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Ebooks File (Ebook PDF) Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 4th by Jonathan Berk All Chapters
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Names: Berk, Jonathan B., 1962- author. | DeMarzo, Peter M., author. |
Harford, Jarrad V. T., author.
Title: Fundamentals of corporate finance / Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo,
Jarrad Harford.
Description: 4th edition. | New York, NY : Prentice Hall, [2016]
Identifiers: LCCN 2016053928 | ISBN 9780134475561
Subjects: LCSH: Corporations--Finance.
Classification: LCC HG4026 .B464 2016 | DDC 658.15--dc23
1 17
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016053928
ISBN 10: 0-13-447556-9
ISBN 13: 978-0-13-447556-1
Brief Contents
PART 1 Introduction 1
CHAPTER 1 Corporate Finance and the Financial Manager 3
CHAPTER 2 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis 27
viii Detailed Contents
8.6 Choosing Among Projects When Resources CHAPTER 10 Stock Valuation: A Second
Are Limited 251
Look 303
Evaluating Projects with Different Resource
Requirements 251 10.1 The Discounted Free Cash Flow Model 304
8.7 Putting It All Together 254 Valuing the Enterprise 304
Implementing the Model 305
Summary 255 ● Critical Connection to Capital Budgeting 306
Thinking 256 ● Problems 257 ● Data
Case 263 10.2 Valuation Based on Comparable Firms 308
Valuation Multiples 308
Limitations of Multiples 313
CHAPTER 9 Fundamentals of Capital Comparison with Discounted Cash Flow
Budgeting 265 Methods 314
9.1 The Capital Budgeting Process 266 10.3 Stock Valuation Techniques: A Final Word 314
l Interview With Douglas Kehring 315
9.2 Forecasting Incremental Earnings 267
Operating Expenses Versus Capital 10.4 Information, Competition, and Stock
Expenditures 267 Prices 316
Incremental Revenue and Cost Estimates 268 Information in Stock Prices 316
Taxes 269 Competition and Efficient Markets 318
Incremental Earnings Forecast 269 l Forms of Market Efficiency 318
Lessons for Investors and Corporate
9.3 Determining Incremental Free Cash Flow 271
Managers 320
Converting from Earnings to Free Cash Flow 272
l N obel Prize The 2013 Prize: An
Calculating Free Cash Flow Directly 275
Enigma? 321
Calculating the NPV 276
The Efficient Markets Hypothesis Versus No
l U
sing Excel Capital B udgeting Using
Arbitrage 321
a Spreadsheet Program 277
10.5 Individual Biases and Trading 322
9.4 Other Effects on Incremental Free Cash
Excessive Trading and Overconfidence 322
Flows 278
Hanging On to Losers and the Disposition
Opportunity Costs 278
Effect 322
l C ommon Mistake The Opportunity Cost
Investor Attention, Mood, and Experience 324
of an Idle Asset 278
Project Externalities 278 Summary 325 ● Critical
Sunk Costs 279 Thinking 326 ● Problems 326 ● Data
l C ommon Mistake The Sunk Cost Case 331
Fallacy 279
PART 3 Integrative Case 333
Adjusting Free Cash Flow 280
Replacement Decisions 282
9.5 Analyzing the Project 283 PART 4 Risk and Return 335
Sensitivity Analysis 283
Break-Even Analysis 284 CHAPTER 11 Risk and Return in Capital
l Interview With David Holland 286 Markets 337
Scenario Analysis 287
l U sing Excel Project Analysis 11.1 A First Look at Risk and Return 338
Using Excel 288 11.2 Historical Risks and Returns of Stocks 340
9.6 Real Options in Capital Budgeting 289 Computing Historical Returns 341
Option to Delay 290 Average Annual Returns 343
Option to Expand 290 l A rithmetic Average Returns Versus
Option to Abandon 290 Compound Annual Returns 345
The Variance and Volatility of Returns 346
Summary 291 ● Critical
l C ommon Mistake Mistakes When
Thinking 292 ● Problems 293 ● Data
Computing Standard Deviation 348
Case 300
l U sing Excel Computing the Standard
Chapter 9 Appendix MACRS Deviation of Historical Returns 348
Depreciation 301 The Normal Distribution 349
Detailed Contents xi
12.4 Putting It All Together: The Capital Asset Pricing 13.6 When Raising External Capital Is Costly 423
Model 389
