read the three numbers A, B, C
Step 3: Compare A and B. If A is greater, store A in MAX, else store B in MAX.
Step 4: Compare MAX and C. If MAX is greater, output ―MAX is greatest‖ else output
―C is greatest‖.
Step 5: Stop
Both the algorithms accomplish the same goal, but in different ways. The programmer selects
the algorithm based on the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm. For example, the first
algorithm has more number of comparisons, whereas in the second algorithm an additional variable
MAX is required.
The logic of a program may not always be a linear sequence of statements to be executed in that
order. The logic of the program may require execution of a statement based on a decision. It may
repetitively execute a set of statements unless some condition is met. Control structures specify the
statements to be executed and the order of execution of statements.
Flowchart and Pseudo code use control structures for representation. There are three kinds of
control structures:
A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of the logic for solving a task. A flowchart is
drawn using boxes of different shapes with lines connecting them to show the flow of control. The
purpose of drawing a flowchart is to make the logic of the program clearer in a visual form. There is a
famous saying ―A photograph is equivalent to thousand words‖. The same can be said of flowchart. The
logic of the program is communicated in a much better way using a flowchart. Since flowchart is a
diagrammatic representation, it forms a common medium of communication.
Flowchart Symbols
A flowchart is drawn using different kinds of symbols. A symbol used in a flowchart is for a
specific purpose. Figure shows the different symbols of the flowchart along with their names. The
flowchart symbols are available in most word processors including MS-WORD, facilitating the
programmer to draw a flowchart on the computer using the word processor.
Preparing a Flowchart
A flowchart may be simple or complex. The most common symbols that are used to draw a
flowchart are - Process, Decision, Data, Terminator, Connector and Flow lines. While drawing a
flowchart, some rules need to be followed-(1) A flowchart should have a start and end, (2) The direction
of flow in a flowchart must be from top to bottom and left to right, and
(3) The relevant symbols must be used while drawing a flowchart. While preparing the flowchart, the
sequence, selection or iterative structures may be used wherever required. Figure shows the
sequence, selection and iteration structures.
We see that in a sequence, the steps are executed in linear order one after the other. In a
selection operation, the step to be executed next is based on a decision taken. If the condition is true
(yes) a different path is followed than if the condition evaluates to false (no). In case of iterative
operation, a condition is checked. Based upon the result of this conditional check, true or false, different
paths are followed. Either the next step in the sequence is executed or the control goes back to one of
the already executed steps to make a loop.
Here, we will illustrate the method to draw flowchart, by discussing three different examples. To
draw the flowcharts, relevant boxes are used and are connected via flow lines. The flowchart for the
examples is shown in Figure below.
The first flowchart computes the product of any two numbers and gives the result. The flowchart
is a simple sequence of steps to be performed in a sequential order.
The second flowchart compares three numbers and finds the maximum of the three numbers.
This flowchart uses selection. In this flowchart, decision is taken based upon a condition, which decides
the next path to be followed, i.e. If A is greater than B then the true (Yes) path is followed else the false
(No) path is followed. Another decision is again made while comparing MAX with C.
The third flowchart finds the sum of first 100 integers. Here, iteration (loop) is performed so that
some steps are executed repetitively until they fulfill some condition to exit from the repetition. In the
decision box, the value of I is compared with 100. If it is false (No), a loop is created which breaks
when the condition becomes true(Yes).
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Flowcharts have their own benefits; however, they have some limitations too. A complex and
long flowchart may run into multiple pages, which become difficult to understand and follow.
Moreover, updating a flowchart with the changing requirements is a challenging job.
Pseudo code consists of short, readable and formally-styled English language used for
explaining an algorithm. Pseudo code does not include details like variable declarations, subroutines
etc. Pseudo code is a short-hand way of describing a computer program. Using pseudo code, it is easier
for a programmer or a non-programmer to understand the general working of the program, since it is not
based on any programming language. It is used to give a sketch of the structure of the program, before
the actual coding. It uses the structured constructs of the programming language but is not machine-
readable. Pseudo code cannot be compiled or executed. Thus, no standard for the syntax of pseudo code
exists. For writing the pseudo code, the programmer is not required to know the programming language
in which the pseudo code will be implemented later.
Preparing a Pseudo Code
Pseudo code is written using structured English. In a pseudo code, some terms are commonly used to
represent the various actions. For example, for inputting data the terms may be (INPUT, GET, READ),
for outputting data (OUTPUT, PRINT, DISPLAY), for calculations (COMPUTE, CALCULATE), for
incrementing (INCREMENT), in addition to words like ADD, SUBTRACT, INITIALIZE used for
addition, subtraction, and initialization, respectively.
The control structures—sequence, selection, and iteration are also used while writing the pseudo
code.Figure below shows the different pseudo code structures. The sequence structure is simply a
sequence of steps to be executed in linear order. There are two main selection constructs—if- statement
and case statement. In the if-statement, if the condition is true then the THEN part is executed otherwise
the ELSE part is executed. There can be variations of the if-statement also, like there may not be any
ELSE part or there may be nested ifs. The case statement is used where there are a number of conditions
to be checked. In a case statement, depending on the value of the expression, one of the conditions is
true, for which the corresponding statements are executed. If no match for the expression occurs, then
the OTHERS option which is also the default option, is executed.
WHILE and DO-WHILE are the two iterative statements. The WHILE loop and the DO-
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WHILE loop, both execute while the condition is true. However, in a WHILE loop the condition is
checked at the start of the loop, whereas, in a DO-WHILE loop the condition is checked at the end of
the loop. So the DO-WHILE loop executes at least once even if the condition is false when the loop is
In the following Figure, the pseudo code is written for the same three tasks for which the
flowchart was shown in the previous section. The three tasks are—(i) compute the product of any two
numbers, (ii) find the maximum of any three numbers, and (iii) find the sum of first 100 integers.
Introduction- C Structure- syntax and constructs of ANSI C - Variable Names, Data Type and Sizes,
Constants, Declarations - Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Type Conversion,
Increment and Decrement Operators, Bitwise Operators, Assignment Operators and Expressions, Precedence
and Order of Evaluation, proper variable naming and Hungarian Notation.
Overview of C:
C is one of the most popular programming languages. It was developed by Mr. Dennis Ritchie at
AT&T Bell Laboratories at USA in 1972. It is an upgraded version of two earlier languages, called BCPL and
B, which were also developed at Bell Laboratories. C is called a middle level language It performs the task of
low level language as well as high level language. UNIX operating system is written in C Language.
Features and Applications of C Language:
1. C is a general purpose, structured programming language.
2. C is a powerful, efficient, compact and flexible language.
3. C is highly portable. It can run on different operating systems.
4. It has got rich set of operators.
5. C is widely available.
6. C is a middle level language.
7. C allows manipulation of data at the lowest level.
8. C allows dynamic memory allocation.
9. C is well suited for writing system software
10. C is a robust language.
Structure of a C Program
The Structure of a C program is given below:
/* Comments */
/* Comments */
Declaration part;
Executable part;
User-defined functions
i. Include Header file section: C program depends upon some header files for function definition
that are used in program.
Eg. #inlcude <stdio.h>
ii. Global Declaration section: This section declares some variables that are used in more than one
function. These variables are known as global variables.
iii. Function main: Every program written in C language must contain main function. It is the starting
point of every C program.
iv. Declaration part: It contains the entire variables that are used in the executable part. The
initialization of variables is also done here.
v. Executable part: This part contains the statements following the declaration of the variables.
vi. User defined functions: The functions defined by the users are called user defined functions.
They are generally defined after the main function.
vii. Comments: To understand the flow of the program, the programmer can include comments in
the program.
Programming Rules:
1. All statements must be in lower case letters.
2. Blank spaces may be inserted between the words.
3. The opening and closing braces must be balanced.
4. The statements can be written anywhere between the opening and closing braces.
5. Every statement must be terminated by a semicolon (;).
Lexical Elements of C
Character Set of C:
The character set is the fundamental set of any language. The character set of C can be represented as
C Character Set
Alphabet Digits Special White Sequence
Characters Spaces
These are employed at the time of execution. This set of characters are also called as non graphic characters
because, these characters are invisible and cannot be printed directly. These characters will have effect only
when the program is executed. They are also called as “escape sequences”.
\b Backspace
\f Form feed
\n New line
\r Carriage return
\t Horizontal tab
\" Double quote
Single quote
\0 Null
\\ Backslash
\v Vertical Tab
\a Alert
C Tokens: The tokens are usually referred as individual text and punctuation in a passage of text. The C
language program contains individual units called the C tokens and has the following
A Variable is an identifier that is used to represent some specified type of information within a
designated portion of the program. A variable may take different values at different times during the execution.
Rules for naming the variables:
1. A variable name can be any combination of 1 to 8 alphabets, digits or underscore.
2. The first character must be an alphabet or an underscore.
3. The length of the variable cannot exceed upto 8 characters long.
4. No commas or blank spaces are allowed within a variable name.
5. No special symbol, an underscore can be used in a variable name.
Variable Declaration:
Any variable to be used in the program is to be declared before it is used in the program.
