options: 15
Question 1. Choose the correct answers from the givenanother dealer in Nashik. If the rate of
Rs 20,000 to
i) A dealer in Mumbai supplies goods worth
GST is 18%, the CGST will
c) Rs 2700 d) Rs 450
a) Rs 1800 b) Rs 3600
ii)if9 y3-1 b) 6
then the value of x +y
)7 d)8
a) 5
1 , x ¬I, then
the largest valuc of x is:
iv) If d)-7
b)-8 c)-9
a) -6
reflection in origin are:
The co-ordinates of a point (5,6) on
d) (5,6)
v) c) (5, -6)
a)(-5,6) b)(-5,-6)
2V6x + 2 = 0 is:
of the cjuadratic d) None of these
vii) The nature ofthe roots c) Real and equal
b) Real and unequal
a) Imaginary
then lhe value ofp is:
p x - 2.
of 2x3 x
- -
is a factor d) 2
ix) If(r 2) c) 3
b) 5
a) 7
n. ihe of p &
the values ofn & q are:
continued proportion.
and q are in c) 18, 162
x)It2, 6, p, 54 b) 16, 144 d) 18, 168
a) 14, 112
a) 0 b)
then the value af
50°. angle A(DIS140°,
xiii) In the given figure, angle is cene
a Circle
angie OBC will c) 20
d) 30°
a) 50°
b) 40°
be similar when:
then they will
Xiv) Ifin APQR &AXYZ, =
Y b) Angle P= Angle
a) Angle Q= Angle Angle Z
d) Angle P
c) Angle Q Angle
Question 2
month in a recurring deposit account for
Moksh Sardesai deposits Rs 1400 every
interest is 8% p.a, Iind the amount he will receive on
3yrs 3 months. If the rate of
maturity. 4)
solve tor x
Using properties of proportion,
1 1 2 (4)
Prove that-
P 1+sin2A 1+cosA 1+sec2A 1tcosec?A
Question 3
The internal radius ofa hollow wooden hemisphere is 21 cm and it is
uniformly 7 cm thick. Caleulate
i) The volume of wood in it (4)
i) Quantity of oil it can hold
For the given figure, find:
the slope and equation of OA
write down the co-ordinates B
Find the equation of BC
Write the co-ordinates of C
perpendicular to 0A
Use graph sheet for this question. Take 2 cm=| unit (5)
Plot the following along the axe.
points: A(2,3.5) and B (4,0)
Reflect point A on the N-axis and name il
ii) Reflect point B on the
origin and name it 5
iv) Reflect A on y-axis and name it A"
v) Reflect A' on the x-axis and name it A name ofthe closed figur
vi) Joln the points ABA'A"*B'A*":A and give the geometrical
so formed
ueston4 0 (3)
+ 2x- 2
Solve the following quadratic equation: 7x
Give your answer correct to two signilicant figures stocked in
table gives the number of items
graph sheet for this question. The following
Use distribution and then estimate the
a histogram for the following
a department store. Draw
2 shops on x-axisand y-axis respectively: (3)
mode. Use 2 c m = 10 items and 2 cm
50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
Number ofitems 40-50 12 6 Z
Number ofstores 3
Advani went to a department store and bought the following: (4)
Ms -----*- Discount % CGST %
Item purchasedPrice per Quantity
S. No.
item inRs purchased
10% 6%
Almonds 9%
125 20%
Biscuits 5% 14%
Watch 12000
SGST paid by her on the items
) Find the total
Find the total bill amount (incl. GST) paid by her
[-4 5]. Evaluate A? BC (3)
C =
terms of an
AP is 105. (4)
c)The sum offirst 15 terms of'the AP.
first three
780. Find the
a green ball
Question 7 The probability ofselecting
yellow and white balls.
A bag contains
some green,
balls, then find: (3)
a) contains 22 white
is and of yellow
ball is I fthe bag
Total number of balls
in the bag
whitc ball
Probability of sclecting
4 cm is full of water.
b) A cone of slantheight 5 cm and height of the
and touches the sides
When a sphere which cxactly fits out [give your
how much volume of water flows
cone is immersed,
Qugstion 8
and roprosent the solution set on a real number line:(3)
/a) Solve the following inequation
(2x-1) s 2x +5<r+55.x
Find the mean of the following data using step-deviation method (3)
40-4545-5050-5555-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80
glass Interval
Frequency 5 12 16 1 08 5 4
Question 9
Kay A
JOurney of 192 km from Mumbai to Pune tàkes two hours less
Siow train. If the by a fast train than dy a
average speed of the slow train is 16km/hr less than that of the fast train,
find the
average speed of each train. (4)
U s e a graph sheet for this question. The table below shows the distribution of scores
obtained by 160 shooters in a shooting competition out of a total of 90 marks. (0)
Score 0-10 10-20 20-30 |30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Number | 5 11 14 26 29 15 25 23 12
Use 2 cm
10 score and 2 cm =20 shooters on x-axis & y-axis respectively to draw an ogive and
hence estimate:
The median score
The inter-quartile range of scores
Number of shooters who scored more than 80% score