123 Handwritten
123 Handwritten
123 Handwritten
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Vol. 8, Issue 5, May 2019
ABSTRACT: The aim of the project is to improve existing handwritten character recognition problem using machine
learning. Here it provides a solution for handwritten recognition from handwritten text file. The recognition model
chosen here is convolutional neural network which is capable of handling complicated data. The data set containing
handwritten alphabetical characters and digits are used for testing. By using more sample datas the accuracy can be
improved. In a regular neural network, the input is transformed through a series of hidden layers having multiple
neurons. Each neuron is connected to all the neurons in the previous and the following layers. This arrangement is
called a fully connected layer and the last layer is the output layer. In Computer Vision applications where the input is
an image, use convolutional neural network because the regular fully connected neural networks don’t work well. This
is because if each pixel of the image is an input then by adding more layers the number of parameters increases
exponentially. Here convolutional neural network is used. It is more accurate than any other neural networks.
KEYWORDS: Text detection, Convolutional Neural network, Morphological operations, Machine learning.
Handwritten character recognition may be a field of analysis in artificial intelligence, computer vision & Pattern
recognition. Its applications square measure found in optical character recognition and intelligent character recognition
system. currently a day’s machine learning mechanism like neural network is employed principally. Despite the
abundance of technological writing tools, many folks still favour to take their notes historically with pen and paper.
However, there square measure drawbacks to handwriting text. It’s tough to store associate degreed access physical
documents in an economical manner, search through them with efficiency and to share them with others. Thus, loads of
necessary data gets lost or doesn't get reviewed attributable to the very fact that documents ne'er get transferred to
digital format .Thus during this project it's determined to tackle this downside as a result of considerably larger easy
management of digital text compared to written language can facilitate individuals additional effectively access, search,
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Vol. 8, Issue 5, May 2019
share, and analyse their records, whereas still permitting them to use their most popular writing technique. The aim of
this project is to any explore the task of classifying written text and to convert written text into the digital format.
In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in automatic character recognition. Between written and written
forms, written character recognition is additional difficult. written characters written by completely different persons
isn't identical however varies in each size and form. varied variations in writing designs of individual character build
the popularity task tough. The similarities in distinct character shapes, the overlaps, and also the interconnections of the
neighbour characters any complicate the matter. A written character recognition system consists of 2 major steps:
feature extraction from the character set and then use learning tool to classify individual character. With distinct feature
extraction techniques, variety of ways primarily based on artificial neural network square measure investigated for
written English character recognition
Paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the related works that is the design of the handwritten text
recognition system. The flow diagram represents the step of the design. Section III describes the creation of data and
label. It includes the morphological operations, grayscale conversion, image thresholding and extraction of ROI from
image. Section IV describes the creation of model, it includesthe layers in convolutional neural network, feature
extraction and classification. Section V describes the implementation and result. Finally, Section VI presents
Handwritten text recognition and digitization system using neural networks was implemented here. This system
consists of four phases. The first phase is creation of model, here sequential model is used it allows to build a model
layer by layer. The layers used here are Conv2D, Max pooling, Batch normalization. RELU is the activation function
used here. Features are the measurable properties in the observation where one can analyse or classify the instances of
data. Feature extraction is used to choose the important features which are independent of others. Classification is the
process of assigning labels to unseen observation. Here fully connected layers are used for classification. The second
phase is creation of data &label. The third phase is training and the forth phase is testing.
To design a handwritten character recognition system, following steps are to be performed. They are:
1. Collect handwritten data sample: Data samples must collect of different handwritings.
2. Digitization of data: Here each data sample is scanned and an image file is created and the samples are
stored in it.
3.Image pre-processing: Here the morphological operations are performed and the noise are removed.
4.Feature Extraction: Structural and statistical features are extracted.
5.Classification: Identify each character using convolutional neural network and display the output.