Summary 424 ● Critical
The CAPM Equation Relating Risk to Expected
Thinking 426 ● Problems 426 ● Data
Return 389
Case 429
l W
hy Not Estimate Expected Returns
Directly? 390 PART 4 Integrative Case 431
xii Detailed Contents
16.5 Optimal Capital Structure: The Tradeoff l Royal & SunAlliance’s Dividend Cut 558
Theory 517 Signaling and Share Repurchases 558
Differences Across Firms 517 l Interview With John Connors 559
Optimal Leverage 518 17.6 Stock Dividends, Splits, and Spin-Offs 560
16.6 Additional Consequences of Leverage: Stock Dividends and Splits 560
Agency Costs and Information 519 l Berkshire Hathaway’s A and B Shares 561
Agency Costs 519 Spin-Offs 561
l Airlines Use Financial Distress 17.7 Advice for the Financial Manager 562
to Their Advantage 520
l G
lobal Financial Crisis Moral Hazard Summary 563 ● Critical
and Government Bailouts 521 Thinking 565 ● Problems 565 ● Data
l F
inancial Distress and Rolling the Dice, Case 568
Literally 522 PART 6 Integrative Case 570
Debt and Information 522
16.7 Capital Structure: Putting It All Together 524
Summary 525 ● Critical
PART 7 Financial Planning and
Thinking 527 ● Problems 527 Forecasting 571
Chapter 16 Appendix The Bankruptcy CHAPTER 18 Financial Modeling and Pro
Code 535 Forma Analysis 573
Summary 595 ● Critical 20.3 Short-Term Financing with Bank Loans 638
Thinking 596 ● Problems 596 Single, End-of-Period Payment Loan 638
Line of Credit 638
Chapter 18 Appendix The Balance Sheet Bridge Loan 639
and Statement of Cash Flows 600
Common Loan Stipulations and Fees 639
20.4 Short-Term Financing with Commercial
CHAPTER 19 Working Capital Paper 641
Management 603 l S hort-Term Financing and the Financial
Crisis of the Fall of 2008 641
19.1 Overview of Working Capital 604
The Cash Cycle 604 20.5 Short-Term Financing with Secured
Working Capital Needs by Industry 606 Financing 643
Firm Value and Working Capital 607 Accounts Receivable as Collateral 643
l A Seventeenth-Century Financing
19.2 Trade Credit 608
Solution 643
Trade Credit Terms 609
Inventory as Collateral 644
Trade Credit and Market Frictions 609
l L oan Guarantees: The Ex-Im Bank
l C ommon Mistake Using APR Instead of
Controversy 644
EAR to Compute the Cost of Trade Credit 610
Managing Float 611 20.6 Putting It All Together: Creating a Short-Term
Financial Plan 646
19.3 Receivables Management 612
Determining the Credit Policy 612 Summary 647 ● Critical
l The 5 C’s of Credit 612 Thinking 648 ● Problems 649
Monitoring Accounts Receivable 614
PART 7 Integrative Case 653
19.4 Payables Management 616
Determining Accounts Payable Days
Outstanding 616 PART 8 Special Topics 659
Stretching Accounts Payable 617
CHAPTER 21 Option Applications and
19.5 Inventory Management 618 Corporate Finance 661
Benefits of Holding Inventory 618
Costs of Holding Inventory 619 21.1 Option Basics 662
l Inventory Management Adds to Option Contracts 662
the Bottom Line at Gap 619 Stock Option Quotations 663
19.6 Cash Management 620 Options on Other Financial Securities 665
Motivation for Holding Cash 620 l O ptions Are for More Than Just
Alternative Investments 620 Stocks 665
l Hoarding Cash 622 21.2 Option Payoffs at Expiration 665
The Long Position in an Option Contract 666
Summary 622 ● Critical
The Short Position in an Option Contract 667
Thinking 624 ● Problems 624 ● Data
Profits for Holding an Option to Expiration 669
Case 627
Returns for Holding an Option to Expiration 671
CHAPTER 20 Short-Term Financial 21.3 Factors Affecting Option Prices 672
Planning 629 Strike Price and Stock Price 672
Option Prices and the Exercise Date 672
20.1 Forecasting Short-Term Financing Needs 630 Option Prices and the Risk-Free Rate 673
Application: Springfield Snowboards, Inc. 630 Option Prices and Volatility 673
Negative Cash Flow Shocks 630 21.4 The Black-Scholes Option Pricing
Positive Cash Flow Shocks 631 Formula 674
Seasonalities 631
The Cash Budget 633 21.5 Put-Call Parity 676
Portfolio Insurance 676
20.2 The Matching Principle 635
