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Study Plan

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Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.

com - HP11616728704633
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Wh is the Bible?

The Bible is the Word of God revealed and recorded in a collec on of books
wri en over centuries. It is a collec on of 66 books, divided into the Old and
New Testaments. The Old Testament consists of 39 books, which were wri en
in Hebrew and Aramaic and range from Genesis to Malachi. The New
Testament consists of 27 books, wri en in Greek and Aramaic and runs from
Ma hew to Revela on.

The human nature of the Bible means that it was wri en by men. Its divine
nature means that although it was wri en by men, it was inspired by God
Himself. Thus, it is the divine Word of God in every sense.

The word "Bible" originated from Greek, referring to books. In ancient mes,
papyrus (the plant from which the fibers were extracted) came to be used for
wri ng, in place of stone. On the sheets created from papyrus, texts were
wri en and stored in the form of rolls or parchments. Each papyrus book, in
Greek, was translated as "biblos", and the plural of "biblos" was "bible". From
this originated the Bible, as the set of sacred books. Before the term "Bible"
was widely used, this collec on of books was more o en called "The Holy
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

How was the Bible wrten?

The Bible was wri en over the course of more or less 1,600 years (from 1500
BC to mid-100 AD) in different languages, by approximately 40 authors, at
different mes, with varying literary styles and genres.

Despite all this diversity, all the books tes fy in their unity about the Savior of
mankind, the Lord Jesus Christ. From Genesis to Revela on, the Bible points
to God in the person of Christ.

We can understand the Bible as a great narra ve that has a central plot and
other secondary stories that serve as images or figures to point to the main
core: The great story of God and his love for mankind.

The Bible has a central theme, to which everything converges and which
consists of one person: Jesus Christ. From Genesis to Revela on all the books
point to God, in the person of Jesus Christ, the author of the Salva on of men
(Luke 24:27, 44-45; Acts 10:43).

Characters and stories served as shadows or illustra ve figures of the love of

God, the life and work of the Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit helps the believer
understand the Word of God by guiding them to the Truth (John 16:13).
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Bible formion
The Bible is originally made up of 66 books accepted as being inspired by God.
These 66 books correspond to the 39 books of the Old Testament, and the 27
books of the New Testament.

The Bible is the Word of God revealed to mankind:

You have been regenerated, not of a perishable seed, but imperishable,

through the living and enduring word of God.

(1 Peter 1:23)

The books of the Old Testament are the sacred books of the Jews wri en in
Hebrew. Only a few small passages were wri en in Aramaic. The books of the
New Testament, on the other hand, were those wri en in Greek already in
the Chris an era, a er the ministry of Christ. In addi on, we can enjoy all the
richness of figures, stories, poetry, illustra ons, parables, and a vast amount
of historical characters that inspire faith, understanding, and the teaching of
God's righteousness through the sacred le ers. The Catholic and Orthodox
Bibles have a different amount of books than the Protestant Bible. This is
because these tradi ons began to consider and include in the Old Testament
some books and texts that were included in the Septuagint. However, these
books do not appear in the original Hebrew Old Testament canon. Like the
Jews, the Reformed Church did not consider them to be inspired.

However, the Catholic and Orthodox Bibles also have the 66 books that make
up the Protestant Bible. As for the transla on of these Bibles, there is no really
significant difference.

Although the Bible is the most read and sold book in the world, many read
and quote it without even understanding its central message. To understand
the content of the Bible, one must examine it carefully. Furthermore, one
must keep in mind that its en re message points to the person of Jesus Christ.
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Division and Organizion

The Old Testament tells the story of the period before Christ. The New
Testament records events from the birth of Jesus onward. The books of the
Old and New Testaments are also classified by their characteris cs and
subject ma er. Besides respec ng a "book by book" narra ve, the Bible was
grouped by literary styles, as follows: the Pentateuch, the Historical Books,
the Poe cal Books, the Major Prophets, the Minor Prophets, the Gospels, the
History of the Early Church, the Epistles - or Le ers - and Revela on or

See the organiza on of the Bible in the table below:

The Bible - 66 Books

Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

• Pentateuch: From the Greek pentateuchos, meaning 'book of five

volumes' - is composed of the first 5 books of the Bible. These are part of
the Torah, the Book of Law for the Jews. They are all arranged in
chronological order. They are: Genesis, Exodus, Levi cus, Numbers and

• Historical Books: This set consists of 12 books that tell the history of the
people of Israel from the conquest of the Promised Land un l the
Babylonian exile. The 12 books are also in chronological order: Joshua,
Judges, Ruth, I and II Samuel, I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles, Ezra,
Nehemiah and Esther.

• Poe cal Books: these are the books containing poetry and a collec on of
various wisdom counsels (from Job to Song of Songs).