The declaration of variable is given below:
<datatype> v1,v2,v3,……,vn;
datatype – type of data (, char etc.)
v1,v2,v3,….vn- the list of variables.
Variable definition / Initializing variables:
It means providing an initial value to the variables. It is done using assignment operator.
Datatype variable=constant; (eg. int b=90)
Variable=constant; (eg. a=10, a=b=87)
Hungarian notation
Hungarian notation is a naming convention in computer programming that indicates either the type of object
or the way it should be used. It was originally proposed by Charles Simonyi, a programmer at Xerox PARC
in the early 1980s. There are two variations of Hungarian notation: Systems and Apps. They both involve
using a special prefix as part of the name to indicate an object's nature.
2. Global / External Variables: The variables that are declared before the main function are called global
int a =2;
void main()
Here a is a global variable
The data items whose values cannot be changed during the execution of program are called constants. They
are classified as follows:
C Constants
Numeric Constants:
a. Integer Constants: An integer constant is formed with the sequence of digits.
Eg. 67,90 etc.
b. Real Constants: A real constant is made up of a sequence of numeric digits with presence of a decimal
Eg. 127.90,89.78 etc.
Character Constants:
a. Single Character Constants: The character constant contains a single character enclosed within a pair
of single inverted commas both pointing to the left.
Eg. „s‟, „M‟, etc.
b. String Constants: A string constant is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes.
Eg. “hi”, “Hello”, etc.
Delimiters are special symbols, which have special meaning and got significance. Some of the delimiters are:
Statements can be defined as set of declaration of sequence of action. Statement causes the system to perform
some action. All statements end with a semi-colon except conditional and control structures.
There are 3 different types of statements. They are:
1. Assignment Statement: Assignment operator is used to assign value to the variables.
Eg: a=6
Sum = 0
2. Null Statement: A statement without any characters and it has only semi colon is called a Null
Eg. ;
3. Expression Statement: Any statement which contains an expression on right side is called Expression
Eg: a=b+c
An operator is a symbol that specifies an operation to be performed on the operands. The data items that
operators act upon are called operands. Some operators require two operands. They are called binary operators.
Some operators require one operand. They are called unary operator.
There are different types of operators. They are:
1. Arithmetic Operator
2. Relational Operator
3. Logical Operator
4. Assignment Operator
5. Increment & decrement Operator
6. Conditional Operator
7. Bitwise Operator
8. Special Operator
The conditions are checked using relational operators. They return either 1 or 0 as true value or false value
Example Program
void main()
printf("\nCondition : Return Value");
printf("\n5!=5 : %d",(5!=5));
printf("\n10<11 : %d",(10<11));
printf("\n12>9 : %d",(12>9));
printf("\n55>=90 : %d",(55>=90));
printf("\n45<=91 : %d",(45<=91));
printf("\n78==78 : %d",(78==78));
Example Program:
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int a,b;
a=10; //Assignment Statement
a+=b; // Compound Statement
printf("\nThe value of a is %d",a);
printf("\nThe value of b is %d",b);
The value of a is 16
The value of b is -10
5. Increment & Decrement Operators: These operators are called Unary operators. They are used for
incrementation & decrementation operation.
Operator Meaning
++x Pre-increment
X++ Post increment
--y Pre-decrement
Y-- Post decrement
Example Program:
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int a,b;
printf("\nThe value of a is %d",a++);
printf("\nThe value of a is %d",++a);
printf("\nThe value of b is %d",b--);
printf("\nThe value of b is %d",--b);
The value of a is 10
The value of a is 12
The value of b is 6
The value of b is 4
6. Conditional Operator: It checks the condition and executes the statements depending on the
Syntax: condition? exp1: exp2
The ? Operator acts as a ternary operator. If the condition is true, it evaluate the first expression otherwise it
evaluates the second expression.
Sample Program:
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int a,b,big;
printf("\nThe biggest value is %d",big);
The biggest value is 10
7. Bitwise Operators: They are used to manipulate the data at bit level. They operate on integers only.
Operator Meaning
& Bitwise AND
| Bitwise OR
^ Bitwise XOR
~ One‟s Complement
The value of c(AND) is 2
The value of d(OR) is 14
The value of e(XOR) is 12
The size of a is 2
The size of b is 1
Operator Precedence & Associativity of Operators
The Arithmetic Operators are evaluated from the left to right using the precedence of operators, when the
expression is written without the parenthesis.
Step 2: 45 + 8 – 35
Step 3: 53 – 35
Step 4: 18
The result is 18
Standard I/O, Formatted Output – Printf, Variable-length argument lists- Formatted Input – Scanf,
Statements and Blocks, If-Else-If, Switch, Loops – while, do, for, break and continue, GoTo Labels.
Formatted I/O -- refers to the conversion of data to and from a stream of characters,
for printing (or reading) in plain text format
o All text I/O we do is considered formatted I/O
o The other option is reading/writing direct binary information (common with
file I/O, for example)
To output string literals, just use one parameter on printf, the string itself
printf("Hello, world!\n");
printf("Greetings, Earthling\n\n");
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Conversion Specifiers
Here are some commonly used conversion specifiers (not a comprehensive list):
Printing Integers
// Output:
// FSU has 35123 students
We can specify the field wicth (i.e. how many 'spaces' the item prints in). Defaults to
right-justification. Place a number between the % and the d. In this example, field
width is 10:
// Output:
// FSU has 35123 students
// Output:
// FSU has 35123 students
If the field width is too small or left unspecified, it defaults to the minimum number
of characters required to print the item:
// Output:
// FSU has 35123 students
Specifying the field width is most useful when printing multiple lines of output that
are meant to line up in a table format
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// Output:
// Your total is $123.450000 today
// Output:
// Your total is $1.234500e+02 today
You can also control the decimal precision, which is the number of places after the
decimal. Output will round to the appropriate number of decimal places, if necessary:
// Output:
// Your total is $123.45 today
// Output:
// Your total is $ 123.45 today
In the conversion specifier, the number before the decimal is field width, and the
number after is the precision. (In this example, 9 and 2).
Use the formatting specifier %c for characters. Default field size is 1 character:
Use %s for printing strings. Field widths work just like with integers:
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// Output:
// Hello AliceBob END
To read data in from standard input (keyboard), we call the scanf function. The basic
form of a call to scanf is:
scanf(format_string, list_of_variable_addresses);
Conversion Specifiers
printf("You entered:\n");
printf("i = %d, f = %f, c = %c\n", i, f, c);
return 0;
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Sample run #1
User input underlined, to distinguish it from program output
Enter an integer and a float, then Y or N
> 34 45.6Y
You entered:
i = 34, f = 45.600, c = Y
Sample Run #2
Enter an integer and a float, then Y or N
> 12 34.5678 N
You entered:
i = 12, f = 34.568, c =
Note that in this sample run, the character that was read was NOT the letter 'N'. It was the
space. (Remember, white space not skipped on character reads).
This can be accounted for. Consider if the scanf line looked like this:
scanf("%d%f %c", &i, &f, &c);
There's a space betwen the %f and the %c in the format string. This allows the user to type a
space. Suppose this is the typed input:
12 34.5678 N
Then the character variable c will now contain the 'N'.
Interactive Input
You can make input more interactive by prompting the user more carefully. This can be
tedious in some places, but in many occasions, it makes programs more user-friendly.
int age;
double gpa;
char answer;
An entire C-style string can be easily printed, by using the %s formatting symbol, along with
the name of the char array storing the string (as the argument filling in that position):
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Be careful to only use this on char arrays that are being used as C-style strings. (This means,
only if the null character is present as a terminator).
Similarly, you can read a string into a char array with scanf. The following call allows the
entry of a word (up to 19 characters and a terminating null character) from the keyboard,
which is stored in the array word1:
char word1[20];
scanf("%s", word1);
Characters are read from the keyboard until the first "white space" (space, tab, newline)
character is encountered. The input is stored in the character array and the null character is
automatically appended.
Note also that the & was not needed in the scanf call (word1 was used, instead of &word1).
This is because the name of the array by itself (with no index) actually IS a variable that
stores an address (a pointer).
Use int parameter and va_start macro to initialize the va_list variable to an argument
list. The macro va_start is defined in stdarg.h header file.
Use va_arg macro and va_list variable to access each item in argument list.
macro va_end to clean up the memory assigned to va_list variable.
Example 1:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
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int main()
printf("The value from first function call = " \
"%d\n", add(2,2,3));
printf("The value from second function call= " \
"%d \n", add(4,2,3,4,5));
va_start(valist, num);
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
sum += va_arg(valist, int);
return sum;
The value from first function call = 5
The value from second function call= 14
In the above program, function “add” is called twice. But, number of arguments passed to the
function gets varies for each. So, 3 dots (…) are mentioned for function „add” that indicates
that this function will get any number of arguments at run time.
