Asking Information
Asking ang giving information is an activity to ask or provide information to yhe other person.
When will ask something then we should use W/H Question. As for to ask it is :
As for other rules that can also start the initial using capital auxiliaries, such as : can, could, will,
would, shall, should, must, may, might, and had to.
In the asking information will usually be encountered the use of simple present tense.
Simple present tense is a verb form to express facts, habits, or events that occur at this time.
Simple present tense is formed verb-1 or linking verb “be” (is, am, are). What is verb-1 ?
Verb-1 is a bare infinitive with the additional of –s oe –es (especially verb-1 : does, goes,
wants) for subject of singular noun (single noun : Tita, book, car, or third person singular
pronoun single third person : she, he, it). Or without any additional (eg verb-1 : do, go, want) for
the subject of plural noun (we, they), pronoun I/you or compound subject (you and me, Tina and
Report :
I have interviewed Nabila Abigaell. She is my friend. She is from Lubuk Begalung and
Nabila is a student of Putra University “YPTK” Padang in major of Visual Communication
Design. Then she likes drawing and now lives at Raya Lubuk Begalung Street, Padang. On
weekend Nabila usually cleaning home and she doesn’t like sports. Finally, she like fried
In English this number is a billion. This is very tricky for nations where “ a billion” has
12 zeros, 1,000,000,000,000 in English, however, is a trillion. But don’t worry, these numbers
are even a bit problematic for native speakers : for a long time the British “billion” had 12 zeros
(a number with 9 zeros was called “ a thousand million”). Now, however, also in British English
“ a billion” has 9 zeros. But from to time this number still causes confusion (just like this
paragraph, I’m afraid,;0).
♦ Date
In English, we can say dates either with the day before the month, or the month before the day.
For example :
Remember to use ordinal numbers for dates in English. Ordinal numbers are numbers in English
in the form of levels, such as first, second, third, fourth, and so on.
♦ Years
For years up until 2000, separate the four numbers inti two pairs of two, for example :
For the decade 2001-2010, you say “two thounsand and ……” when speaking British English,
for example :
Howewver, from 2010 onward you have choice. For example, 2012 can either “two thousand
and twelve” or “twenty twelve”.
♦ Large Numbers
Divide the number into units of hundred and thousand, for example :
¼ = a quarter
1/5 = a fifth
5 ½ = five and a half
5 2/4 = five and two fourth
♦ Saying 0
♦ + : plus
♦ = : equals or makes
Example : 5 – 3 = 2 (five minus three equals two or five take away three equals two)
♦ X : multiplied by or times
Example : 2 X 3 = 6 (two multiplied by three equals six or two times three equals six)
♦ / : divided by
Cardinal Numbers
According to the Oxford dictionary, "cardinal number (read: / kɑːd (ɪ) n (ə) l nʌmbə /)
is a whole number, for example 1, 2, 3 that shows quantity". In Indonesian, the cardinal number
means all numbers indicating the number, for example 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 100, etc.
Difference Of Cardinal Numbers and Ordinal Numbers
Hundreds and tens are usually separated by “and” in American English. For example :
110 = one hundred and ten
♦ Hundreds
How many with countable noun or plural noun, and how much with uncountable noun
or singular noun can serve to form questions. Many / much can also be followed by the
preposition "of" when the word is followed by articles (a, an, the), possessive (their, his, her, its),
or pronoun (them, us, you).
♦ Much → for uncountable noun.
Example : sand, rice, water, sugar or liquid.
♦ Many → for countable noun.
Example : bananas, books, houses, etc.
Demonstrative Pronoun
Point out a specific person, things, place or idea. The use of a demonstrative pronoun
depends on the number of objects intended.
1. This
2. That
3. These
4. Those
The use of these and those used for objects that are close to people, whereas the use of
that and those are used to show objects that are far away from the person concerned. This and
that is used to denote singular objects while these and those are used to denote plural objects.
Giving Opinion
♦ Question
“How do you like this sweater ?”
“How do you like those sweater ?”
♦ Answer
“It’s great”
Note Book : use it's for singular objects and their use is for plural objects.
♦ Answer
“it’s Rp 500.000”
“they’re Rp 250.000”
Note Book : use of is and are based on the number of objects. If the object is singular then use is,
but if the object is plural using are.