• Books of Prophecy: record the messages given by God about the future of
His people. Their writers were men He chose as His spokesmen on earth
(Isaiah to Malachi).

• Gospels: already in the New Testament, these books tell the biography and
ministry of Jesus (from Ma hew to John).

• New Testament Historical Book: Only one book belongs to this category:
Acts of the Apostles. This book records the early years of the Chris an
Church. It details how the Gospel was spread rapidly throughout the East.

• Epistles: these are le ers wri en by Church leaders. These men were
raised up by God to teach the Lord's Church. These le ers contain the
fundamental doctrines of the Chris an faith (from the Epistle of Romans to
the Epistle of Jude).
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Who wre ?
Everything recorded in the Bible was inspired by the Spirit of God. This means
that there is not a more inspired part and a less inspired part. Even though the
Bible contains several authors, the source of all of them was the Holy Spirit.
Thus, God Himself is the primary Author of the Holy Scriptures. "First of all,
know that no prophecy of Scripture comes from personal interpreta on, for
prophecy never originated from human will, but men spoke from God,
prompted by the Holy Spirit." (2 Peter 1:20-22).

According to scholars, about 40 people wrote the biblical books in an

approximate period of 1600 years between the first and the last writer - from
Moses to John the Evangelist. Despite so many books wri en and few
connec ons between its writers, the Bible proves to be inerrant and infallible.
The Bible is unitary, harmonious and coherent. It explains itself, proof of how
perfect and powerful are the words recorded there. Only the power of God is
able to accomplish such a perfect and inexhaus ble work.

In the Bible we can find the answer to the great ques ons raised by man
throughout his existence.

The books of the Bible were put together in a very organic way and occurred
in two moments, one for the compila on of the Old and another for the New.
As the Old Testament was being wri en, the Wri ngs were being compiled
and understood as the Word of God. This happened from the first wri ngs of
Moses, to the last ones with Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. The historian
Josephus and the Jewish teachers understood it this way, that un l these last
prophets God was speaking, but a er them God ceased.

As for the compila on of the New Testament, the wri ngs of theologians of
the first centuries list the books accepted as canonical. Some lists differ,
containing one more or one less, but two lists stand out because they contain
exactly the books as we have them today, they are the documents:
Athanasius' Thirty-Ninth Easter Le er, represen ng the eastern part of the
church; and the Council of Carthage, represen ng the churches of the west.
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Bible Reading
Chronological Order
Old Testament


Levi cus Numbers Deuteronomy

1 Samuel Psalms
2 Samuel 1 Chronicles
1 Kings 2 Chronicles Proverbs Ecclesiastes Songs

2 Kings Joel Jonas

Isaiah Oséias Micah Amos
Jeremiah Zephaniah Habakkuk
Lamenta ons Obadiah
Daniel Ezequiel

Ageu Zacarias
Nehemiah Malaquias
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Bible Reading
Ideal Schedule

Old Testament
• Genesis and Job . • 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles.

• Exodus, Levi cus . • 1 and 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Psalms,

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of
Songs, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Hosea,
• Numbers and Deuteronomy. Micah, Isaiah, Nahum, Zephaniah,
Lamenta ons, Jeremiah,
Habakkuk, Ezekiel, Obadiah,
• Joshua, Judges and Ruth. H a g g a i , Z e c h a r i a h , E s t h e r,
Malachi, Daniel, Ezra and
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Bible Reading
Chronological Order
New Testament
Ma hew Lucas
Marcos John

Acts of the

Gala ans 1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Ephesians Philippians Colossians Philemon Hebrews 1 Peter
1 Timothy Tito
2 Timothy Judas 2 Peter
1 John 2 john 3 john

To understand the tables: the books are arranged from the oldest stories at
the top to the most recent ones at the bo om. Side by side books describe
events that happened at the same me or tell repeated stories. The books of
prophecies and poems are organized by when the prophets or poets lived,
and the New Testament le ers are organized by when they were probably
wri en.
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Bible Reading
Ideal Schedule

New Testament
• Ma hew, Mark, Luke, and • Romans, Ephesians,
John. Philippians, Titus, Colossians
and Philemon.

• Acts of the Apostles, James,

Gala ans. • 1 and 2 Timothy, 1 and 2 Peter,
Jude and Hebrews.