Example 2:
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// number of arguments.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
return min;
int main()
int count = 5;
printf("Minimum value is %d", min(count, 12, 67, 6, 7, 100));
return 0;
Example 3:
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#include <stdio.h>
int sum = 0, i;
va_start(valist, num);
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
sum += va_arg(valist, int);
Average of {2, 3, 4} = 3
Average of {3, 5, 10, 15} = 10
C has three types of statement.
1. assignment
2. selection (branching)
if (expression)
3. iteration (looping)
while (expression)
for (expression;expression;expression)
do {block}
These statements are grouped into blocks, a block is identified by curly brackets...There are
two types of block.
statement blocks
if ( i == j)
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printf("martin \n");
The statement block containing the printf is only executed if the i ==
j expression evaluates to TRUE.
function blocks
int add( int a, int b) /* Function definition */
int c;
c = a + b;
return c;
Simple if statement
statement inside;
statement outside;
If the expression returns true, then the statement-inside will be executed,
otherwise statement-inside is skipped and only the statement-outside is executed.
#include <stdio.h>
int main( )
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int x, y;
x = 15;
y = 13;
if (x > y )
printf("x is greater than y");
return 0;
x is greater than y
if...else statement
The general form of a simple if...else statement is,
statement block1;
statement block2;
If the expression is true, the statement-block1 is executed, else statement-block1 is skipped
and statement-block2 is executed.
#include <stdio.h>
int main( )
int x, y;
x = 15;
y = 18;
if (x > y )
printf("x is greater than y");
printf("y is greater than x");
return 0;
y is greater than x
if( expression )
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if( expression1 )
statement block1;
statement block2;
statement block3;
#include <stdio.h>
int main( )
int a, b, c;
printf("Enter 3 numbers...");
scanf("%d%d%d",&a, &b, &c);
if(a > b)
if(a > c)
printf("a is the greatest");
printf("c is the greatest");
if(b > c)
printf("b is the greatest");
printf("c is the greatest");
return 0;
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else-if ladder
statement block1;
else if(expression2)
statement block2;
else if(expression3 )
statement block3;
default statement;
The expression is tested from the top(of the ladder) downwards. As soon as a truecondition is
found, the statement associated with it is executed.
#include <stdio.h>
int main( )
int a;
printf("Enter a number...");
scanf("%d", &a);
if(a%5 == 0 && a%8 == 0)
printf("Divisible by both 5 and 8");
else if(a%8 == 0)
printf("Divisible by 8");
else if(a%5 == 0)
printf("Divisible by 5");
printf("Divisible by none");
return 0;
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Points to Remember
In if statement, a single statement can be included without enclosing it into curly braces { ... }
int a = 5;
if(a > 4)
No curly braces are required in the above case, but if we have more than one statement inside
if condition, then we must enclose them inside curly braces.
== must be used for comparison in the expression of if condition, if you use = the expression
will always return true, because it performs assignment not comparison.
Other than 0(zero), all other values are considered as true.
In above example, hello will be printed.
Switch statement in C
When you want to solve multiple option type problems, for example: Menu like program,
where one value is associated with each option and you need to choose only one at a time,
then, switch statement is used.
Switch statement is a control statement that allows us to choose only one choice
among the many given choices. The expression in switch evaluates to return an integral
value, which is then compared to the values present in different cases. It executes that block
of code which matches the case value. If there is no match, then default block is executed(if
present). The general form of switch statement is,
case value-1:
case value-2:
case value-3:
case value-4:
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1. The expression (after switch keyword) must yield an integer value i.e the expression
should be an integer or a variable or an expression that evaluates to an integer.
2. The case label values must be unique.
3. The case label must end with a colon(:)
4. The next line, after the case statement, can be any valid C statement.
Points to Remember
1. We don't use those expressions to evaluate switch case, which may return floating
point values or strings or characters.
2. break statements are used to exit the switch block. It isn't necessary to use break after
each block, but if you do not use it, then all the consecutive blocks of code will get
executed after the matching block.
int i = 1;
case 1:
printf("A"); // No break
case 2:
printf("B"); // No break
case 3:
1. The output was supposed to be only A because only the first case matches, but as
there is no break statement after that block, the next blocks are executed too, until it
a break statement in encountered or the execution reaches the end of the switch block.
2. default case is executed when none of the mentioned case matches
the switchexpression. The default case can be placed anywhere in the switch case.
Even if we don't include the default case, switch statement works.
3. Nesting of switch statements are allowed, which means you can
have switchstatements inside another switch block. However,
nested switch statements should be avoided as it makes the program more complex
and less readable.
int main( )
int a, b, c, choice;
while(choice != 3)
/* Printing the available options */
printf("\n 1. Press 1 for addition");
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case 1:
printf("Enter 2 numbers");
scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
c = a + b;
printf("%d", c);
case 2:
printf("Enter 2 numbers");
scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
c = a - b;
printf("%d", c);
printf("you have passed a wrong key");
printf("\n press any key to continue");
return 0;
In any programming language including C, loops are used to execute a set of statements
repeatedly until a particular condition is satisfied.
How it Works
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As per the above diagram, if the Test Condition is true, then the loop is executed, and
if it is false then the execution breaks out of the loop. After the loop is successfully executed
the execution again starts from the Loop entry and again checks for the Test condition, and
this keeps on repeating.
The sequence of statements to be executed is kept inside the curly braces { } known
as the Loop body. After every execution of the loop body, condition is verified, and if it is
found to be true the loop body is executed again. When the condition check returns false, the
loop body is not executed, and execution breaks out of the loop.
Types of Loop
1. while loop
2. for loop
3. do while loop
while loop
while loop can be addressed as an entry control loop. It is completed in 3 steps.
Syntax :
variable initialization;
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variable increment or decrement;
int x;
x = 1;
while(x <= 10)
printf("%d\t", x);
/* below statement means, do x = x+1, increment x by 1*/
return 0;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
do while loop
In some situations it is necessary to execute body of the loop before testing the
condition. Such situations can be handled with the help of do-while loop. do statement
evaluates the body of the loop first and at the end, the condition is checked
using whilestatement. It means that the body of the loop will be executed at least once, even
though the starting condition inside while is initialized to be false. General syntax is,
int main()
int a, i;
a = 5;
i = 1;
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printf("%d\t", a*i);
while(i <= 10);
return 0;
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
for loop
for loop is used to execute a set of statements repeatedly until a particular condition is
satisfied. We can say it is an open ended loop.. General format is,
for(initialization; condition; increment/decrement)
int main( )
int x;
for(x = 1; x <= 10; x++)
printf("%d\t", x);
return 0;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sometimes, while executing a loop, it becomes necessary to skip a part of the loop or to leave
the loop as soon as certain condition becomes true. This is known as jumping out of loop.
1) break statement
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When break statement is encountered inside a loop, the loop is immediately exited and the
program continues with the statement immediately following the loop.
int main ()
int i;
for(i = 0; i<10; i++)
printf("%d ",i);
if(i == 5)
printf("came outside of loop i = %d",i);
return 0;
2) continue statement
It causes the control to go directly to the test-condition and then continue the loop process.
On encountering continue, cursor leave the current cycle of loop, and starts with the next
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int main ()
int i = 0;
printf("%d", i);
return 0;
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10
As you can see, 5 is not printed on the console because loop is continued at i==5.
goto labels
NOTE − Use of goto statement is highly discouraged in any programming language because
it makes difficult to trace the control flow of a program, making the program hard to
understand and hard to modify. Any program that uses a goto can be rewritten to avoid
goto label;
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label: statement;
here label can be any plain text except C keyword and it can be set anywhere in the C
program above or below to goto statement.
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
/* do loop execution */
LOOP:do {
if( a == 15) {
/* skip the iteration */
a = a + 1;
goto LOOP;
}while( a < 20 );
return 0;
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result –
value of a: 10
value of a: 11
value of a: 12
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value of a: 13
value of a: 14
value of a: 16
value of a: 17
value of a: 18
value of a: 19
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} }
Output : Output :
Enter a number 10 Enter a year 1996
the number is even Leap year
{ int main()
int a,b,temp; {
a = b; a=a+b;
b = temp; b=a-b;
} return 0;
Output : }
Enter a, b 10 20 Output :
{ {
scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); while(i<n)
else i++;
printf("%d is biggest",c); }
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} if( i= = n)
Output: printf("Prime number",);
Enter the three numbers 20 10 15 }
20 is biggest Output : Enter the number 7
Prime number
int main() NUMBER & TO CHECK
#include <stdio.h>
int a,b, choice;
int main()
printf("enter two numbers:");
int n,a,rev=0,rem;
printf("enter your choice"); printf("Enter the number \n");
scanf("%d",&choice); scanf("%d",&n);
switch(choice) a=n;
{ while(n>0)
case 1: {
case 2: rev=(rev*10)+rem;
case 3: }
break; }
return 0;
Output :
Enter two numbers: 10 20 Output:
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enter your choice 1
sum is 30
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{ {
rem=n%10; rem=n%10;
sum=sum+rem; sum=sum+(rem+rem);
n=n/10; n=n/10;
} }
printf("\nsum of digits is %d",sum); printf("\nsum of square of digits is %d",sum);
return 0; return 0;
} }
Output : Output :
Enter n 123 Enter n 123
sum of digits is 6 sum of square of digits is 14
printf("Enter n :");
scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the number");
a=n; scanf("%d",&n);
while(n>0) for(i=0;i<n;i++)
{ {
rem=n%10; c=a+b;
printf("\n %d",c);
if(a = = sum) b=c;
printf("\n It is an Armstrong }
number"); return 0;
else }
printf("\n It is not an Armstrong
return 0; Output :
Output :
Enter n 153
It is an Armstrong number
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Basics of functions, parameter passing and returning type, External, Auto, Local, Static, Register
Variables, Scope Rules, Block structure, Initialisation, Recursion, C Preprocessor, Standard Library
Functions and return types.
