Theory Now Exam
Theory Now Exam
Theory Now Exam
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Disability Theory
David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder. ‘Chapter 2: Narrative Prosthesis
and the Materiality of Metaphor’. Narrative Prosthesis: Disability and
the Dependencies of Discourse. University of Michigan Press, 2000.
Enter Lucius’ son [Young Lucius] and Lavinia running after him, and
the boy flies from her with his books under his arm.[He drops the books]
Enter Titus and Marcus.
Help, grandsire, help! My aunt Lavinia
Follows me everywhere, I know not why.
Good uncle Marcus, see how swift she comes!
Alas, sweet aunt, I know not what you mean.
Stand by me, Lucius; do not fear thine aunt.
She loves thee, boy, too well to do thee harm.
Ay, when my father was in Rome she did.
What means my niece Lavinia by these signs?
Fear her not, Lucius. Somewhat doth she mean.
See, Lucius, see, how much she makes of thee.
Somewhither would she have thee go with her.
Ah, boy, Cornelia never with more care
Read to her sons than she hath read to thee
Sweet poetry and Tully’s Orator.
Canst thou not guess wherefore she plies thee thus?
My lord, I know not, I, nor can I guess,
Unless some fit or frenzy do possess her;
For I have heard my grandsire say full oft
Extremity of griefs would make men mad,
And I have read that Hecuba of Troy
Ran mad for sorrow. That made me to fear,
Although, my lord, I know my noble aunt
Loves me as dear as e’er my mother did,
And would not but in fury fright my youth,
Which made me down to throw my books and fly,
Causeless, perhaps. But pardon me, sweet aunt.
And, madam, if my uncle Marcus go,
I will most willingly attend your Ladyship.
Lucius, I will.
[Lavinia turns over the books]
How now, Lavinia? Marcus, what means this?
Some book there is that she desires to see.
Come and take choice of all my library,
And so beguile thy sorrow till the heavens
Reveal the damned contriver of this deed.
Why lifts she up her arms in sequence thus?
I think she means that there were more than one
Confederate in the fact. Ay, more there was-
Or else to heaven she heaves them for revenge.
Lucius, what book is that she tosseth so?
Grandsire, ’tis Ovid’s Metamorphosis.
My mother gave it me.
For love of her that’s gone,
Perhaps, she culled it from among the rest.
Soft, so busily she turns the leaves. (Helps her.)
What would she find? Lavinia, shall I read?
This is the tragic tale of Philomel,
And treats of Tereus’ treason and his rape-
And rape, I fear, was root of thy annoy.
See, brother, see: note how she quotes the leaves.
Lavinia, wert thou thus surprised, sweet girl,
Ravished and wronged as Philomela was,
Forced in the ruthless, vast, and gloomy woods?
See, see! Ay, such a place there is where we did hunt-
O, had we never, never hunted there!-
Patterned by that the poet here describes,
By nature made for murders and for rapes.
O, why should nature build so foul a den,
Unless the gods delight in tragedies?
Give signs, sweet girl- for here are none but friends-
What Roman lord it was durst do the deed.
Or slunk not Saturnine, as Tarquin erst,
That left the camp to sin in Lucrece’ bed?
[They sit.]
Sit down, sweet niece. Brother, sit down by me.
O, do you read, my lord, what she hath writ?
across multiple eras of literature. The three central manners they suggest
they posit, are that they ignore the social dynamics and cultural contexts
Andronicus, in which Lavinia chases Young Lucius across the stage before
manipulating a stick with her stump to write, and to tell Marcus and Titus
that she had been raped, as well as the identity of her assaulters.
brought about by Lavinia’s muteness. Young Lucius begins the scene with
fear of her new state. He is unable to reckon the Lavinia of new with that
David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder. ‘Chapter 2: Narrative Prosthesis and the Materiality of
Metaphor’. Narrative Prosthesis: Disability and the Dependencies of Discourse. University of
Michigan Press, 2000. pp.47
Lucius becomes all the more alarming when the exact depth and nature of
mother did’(4.1.23). The sudden shift in her role from pseudo parenthood
Lavinia, not only within this scene, but also the play at large. She becomes
objectified into something to be worked out (‘Why lifts she up her arms in
sequence thus?’(4.1.37)), and she is not even allowed the discovery of her
directed towards her- ‘give signs,’ ‘sit down,’ ‘look here,’ ‘guide,’ ‘write
thou,’ ‘display’.
In this manner, she becomes a propellant for the narrative, the event of
her disability not only reducing her role, but also acting as an unfeeling
for his or her disruptive punch’3. Lavinia’s disability used for its shock
value, with the emotional impact detailed above, but it is also present in
Peter Brook’s production, in which much of the violence of the play was
contrasting blood red streamers dangling from her wrists. It is also used as
Ibid. 49
a plot point, to drive the narrative onwards and provide a moment of
drama on stage. The removal of her tongue utterly fails in its purpose to
tension and dramatic irony, as the attention is rapidly shifted from Lavinia,
mythification of Lavinia, turning the events of her life similarly into that of
communicate and identify her assaulters becomes a moment for the men
extract:’Magni Dominator poli, Tam lentus audis scelera, tam lentus vides
[Latin: ‘Ruler of the great heavens, are you so slow to hear crimes, so slow
to see?’]’. Titus states that for the gods to have lapsed in judgement, they
David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder. ‘Chapter 2: Narrative Prosthesis and the
Materiality of Metaphor’. Narrative Prosthesis: Disability and the Dependencies of
Discourse. University of Michigan Press, 2000. pp.47
Shakespeare, William. 2015. Titus Andronicus . Edited by Jonathan Bate.
[London] : Bloomsbury.