Electronic Publication Sci Ed001
Electronic Publication Sci Ed001
Electronic Publication Sci Ed001
Recommended Application of
BS 6399-2
This document has been prepared by:
Enquiries concerning reproduction of this document should be sent to The Steel Construction Institute, at the address given
Although care has been taken to ensure, to the best of our knowledge, that all data and information contained herein are
accurate to the extent that they relate to either matters of fact or accepted practice or matters of opinion at the time of
publication, The Steel Construction Institute, the authors and the reviewers assume no responsibility for any errors in or
misinterpretations of such data and/or information or any loss or damage arising from or related to their use.
This guidance note has been prepared to assist designers using BS 6399-2:1997. The
guidance sets out a recommended procedure for applying the provisions of the Standard,
particularly for those designers using the Standard for the first time. The
recommendations are not intended to produce the “best” answer in every case – rather
that they will produce good results in most cases. With increasing experience, designers
will learn where the recommended approach can be foreshortened without penalty, and
where extra calculation effort will reap benefits.
This document was drafted by Mr D Brown of the Steel Construction Institute, with
significant contribution by others in developing the understanding of how to use the
Standard. In particular, the contribution of Dr C Bailey of BRE was considerable. He
was responsible for many of the studies clarifying the Standard, and for liaison with the
Code Committee.
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Recommendations 1
4.1 Basic wind speed 7
4.2 Site wind speed 7
4.3 Effective wind speed 8
6.1 Overview of the recommended process 15
6.2 Pressure coefficients 15
6.3 Overall loads 20
6.4 Frame deflections 21
Recommendations covering all of these principal stages are given in the publication. It
also includes notes, highlighted in a tinted box, as helpful advice in addition to the
preceding text.
1.1 Scope
This short guidance document is intended to help designers using
BS 6399-2:1997[1]. It gives recommendations on how to apply the provisions of
the Standard, with particular application to steel structures. The objective of
this publication is to help designers minimise the design wind loads, as higher
(more conservative) wind loads may lead to unnecessarily conservative steel
The guidance may not give the minimum wind load in every circumstance. In
some cases, designers could achieve the same wind load with less work. In
some circumstances further reductions in the wind loads could result from
following a more refined approach.
1.2 Recommendations
Advice is contained in this note is taken from three sources:
• The Standard, incorporating Amendment No. 1
• BRE Digest 436[2]
• The draft design guide[3]
The simplest and most conservative approach when determining the dynamic
pressure is to ignore any variation around the site and simply take the worst
case (i.e. the most onerous directional factor, the most onerous terrain category,
and the closest distance from the sea), and assume that these three factors are
coincident. In some locations, this will be a realistic combination, and hence
the simplest approach will produce the correct value for the dynamic pressure.
For the majority of sites, the combination of worst-case factors will be
unrealistic and lead to a conservative (i.e. higher) value for the dynamic
Figure 2.2 Range of directions to be considered
North-west North-east
quadrant quadrant
South-west South-east
quadrant quadrant
Figure 2.4 Recommended orientation of quadrants
1. Table 1 adequately describes orthodox buildings. Building-type factors for
unorthodox structures should be chosen by taking a view on their likely
dynamic response.
2. Note that the building height in Figure 3 is shown as a log scale.
1. The influence of the altitude factor on the value of the dynamic pressure is
very significant. The effect of the altitude factor is squared, meaning that a
100 m difference in height can produce as much as 20 percent change in
the dynamic pressure
2. If the ground level for 1 km around the site is flat, or slopes at less than 1
in 20, topography is not significant.
3. Slopes which are steeper than 1 in 20 are considered to be significant
4. The significance of topography depends on the wind direction. Topography
may be significant when the wind is blowing from certain directions, but is
unlikely to be significant in all wind directions
5. If topography is significant, note that the altitude to be used is the altitude
at the base of the topographic feature.
Note that four values of the site wind speed will be calculated, one for each
To be in the town category, the town must extend at least 100 m upwind of the
Country terrain is any terrain that is neither sea nor town terrain.
Note that the terrain category may be different in each of the four quadrants.
If the height of the upwind shelter is not known, the note to Clause
allows the height to be estimated from the average number of storeys, assuming
each storey height is 3 m. BRE Digest 436 [2] recommends that the average
height be calculated over a distance of 100 m upwind from the site.
If the spacing between the site and the upwind buildings is not known, BRE
Digest 436 recommends that a spacing of 20 m be assumed in suburban and
urban areas.
Reduced effective heights can only be calculated for sites in the town terrain
category. There is no reduction for sites in the country terrain category.
Note that the calculation of effective height may result in a different effective
height in each quadrant, since this depends on the average height of the upwind
buildings and the spacing between the site and the upwind buildings.