Here we are using CV2 module to access the image processing functionality. There are several ways to read and display
images in python. Read and display images using python image library (PIL) and matplotlib. The python image library
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Vol. 8, Issue 5, May 2019
provides standard image processing functions like filtering. Matplotlib is python 2D plotting function. We can access the
set of files which is defined in a particular pattern using python OS package that provides miscellaneous operating
system interfaces. Read and display image using OpenCV. It is the most comprehensive open source library for videos
and image processing. Here each character is stored in a folder and by using for loop each character is fetched from the
folder and read. Then it is converted into numparray and then corresponding list is generated. Then length of each image
in folder is calculated and by using this length data is labelled. For building an effective neural network model, it
requires careful consideration of the network architecture as well as the input data format. Training a convolutional
neural network on raw images will probably lead to bad classification performances. The pre-processing is also
important to speed up training. The aim of image processing is to improve the image data (features) by suppressing
unwanted distortions and enhancement of some important image features so that our models can benefit from this
improved data to work on. An image is nothing more than a two-dimensional array of numbers (or pixels) ranging
between 0 and 255.The most common image data input parameters are the number of images, image height, image width,
number of channels, and the number of levels per pixel. Generally, there are 3 channels of data corresponding to the
color Red, Green, Blue (RGB) Pixel levels are usually [0,255]. There are number of image pre-processing steps should
be done for data set as well as on the input image that we fed into the model. The following pre-processing technique are
applied in our input data.
Convert to grayscale
Grayscale conversion is used to extract the features in an RGB image. there are two methods to convert RGB
image into a grayscale image. The methods are:
Average method
Weighted method or luminosity method
Average method
It is the simplest one to convert the image into grayscale, take the average of three color. Since it is an RGB
image, so it means that add r with g with b and then divide it by 3 to get the desired grayscale image.
Grayscale =(R+G+B)/3
Here average method is used for grayscale conversion.
Image Thresholding
Image Thresholding is a type of image segmentation where it changes the pixels of an image to make the
image easier to analyse. In thresholding, it converts an image from color or grayscale into a binary image i.e.
black and white image. The advantage of obtaining binary image is that it reduces the complexity of the data
and simplifies the process of recognition and classification. It is useful in discriminating foreground from the
background. Thresholding is a way to select areas of interest of an image, while ignoring the parts we are not
concerned with. Otsu thresholding can be applied for image segmentation and image binarization.
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
Morphological Transformation
Morphological transformations are a simple operation based on the image shape. It is normally performed
onbinary images. It needs two inputs; one is our original image and the second input is called structuring
element or kernel which decides the nature of operation. Morphological operations apply a structuring element
to an input image, creating an output image of the same size.
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Here, a pixel element is '1' if at least one pixel under the kernel is '1'. So, it increases the white region in the
image and thus the size of foreground object increases. Normally, in case of noise removal, erosion is
followed by dilation. Because, erosion removes white noises, but it also shrinks our object. So, we dilate it.
Since noise is gone, they won't come back, but our object area increases. It is also useful in joining broken
parts of an object.
Contour is a curve joining all the continuous points (along the boundary), having same color or intensity. It is
a useful tool for shape analysis and object detection and recognition. For better accuracy, use binary images.
Thus, before finding contours, apply threshold or canny edge detection. The find Contours () function
modifies the source image. If the source image is needed even after finding contours, already store it to some
other variables. In OpenCV, finding contours is similar to finding white object from black background. So,
object to be found should be white and background should be black. To find the contour of a binary image:
ctrs, hier = cv2.findContours(thresh. copy (), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
There are three arguments in cv2.findContours() function, first one is source image, second argument is
contour retrieval mode, and the third is contour approximation method, and it outputs the contours and
hierarchy. Contours is a Python list of all the contours in the image. Each individual contour is a Numpy array
of (x, y) coordinates of boundary points of the object. The contour approximation method that we use here is
cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE.It removes all redundant points and compresses the contour, thereby saving
memory. One of the contour feature called bounding rectangle is used and It is found by the
function cv2.boundingRect().Let (x,y) be the top-left coordinate of the rectangle and (w,h) be its width and
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(ctr)
rect = cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2)
Extraction of ROI from input image
A region of interest (ROI) is a portion of an image that we want to filter or perform some other operation on.