Permanent Working Capital 635 21.6 Options and Corporate Finance 679
Temporary Working Capital 635 Summary 681 ● Critical
Permanent Versus Temporary Working Capital 635 Thinking 682 ● Problems 682 ● Data
Financing Policy Choices 636 Case 684
Detailed Contents xv
Peter DeMarzo is the Mizuho Financial Group Professor of Finance at the Graduate
School of Business, Stanford University. He is the current Vice President of the American
Finance Association and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.
He teaches MBA and PhD courses in Corporate Finance and Financial Modeling. In a ddition
to his experience at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Professor DeMarzo has
taught at the Haas School of Business and the Kellogg Graduate School of Management,
and he was a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution.
Professor DeMarzo received the Sloan Teaching Excellence Award at Stanford, and the
Earl F. Cheit Outstanding Teaching Award at U.C. Berkeley. Professor DeMarzo has served
as an Associate Editor for The Review of Financial Studies, Financial Management, and
the B.E. Journals in Economic Analysis and Policy, as well as a Director of the Ameri-
can Finance Association. He has served as Vice President and President of the Western
Finance Association. Professor DeMarzo’s research is in the area of corporate investment
and financing, asset securitization, and contracting, as well as market structure and regula-
tion. His recent work has examined issues of the optimal design of contracts and securities,
About the Authors xvii
leverage dynamics and the role of bank capital regulation, and the influence of information
asymmetries on stock prices and corporate investment. He has received numerous awards
including the Western Finance Association Corporate Finance Award and the Barclays
Global Investors/Michael Brennan best-paper award from The Review of Financial Studies.
Professor DeMarzo was born in Whitestone, New York, and is married with three boys.
He and his family enjoy hiking, biking, and skiing.
Jarrad Harford is the Paul Pigott - PACCAR Professor of Finance at the University
of Washington. Prior to Washington, Professor Harford taught at the Lundquist College
of Business at the University of Oregon. He received his PhD in Finance with a minor in
Organizations and Markets from the University of Rochester. Professor Harford has taught
the core undergraduate finance course, Business Finance, for over nineteen years, as well
as an elective in Mergers and Acquisitions, and “Finance for Non-financial Executives” in
the executive education program. He has won numerous awards for his teaching, includ-
ing the UW Finance Professor of the Year (2010, 2012, 2016), Panhellenic/Interfraternity
Council Business Professor of the Year Award (2011, 2013), ISMBA Excellence in Teaching
Award (2006), and the Wells Fargo Faculty Award for Undergraduate Teaching (2005). Pro-
fessor Harford is currently a Managing Editor of the Journal of Financial and Quantitative
Analysis, and serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Financial Economics, and
Journal of Corporate Finance. His main research interests are understanding the dynamics
of merger and acquisition activity as well as the interaction of corporate cash management
policy with governance, payout and global tax considerations. Professor Harford was born
in Pennsylvania, is married, and has two sons. He and his family enjoy traveling, hiking,
and skiing.
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
you think that would fix ’em, eh? No? No, I suppose not. If they got
mad at anything, they’d forget their mothers, eh? Yes, I suppose
they would. Can’t depend on niggers. But I reckon they’d come
back. Only to be worse off in Mexico—eh?”
“Nothing but——”
“Being free, eh? Get tired of that, I should think. Nobody to take
care of them. No, I suppose not. Learn to take care of themselves.”
