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Mamiya 7ii

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PayPal Name Lynn@butkus.


The camerais shippedwith the lightshieldcur-

tain in the open position.
T h e r e f oreyo u ca n n o t re mo ve the body cap
unlessyou closethe curtainfirst.
P l e a s e r e a d p a g e 1 0 o f th e i nstr uctionbook
f irst.

The camera will not functionwithouta battery.

Pleaseread pages 8 and 9 next.

You will want to practicewith the camera with-

out film. This can be done in two ways. Either
leave the back cover open or set the Multi
ExposureLeverto Multi.

The instructionbook was written for the black

finishedcamera.Subsequentlya silver model
was added.The white index marksand dots on
the black model appear in black on the silver

Congratulations on your purchase of the Mamiya 7lI and welcome to the world-wide
family of happy Mamiya camera owners !

Mamiyapioneeredthe 6x7cm mediumformat SLR systemcamerawhen it introducedthe

first Mamiya RB67 in 1970. In 1982 an additionalmodel followed,the Mamiya RZ67 with
Both camerassoon became the market leadersand the preferredtool of trade for portrait,
c om me rcialand m agaz in ep h o to g ra p h e rsa l l o v e r th e w orl d and establ i shedthe 6x7
rectangular imageas the "idealformat".
Now we are proudto presentthe MamiyaTn,6 x 7cm rangefinder camera.
ReflectingMamiya'straditionalqualityworkmanshipplus moderndesign,the Mamiya7lI is
compactand lightweight.lt offersthe handlingease of a 35mm camera,while yieldingfar
superior4.5 times larger images.Featuringinterchangeable, rangefindercoupled lenses
and AE metering,it also permitstaking 24 x 65mm panoramicimageson 35mm film, by
meansof an optionaladapterkit.
The MamiyaTlI lens programincludesa standard80mm lens, a 50mm and 65mm wide
anglelens,an ultra-wide43mm lensand a 150mmtelephotolens.
The MamiyaTn and its lenseshave undergoneextensivequalitycontrolsat every step of
manufacture. Pleaseread this instructionmanualthoroughlybeforeyou use the camera.A
proper understandingof all its featuresand functionswill eliminatepotentialmisuse and
ensurea longservicelife.
Mamiya 7ll , the ultimate 6x7 Neckstrap ." "35
rangefindercamera ....3 Troubleshooting .....36
NomenclatureParts ....4 Lenses . .37
CameraBody' "'4 Accessories . . .39
Lens ""6
Systemchart "'40
Viewfinderdisplay " " "7
Specifications .......41
InsertingBattery ......8
PowerON/OFFand Common Sense Gamera Care and
Practice ...."'42
S h u t t eRr e l e a sBeu t t o n ' ' ' '
Battery Check " '9
Mounting/Removing Lenses . . . . . . 10
Closingthe lightshieldcurtain ' ' 10
Removingcamerabody cap " " 10
M o u n t i nlge n s' ' ' ' ' ' ' '11
Removinglens """'12
Precaution for mounting/
r e m o v i nl e
gn s e s ' ' ' ' ' ' 13
CameraFunctionalTest .. -.. 14

BeforeLoadingtheFilm ....15
Settingthe filmspeed ' ' ' 15
Opening/closing the back cover ' ' 15
Settingthe film type ' " ' 16
Memoclip.. "'16
LoadingtheFilm .....17

TakingPhotographs .......20
AE (AutomaticExposure)Photography' ' 20
M a n u aPl h o t o g r a p h" y' ""'22
F o c u s i n tgh e L e n s " " '24
Photographic area covered " " 25
Unloadingthefilm " "'27
Photographing to conform
topurposes.. ....."28
AE Lock(AEL)Photography' " '28
Self-Timer " " '29
TimeExposures """30
FlashPhotography ""31
Multipleexposuremechanism " '32
fnfraredPhotography'''' " ' '32
ExposureOompensation' "' "33
Lenses ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '34
Depth-of-Field ' '34
How to Holdthe Camera " " " 35
rir&i" o-.+,;s*;u.*
MamiyaT II, the ultimate 6x7 rangefinder camera
The MamiyaTn is the only camera in the . Precision,super quiet,electronicshutterwith
world that has these exclusivefeatures: speeds f rom 4 to 1/500 sec., f lash
synchronizedat all speeds.
. l d e a l 6 x 7 c m f i l m f o r m a t t h a t e n l a r g e st o
s t a n d a r dp h o t o g r a p h i ca n d i n d u s t r i a p
l aper . Built-in "dark slide" curtain that permits
sizes without cropping and without wasting changinglenseswithfilm in camera.
film. A size that can be viewed with the naked
eye and that is easy to retouch. . PrecisionAE (automalicexposure)meter with
. Lightweight,compact,"quickon the draw" and
e r g o n o m i c a ldl ye s i g n e dt o f i t i n y o u r h a n dl i k e .Self-timer (delayed action release) with
a glove. automaticturn-off.