S : It’s Rp 150000
D : That’s not bad, I love it.
2. D : How much is dress ?
S : It’s Rp 300000
D : That’s so expensive.
3. D : How much is the T-shirt ?
S : It’s Rp 100000
D : That’s reanable
4. D : How much are apples ?
S : They’re Rp 15000
D : That’s so cheap
5. D : How much is bag ?
S : It’s Rp 25000
D : That’s not bad, I like it
6. D : How much are the glasses ?
S : They’re Rp 400000
D : That’s so expansive. I don’t like it
7. D : How much is the car ?
S : It’s Rp 75000000
D : That’s reasonable, okay. I want blue car
8. D : How much is marker ?
S : It’s Rp 15000
D : That’s so expansive. How about 12000 ?
9. D : How much are oranges ?
S : They’re Rp 1000
D : That’s so cheap. I want 3 kg please
10. D : How much is the house ?
S : It’s Rp 150000
D : That’s reasonable. What about safety ?
- I like …….
- I love ……
- I really love …..
- I enjoy ……
- I really enjoy …….
- I feel like …….
- I am crazy about ……..
- I am very fond of ……
- I am very keen on ……
- I adore ……
- I’m fond of ……
- I dislike …..
- I don’t like …..
- I hate ….
- I detest ….
- I loathe ….
- I abhor ….
- Oh, how awful.
- I am not keen on …..
- I am fed up with ….
- I don’t think I like ….
- I can’t stand with ……
♦ Auxilary Verb
Auxiliary verb is a verb that appears before the main verb in a sentence to modify the
meaning of the main verb. This helper verb consists of primary (be, do, have) and auxiliary verb
capital (can, may, may, must, ought to).
Sample Sentence Auxiliary Verb
(Kamu akan telah tidur
lama.) Future Perfect Cont.
Your cake is being eaten by him.
(Kuemu sedang dimakannya.)
The room was cleaned by my
Be untuk membentuk passive
assistant last night.
(Ruangan itu dibersihkan oleh asisten
saya tadi malam.)
Do (do, does, did)
I do finish my homework.
(Saya harus menyelesaikan PR.)
Auxiliary verb “do” untuk memberikan penekanan
Do open the door.
pada kalimat indicative (normal) maupun
(Buka pintu.)
imperative, dan adverb of frequency.
Tina seldom does wash her shoes.
(Tina jarang mencuci sepatunya.)
You love your job, don’t you?[1]
(Kamu suka pekerjaanmu kan?)
Did you see him yesterday?[2]
Do untuk mengajukan pertanyaan (question tag[1], (Apakah kamu melihatnya kemarin?)
yes-no[2], dan wh-question[3]). Dapat pula What does she want from you?[3]
digunakan untuk mengajukan clarifying question[4] (Apa yang dia inginkan darimu?)
(pertanyaan klarifikasi) berhubungan negative “Diana didn’t have much money.”
statement (pernyataan negatif) sebelumnya. “Then who did lend it me?”[4]
(“Diana tidak punya banyak uang.”
“Lalu siapa yang meminjaminya
I do not like coffee.
Auxiliary verb ini bersama not untuk membentuk (Saya tidak suka kopi.)
kalimat negative She didn’t come last night.
(Dia tidak datang semalam.)
Yes, I do.
Do untuk membuat short answer (jawaban pendek)
Yes, she does.
My brother loves swimming and so
Auxiliary verb ini dipadukan dengan conjunction do I.
so dan neither untuk mengekspresikan similarity (Saudara saya suka berenang dan
(persamaan) dan differences (perbedaan). saya juga.)
I don’t want to spend my money
unwisely; neither does my friend.
(Saya tidak ingin menghabiskan uang
dengan tidak bijaksana; teman saya
Have (have, has, had)
Dira has studied in French since
(Dira telah belajar di Perancis sejak
Auxiliary verb “have” untuk membentuk perfect April.) Present Perfect
tense. I had already eaten breakfast by the
time he picked me up.
(Saya sudah sarapan sewaktu dia
menjemput.) Past Perfect
He might have realized his mistakes.
(Dia mungkin telah menyadari
Have dikombinasikan dengan modal untuk
mengekspresikan possibility (kemungkinan)
dimasa lalu. My father may have read this book.