Then he turned to our host and began to ask him about his
neighbours, many of whom he had known when he was a boy, and
been at school with. A sorry account he got of most. Generally they
had run through their property; their lands had passed into new
hands; their negroes had been disposed of; two were now, he
thought, “strikers” for gamblers in Natchez.
“What is a striker?” I asked the landlord at the first opportunity.
“Oh! to rope in fat fellows for the gamblers; they don’t do that
themselves, but get somebody else. I don’t know as it is so; all I
know is, they don’t have no business, not till late at night; they
never stir out till late at night, and nobody knows how they live, and
that’s what I expect they do. Fellows that come into town flush, you
know—sold out their cotton and are flush—they always think they
must see everything, and try their hands at everything—they get
hold of ’em and bring ’em in to the gamblers, and get ’em tight for
’em, you know.”
“How’s —— got along since his father died?” asked Mr. S.
“Well, ——’s been unfortunate. Got mad with his overseer; thought
he was lazy and packed him off; then he undertook to oversee for
himself, and he was unfortunate. Had two bad crops. Finally the
sheriff took about half his niggers. He tried to work the plantation
with the rest, but they was old, used-up hands, and he got mad that
they would not work more, and tired o’ seein’ ’em, and ’fore the end
of the year he sold ’em all.”
Another young man, whom he inquired about, had had his property
managed for him by a relative till he came of age, and had been
sent North to college. When he returned and got into his own hands,
the first year he ran it in debt $16,000. The income from it being
greatly reduced under his management, he had put it back in the
care of his relative, but continued to live upon it. “I see,” continued
our host, “every time any of their teams pass from town they fetch a
barrel or a demijohn. There is a parcel of fellows, who, when they
can’t liquor anywhere else, always go to him.”
“But how did he manage to spend so much,” I inquired, “the first
year after his return, as you said,—in gambling?”
“Well, he gambled some, and run horses. He don’t know anything
about a horse, and, of course, he thinks he knows everything. Those
fellows up at Natchez would sell him any kind of a tacky for four or
five hundred dollars, and then after he’d had him a month, they’d
ride out another and make a bet of five or six hundred dollars they’d
beat him. Then he’d run with ’em, and of course he’d lose it.”
“But sixteen thousand dollars is a large sum of money to be worked
off even in that way in a year,” I observed.
“Oh, he had plenty of other ways. He’d go into a bar-room, and get
tight and commence to break things. They’d let him go on, and the
next morning hand him a bill for a hundred dollars. He thinks that’s a
smart thing, and just laughs and pays it, and then treats all around
By one and the other, many stories were then told of similar follies of
young men. Among the rest, this:—
A certain man had, as was said to be the custom when running for
office, given an order at a grocery for all to be “treated” who applied
in his name. The grocer, after the election, which resulted in the
defeat of the treater, presented what was thought an exorbitant bill.
He refused to pay it, and a lawsuit ensued. A gentleman in the
witness box being asked if he thought it possible for the whole
number of people taking part in the election to have consumed the
quantity of liquor alleged, answered—
“Moy Goad! Judge!” (reproachfully): “Yes, sir! Why, I’ve been
charged for a hundred and fifty drinks ’fore breakfast, when I’ve
stood treat, and I never thought ’o disputin’ it.”
At supper, Mr. S., looking at the daughter of our host, said—
“What a pretty girl that is. My dear, do you find any schools to go to,
out here—eh? I reckon not. This isn’t the country for schools.
There’ll not be a school in Mississippi ’fore long, I reckon. Nothing
but Institutes, eh? Ha! ha! ha! Institutes, humph! Don’t believe
there’s a school between this and Natchez, is there?”
“No, sir.”
“Of course there isn’t.”[14]
“What sort of a country is it, then, between here and Natchez?” I
asked. “I should suppose it would be well settled.”
