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Compost Blankets

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Compost Blanket


Revegetation  Temperate Climates  Short Term

Non Vegetation Wet Tropics  Long Term 
Weed Control [1] Semi-Arid Zones Permanent [2]
[1] Can be used to suppress the emergence of in-situ weeds.
[2] Permanent protection can only be provided through vegetation establishment.


Key Principles
1. Critical performance parameters include the ability to control raindrop impact and sheet
erosion of the underlying soil, and the ability to establish the desired, sustainable vegetation
2. 100% coverage of soil surface is required.
3. Generally suitable for use only on areas subject to “sheet” flow.
4. The use of compost blankets is appropriate where the topsoil is of poor quality or non-

Design Information
Composts must comply with the requirements of AS4454.
The method of application, and the selection of seed content and tackifier must be based on the
topography, soil properties, and expected weather conditions (based on weather forecasting
and historic climatic conditions).
The maximum recommended bank slope of 1:1 (100%).
Recommended application rates are presented in Table 1. The application rates may need to be
modified based on experience gained from local trials.

© IECA (Australasia) V1 - January 2010 Page 1

Table 1 – Recommended application rates [1]

Land slope [2] Annual rainfall [2] Application depth Application depth non-
vegetated slopes vegetated slopes
< 3:1 (H:V) 25 – 635mm 25mm 25 – 50mm
3:1 – 2:1 635 – 1270mm 25 – 50mm 50 – 75mm
2:1 – 1:1 > 1270mm 50 – 75mm 75 – 100mm
[1] Application rates may be modified based on experience gained successful from local trials.
[2] Application depth determined as the maximum depth of “land slope” and “annual rainfall” criteria.

Suitable for placement directly on
A surface applied compost containing dispersive soils provided that the subsoils
selected plant seed, fertiliser and tackifier have been tested and treated in
(optional). accordance with the soil test (normally with
gypsum). This need for soils testing applies
The compost is usually applied using
to all revegetation methodologies.
Unlike conventional mulches, composted Advantages
mulches have been allowed to biologically
The residual compost contains many of the
degrade for a predetermined period
plant-growth properties (nutrients) desired
resulting in a relatively stable product
within a topsoil.
generally free of viable seed content, thus
reducing the risk of importing weed species. Use of a compost can avoid the need to
import topsoil, thus reduces the risk of
The high temperature (55°C) pasteurisation
importing weed seed.
process eliminates the biological viability of
the seed content, and animal and plant Composts have a significantly lower risk of
pathogens. containing weed seed compared to ordinary
Composts can improve plant growth rates
Used for both erosion control (wind and on impoverished soils, while also helping to
rainfall impact), and site revegetation. break-up compacted subsoils, thus allowing
better long-term plant growth.
The attributes of compost blankets are best
realised when used on steep slopes where Compost Blankets are significantly more
there is little or no existing topsoil, or where stable than loose mulch blankets.
the in-situ topsoil cannot be reused (e.g.
Compost can be applied to very steep
due to quality or weed issues).
slopes (up to 1:1) depending on bank
Can be used as a soil conditioner for stability.
exposed, heavily-compacted soils that
Compost blankets can reduce stormwater
cannot be mechanically reconditioned due
runoff rates over the short-term.
to poor machinery access or potential
damage to existing tree root systems by Compost products represent a sustainable
such mechanically reconditioning. Compost recycling of domestic and commercial
blankets increase the organic content of the garden waste. Local governments can
soil, thus increasing stormwater infiltration, develop in-house compost production.
water storage, and cation exchange
Unlike some mulches, compost blankets
are not subject to nutrient stripping during
Commonly used for the revegetation of the decomposition of the blanket.
roadside embankments and verges.
Generally requires a significant treatment
The ability of compost blankets to withstand area to justify initial transport and set-up
concentrated flows depends on the choice costs.
of tackifier and the expected rate of
vegetation establishment.
Maximum bank slope of 1:1 (100%).

© IECA (Australasia) V1 - January 2010 Page 2

Special Requirements
• Maximum soluble salt concentration of
Compost certification must comply with the 5dS/m, and pH range of 6.0 to 8.5.
requirements of AS4454.
• Moisture content of 30 to 50% prior to
The use and selection of tackifier depends application.
on land slope and potential surface flow
conditions (i.e. stormwater run-on and Application
1. Refer to approved plans for location,
It is important to ensure drainage from the extent, and application details. If there
surrounding catchment does not cause are questions or problems with the
displacement of blanket. location, extent, or method of
A geogrid or synthetic two or three- application contact the engineer or
dimensional blanket may be incorporated responsible on-site officer for
into the blanket to increase short and long- assistance.
term stability on steep (> 1:1) slopes. 2. Ensure all necessary soil testing (e.g.
The blanket must extend at least 1m soil pH, nutrient levels) and analysis
beyond the top of embankments steeper has been completed, and required soil
than 4:1 (H:V) to minimise the risk of up- adjustments performed prior to
slope run-on water flowing under the application.
blanket. 3. Ensure the surface has been contour
scarified and is free of vertical track
Location marks of other features that may result
Steep embankments or slopes containing in flow concentration down the slope
little or no in-situ topsoil. even after placement of the blanket.
4. Where necessary, establish up-slope
Site Inspection drainage controls to limit run-on water
Ensure 100% coverage of the blanket (i.e. that may disturb the mulch.
no exposure of the soil). 5. Spread enough compost to completely
Randomly check for even coverage (i.e. cover the surface of the soil, and as a
depth of blanket). minimum, at the application rate or
thickness specified in the approved
Performance Indicators plans.

Application depth measured at random test 6. Take necessary steps to ensure the
locations. blanket is applied at a near uniform
Application rate can be measured by
placing collection trays at random locations 7. Ensure the applied blanket extends at
across the proposed treatment area prior to least one (1) meter beyond the top of
application of the mulch. The trays (of any embankment steeper than 4:1
known surface area) are dried and weighed (H:V), or otherwise to minimise the risk
pre and post application to determine actual of up-slope run-on water flowing under
dry application rate. The wet application the blanket.
rate (i.e. with water) can also be recorded. 8. During application, all reasonable
Percentage cover can be measured using efforts must be taken to avoid spray
the quadrant method (a grided inspection onto roads, pathways, drainage
plate which is photographed and analysed) channels not intended for application,
or by visual estimation (refer to the and existing vegetation.
Revegetation fact sheet). 9. Ensure the compost is restrained from
excessive movement by wind or
Materials stormwater runoff by the appropriately
application of the specified tackifier.
• Composts must comply with the
requirements of AS4454. 10. If the treated area was seeded,
continue to water after application of
• Well-decomposed 100% organic matter
the compost in accordance with
produced by controlled aerobic
weather conditions, or as required to
(biological) decomposition.
obtain suitable germination and
• Maximum of 1% of inert material. satisfactory plant establishment.

© IECA (Australasia) V1 - January 2010 Page 3

1. During the construction period, inspect
all treated areas fortnightly and after
runoff-producing rainfall and strong
2. Check for displacement of the compost.
3. Replace any displaced compost to
maintain the required coverage.
4. Continue inspections until vegetation is
suitably established or erosion control
is no longer required.
5. If the compost blanket is not effective in
containing the soil erosion it should be
replaced, or an alternative erosion
control procedure adopted.

© IECA (Australasia) V1 - January 2010 Page 4

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