A C program is nothing but a combination of one or more functions. Every C program starts with a user
defined function main().
The C language supports two types of functions. They are:
1. Library Functions.
2. User defined functions
Library functions are pre-defined set of functions. The users can use the functions but cannot modify or
change them.
User defined functions are defined by the user according to his/her requirements. The user can modify the
functions. The user understands the internal working of the functions.
Definition of Function:
A function is a self-contained block or a sub program of one or more statements that performs a specific
task when called.
The general syntax is as follows:
return(); return value
1. Function Declaration: A function declaration tells the compiler about a function name and how to
call the function. Function declaration contains,
a. Return Type: A function may return a value. The return type is the data type of the value the
function returns.
b. Function Name: A name given to the function similar to a name given to a variable.
c. Argument/Parameter List: The variable name enclosed within the parenthesis is the argument
General Form :
return_type function_name( parameter list );
2. Function Definition: A function definition provides the actual body of the function. A function
definition in C programming consists of a function header and a function body.
a. Function Header: Function Header contains Return Type, Function Name, and
Argument/Parameter List similar to Function Declaration.
b. Function Body: The function body contains a collection of statements that define what the
function does. Function Body also has a return statement.
c. Return value: The result obtained by the function is sent back by the function to the function call
through the return statement. It returns one value per call.
General Form :
return_type function_name( parameter list )
body of the function
3. Function call: To use a function, you will have to call that function to perform the defined task. To
call a function, you simply need to pass the required parameters(actual) along with the function
name, and if the function returns a value, then you can store the returned value.
General Form:
4. Arguments: There are two types of arguments. They are
a. Actual arguments: The arguments of calling functions are called actual arguments.
b. Formal/Dummy arguments: The arguments of called functions are called formal or dummy
A scope in any programming is a region of the program where a defined variable can have its
existence and beyond that variable it cannot be accessed. There are three places where variables can be
declared in C programming language.
Inside a function or a block which is called local variables.
Outside of all functions which is called global variables.
In the definition of function parameters which are called formal parameters.
(a) Local Variables :
Variables that are declared inside a function or block are called local variables. They can be used
only by statements that are inside that function or block of code. Local variables are not known to
functions outside their own.
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
/* local variable declaration */
int a, b;
int c;
/* actual initialization */
a = 10;
b = 20;
c = a + b;
printf ("value of a = %d, b = %d and c = %d\n", a, b, c);
return 0;
Here all the variables a, b, and c are local to main() function.
It is a good programming practice to initialize variables properly; otherwise your program may
produce unexpected results, because uninitialized variables will take some garbage value already
available at their memory location.
This is done by the use of the keyword return, followed by a data variable or constant value. The
datatype of the data variable or constant value must match with that of the declared
return_data_type for the function.
float add_numbers(floatn1,floatn2)
return n1+n2; /*legal*/
return 6; /*illegal, not the same datatype*/
return 6.0; /*legal*/
It is possible for a function to have multiple return statements, provided only one return statement will
be executed. In the below example, based on user input only one return statement will be executed.
int validate_input(char command)
case'-':return 1;
case'/':return 2;
default :return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
/* function declaration */
int max(int num1, int num2);
int main ()
/* local variable definition */
int a = 100;
int b = 200;
int ret;
/* calling a function to get max value */
ret = max(a, b);
printf( "Max value is : %d\n", ret );
return 0;
/* function definition for returning the max between two numbers */
int max(int num1, int num2)
/* local variable declaration */
int result;
if (num1 > num2)
result = num1;
result = num2;
/* Return Statement of the function max() */
return result;
The Function prototypes are classified into four types. They are:
1. Function with no argument and no return value.
2. Function with no argument and with return value.
3. Function with argument and no return value.
4. Function with argument and with return value.
Neither data is passed through the calling function nor the data is sent back from the
called function.
There is no data transfer between calling and the called function.
The function is only executed and nothing is obtained.
The Function acts independently. It reads data values and print result in the same block.
Example program:
void add(); /* No parameter-list No return type*/
void main()
void add()
int a,b,c;
printf("\nThe sum=%d",c);
The sum=15
In this type of function, no arguments are passed through the main function. But
the called function returns the value.
The called function is independent. It reads values from the keyboard and returns
value to the function call.
Here both the called and calling functions partly communicate with each other.
Example program:
int add(); /* No parameter-list but only return type*/
void main()
int a,b,c;
printf("\nThe sum=%d",c);
int add()
int a,b,c;
The sum=15
In this type of function, arguments are passed through the calling function. The called
function operates on the values. But no result is sent back.
The functions are partly dependent on the calling function. The result obtained is
utilized by the called function.
Example program;
void add(int,int); /* parameter-list is given but no return type*/
void main()
int a,b;
The sum=15
In this type of function, data is transferred between calling and called function.
Both communicate with each other by passing parameters to the called function and
return values to the called function.
Example Program:
The sum=15
There are two ways by which arguments are passed in the function. They are:
1. Call by value.
2. Call by reference.
1. Call by value:
In this type, values of actual arguments are passed to the formal arguments and the operation
is done on the dummy arguments. Any change made in the formal arguments does not affect the
actual arguments because formal arguments are photocopies of actual arguments.
Example Program:
void swap(int,int);
void main()
int a,b;
printf("\nAfter swapping\n");
printf("Actual Arguments\n");
void swap(int a,int b)
int c;
printf("After swapping\n");
printf("Formal Arguments\n");
After swapping
Formal Arguments
After swapping
Actual Arguments
2. Call by Reference:
In this type, addresses are passed. Function operates on addresses rather than values. Here, the
formal arguments are pointers to the actual arguments. Here changes are made in the arguments
as permanent. So, ant change made to the formal arguments reflects actual arguments.
Example Program:
void swap(int*,int*);
void main()
int a,b;
printf("\nAfter swapping\n");
printf("Actual Arguments\n");
void swap(int *x,int *y)
int c;
After swapping
Actual Arguments
Storage Classes are used to describe the features of a variable/function. The features basically
include lifetime, visibility, memory location, and initial value of a variable. It helps us to trace
the existence of a particular variable during the runtime of a program.
1. auto
2. static
3. extern
4. register
Initial /
Storage Storage
S.No. default Scope Life
Specifier place
CPU Garbage
1 Auto local Within the function
Memory value
For faster access of a variable, it is better to go for register specifiers rather than auto
Because, register variables are stored in register memory whereas auto variables are stored in
main CPU memory.
Only few variables can be stored in register memory. So, we can use variables as register that
are used very often in a C program.
The scope of this auto variable is within the function only. It is equivalent to local variable. All
local variables are auto variables by default. Hence, the keyword auto is rarely used while
writing programs in C language. The memory assigned to automatic variables gets freed upon
exiting from the block.
void increment(void);
int main()
void increment(void)
auto int i = 0 ;
printf ( "%d \n", i ) ;
In static variables retain the value of the variable between different function calls. They are
initialized only once and exist till the termination of the program. Thus, no new memory is
allocated because they are not re-declared.
void increment(void);
int main()
void increment(void)
static int i = 0 ;
printf ( "%d \n", i ) ;
The scope of this extern variable is throughout the main program. It is equivalent to global
variable. Definition for extern variable might be anywhere in the C program. The main purpose
of using extern variables is that they can be accessed between two different files which are part
of a large program.
int x = 10 ;
int main( )
extern int y ;
printf ( "The value of x is %d \n", x ) ;
printf ( "The value of y is %d", y ) ;
int y = 50 ;
The value of x is 10
The value of y is 50
Register variables are also local variables, but stored in register memory. Whereas auto variables
are stored in main CPU memory. Register variables will be accessed very faster than the normal
variables since they are stored in register memory rather than main memory. But, only limited
variables only can be used as register since register size is very low. (16bits, 32 bits or 64 bits).
