On-Going Test - Semester 1 2425
On-Going Test - Semester 1 2425
On-Going Test - Semester 1 2425
Test paper
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1. Each student is expected to give a 4–6-minute informative presentation with visual aids on an award-winning person
or thing that (has) contributed certain value(s) to a specific community/mankind.
The objectives of the presentation are: 1/ to raise the audience’s awareness of an achievement and 2/to foster a sense of
Students MAY take the following into consideration: (i) Background/History of the award; (ii) Features of/Reasons for
the achievement/recognition, (iii) Impacts on/Values for the community and/or mankind.
1. Students should be creative with the presentation rather than just searching for the information and copying/pasting.
2. Presentations should be well organized and include a good introduction, main body, transitions, and a conclusion which
summarizes the main points.
3. PowerPoint slides should be prepared. The template of the first slide is provided. Notes:
▪ Text should be limited on PowerPoint, with exceptions including keynotes and technical words, data and titles
on graphs, tables, charts, and references.
▪ A list of 3-5 references is required to prove the validity of the information. Google or Wikipedia are commonly
considered NOT reliable sources. Brief citations on specific slides - e.g. (Source: WHO) – are recommended.
▪ Each student is expected to print out the slides (double-sided A4) and submit the hard copy to the examiner
before the presentation starts. Students who fail to submit the hard copy of the slides will get their total scores
deducted by 05 pts.
4. Examiners need to keep track of the time for students’ presentations and deduct points if the presentations are too short
or too long. If they run over 6 minutes, examiners must signal the students to stop.
5. Examiners need to take into consideration not only the presentation skills and English fluency of the presenters but also
the appropriateness of their presentations. Students should use language appropriate to foreigners and should not use
visual images unrelated to their topic or inappropriate to the audience.
6. Q & A section is NOT required for the mid-term exam.
7. The examiner IS REQUIRED to GIVE (VERBAL) FEEDBACK and SHOW SCORES to the students after all the
presentations have been done. The examiner announces to the students that the scores are tentative only.
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Template of the first slide:
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