We can define ROI by creating a binary mask, which is a binary image that is the same size as the image that
we want to process with pixels that define the ROI set to 1 and all other pixels set to 0. Many common image
operations are performed using Region of Interest in OpenCV. A ROI allows us to operate on a rectangular
subset of the image. The typical series of steps to use ROI is: create a ROI on the image, perform the operation
that we want on this subregion of the image, reset back the ROI.
The model type using here is Sequential model API. Sequential is the easiest way to build a model in Keras. It allows to
build a model layer by layer. The ‘add ()’ function is used to add layers to this model. The layers in this model are core
layers and some other layer including convolution layer, pooling layer and fully connected layers. The most crucial
component in this model is the convolution layer It aims to reducing the size of the image for faster computation of the
weights and improve its generalization. During the convolution part, the network keeps the essential feature of the input
image and exclude the irrelevant noise. For instance, the model is learning how to recognize the characters from an input
image. For traditional neural network, the model will assign a weight to all the pixels, including the backgrounds which
is not essential and can mislead the network. Instead, a convolutional neural network will use a mathematical technique
to extract only the most relevant pixels. This mathematical operation is called convolution. This technique allows the
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Vol. 8, Issue 5, May 2019
network to learn increasingly complex features at each layer. The convolution divides the matrix into small pieces to
learn to most essential elements within each piece. These layers perform feature extraction and classification operations
on our data.
Feature Extraction
Features of input data are the measurable properties of observations, which one uses to analyse or classify these instances
of data. The task of feature extraction is to choose relevant features that discriminate the instances well and are
independent of each other.
The convolution operation extracts different features of the input data set and it use filters to extract the features of an
image. Convolution is basically filtering the image with a smaller pixel filter to decrease the size of the image without
losing the relationship between pixels. The first convolution layer extracts low-level features like edges, lines, and
corners. Higher-level layers extract higher-level features. Activation function is used for the layers. The activation
function used for the first three layers is the ReLU, or Rectified Linear Activation. This activation function has been
proven to work well in neural networks. A ReLU implements the function y = max (x, 0), so the input and output sizes of
this layer are the same. It increases the nonlinear properties of the decision function and of the overall network without
affecting the receptive fields of the convolution layer.
The pooling/subsampling layer reduces the resolution of the features. It makes the features robust against noise and
distortion. There are two ways to do pooling: max pooling and average pooling. In both cases, the input is divided into
non-overlapping two-dimensional spaces. Each input feature is 28x28 and is divided into 14x14 regions of size 2x2.For
average pooling, the average of the four values in the region are calculated. For max pooling, the maximum value of the
four values is selected. For 2x2 subsampling, a 4x4 image is divided into four non-overlapping matrices of size 2x2. In
the case of max pooling, the maximum value of the four values in the 2x2 matrix is the output. In case of average
pooling, the average of the four values is the output. To reduce the spatial dimension of a feature map, we apply
maximum pool. A 2x2 maximum pool replaces a 2x2 area by its maximum. After applying a 2x2 pool, we reduce the
spatial dimension from 4x4 to 2x2. (Filter size=2, Stride = 2). Here, the maximum value of the four values in the 2x2
matrix is the output, that is max {1,1,5,6} =6, max {2,4,7,8} =8, max {3,2,1,2} =3 and max {1,0,3,4} =4.
Classification is a method to extract information from data sets. This is done by dividing the data into categories based
on some features. The idea is to derive a model which can perform the sorting process by training it on data objects
where the category, or label, is known. The model should then be able to classify unlabelled data with sufficient
After using convolution layers to extract the spatial features of an image, fully connected layers are applied for the final
classification. Flatten the output of the convolution layers. In between the Conv2D layers and the dense layer, there is a
‘Flatten’ layer. Flatten serves as a connection between the convolution and dense layers and it flatten the output of the
convolution layers. ‘Dense’ layer is used in CNN to perfume classification on the feature extracted by the convolution or
pooling layer. It is the layer type that is used in the output layer. Dense is a standard layer type that is used in many cases
for neural networks. It performs the following functions.