An important and interesting point to be noted here is that we cannot obtain the address of a
register variable using pointers.
int main()
register int i, arr[5]; // declaring array
arr[0] = 10; // Initializing array
arr[1] = 20;
arr[2] = 30;
arr[3] = 40;
arr[4] = 50;
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
// Accessing each variable
printf("value of arr[%d] is %d \n", i, arr[i]);
value of arr[0] is 10
value of arr[1] is 20
value of arr[2] is 30
value of arr[3] is 40
value of arr[4] is 50
The process in which a function calls itself directly or indirectly is called recursion and the
corresponding function is called as recursive function. Using recursive algorithm, certain
problems can be solved quite easily. Examples of such problems are Towers of Hanoi
/*function definition*/
int factorial(int n)
int result;
result = n * factorial(n-1); /* Recursive Call Factorial Call Itself*/
return result;
int j;
printf("Enter Number to find factorial");
The C preprocessor is a macro preprocessor (allows you to define macros) that transforms your
program before it is compiled. These transformations can be inclusion of header file, macro
expansions etc.
#define PI 3.1415
int main()
float radius, area;
printf("Enter the radius: ");
scanf("%d", &radius);
// Notice, the use of PI
area = PI*radius*radius;
return 0;
You can also define macros that works like a function call, known as function-like macros. For
#define circleArea(r) (3.1415*(r)*(r))
Every time the program encounters circleArea(argument), it is replaced by
Suppose, we passed 5 as an argument then, it expands as below:
circleArea(5) expands to (3.1415*5*5)
return 0;
Conditional Compilation
In C programming, you can instruct preprocessor whether to include certain chuck of code or
not. To do so, conditional directives can be used. It's similar like a if statement. The if statement
is tested during the execution time to check whether a block of code should be executed or not
whereas, the conditionals is used to include (or skip) certain chucks of code in your program
before execution.
Uses of Conditional
use different code depending on the machine, operating system
compile same source file in two different programs
to exclude certain code from the program but to keep it as reference for future purpose
#if expression
conditional codes if expression is non-zero
conditional if expression is 0
You can also add nested conditional to your #if...#else using #elif
#if expression
conditional codes if expression is non-zero
#elif expression1
conditional codes if expression is non-zero
#elif expression2
conditional codes if expression is non-zero
... .. ...
conditional if all expressions are 0
The special operator #defined is used to test whether certain macro is defined or not. It's often
used with #if directive.
#if defined BUFFER_SIZE && BUFFER_SIZE >= 2048
conditional codes
Predefined Macros
There are some predefined macros which are readily for use in C programming.
Predefined macro Value
__DATE__ String containing the current date
__FILE__ String containing the file name
__LINE__ Integer representing the current line number
For example: If you want to use printf() function, the header file <stdio.h> should be
There is at least one function in any C program, i.e., the main() function (which is also a library
function). This function is automatically called when your program starts.
4. The functions are portable : With ever changing real world needs, your application is
expected to work every time, everywhere. And, these library functions help you in that they do
the same thing on every computer. This saves time, effort and makes your program portable.
C Header Files
C <ctype.h> header
Header file <ctype.h> includes numerous standard library functions to handle characters
(especially test characters).
Function Description
Function Description
C <math.h> header
There are various standard library functions and a macro defined under <math.h> to perform
mathematical operations in C programming.
Function Description
Function Description
C <string.h> header
There are various standard library functions and a macro defined under <string.h> to manipulate
and perform operations on strings and array of characters in C programming.
Function Description
Function Description
Pointers and addresses, Pointers and Function Arguments, Pointers and Arrays, Address Arithmetic,
character Pointers and Functions, Pointer Arrays, Pointer to Pointer, Multi-dimensional arrays, Strings,
Initialisation of Pointer Arrays, Command line arguments, Pointers to functions, complicated declarations.
Basic Structures, Structures and Functions, Array of structures, Pointer of Structures, Self-referential
Structures, Table look up, typedef, Unions, Bit-fields, File Access -Error Handling, Line I/O,
Miscellaneous Functions.
A pointer is a variable that contains the address of a variable. Pointers are much used in C, partly, because
they are sometimes the only way to express a computation, and partly because they usually lead to more
compact and efficient code than can be obtained in other ways.
Let us begin with a simplified picture of how memory is organized. A typical machine has an array of
consecutively numbered or addressed memory cells that may be manipulated individually or in contiguous
One common situation is that any byte can be a char, a pair of one-byte cells can be treated as a short
integer, and four adjacent bytes form a long.
A pointer is a group of cells (often two or four) that can hold an address. So if c is a char and p is a pointer
that points to it, we could represent the situation this way:
p = &c;
assigns the address of c to the variable p, and p is said to "point to" c. The & operator only applies to
objects in memory: variables and array elements. It cannot be applied to expressions, constants, or register
The unary operator * is the indirection or dereferencing operator; when applied to a pointer, it accesses the
object the pointer points to. Suppose that x and yare integers and ip is a pointer to into this artificial
sequence shows how to declare a pointer and how to use & and *:
The declarations of x, y, and z are what we've seen all along. The declaration of the pointer ip,
int *ip;
is intended as a mnemonic; it says that the expression *ip is an into The syntax of the declaration for a
variable mimics the syntax of expressions in which the variable might appear. This reasoning applies to
function declarations as well. For example,
double *dp, atof(char *);
says that in an expression *dp and atof (s) have values of type double, and that the argument of atof is a
pointer to char.
You should also note the implication that a pointer is constrained to point to a particular kind of object:
every pointer points to a specific data type. (There is one exception: a "pointer to void" is used to hold any
type of pointer but cannot be dereferenced itself.
If ip points to the integer x, then *ip can occur in any context where x could, so
swap(a, b);
where the swap function is defined as
Because of call by value, swap can't affect the arguments a and b in the routine that called it. The function
above only swaps copies of a and b.
The way to obtain the desired effect is for the calling program to pass pointers to the values to be changed
swap(&a, &b);
Since the operator &produces the address of a variable, &a is a pointer to a. In swap itself, the parameters
are declared to be pointers, and the operands are accessed indirectly through them.
Pointer arguments enable a function to access and change objects in the function that called it. As an
example, consider a function getint that performs free-format input conversion by breaking a stream of
characters into integer values, one integer per call. getint has to return the value it found and also signal end
of file when there is no more input.
These values have to be passed back by separate paths, for no matter what value is used for EOF, that could
also be the value of an input integer.
One solution is to have getint return the end of file status as its function value, while using a pointer
argument to store the converted integer back in the calling function.
The following loop fills an array with integers by calls to getint:
int n, array[SIZE], getint(int *);
for (n = 0; n < SIZE && getint(&array[n]) 1= EOF; n++);
Each call sets array[n] to the next integer found in the input and increments n. Notice that it is essential to
pass the address of array[n] to getint.
Otherwise there is no way for getint to communicate the converted integer back to the caller.
Our version of getint returns EOF for end of file, zero if the next input is not a number, and a positive value
if the input contains a valid number.
Throughout getint, *pn is used as an ordinary int variable. so the one extra character that must be read can
be pushed back onto the input.
If p is a pointer to some element of an array, then p++ increments p to point to the next element, and p+=i
increments it to point i elements beyond where it currently does. These and similar constructions are the
simplest forms of pointer or address arithmetic.
C is consistent and regular in its approach to address arithmetic; its integration of pointers, arrays, and
address arithmetic is one of the strengths of the language.
Let us illustrate by writing a rudimentary storage allocator. There are two routines. The first, a110c (n ),
returns a pointer p to n .consecutive character positions, which can be used by the caller of a110c for
storing characters.
The second, afree (p), releases the storage thus acquired so it can be re-used later. The routines are
"rudimentary" because the calls to a free must be made in the opposite order to the calls made on a110c.
That is, the storage managed by alloc and a free is a stack, or last-in, first-out list.
The standard library provides analogous functions called malloc and free that have no such restrictions;
The easiest implementation is to have alloc hand out pieces of a large character array that we will call
allocbuf. This array is private to alloc and afree. Since they deal in pointers, not array indices, no other
routine need know the name of the array, which can be declared static in the source file containing alloc
and afree, and thus be invisible outside it.
In practical implementations, the array may well not even have a name; it might instead be obtained by
calling malloc or by asking the operating system for a pointer to some unnamed block of storage.
The other information needed is how much of allocbuf has been used. We use a pointer, called allocp that
points to the next free element. When alloc is asked for n characters, it checks to see if there is enough
room left in allocbuf. If so, alloc returns the current value of allocp (i.e., the beginning of the free block),
then increments it by n to point to the next free area. If there is no room, alloc returns zero. afree (p) merely
sets allocp to p if p is inside allocbuf.