1. The Standard assumes irreversible urbanization. This means that the
degree of shelter is assumed not to decrease over time
2. BRE Digest 436 confirms that the design wind speed should not be
adversely affected by the demolition of any individual neighbouring
Note that the distance from the sea will undoubtedly differ in each of the four
BRE Digest 436 offers advice on calculating the distance from the sea
when the site is adjacent to an estuary or inland stretches of water.
Conservatively, the distance from the sea may be taken as the distance
from any water, although this will often be unduly onerous.
Use of Table 4
Table 4 is used to determine the terrain and building factor, having determined
the terrain category and calculated a reduced effective height (if the site is in the
town terrain category), and knowing the distance from the sea. The terrain and
building factor is likely to differ in each of the four quadrants considered.
Table 4 is divided into two halves. The right-hand side covers sites that are at
least 2 km into a town. The left-hand side of Table 4 covers sites in the
country, and sites up to 2 km into towns.
1. If a reduced effective height has been calculated for a site in the town
terrain category, and yet the site is less than 2 km into the town, (thus
falling into the left-hand side of Table 4), the terrain and building factor
should still be calculated on the basis of the reduced effective height.
2. Interpolation or logarithmic interpolation of Table 4 is allowed. Ordinary
linear interpolation of Table 4 is recommended.
Equation 28 uses values from Table 22. Equation 29 uses values from Tables
22 and 23. Interpolation within both tables is recommended. When measuring
distance into town, the recommended accuracy of measurement is shown in
Table 4.3.
1. Note that Table 22 is headed “Upwind distance from sea to site” and
Table 23 is headed “Upwind distance from edge of town to site”.
Although the tables look similar, the potential for confusion is clear.
2. In Equations 28 and 29, the term gt is used. The value of gt should always
be taken as 3.44 when following the recommendations in this guide. The
Standard and Hybrid methods both use the size effect factor, Ca, when
determining loads on surfaces, as described in Section 6.2.5. In these
circumstances, Clause specifies that gt should be taken as 3.44.
3. In Equations 28 and 29, the term Sh is used. This factor allows for
significant topography. When following the recommendations in this guide,
significant topography has already been accounted for when calculating the
altitude factor, Sa (Section 4.2.1). Since the effect of any significant
topography has already been included in Sa, the factor Sh should be set to
Since both the site wind speed and the terrain and building factor vary in each
quadrant, the effective wind speed is likely to be different in each quadrant.
It is highly likely that the dynamic pressure will differ in each quadrant. If the
quadrants have not been orientated with respect to the building faces, the highest
of these four values should be used in design. Such a situation is illustrated in
Figure 5.1, where the quadrants have not been chosen to relate to the building
axis. A value of dynamic pressure will be calculated for each quadrant, here
designated qs1, qs2, qs3, and qs4.
Quadrant 1
Quadrant 4 q
Quadrant 2
Quadrant 3 q s2
As the designer will typically wish to consider two orthogonal loadcases (wind
at 0° and 90°), the maximum of these four values (here designated qmax) will be
applied in both orthogonal loadcases, as shown in Figure 5.2.
q max
q max
If the quadrants have been aligned with respect to the building axes as shown in
Figure 5.3, the designer has the opportunity simply to apply the maximum value
in both orthogonal loadcases, as Figure 5.2, or to associate the different
dynamic pressures with their respective loadcases. If the four values of
dynamic pressure in Figure 5.3 are designated qs5, qs6, qs7, and qs8, then these
may be applied in the four orthogonal directions shown in Figure 5.4.
Quadrant 8
q s8
Quadrant 6
q s6
Quadrant 7
q s7
q s5
q s8 q s6
q s7
Larger of
q s6 or q s8
Larger of
q s7 or q s5
Surface loads are calculated from the product of the dynamic pressure and the
net pressure coefficient. If the form of construction is such that load sharing
takes place over a significant area, the surface loads may be reduced by a size
effect factor, which is related to the size of the area over which load sharing
takes place.
Overall loads may be calculated using overall force coefficients (only specified
in the draft amendment), or are to be calculated from the loads on the windward
and leeward faces. When calculating overall loads based on the loads on the
windward and leeward faces, a factor of 0.85 is applied to overall loads
(excluding drag) to account for non-simultaneous action between faces. Unless
a preliminary design is required, for example when sizing vertical bracing, it is
recommended that the overall loads be calculated from the combination of loads
on the windward and leeward faces, in accordance with Clause of the
Table 6.1 Net pressure coefficients for overall load (Table 5a from
the Standard)
#1 $4
# 0.5 1.2 1.0
1 1.2 0.8
2 1.2 0.8
$4 1.1 0.8
B is the crosswind breadth of the building
D is the inwind depth of the building
H is the building height.
–0.5 –0.5 Zone C –0.5 –0.9
1. Table 5 can be used for walls within 15° of vertical. Guidance for inclined
walls can be found in the directional method
2. Interpolation should be used to determine coefficients for span ratios
between 1 and 4
3. Note that H is the height of the wall, which is not necessarily the height of
the building.