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Vol. 8, Issue 5, May 2019
Flatten: It is the function that convert the pooled feature map to a single column that is to be passed to the fully
connected layer. It serves as a connection between the convolution and dense layers and it flatten the output of
the convolution layers. To convert the output of convolutional part of the CNN into a 1D feature vector, it can
be used by the ANN part of it. This operation is called flattening
Dropout: It refers to ignoring the neuron units during the training phase of certain set of neurons which is
chosen at random. By dropping out, these units are not considered during the forward and backward pass. At
each training stage individual nodes are dropped out of the network with probability 1-p or kept with
probability p so that a reduced network is left, the incoming and outgoing edges to a dropout node are also
removed. Dropout forces a neural network to learn more robust features that are useful in congestion with
many different random subsets of other neuron. It doubles the iterations required and reducing each epoch.
SoftMax: The activation is ‘SoftMax’. SoftMax makes the output sum up to 1 so the output can be interpreted
as probabilities. The model will then make its prediction based on which option has the highest probability.
Compiling the model takes three parameters: optimizer, loss and metrics.
Optimizer: The optimizer controls the learning rate. Here it will be using ‘Adam’ as our optimizer. Adam is
generally a good optimizer to use for many cases. The Adam optimizer adjusts the learning rate throughout
training. The learning rate determines how fast the optimal weights for the model are calculated. A smaller
learning rate may lead to more accurate weights (up to a certain point), but the time it takes to compute the
weights will be longer.
Loss function: It use ‘categorical_crossentropy’ for our loss function. This is the most common choice for
classification. A lower score indicates that the model is performing better. To make things even easier to
interpret, we will use the ‘accuracy’ metric to see the accuracy score on the validation set when we train the
Metrics: It contains a list of metrics that is to be evaluate by the model during the training and testing. To
specify different metrices for different outputs of a multi-output model, the dictionary must be passed
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Vol. 8, Issue 5, May 2019
These data are stored as images in a folder and used as input to train the model thus obtain target as the output.
Using for loop read each character and convert to numparray and change to corresponding list and then it
calculates the length of each image and label it.
Data pre-processing: These dataset as well as the input image undergoes various image pre-processing stages.
It reshapes the data set inputs (X_train and X_test) to the shape that our model expects while train the model.
These pre-processed images are driven as the input to the model for training.
Fig 4: Input image with various pre-processing steps (gray scale, threshold, dilation)
Building the model: the model used is sequential model API. The parameters used for the layers in this model
are given in the following table.
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Vol. 8, Issue 5, May 2019
Training the model: To train our model, use the ‘fit ()’ function on our model with the following parameters:
training data (train_X), target data (train_y), validation data, and the number of epochs. For validation data,
use the test set provided in the dataset, which is split into X_test and y_test.
The number of epochs is the number of times the model will cycle through the data. The more epochs run, the
more the model will improve, up to a certain point. After that point, the model will stop improving during each
epoch. For our model, we set the number of epochs to 10.
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Fig6: output
Handwritten digit recognition is the first step to the vast field of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision. With the
advance of technology, every day there are new algorithms coming up which can make computers do wonders.
Machines can recognize images and understand handwriting of different people which humans themselves have failed
to understand or comprehend from the image. As seen from the results of the experiment, CNN proves to be far better
than other classifiers. The results can be made more accurate with more convolution layers and a greater number of
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Vol. 8, Issue 5, May 2019
hidden neurons. Here this project demonstrates the use of convolutional neural network in handwritten recognition
from a handwritten text decimal and convert into digital format. To achieve maximum accuracy, more training data
should be fed to the system. The accuracy is directly proportional to amount of data.
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