In general a pointer can be initialized just as any other variable can, though normally the only meaningful
values are zero or an expression involving the addresses of previously defined data of appropriate type. The
static char *allocp = allocbuf;
defines allocp to be a character pointer and initializes it to point to the beginning of allocbuf, which is the
next free position when the program starts. This could have also been written
static char *allocp = &allocbuf[O];
since the array name is the address of the zeroth element. The test
if (allocbuf + ALLOCSIZE - allocp >= n)
checks if there's enough room to satisfy a request for n characters. If there is, the new value of al10cp
would be at most one beyond the end of al1ocbuf.
If the request can be satisfied, al10c returns a pointer to the beginning of a block of characters (notice the
declaration of the function itself). If not, alloc must return some signal that no space is left. C guarantees
that zero is never a valid address for data, so a return value of zero can be used to signal an abnormal event,
in this case, no space.
Pointers and integers are not interchangeable. Zero is the sole exception: the constant zero may be assigned
to a pointer, and a pointer may be compared with the constant zero. The symbolic constant NULL is often
used in place of zero, as a mnemonic to indicate more clearly that this is a special value for a pointer.
NULL is defined in <stdio. h>. We will use NULL henceforth.
Tests like
if (allocbuf + ALLOCSIZE - allocp >= n)
if (p >= allocbuf && p < allocbuf + ALLOCSIZE)
show several important facets of pointer arithmetic. First, pointers may be compared under certain
circumstances. If p and q point to members of the same array, then relations like ==, 1=, <, >=, etc., work
properly. For example,
is true if p points to an earlier member of the array than q does. Any pointer can be meaningfully compared
for equality or inequality with zero. But the behavior is undefined for arithmetic or comparisons with
pointers that do not point to members of the same array.
Second, we have already observed that a pointer and an integer may be added or subtracted. The
means the address of the n-th object beyond the one p currently points to. This is true regardless of the kind
of object p points to; n is scaled according to the size of the objects p points to, which is determined by the
declaration of p. If an int is four bytes, for example, the int will be scaled by four.
Pointer subtraction is also valid: if p and q point to elements of the same array, and p<q, then q-p+ 1 is the
number of elements from p to q inclusive. This fact can be used to write yet another version of strlen:
In its declaration, p is initialized to s, that is, to point to the first character of the string. In the while loop,
each character in turn is examined until the, '0' at the end is seen. Because p points to characters, p++
advances p to the next character each time and p- s gives the number of characters advanced over, that is,
the string length.
Pointer arithmetic is consistent: if we had been dealing with floats, which occupy more storage than chars,
and if p were a pointer to floa t, p++ would advance to the next float. Thus we could write another version
of alloc that maintains floats instead of chars, merely by changing char to float throughout alloc and afree.
All the pointer manipulations automatically take into account the size of the object pointed to.
The valid pointer operations are assignment of pointers of the same type, adding or subtracting a pointer
and an integer, subtracting or comparing two pointers to members of the same array, and assigning or
comparing to zero. All other pointer arithmetic is illegal. It is not legal to add two pointers, or to multiply
or divide or shift or mask them, or to add float or double to them, or even, except for void *, to assign a
pointer of one type to a pointer of another type without a cast.
A string constant, written as
"I am a string"
is an array of characters. In the internal representation, the array is terminated with the null character '\0' so
that programs can find the end. The length in storage is thus one more than the number of characters
between the double quotes.
Perhaps the most common occurrence of string constants is as arguments to functions, as in
printf( "hello, world\n");
When a character string like this appears in a program, access to it is through a character pointer; printf
receives a pointer to the beginning of the character array. That is, a string constant is accessed by a pointer
to its first element.
String constants need not be function arguments. If pmessaqe is declared as
char *pmessage;
then the statement
pmessage = "now is the time";
assigns to pmessaqe a pointer to the character array. This is not a string copy; only pointers are involved. C
does not provide any operators for processing an entire string of characters as a unit.
There is an important difference between these definitions
char amessage[] = "now is the time"; //an array
char *pmessage = "now is the time"; //a pointer
amessaqe is an array, just big enough to hold the sequence of characters and ,\0' that initializes it.
Individual characters within the array may be changed but amessaqe will always refer to the same storage.
On the other hand, pmessaqe is a pointer, initialized to point to a string constant; the pointer may
subsequently be modified to point elsewhere, but the result is undefined if you try to modify the string
The first function is strcpy (s , t ), which copies the string t to the string s. It would be nice just to say s=t
but this copies the pointer, not the characters. To copy the characters, we need a loop. The array version is
Because arguments are passed by value, strcpy can use the parameters s and t in any way it pleases. Here
they are conveniently initialized pointers, which are marched along the arrays a character at a time, until
the ' \0' that terminates t has been copied to s.
In practice, strcpy would not be written as we showed it above. Experienced C programmers would prefer
This moves the increment of sand t into the test part of the loop. The value of *t++ is the character that t
pointed to before t was incremented; the postfix ++ doesn't change t until after this character has been
fetched. In the same way, the character is stored into the old s position before s is incremented. This
character is also the value that is compared against ' \0' to control the loop. The net effect is that characters
are copied from t to s, up to and including the terminating' \0'.
As the final abbreviation, observe that a comparison against ' \0' is redundant, since the question is merely
whether the expression is zero. So the function would likely be written as
Although this may seem cryptic at first sight, the notational conveniences considerable, and the idiom
should be mastered, because you will see it frequently in C programs.
The strcpy in the standard library «string. h» returns the target string as its function value. The second
routine that we will examine is strcmp(s,t), which compares the character strings sand t, and returns
negative, zero or positive if s is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than t. The value is obtained
by subtracting the characters at the first position where s and t disagree
The header <string. h> contains declarations for the functions mentioned in this section, plus a variety of
other string-handling functions from the standard library.
Since pointers are variables themselves, they can be stored in arrays just as other variables can. Let us
illustrate by writing a program that will sort a set of text lines into alphabetic order, a stripped-down
version of the UNIX program sort.
This is where the array of pointers enters. If the lines to be sorted are stored end-to-end in one long
character array, then each line can be accessed by a pointer to its first character. The pointers themselves
can be stored in an array.
As usual, it's best to divide the program into functions that match this natural division, with the main
routine controlling the other functions. Let us defer the sorting step for a moment, and concentrate on the
data structure and the input and output.
The input routine has to collect and save the characters of each line, and build an array of pointers to the
lines. It will also have to count the number of input lines, since that information is needed for sorting and
printing. Since the input function can only cope with a finite number of input lines, it can return some
illegal line count like -1 if too much input is presented. .
The output routine only has to print the line in the order in which they appear in the array of pointers.
Initially *lineptr points to the first line; each increment advances it to the next line pointer while nlines is
counted down. With input and output under control, we can proceed to sorting.
C provides rectangular multi-dimensional arrays, although in practice they are much less used than arrays
of pointers. In this section, we will show some of their properties
Consider the problem of date conversion, from day of the month to day of the year and vice versa. For
example, March 1 is the 60th day of a non-leap year, and the 61st day of a leap year. Let us define two
functions to do the conversions: day_of _year_ converts the month and day into the day of the year, and
month_day converts the day of the year into the month and day.
Since this latter function computes two values, the month and day arguments will be pointers:
month_day(1988, 60, &m, &d)
sets m to 2 and d to 29 (February 29th).
These functions both need the same information, a table of the number of days in each month ("thirty days
hath September ..."). Since the number of days per month differs for leap years and non-leap years, it's
easier to separate them into two rows of a two-dimensional array than to keep track of what happens to
February during computation. The array and the functions for performing the transformations are as
Recall that the arithmetic value of a logical expression, such as the one for leap, is either zero (false) or one
(true), so it can be used as a subscript of the array day tab.
The array day tab has to be external to both day _of_year and month_day, so they can both use it. We made
it char to illustrate a legitimate use of char for storing small non-character integers.
day tab is the first two-dimensional array we have dealt with. In C, a two-dimensional array is really a one-
dimensional array, each of whose elements is an array. Hence subscripts are written as
day tab[i][j]
rather than
day tab[i,j]
Other than this notational distinction, a two-dimensional array can be treated in much the same way as in
other languages. Elements are stored by rows, so the rightmost subscript, or column, varies fastest as
elements are accessed in storage order.
An array is initialized by a list of initializers in braces; each row of a two dimensional array is initialized by
a corresponding sub-list. We started the array day tab with a column of zero so that month numbers can run
from the natural 1 to 12 instead of 0 to 11. Since space is not at a premium here, this is clearer than
adjusting the indices.
If a two-dimensional array is to be passed to a function, the parameter declaration in the function must
include the number of columns; the number of rows is irrelevant, since what is passed is, as before, a
pointer to an array of rows, where each row is an array of 13 ints. In this particular case, it is a pointer to
objects that are arrays of 13 ints. Thus if the array day tab is to be passed to a function f, the declaration of f
would be
The declaration of name, which is an array of character pointers, is the same as 1ineptr in the sorting
example. The initializer is a list of character strings; each is assigned to the corresponding position in the
array. The characters of the i-th string are placed somewhere, and a pointer to them is stored in name [ i ].