“Big plantations, sir. Nothing else. Aristocrats. Swell-heads, I call
them, sir. Nothing but swell-heads, and you can’t get a night’s
lodging, sir. Beyond the ferry, I’ll be bound, a man might die on the
road ’fore he’d get a lodging with one of them. Eh, Mr. N.? So, isn’t
it? ‘Take a stranger in, and I’ll clear you out!’ That’s the rule. That’s
what they tell their overseers, eh? Yes, sir; just so inhospitable as
that. Swell-heads! Swell-heads, sir. Every plantation. Can’t get a
meal of victuals or a night’s lodging from one of them, I don’t
suppose, not if your life depended on it. Can you, Mr. N.?”
“Well, I believe Mr. ——, his place is right on the road, and it’s half
way to the ferry, and I believe he tells his overseer if a man comes
and wants something to eat, he must give it to him, but he must not
take any pay for it, because strangers must have something to eat.
They start out of Natchez, thinking it’s as ’tis in other countries; that
there’s houses along, where they can get a meal, and so they don’t
provide for themselves, and when they get along about there, they
are sometimes desperate hungry. Had to be something done.”
“Do the planters not live themselves on their plantations?”
“Why, a good many of them has two or three plantations, but they
don’t often live on any of them.”
“Must have ice for their wine, you see,” said Mr. S., “or they’d die. So
they have to live in Natchez or New Orleans. A heap of them live in
New Orleans.”
“And in summer they go up into Kentucky, do they not? I’ve seen
country houses there which were said to belong to cotton-planters
from Mississippi.”
“No, sir. They go North. To New York, and Newport, and Saratoga,
and Cape May, and Seneca Lake. Somewhere that they can display
themselves more than they do here. Kentucky is no place for that.
That’s the sort of people, sir, all the way from here to Natchez. And
all round Natchez, too. And in all this section of country where
there’s good land. Good God! I wouldn’t have my children educated,
sir, among them, not to have them as rich as Dr. ——, every one of
them. You can know their children as far off as you can see them.
Young swell-heads! You’ll take note of ’em in Natchez. You can tell
them by their walk. I noticed it yesterday at the Mansion House.
They sort o’ throw out their legs as if they hadn’t got strength
enough to lift ’em and put them down in any particular place. They
do want so bad to look as if they weren’t made of the same clay as
the rest of God’s creation.”
Some allowance is of course to be made for the splenetic
temperament of this gentleman, but facts evidently afford some
justification of his sarcasms. This is easily accounted for. The farce of
the vulgar-rich has its foundation in Mississippi, as in New York and
in Manchester, in the rapidity with which certain values have
advanced, especially that of cotton, and, simultaneously, that of
cotton lands and negroes.[15] Of course, there are men of
refinement and cultivation among the rich planters of Mississippi,
and many highly estimable and intelligent persons outside of the
wealthy class, but the number of such is smaller in proportion to that
of the immoral, vulgar, and ignorant newly-rich, than in any other
part of the United States. And herein is a radical difference between
the social condition of this region and that of the sea-board slave
States, where there are fewer wealthy families, but where among
the few people of wealth, refinement and education are more
I asked how rich the sort of men were of whom he spoke.
“Why, sir, from a hundred thousand to ten million.”
“Do you mean that between here and Natchez there are none worth
less than a hundred thousand dollars?”
“No, sir, not beyond the ferry. Why, any sort of a plantation is worth
a hundred thousand dollars. The niggers would sell for that.”
“How many negroes are there on these plantations?”
“From fifty to a hundred.”
“Never over one hundred?”
“No; when they’ve increased to a hundred they always divide them;
stock another plantation. There are sometimes three or four
plantations adjoining one another, with an overseer for each,
belonging to the same man. But that isn’t general. In general, they
have to strike off for new land.”
“How many acres will a hand tend here?”
“About fifteen—ten of cotton, and five of corn; some pretend to
make them tend twenty.”
“And what is the usual crop?”
“A bale and a half to the acre on fresh land and in the bottom. From
four to eight bales to a hand they generally get: sometimes ten and
better, when they are lucky.”
“A bale and a half on fresh land? How much on old?”
“Well, you can’t tell. Depends on how much it’s worn and what the
season is so much. Old land, after a while, isn’t worth bothering
“Do most of these large planters who live so freely, anticipate their
crops as the sugar planters are said to—spend the money, I mean,
before the crop is sold?”