• 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1
and 2 Corinthians. • 3 John, 1 and 2 John and
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Tempo de Leura

Old Testament
Book Chapters Reading 2 Chronicles Oséias

Genesis Ezra Joel

Exodus Nehemiah Amos

Levi cus Esther Obadiah

Numbers Job Jonas

Deuteronomy Psalms Micah
Joshua Proverbs Naum
Judges Ecclesiastes Habakkuk
Ruth Songs Zephaniah
1 Samuel Isaiah Ageu

2 Samuel Jeremiah Zacarias

1 Kings Lamenta ons Malaquias
2 Kings Ezequiel

1 Chronicles Daniel

New Testament
Book Chapters Reading Philippians 2 Peter

Ma hew Colossians 1 John

Marcos 1 Thessalonians 2 John

Lucas 2 Thessalonians 3 John

John 1 Timothy Judas

Acts 2 Timothy Apocalypse

Romans Tito

1 Corinthians Philemon

2 Corinthians Hebrews

Gala ans Tiago

Ephesians 1 Peter
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Reading Plan
There are numerous types of Bible reading plans available today. But before
you decide where to start, remember that the most important thing is to
dedicate yourself to knowing and pursuing the knowledge of God and His
Word (Hosea 6:3). There is no specific rule on how to read the Bible, because
each reader has his or her own par cularity. But it is common for people to
seek some help in order to improve their Bible reading. In this sense, some
basic rules can be very helpful in this task. Besides, many people don't know
exactly where to start reading the Holy Bible. So in this text we have prepared
a series of special ps on how to read the Bible.

Some people prefer to read the Bible simply by the sequen al order in which
the books are arranged. Here it is important to know that the Bible books are
not in chronological order. In fact, the exact chronology of the events
described in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, is quite complex. It is
also worth knowing that, because it is a collec on of 66 books, there are
different literary genres. In the Bible you find historical books, books of
prophecies, poe c books, Gospels and le ers.

If you have never read the Bible, or are s ll ge ng acquainted with the
biblical texts and stories, start by reading one of the four Gospels - Ma hew,
Mark, Luke or John. Through this reading you will learn the story of the life
and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. He occupies a central place throughout the
Bible and is the key to understanding what God wants to communicate to

The Bible was originally wri en in languages very different from Portuguese.
Over the years, it has been translated into different languages and today the
word of God can be read in more than 2,400 languages. In the case of
Portuguese, the transla on of the Bible occurred in the 17th century by John
Ferreira de Almeida.

The choice of which version of the Bible you use will affect the quality of your
study, because each person has a different level of understanding.
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Read and eer

A er you have seen directly where you should start your reading, reading it
in the most correct way, the big ques on now is to read and understand
what is being said.

There is no point in reading the Bible and not being able to understand
what the passage wants to bring, whether it is a reflec on or a discovery.

First of all, for those who have never had any contact with the book, it can
certainly be a challenge, mainly due to the sequence and even the form of
the passage.

• However, do not despair, since yes it is possible to read everything that is

being said, and manage to have your reflec on and discoveries.

• Before you start, prepare your spirituality, preparing your body and
mind, in order to concentrate on reading.

• Then, find a quiet place, preferably one that is isolated and without
outside noises or interrup ons. Set aside a day, me and place to do your

• Then, start with the Gospels, because they are where the biographies
about Jesus are presented from different perspec ves, which will help
you understand who the main character of the Bible is.

• Alternate between large and small texts, in order to make the reading
much less ring.

• A er you finish reading your daily por on, take 10-15 minutes to read
your notes, in order to highlight and reflect on that passage you read.

• Finally, at the end of every study week, try to talk to someone,

exchanging experiences and doubts about the readings of that week.
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Pray before reading the Bible

While the Bible is a human book, it is also a divine book. This means that the
Bible was wri en by men, but these men were used by God to write it. The
Holy Spirit revealed the Word of God to the biblical writers, and inspired them
to record what God was impar ng to them. Now, it is up to us, privileged
readers of the Holy Scriptures, to pray to the Lord asking the Holy Spirit to
enlighten our understanding.

The vast majority of people cannot concentrate sa sfactorily in such
situa ons. Moreover, reading the Bible is not the same as reading a novel or a
science fic on book. So some mes one may find it easy to read in certain
places, but when it comes to the Bible, such ease may not apply.

Be Cona
Some mes people start reading the Bible with a lot of enthusiasm, but as
me goes by they get discouraged and put it aside. We live in difficult mes,
with many commitments, but we should understand that reading the Bible is
hearing the voice of our God. This should be more than enough to keep us
persevering and dedicated in our reading.

The Bible is s own ierprer

The Bible is its own interpreter! As much as there are difficult passages in the
Bible, there are other passages that shed light on the difficult passages,
helping us to understand what is being conveyed there.
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Reading Benefs
Since we are talking about a long reading that may take a lot of me, but it can
also bring a great deal of knowledge.

Believe me, the benefits you will get from reading the Bible every day, making
it your rou ne, are many.