Since the size of the array name is not specified, the compiler counts the initializers and fills in the correct
In environments that support C, there is a way to pass command-line arguments or parameters to a program
when it begins executing. When main is called, it is called with two arguments. The first (conventionally
called argc, for argument count) is the number of command-line arguments the program was invoked with;
the second (argv, for argument vector) is a pointer to an array of character strings that contain the
arguments, one per string.
We customarily use multiple levels of pointers to manipulate these character strings. The simplest
illustration is the program echo, which echoes its command line arguments on a single line, separated by
blanks. That is, the command
Since argv is a pointer to an array of pointers, we can manipulate the pointer rather than index the array.
This next variation is based on incrementing argv, which is a pointer to pointer to char, while argc is
counted down. Since argv is a pointer to the beginning of the array of argument strings, incrementing it by
1 (++argv) makes it point at the original argv [ 1] instead of argv [ 0 ]. Each successive increment moves it
along to the next argument; *argv is then the pointer to that argument.
At the same time, argc is decremented; when it becomes zero, there are no arguments left to print.
Alternatively, we could write the printf statement as
printf ((argc > 1) ? ""s " : ""s", *++arqv);
This shows that the format argument of printf can be an expression too. As a second example, let us make
some enhancements to the pattern-finding program from Section 4.1. If you recall, we wired the search
pattern deep into the program, an obviously unsatisfactory arrangement. Following the lead of the UNIX
program grep, let us change the program so the pattern to be matched is specified by the first argument on
the command line.
In C, a function itself is not a variable, but it is possible to define pointers to functions, which can be
assigned, placed in arrays, passed to functions, returned by functions, and so on. We will illustrate this by
modifying the sorting procedure written earlier in this chapter so that if the optional argument -n is given; it
will sort the input lines numerically instead of lexicographically.
A sort often consists of three parts-a comparison that determines the ordering of any pair of objects, an
exchange that reverses their order, and a sorting algorithm that makes comparisons and exchanges until the
objects are in order. The sorting algorithm is independent of the comparison and exchange operations, so
by passing different comparison and exchange functions to it, we can arrange to sort by different criteria.
This is the approach taken in our new sort.
Lexicographic comparison of two lines is done by strcmp, as before; we will also need a routine numcmp
that compares two lines on the basis of numeric value and returns the same kind of condition indication as
strcmp does. These functions are declared ahead of main and a pointer to the appropriate one is passed to
qsort. We have skimped on error processing for arguments, so as to concentrate on the main issues.
In the call to qsort, strcmp and numcmp are addresses of functions. Since they are known to be functions,
the & operator is not necessary, in the same way that it is not needed before an array name.
We have written qsort so it can process any data type, not just character strings. As indicated by the
function prototype, qsort expects an array of pointers, two integers, and a function with two pointer
arguments. The generic pointer type void * is used for the pointer arguments. Any pointer can be cast to
void * and back again without loss of information, so we can call qsort by casting arguments to void *. The
elaborate cast of the function argument casts the arguments of the comparison function. These will
generally have no effect on actual representation, but assure the compiler that all is well.
comp is a function returning a pointer to an int, which is very different. We have already shown strcmp,
which compares two strings. Here is numcmp, which compares two strings on a leading numeric value,
computed by calling atof:
The swap function, which exchanges two pointers, is identical to what we presented earlier in the chapter,
except that the declarations are changed to void *.
C is sometimes castigated for the syntax of its declarations, particularly ones that involve pointers to
functions. The syntax is an attempt to make the declaration and the use agree; it works well for simple
cases, but it can be confusing for the harder ones, because declarations cannot be read left to right, and
because parentheses are over-used. The difference between
int *f();
int (*pf)();
illustrates the problem: * is a prefix operator and it has lower precedence than ( ), so parentheses are
necessary to force the proper association.
Although truly complicated declarations rarely arise in practice, it is important to know how to understand
them, and, if necessary, how to create them. One good way to synthesize declarations is in small steps with
As an alternative, in this section we will present a pair of programs that convert from valid C to a word
description and back again. The word description reads left to right. The first, del, is the more complex. It
converts a C declaration into a word description, as in these examples:
Structure Definition
Rules for declaring a structure
Array Vs Structure:
Accessing structure elements
Structure Initialization
The structure can be declared with the keyword struct following the name and opening brace with data
elements of different type then closing brace with semicolon.
--------- -----
struct book
char title[20];
char author[15];
int pages;
float price;
Struct book b1,b2,b3;
The tag name such as book _ bank can be used to declare structure variables of its type, later in the
An array is a collection of related datatypes Structure can have elements of different types
An array is derived data type Structure is a user-defined datatype
Any array behaves like a built-in data type It must be declared and defined
An array can be increased or decreased A structure element can be added if necessary.
After declaring the structure type, variables and members, the member of the structure can be accessed by
using the structure variable along with the dot(.) operator.
struct std
int no;
char name[10];
int marks;
struct std s;
for accessing the structure members from the above example.;; s.marks;
where s is the structure variable
Like any other data type, a structure variable can be initialized at compile time.
int weight;
float height;
student ={60, 180.75};
This assigns the value 60 to student. weight and 180.75 to student. height. There is a one-to-one
correspondence between the members and their initializing values.
struct st _ record
int weight;
float height;
struct st_record student1 ={60, 180.75};
struct st_record student2 ={53, 170.60};
C language does not permit the initialization of individual structure member within the template. The
initialization must be done only in the declaration of the actual variables.
struct student
int rno;
char name[20];
int m1;
int m2;
int m3;
int total;
float avg;
struct std s;
void main()
printf("Enter the roll no,name,mark1,mark2,mark3”);
scanf("%d%s%d%d%d",&s.rno,&,&s.m1,&s.m2,s.m3); total=s.m1+s.m2+s.m3;
Enter the roll no,name,mark1,mark2,mark3
1 raja 99 95 97
1 raja 291.00 97.00
Union is user defined data type used to stored data under unique variable name at single memory location.
Union is similar to that of structure. Syntax of union is similar to structure. But the major
union union_name
<data-type> element 1;
<data-type> element 2;
<data-type> element 3;
union techno
int comp_id;
char nm;
float sal;
In above example, it declares tch variable of type union. The union contains three members as data type of
int, char, float. We can use only one of them at a time.
Memory allocation:
Program :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
union techno
int a;
char b[2];
void main()
union name c;
printf("\n\t c.a value is :%d\n ",c.a);
printf("\n\t c.b[0] value is :%d\n ",c.b[0]);
printf("\n\t c.b[1] value is :%d\n ",c.b[1]);
Output :
c.a value is :99
c.b[0] value is :0
c.b[1] value is :1
When database of any element is used in huge amount, we prefer Array of structures.
Example: suppose we want to maintain data base of 200 students, Array of structures is used.
struct student
char name[30]; char branch[25]; int roll;
void main()
struct student s[200]; int i;
printf("\nEnter information of students:"); for(i=0;i<200;i++)
printf("\nEnter the roll no:%d\n",s[i].roll); printf("\nEnter the name:"); scanf("%s",s[i].name);
printf("\nEnter the branch:"); scanf("%s",s[i].branch); printf("\n");
printf("\nDisplaying information of students:\n\n"); for(i=0;i<200;i++)
printf("\n\nInformation for roll no%d:\n",i+1);
puts(s[i].name); printf("\nBranch:"); puts(s[i].branch);
In Array of structures each element of array is of structure type as in above example
The pointer is a variable which points to the address of another variable of any data type
like int, char, float etc. Similarly, we can have a pointer to structures, where a pointer variable can point to
the address of a structure variable. Here is how we can declare a pointer to a structure variable.
struct dog
char name[10];
char breed[10];
int age;
char color[10];
struct dog spike;
// declaring a pointer to a structure of type struct dog
struct dog *ptr_dog
This declares a pointer ptr_dog that can store the address of the variable of type struct dog. We can now
assign the address of variable spike to ptr_dog using & operator.
ptr_dog = &spike;
Now ptr_dog points to the structure variable spike.
Accessing members using Pointer
There are two ways of accessing members of structure using pointer:
Using indirection (*) operator and dot (.) operator.
Using arrow (->) operator or membership operator.
At this point ptr_dog points to the structure variable spike, so by dereferencing it we will get the contents
of the spike. This means spike and *ptr_dog are functionally equivalent. To access a member of structure
write *ptr_dog followed by a dot(.) operator, followed by the name of the member. For example:
(*ptr_dog).name – refers to the name of dog
(*ptr_dog).breed – refers to the breed of dog
Parentheses around *ptr_dog are necessary because the precedence of dot(.) operator is greater than that of
indirection (*) operator.
Here we don‟t need parentheses, asterisk (*) and dot (.) operator. This method is much more readable and
We can also modify the value of members using pointer notation.
strcpy(ptr_dog->name, "new_name");
Here we know that the name of the array (ptr_dog->name) is a constant pointer and points to the 0th
element of the array. So we can‟t assign a new string to it using assignment operator (=), that‟s
why strcpy() function is used.