“Yes, sir, and three and four crops ahead generally.”
“Are most of them the sons of rich men? are they old estates?”
“No, sir; lots of them were overseers once.”
“Have you noticed whether it is a fact that these large properties
seldom continue long in the same family? Do the grandsons of
wealthy planters often become poor men?”
“Generally the sons do. Almost always their sons are fools, and soon
go through with it.”
“If they don’t kill themselves before their fathers die,” said the other.
“Yes. They drink hard and gamble, and of course that brings them
into fights.”
This was while they were smoking on the gallery after supper. I
walked to the stable to see how my horse was provided for, and took
my notes of the conversation. When I returned they were talking of
negroes who had died of yellow fever while confined in the jail at
Natchez. Two of them were spoken of as having been thus “happily
released,” being under sentence of death, and unjustly so, in their
A man living in this vicinity having taken a runaway while the fever
was raging in the jail at Natchez, a physician advised him not to
send him there. He did not, and the negro escaped; was some time
afterward recaptured, and the owner having learned from him that
he had been once before taken and not detained according to law,
he made a journey to inquire into the matter, and was very angry.
He said, “Whenever you catch a nigger again, you send him to jail,
no matter what’s to be feared. If he dies in the jail, you are not
responsible. You’ve done your duty, and you can leave the rest to
“That was right, too,” said Mr. P. “Yes, he ought to a’ minded the law.
Then if he’d died in jail, he’d know ’twasn’t his fault.”
Next morning, near the ferry house, I noticed a set of stocks, having
holes for the head as well as the ankles; they stood unsheltered and
unshaded in the open road.
I asked an old negro what it was.
“Dat ting, massa?” grinning; “well, sah, we calls dat a ting to put
black people, niggers, in, when dey misbehaves bad, and to put
runaways in, sah. Heaps o’ runaways, dis country, sah. Yes, sah,
heaps on ’em round here.”[16]
Mr. S. and I slept in the same room. I went to bed some time before
him; he sat up late, to smoke, he said. He woke me when he came
in, by his efforts to barricade the door with our rather limited
furniture. The room being small, and without a window, I
expostulated. He acknowledged it would probably make us rather
too warm, but he shouldn’t feel safe if the door were left open. “You
don’t know,” said he; “there may be runaways around.”
He then drew two small revolvers, hitherto concealed under his
clothing, and began to examine the caps. He was certainly a nervous
man, perhaps a madman. I suppose he saw some expression of this
thought in my face, for he said, placing them so they could be easily
taken up as he lay in bed, “Sometimes a man has a use for them
when he least expects it. There was a gentleman on this road a few
days ago. He was going to Natchez. He overtook a runaway, and he
says to him, ‘Bad company’s better’n none, boy, and I reckon I’ll
keep you along with me into Natchez.’ The nigger appeared to be
pleased to have company, and went along, talking with him, very
well, till they came to a thicket place, about six miles from Natchez.
Then he told him he reckoned he would not go any further with him.
‘What! you black rascal,’ says he; ‘you mean you won’t go in with
me? You step out and go straight ahead, and if you turn your face
till you get into Natchez, I’ll shoot you.’ ‘Aha! massa,’ says the nigger,
mighty good-natured, ‘I reckon you ’aint got no shootin’ irons;’ and
he bolted off into the thicket, and got away from him.”
At breakfast, Mr. S. came late. He bowed his head as he took his
seat, and closed his eyes for a second or two; then, withdrawing his
quid of tobacco and throwing it in the fireplace, he looked round
with a smile, and said:—
“I always think it a good plan to thank the Lord for His mercies. I’m
afraid some people’ll think I’m a member of the church. I aint, and
never was. Wish I was. I am a Son, though [of Temperance?] Give
me some water, girl. Coffee first. Never too soon for coffee. And
never too late, I say. Wait for anything but coffee. These swell-heads
drink their coffee after they’ve eaten all their dinner. I want it with
dinner, eh? Don’t nothing taste good without coffee, I reckon.”
Before he left, he invited me to visit his plantations, giving me
careful directions to find them, and saying that if he should not have
returned before I reached them, his wife and his overseer would
give me every attention if I would tell them he told me to visit them.