(Ayah saya mungkin telah membaca
buku ini.)
Notebook : need to be considered when using words like like, love etc to use gerund.
♦ Things to remember :
Adjective is a word that indicates the nature / state or number of a noun.
For example :
• Beautifull (cantik)
• Black and white (hitam putih)
• Expensive(mahal)
• Handsome( ganteng)
• Ugly (jelek)
• Important ( penting)
• Interesting (menarik)
• Busy (sibuk) etc,,
Noun is a noun, the use of noun can be the subject of the sentence, the verb object and the
foreground object.
For example :
• The names of person (nama-nama orang)
General Soeharto
Queen Victoria
Prof.Dr.Amien Rais,M.A
• The names of places ( countries , cities ,etc)
• The names of things ( nama-nama benda)
Verbs are words that indicate activities or auxiliary words that help other words, so that the word
can be a predicate.
For example :
- I take an English course twice a week.
- He will come on time next week.
- They are learning English with new students.
- He is a giving speech.
Write five things is your like and five things is your dislike !
♦ Five things is like :
- Book → I adore a books.
- Ballpoint → I like using ballpoint every writing.
- Cake → I love cake very much.
- Monkey → he loves monkey.
- Sate → He fond of sate.
5. Daughter. 16. Niece.
6. Grand children. 17. Parents
7. Grand daughter. 18. Sister.
8. Grand father. 19. Son
9. Grand mother. 20. Uncle
10. Grand parents 21. Wife.
11. Grand son.
Adverbs Of Frequency
- She often checks her answer.
- He usually pays attention in class.
♦ Usually and sometimes can also come at the beginning or end of a sentence, for example :
- The dog eats his homework sometimes.
- Sometimes the dog eats his homework.
- The dog sometimes eats his homework.
♦ Use ever in yes / no question ever means “at any time”, for example :
- Are the test ever easy ? Yes, the test are or No, the test are.
- Does he ever get an “A” ? Yes, he does or No, he does.
Subject + to be + adverb
They are never pleased to see me.
She isn't usually bad tempered.
When we use an auxiliary verb (have, will, must, might, could, would, can, etc.), the adverb is
placed between the auxiliary and the main verb. This is also true for to be.
But we cannot use the following at the beginning of a sentence: always, seldom, rarely, hardly,
ever, never. We use hardly ever and never with positive, not negative verbs:
♦ Practice 1
1. Angel always studies in front of the TV.
2. Stephany rarely akses the teacher for help.
3. He is usually early to class.
4. I usually review my grammar note.
5. She never makes flashcards.
6. John is sometimes attentive in class.
♦ Practice 2
1. How often do you study in a group ? I usually study in a group.
2. How often are she bored in class ? She is never bored in the class.
3. How often does he listen to the teacher ? He sometimes listen to the teacher.
4. How often does hanny practice speaking English ? Hanny often practices speaking
5. How often do they get an “A” on test ? They sometimes get an “A” on test.
6. How often is he confused in class ? He is rarely confused in class.
Invitation Card
You can start with : and you can use person politely.
“You’re Invited to My Birthday Party”
“Please come to ….”
“It’s a Party”
For Example :
To : Elmo
Why : I will be twenty years old
Date : Friday, 26 June 2018
Time : 3 pm to 7 pm
Place : Duta Indah Street, No. 21 Pondok Indah, South
Where Jakarta
No. 21
20 Juni 2018 18
Date Of Sender
Polite Explanation Of
♦ Yes / No Questions
- Yes, I am
- No, I am not.
To : Angela Adita
Time : 2 pm until 5 pm
From : Diva
♦ Written Reply R.S.V.P.
Please written or call me
Pandan Ujung Street No. 7
23 June 2018
Dear My Honey,
To express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Time settle
like yesterday, ago, last month, in1980, etc.
Example :
1) Regular Verb
Regular verb or can also be called a regular verb is a word that changes regularly with
only adds "suffix -ed" from its original form. Or if the verb ends with a letter then it will
just add a suffix "-d" instead. For example :
2) Irregular Ver
irreegular verb or also called an irregular verb is a verb that changes from its irregularly
shaped form. Between present participle, past tense and past participle, all have their own
form. Here is an example of an irregular verb.
Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle Arti
(V1) (V2) (V3)
Begin Began Begun Mulai
♦ For regular verb, simpy use the –ed form of the verb a positive sentence. For example :
- When I was a child, I played the piama.
- Donna visited in Paris.
♦ For irregular verb, use the correct past tense form in positive sentences, we use the same form
with different subject. For example :
♦ Exception = verb be
Never use didn’t or did not with the verb be. Instead, just use :
Example :
- Was I tired yesterday ? Yes, I was or No, I was not.
Did + Subject
For example :
Put the verb (between brackets) into the correct form (simple past) !
Last year, I (spend) spent my holiday in Ireland. It (be) was great. I (travel) two friends
and we (visit) visited lots of interesting places. In the evening, we usually (go) went to a café. We
(be) were very lucky with the weather. It (not rain) didn’t rain a lot. We (see) saw some beautiful
rainbows. I (have) had an amazing holiday.
Preposition of Place
For example :
- The boy is in the bx.
- The boys are next to the box.
Subject Object Possesive
I Me My
You You Your
We Us Our
They Them Their
She Her Her
He Him His
It it It
- At : prepositions in the group indicate that th noun that follows them is treated as a point
in relation to wich another object in prepositioned.
- On : prepositions in the group indicate that th noun that follows them is treated as surface
in relation to wich another object in prepositioned.
- Area / volume : within the foncires of a volume.
For example :
- Since : ‘sejak’.
- By : ‘dari’.
- For : ‘selama’.
- From-to : shows a clear timeline.
write down where these objects are located in your room according to the condition of your room
1. Cupboard : The cupboard is next to wall.
2. Clothes : The clothes is in the cupboard.
3. Book : The books are on the cupboard.
4. Shoes : The shoes are in front of wall.
5. Fan : The fan is on the right table.
As + adjective + as
Not as + adjective + as
Adjective + er + than
1. Positive degree (regular level)
2. Comparative degree (more level)
3. Superlative degree (most level)
1. Positive degree
Positive degree or commonly called an equal comparison, it means that there are two things
compared that have the equation. Usually has a significance Se-
Example :
Adverb : Andi runs as fast as Ronaldo (Andi berlari secepat Ronaldo)
They walked as slowly as a duck (Mereka berjalan selambat bebek)
Adjective : She is as beautiful as Amy Lee. (Dia secantik Amy Lee)
My father was as old as his grandfather (Ayahku setua kakeknya)
Note: make negative sentence :
- She is studying as lazily as he.
- She is studying not so/as lazily as he.
- Lampung is as hot as Bali
- Lampung is not so/as hot as Bali
2. Comparative degree
In the form of comparative degree or equal comparison, there are two that are compared, one of
which has more or less significance (greater or lesser degree).
Notebook : there is a special pattern to 'warm' or the comparison is very far by adding the word
much / far before the adjective / adverb.
4. Living in London is more expansive (expensive) than New York.
5. She couldn’t be more thrilled (thrilled) to work with him.
10. UNIT X
Gerund is a noun formed from a given-ending verb. We can use Gerund as "Subject",
"Complement", or "Object" in a sentence.
To Infiitive
To Infinitive is a word formed from a verb preceded by To, which functions as a noun. So it can
serve as subject, object and complement in sentence.
♦ When use the infinitive ?
- Forget, help, learn, teach, train, choose, expect, hope, need, offer, want, would like,
agree, encourage, pretend, promise, recommend, allow, can / can’t afford, decide,
manage, mean, and refuse.
- The infinitive form is always used after adjective.
For example : I was happy to help them.
- This includes too + adjective + to infinitive.
For example : The water was too cold to swimming.
- The infinitive form is used after edjective enough.
For example : She is rich enough to buy two cars.
♦ List of to infinitive :
Advise Beg Buy Command Encourage
Allow Bring Challenge Dare Expect
Ask Build Choose Direct Forbid
Instruct Love Teach Tell Force
Invite Motivate Send Urge
Lead Order Require Want
Leave Pay Remind warn
Let Permit Promise Have
Like Persuade Prepare Hire
Begin, continue, hate, intend, like, love, prefer, propose, start, etc.