In the above expression precedence of arrow operator (->) is greater than that of prefix decrement operator
(--), so first -> operator is applied in the expression then its value is decremented by 1.
The following program demonstrates how we can use a pointer to structure.
struct dog
char name[10];
char breed[10];
int age;
char color[10];
int main()
struct dog my_dog = {"tyke", "Bulldog", 5, "white"};
struct dog *ptr_dog;
ptr_dog = &my_dog;
After changes
int main()
struct node ob;
return 0;
„link‟ is a pointer to a structure of type „node‟. Hence, the structure „node‟ is a self-referential structure
with „link‟ as the referencing pointer.
An important point to consider is that the pointer should be initialized properly before accessing, as by
default it contains garbage value.
The C programming language provides a keyword called typedef, which you can use to give a type a new
name. Following is an example to define a term BYTE for one-byte numbers −
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
After this type definition, the identifier BYTE can be used as an abbreviation for the type unsigned char,
for example..
BYTE b1, b2;
By convention, uppercase letters are used for these definitions to remind the user that the type name is
really a symbolic abbreviation, but you can use lowercase, as follows −
typedef unsigned char byte;
You can use typedef to give a name to your user defined data types as well. For example, you can use
typedef with structure to define a new data type and then use that data type to define structure variables
directly as follows –
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct Books {
char title[50];
char author[50];
char subject[100];
int book_id;
} Book;
int main( ) {
Book book;
return 0;
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
typedef vs #define
#define is a C-directive which is also used to define the aliases for various data types similar to typedef but
with the following differences −
typedef is limited to giving symbolic names to types only where as #define can be used to define alias for
values as well, q., you can define 1 as ONE etc.
typedef interpretation is performed by the compiler whereas #define statements are processed by the pre-
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
int main( ) {
printf( "Value of TRUE : %d\n", TRUE);
printf( "Value of FALSE : %d\n", FALSE);
return 0;
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Value of TRUE : 1
Value of FALSE : 0
Table-lookup package, to illustrate more aspects of structures. This code is typical of what might be found
in the symbol table management routines of a macro processor or a compiler. For example, consider
the #define statement. When a line like
#define IN 1
is encountered, the name IN and the replacement text 1 are stored in a table. Later, when the
name IN appears in a statement like
state = IN;
it must be replaced by 1.
There are two routines that manipulate the names and replacement texts. install(s,t) records the name sand
the replacement text t in a table; s and t are just character strings. lookup(s) searches for s in the table, and
returns a pointer to the place where it was found, or NULL if it wasn't there.
The algorithm is a hash-search - the incoming name is converted into a small non-negative integer, which
is then used to index into an array of pointers. An array element points to the beginning of a linked list of
blocks describing names that have that hash value. It is NULL if no names have hashed to that value.
A block in the list is a structure containing pointers to the name, the replacement text, and the next block in
the list. A null next-pointer marks the end of the list.
struct nlist { /* table entry: */
struct nlist *next; /* next entry in chain */
char *name; /* defined name */
In C, we can specify size (in bits) of structure and union members. The idea is to use memory efficiently
when we know that the value of a field or group of fields will never exceed a limit or is withing a small
For example, consider the following declaration of date without use of bit fields.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Size of date is %d bytes\n", sizeof(struct date));
struct date dt = {31, 12, 2014};
printf("Date is %d/%d/%d", dt.d, dt.m, dt.y);
Size of date is 12 bytes
Date is 31/12/2014
The above representation of „date‟ takes 12 bytes on a compiler where an unsigned int takes 4 bytes. Since
we know that the value of d is always from 1 to 31, value of m is from 1 to 12, we can optimize the space
using bit fields.
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int y;
int main()
printf("Size of date is %d bytes\n", sizeof(struct date));
int main()
printf("Size of test1 is %d bytes\n", sizeof(struct test1));
printf("Size of test2 is %d bytes\n", sizeof(struct test2));
return 0;
Size of test1 is 4 bytes
Size of test2 is 8 bytes
2) We cannot have pointers to bit field members as they may not start at a byte boundary.
#include <stdio.h>
struct test
unsigned int x: 5;
unsigned int y: 5;
unsigned int z;
int main()
struct test t;
4) In C, we can have static members in a structure/class, but bit fields cannot be static.
// The below C program compiles and runs fine
struct test1 {
static unsigned int x;
int main() { }
// cannot be static
struct test1 {
static unsigned int x: 5;
int main() { }
// error: static member 'x' cannot be a bit-field
5) Array of bit fields is not allowed. For example, the below program fails in compilation.
struct test
unsigned int x[10]: 5;
int main()
error: bit-field 'x' has invalid type
File Access
File-pointer: The file pointer is a pointer variable which can be store the address of a special file that
means it is based upon the file pointer a file gets opened.
Declaration of a file pointer:-
FILE* var;
Modes of open
The file can be open in three different ways as
Read mode ‟ r‟/rt Write mode ‟w‟/wt Appened Mode ‟a‟/at
fclose() function close a file. fclose(file-ptr);
fcloseall () is used to close all the opened file at a time
File Operation
The following file operation carried out the file (1)creation of a new file
(3)writing a file (4)closing a file
Before performing any type of operation we must have to open the file.c, language communicate with file
using a new type called file pointer.
Reading and writing a characters from/to a file fgetc() is used for reading a character from the file
character variable= fgetc(file pointer);
fputc() is used to writing a character to a file
Reading and writing a string from/to a file getw() is used for reading a string from the file
gets(file pointer);
void main()
FILE *fp;
/*place the word in a file*/ fp=fopen(“dgt.txt”,”wb”); If(fp==NULL)
printf(“Error opening file”); exit(1);
word=94; putw(word,fp); If(ferror(fp))
printf(“Error writing to file\n”); else
printf(“Successful write\n”); fclose(fp);
/*reopen the file*/ fp=fopen(“dgt.txt”,”rb”); If(fp==NULL)
printf(“Error opening file”); exit(1);
/*extract the word*/ word=getw(fp);
/*clean up*/
Reading and writing a string from/to a file fgets() is used for reading a string from the file Syntax:
fgets(string, length, file pointer);
fputs() is used to writing a character to a file
void main(void)
char string[]=”This is a test”; char msg[20];
/*open a file for update*/ stream=fopen(“DUMMY.FIL”,”w+”);
C programming does not provide direct support for error handling but being a system programming
language, it provides you access at lower level in the form of return values. Most of the C or even Unix
function calls return -1 or NULL in case of any error and set an error code errno. It is set as a global
variable and indicates an error occurred during any function call. You can find various error codes defined
in <error.h> header file.
So a C programmer can check the returned values and can take appropriate action depending on the return
value. It is a good practice, to set errno to 0 at the time of initializing a program. A value of 0 indicates that
there is no error in the program.
errno, perror(). and strerror()
The C programming language provides perror() and strerror() functions which can be used to display the
text message associated with errno.
The perror() function displays the string you pass to it, followed by a colon, a space, and then the textual
representation of the current errno value.
The strerror() function, which returns a pointer to the textual representation of the current errno value.
Let's try to simulate an error condition and try to open a file which does not exist. Here I'm using both the
functions to show the usage, but you can use one or more ways of printing your errors. Second important
point to note is that you should use stderr file stream to output all the errors.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
extern int errno ;
int main () {
FILE * pf;
int errnum;
pf = fopen ("unexist.txt", "rb");
if (pf == NULL)
errnum = errno;
fprintf(stderr, "Value of errno: %d\n", errno);
perror("Error printed by perror");
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file: %s\n", strerror( errnum ));
fclose (pf);
return 0;
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Value of errno: 2
Error printed by perror: No such file or directory
Error opening file: No such file or directory
The code below fixes this by checking if the divisor is zero before dividing −
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
main() {
int dividend = 20;
int divisor = 0;
int quotient;
if( divisor == 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Division by zero! Exiting...\n");
quotient = dividend / divisor;
fprintf(stderr, "Value of quotient : %d\n", quotient );
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Division by zero! Exiting...
while (c = *s++)
putc(c, iop);
return ferror(iop) ? EOF : 0;
For no obvious reason, the standard specifies different return values for ferror and fputs.
It is easy to implement our getline from fgets:
/* getline: read a line, return length */
int getline(char *line, int max)
if (fgets(line, max, stdin) == NULL)
return 0;
return strlen(line);
Descriptions and example programs for C environment functions such as getenv(), setenv(), putenv() and
other functions perror(), random() and delay() are given below
Miscellaneous functions Description
5 printf("Directory = %s\n", getenv("DIR"));
6 return 0;
printf("Directory name after modifying = " \
"%s\n", getenv("DIR"));
return 0;
Directory name before modifying = /usr/bin/example/
Directory name after modifying = /usr/home/