He said again, and in this connection, that he believed this was the
most inhospitable country in the world, and asked, “as I had been a
good deal of a traveller, didn’t I think so myself?” I answered that
my experience was much too small to permit me to form an opinion
so contrary to that generally held.
If they had a reputation for hospitality, he said, it could only be
among their own sort. They made great swell-head parties; and
when they were on their plantation places, they made it a point to
have a great deal of company; they would not have anything to do if
they didn’t. But they were all swell-heads, I might be sure; they’d
never ask anybody but a regular swell-head to see them.
His own family, however, seemed not to be excluded from the swell-
head society.
Among numerous anecdotes illustrative of the folly of his
neighbours, or his own prejudices and jealousy, I remember none
which it would be proper to publish but the following:-
“Do you remember a place you passed?” [describing the locality].
“Yes,” said I; “a pretty cottage with a large garden, with some
statues or vases in it.”
“I think it likely. Got a foreign gardener, I expect. That’s all the
fashion with them. A nigger isn’t good enough for them. Well, that
belongs to Mr. A. J. Clayborn.[?] He’s got to be a very rich man. I
suppose he’s got as many as five hundred people on all his places.
He went out to Europe a few years ago, and sometime after he
came back, he came up to Natchez. I was there with my wife at the
same time, and as she and Mrs. Clayborn came from the same
section of country, and used to know each other when they were
girls, she thought she must go and see her. Mrs. Clayborn could not
talk about anything but the great people they had seen in Europe.
She was telling of some great nobleman’s castle they went to, and
the splendid park there was to it, and how grandly they lived. For
her part, she admired it so much, and they made so many friends
among the people of quality, she said, she didn’t care if they always
stayed there. In fact, she really wanted Mr. Clayborn to buy one of
the castles, and be a nobleman himself. ‘But he wouldn’t,’ says she;
‘he’s such a strong Democrat, you know.’ Ha! ha! ha! I wonder what
old Tom Jeff. would have said to these swell-head Democrats.”
I asked him if there were no poor people in this country. I could see
no houses which seemed to belong to poor people.
“Of course not, sir. Every inch of the land bought up by the swell-
heads on purpose to keep them away. But you go back on to the
pine ridge. Good Lord! I’ve heard a heap about the poor folks at the
North; but if you ever saw any poorer people than them, I should
like to know what they live on. Must be a miracle if they live at all. I
don’t see how these people live, and I’ve wondered how they do a
great many times. Don’t raise corn enough, great many of them, to
keep a shoat alive through the winter. There’s no way they can live,
’less they steal.”
At the ferry of the Homochitto I fell in with a German, originally from
Dusseldorf, whence he came seventeen years ago, first to New York;
afterward he had resided successively in Baltimore, Cincinnati, New
Orleans, Pensacola, Mobile, and Natchez. By the time he reached the
last place he had lost all his money. Going to work as a labourer in
the town, he soon earned enough again to set him up as a trinket
peddler; and a few months afterward he was able to buy “a leetle
coach-dray.” Then, he said, he made money fast; for he would go
back into the country, among the poor people, and sell them
trinkets, and calico, and handkerchiefs, and patent medicines. They
never had any money. “All poor folks,” he said; “dam poor; got no
money; oh no; but I say, ’dat too bad, I don’t like to balk you, my
frind; may be so, you got some egg, some fedder, some cheeken,
some rag, some sass, or some skin vot you kill.’ I takes dem dings
vot they’s got, and ven I gets my load I cums to Natchez back and
sells dem, alvays dwo or dree times so much as dey coss me; and
den I buys some more goots. Not bad beesnes—no. Oh, dese poor
people dey deenk me is von fool ven I buy some dime deir rag vat
dey bin vear; dey calls me de ole Dutch cuss. But dey don’t know
nottin’ vot it is vorth. I deenk dey neever see no money; may be so
dey geev all de cheeken vot they been got for a leetle breaspin vot
cost me not so much as von beet. Sometime dey be dam crazy fool;
dey know not how do make de count at all. Yees, I makes some
money, a heap.”