Your soul wi be cleansed

Our inner being is constantly bombarded with images, sounds, and other
distorted messages from the media, from people, or from our own memories
and desires.

Thus, by reading the holy scriptures, you will have access to God's word,
where it provides the counter-a ack to the enemy's war to contaminate and
capture our souls.

Has more wisdom

Know that as you discover how to read the Bible and put into prac ce
everything you learn, you will not only become wiser about life, but you will
find purpose.

In other words, you begin to think about what you should be doing in life and
what is the best way to go about it right now.

For example, in the book of Psalms and Proverbs there are some very wise
instruc ons for living.

For sure, the word of God is one of the best things that can be part of your
body and your life as a whole.
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

For Beginners
1. the Gospel according to John

The Gospel of John has 21 chapters and was wri en by the apostle John. It is
considered one of the most spiritual and profound books in the Bible and
highlights the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Complete reading me: 21 days.

How to reach the goal? Read one chapter a day. Write down the ques ons
and the new things you find in your daily reading. Write down or mark key
verses in your reading each day.

2. Praise and Gra tude with Psalms

The Psalms are 150 spiritual songs or poems, composed by Levites and poets
in the Old Testament period. The most recurring themes are praise, prayer,
and gra tude to God.

Dura on of complete reading: 50 days.

How to reach the goal? Read 3 psalms a day. Write down the doubts and the
new things that you find in your daily reading. Underline or highlight verses
that have caught your a en on in each day's reading.

3. Proverbs

The Book of Proverbs is a collec on of moral and religious sayings or maxims

that point to virtue and warn against the vices of living without the wisdom of

Complete reading me: 31 days (1 month).

How to reach the objec ve? Read 1 chapter of Proverbs each day. Write down
or mark verses that most caught your a en on in each day's reading.
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Weekly Reading
It is 7 days of reading and medita ng on fundamental themes to strengthen
your faith. Dedicate yourself to the daily reading of a por on of the Holy Bible
and fill your heart with spiritual food, prepared by God.

Week 1:

Day 1- Romans 8 - We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Day 2- 1 John 5 - The victory that overcomes the world: our faith in Jesus

Day 3- 1 Corinthians 15 - Resurrec on: Christ's victory over death.

Day 4 Psalm 33 - The victory of those who hope in the Lord.

Day 5 Romans 12 - Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good!

Day 6 - Proverbs 21 - Prepare for your ba les, but remember that your victory
comes from the Lord.

Day 7 Revela on 2 - Perseverance and faithfulness to Christ will guarantee

your victory in eternity.
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Weekly Reading
Week 2:

Day 1- Hebrews 11:6-40 - Faith to draw near to God

Day 2- Hebrews 10:35-39 and 11:1-5 - Jus fied by living by faith

Day 3 - Genesis 22:1-14 and James 1:2-4 - Faith, when tested, teaches us to
trust God in everything

Day 4 - 2 Chronicles 20:20-30 - Faith coupled with praise for God's love and
protec on

Day 5 - Romans 10:8-17 and 2 Corinthians 5:7 and 8:7 - Faith in the Word for
salva on and abundant life

Day 6 - James 2:14-26 - True faith produces good works for God's glory

Day 7 - 1 John 5:1-13 and John 3:15-18 - Faith in the Son of God confirms God's
witness to salva on
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

Weekly Reading
Week 3:

Day 1 - Ma hew 8:1-13; 9:18-31 - Despised and unworthy people are also
targets of Jesus' grace

Day 2 - Ma hew 17:14-20, Mark 7:25-30, John 4:46-54 - Jesus answers the
requests of parents for their children

Day 3 - Ma hew 14:34-36/ Mark 5:25-34 - Healed by Jesus' touch, grace flows
from the blessed God

Day 4 - John 4:4-42 - Christ knows us. Witnessing Jesus' words of grace

Day 5 - Mark 6:30-44/8:1-13 - With Jesus, li le is much and must be shared

Day 6 - Mark 6:45-56/ Luke 8:22-25 - Jesus is all-powerful, when He

commands nature submits

Day 7 - John 11:14-44; 20:1-31 - Jesus is the resurrec on and the life! He is
risen, lives, reigns, and con nues to work miracles all over the world!

Now it's up to you!

Do your 4th week of Bible study, and yet, regardless of what the plan is,
always keep in mind that it is essen al to read God's Word regularly and
thoroughly. It is the nourishment that every child of God needs:

Jesus answered, "It is wri en, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every
word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Ma hew 4:4
Licensed to Edgardo Ocampo - edocampo.engr@gmail.com - HP11616728704633

The material was based on Bible studies, the Bible itself, and research. The images are merely illustra ve, taken from
the internet and own crea on.

Material developed by: Jéssika Reis - Marke ng and Designer.

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