4. The length of zones A, B, and C depends on the scaling length, b. The
scaling length, b, is the lesser of the crosswind breadth and twice the height
of the building. Depending on the geometry of the building, it is quite
possible that zone C does not exist.
If the wind can blow down the gap between buildings, funnelling (which
increases the pressure coefficients on the facing elevations) may occur.
Funnelling may occur when the gap between the two buildings is between b/4
and b, where b is the scaling length.
The Standard specifies that if the two buildings are sheltered by upwind
buildings such that the effective height before the lower of the two buildings is
no greater than 0.4Hr, funnelling may be disregarded. The effective height
depends on the structure height, Hr, the height of the upwind shelter, Ho, and
the spacing between the structure and the upwind shelter, Xo. Table 6.3
identifies when funnelling should be checked.
Designers familiar with the 1997 Standard should note that the changes to
Tables 9, 10 and 11 are associated with a revision to Clause, which
covers asymmetric loads. Monopitch, duopitch, and hipped roofs are
specifically covered by Tables 9, 10 and 11, and therefore no other allowance
need be made for asymmetric loads. Asymmetric loads on structures not
specifically covered must be allowed for by reducing the design wind load by
40% on those parts of the structure where the effect of the load is beneficial.
Note that two loadcases are specified for wind at 0° (across the building), as
can be seen in Table 6.4 above. For example, at a roof slope of 5°, the first
loadcase has external pressure coefficients of –1.8, –1.2, –0.6 on zones A, B
and C respectively. The second loadcase has no external load at all on zones A,
B and C.
1. Coefficients should be interpolated between the roof slopes given.
2. See Section 6.2.3 for recommendations on simplifying the range of
pressure coefficients for orthodox roofs.
Partial details from Reference 3 are given in Table 6.5. The zones referenced
in Table 6.5 are shown in Figure 6.1. Table 6.5 may be used for the design of
purlins and for the design of frames as described below, provided that:
• bw/10 ≤ (half the span of the purlin), and
• Cpi is taken as –0.3
Purlin design
Purlins may be designed using the coefficients in Table 6.5. it is expected that
purlins will be designed using the coefficients for zone X, and checked for zone
Y, reducing the spacing of the purlins if necessary.
Frame design
When designing a portal frame, the coefficients in zone Y of Table 6.5 may be
ignored, since the zone X coefficients are conservative.
bL /10
y y
x bL /10
y y
b L /2 b L /2
External pressures
Dimension a for external pressures is taken as the diagonal over which load
sharing takes place. Some knowledge of structural response is therefore
necessary when determining the wind loads. Typical examples of dimension a
for external pressures are:
• For a gable post: the diagonal of the loaded height and post spacing.
• For roof bracing: the diagonal of the entire loaded area carried by the
• For a purlin: the diagonal of the spacing and span. For continuous
systems, dimension a may be based on the purlin spacing and two spans.
• For an individual portal frame: the diagonal based on frame spacing and
height to apex.
The last bullet above implies that load sharing does not take place between main
frames. In most cases, load sharing will take place, due to the shear stiffness of
the roof cladding, as long as this is positively fixed to the purlins. However,
standing-seam roof systems, and others without positive fixing, have insufficient
shear stiffness to justify load sharing over more than one bay.
If load sharing over more than one bay is assumed in the design calculations,
and hence a larger diagonal dimension is calculated, it is recommended that this
feature of the design, and the need for adequate shear stiffness from any
replacement cladding system is documented in the Health and Safety file.
Internal pressures
In accordance with Clause, the relevant diagonal dimension a for
internal pressures may be taken as:
Note that in Figure 4, the diagonal dimension is a log scale. An
approximate value for the diagonal dimension will be satisfactory.
At this stage (and only at this stage) allowance should be made for the non-
simultaneous action between faces. To account for this effect, the Standard
specifies that a factor of 0.85 be applied when calculating the overall loads.
The non-simultaneous action can be thought of as allowing for the time delay
between gusts acting on the faces of the structure. Where there is no time
delay, the 0.85 factor should not be applied. Thus in Figure 6.2, there is a time
delay between gusts acting on the upwind and downwind faces of the building.
In this situation, the factor 0.85 is applied to all loads, at ULS and SLS.
When the wind direction is along the building, as in Figure 6.3, the time delay
is only applicable to the pressures on the windward gable, the suction at a
section along the building and the suction on the leeward gable. The specified
Neither the dynamic augmentation nor the 0.85 factor is applied to
frictional drag.
1. The reduction factors in Table 6.6 can only be applied to the deflections
due to wind[3].
2. The reduction factors are additional to the 0.85 factor which may have
been applied in accordance with Section 6.3.1.