Complex Service Delivery Processes Strategy to Operations
4th Edition Jean Harvey
Possessive New Boss An Instalove Alpha Male Office Romance
Possessive Billionaire Bosses Book 1 1st Edition Flora
Chapter 5: Closing
5.0 Closing Process Group
5.1 Procurement Audit
5.2 Contract Close-Out
5.3 Project or Phase Close-Out
5.4 Lessons Learned
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First and foremost, thank you to my husband Dexter Dionisio for
helping me with the forms in this second edition. I know it was a
thankless and tedious job and I so appreciate your help. Your
support for me in all my writing efforts means so much to me.
I would also like to thank members of the core committee from the
PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition for reviewing all the descriptions to
make sure they are aligned with the latest edition of the standard for
project management. In particular, a big thank you to Dave Violette,
Project Chair for the development of the PMBOK® Guide—Fifth
Edition, Marie Gunnerson, George Jucan, Theofanis C. Giotis,
Mercedes Martinez Sanz, and Nick Clemens.
Thank you to Amanda Miller and Bob Argentieri for bringing me out
to lovely Hoboken to strategize the new approach for this second
edition of the Book of Forms. I think our brainstorming efforts paid
off. I think the look, feel and usability of the second edition is better
than the first.
Thank you again to Dan Magers, Amy Odum and Kerstin Nasdeo for
your efforts in organizing all the post-writing work to get everything
organized, laid out, and through production. I always appreciate
your professionalism.
I appreciate Donn Greenburg, Barbara Walsh, Amy Goretzky, and
Roberta Storer for the work you all do to support this book and the
other publications we work on. I am looking forward to the
electronic spinoffs for the forms and I appreciate your support with
that project!
A special shout out to Bisk Education, Villanova faculty, Chuck Arnao,
and all the Villanova students who use this book. Thank you for
purchasing and using this book. I hope it helps you!
The forms are organized by process group: initiating, planning,
executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. Within those
process groups, the forms are arranged sequentially as presented in
the PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition.
A description of each form is presented along with a list of contents
and a brief explanation of the type of information that goes in each
field. For the planning forms, there is a description of where the
information in the form comes from (inputs) and where it goes
(outputs). For some forms, there is a list of related forms. Following
the description, a blank copy of the form is presented. Electronic
versions of the forms are available at
www.wiley.com/go/bookofforms2e; all are in Microsoft Office
software for ease of tailoring.
There are a few forms included that are not mentioned in the
PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition. These are forms that assist in
managing a project but are not considered part of the project
management standard.
There have been some requests for completed samples of each
form. Due to the unique nature of projects and because this book is
meant to span all industries and be used by a wide audience it is not
practical to provide examples of completed forms. However, in this
current edition we have included a table with a description of the
information that would go in each field, and in some instances
provided examples for clarification.
Not all forms will be needed on all projects. Use the forms you need,
to the degree that you need them, to assist you in managing your
Chapter 1
Initiating Forms