. Crisp, accurate, broad based, split-image . Optionalexternalbatterycase to wear inside

rangefinder,that is easy to focus,even in poor clothingin extremecold.
. Optional panoramicadapter that permits use
. Bright viewfinder with frame lines that are of 35mmfilm and yields24x65mmimages.
a u t o m a t i c a l l yi n d e x e d t o m a t c h t h e f o c a l
l e n g t ho f l e n s i n u s e a n d t h a t a u t o m a t i c a l l y 'Built with typical Mamiya quality for hard
adjustfor parallax. professionaluse and long servicelife.

. Interchangeable, world-classMamiya lenses,

u t i l i z i n gt h e l a t e s t o p t i c a l g l a s s e s a n d
computer aided design and that take
advantageof the camera's short flange focal
distance(thereis no mirrorbox) to reach new
heightsin lensquality.

Nomenclature Parts

Camera Body

Self-timerpilot lamp Film speedwindow

lock releasebutton Self-timerbutton (\))
Exposurecompensation Shutter speed Index
scale Mark
Poweron/offlever Rangefindercoupling
rol l er
window Rangefinderwindow

Shutterrelease t1r*----- .--




Cable release socket

PC Terminal
Electronic contacts
Bayonet mount

lllomenclature Parts

Shutter speed dial

A/AEL release button
Film advance lever
Hot Shoe for mounting
electronicflash Multi-exposure lever
Film setting index dots


(120or 220t135)
Spool releaselevers
Filmholderstud Pressureplate


lllomenclature Parts

Back cover
Memo clip
eyepiece 120 .2201135selector index
Rubbereyecup window
(Use for 135 type film)

Back cover lock

release button
Back cover latch
Carryingstrap lugs Batterychamber
Filmspoolstud Lightshieldcurtain
(The socket has Ul/4" threads)

4 5.6 8 111622

Distancescale(m . ft)
Depth-of-fieldscale lnfraredindexmark

Lens alignment dot

lllomenclature Parts

Vienrfinder display


Red warning lamp
The red lamp illuminates when
. the shutteris not cocked
. the lightshieldcurtainis closed
. the film is not loaded
. the lens is not attached

. the batterypower is weakening: The lamp blinks.

Inserting Battery
The camera will not function without a battery.

1. Remove the battery cover.

Removethe batterychambercover on the bottomof the
camerawith a coin or screwdriver.

2. Insertthe battery.
The + terminalis indicatedon the insideof the battery
c h a m b e r c o v e r . I n s e r tt h e b a t t e r y a s s h o w n i n t h e
lllustration, beingsure to properlyplacethe batterywith
the "+" side up, facingthe cover.
* eatteries
The Mamiya 7II uses one of 4SR44 silver oxide
battery,4LR44 alkaline battery or 2CR1/3 lithium
C A U T I O :NI n s e r t t h e d i r e c t i o n o f b a t t e r y
polarities("+" and "-"1correctly.

Power ON/OFF
Power ON
To turn the PowerON, aligndot @ on the powerswitch
leverwith the dot @ on the camerabody.
Power OFF
To turn the PowerOFF, align dot @ on the power
switchleverwith the dot @ on the camerabody.

Power on/off lever The shutterreleasebuttonis designedso that pressure
can be appliedin two stages.When it is lightlytouched,
correct meteringdata is displayedon the bottom of the
v i e w f i n d e r . W h e n i t i s d e p r e s s e da l l t h e w a y , t h e
shutteris releasedand an exposureis made.

The LED's are located at the bottom of the finder in

order not to interferewith the field of view of the wide

Battery Gheck
1. Set the shutter speed dial at 15.
Turn shutterspeeddial and set the figure15 at the dot
* Wnen the shutter speed was already set at the
position A . AEL, the lock mechanism is func-
tioning. Therefore, turn the dial while pressing
the AE lock button @ locating at the center of
the shutter speed dial.

Batterycapacity is sufficient. 2. Hall-pressing the shutter button.

When the shutterbuttonis touchedgently,the figure15
lightsin the red color at the bottompart in the viewfind-
er, which indicatesthat the batterypower is normal.lf
the figure15links,it indicatesdrop of the batterypower
b e l o w t h e a l l o w a b l el e v e l ,w h e n p r e p a r ef o r t h e n e w
battery.When the batterypowerdropsfurther,the figure
15 will not blink,and warningLED,blinks.Replacethe
batterywith a new one.
* Otner than set figure 15, " ) " blinks and warning
LED lights, but check and confirm only set figure
ttery capacitydrops.
* gattery check can be done not only shutter
speed at 15 but also other shutter speeds, viz=
B . 1/1 to 1/500.

>k Even when AE photographing, the battery check

can be done with the shutter speed indicated in
the viewfinder.

h e n t h e B a t t e r yi s b a d l y w e a k e n i n g .

Mounting/Remouing Lenses

Closingthe light shield curtain

1. Cock the wind-up lever.
Aftercocking closethelightshieldcurtain.

2. Close the light shield mask.

Set uprightthe lightshieldcurtainclosinglever handle
@ a n d t u r n i t f r o m t h e o p e n p o s i t i o n( O ) f o l l o w i n g
arrow directionand fit the white index line on the lever
to the (O), the lightshieldcurtainwill be closed.After
the motion,bring down the light shieldclosingcurtain
\@ leverhandle.
* fne light shield curtain closing lever is ratchet
type. Do not stop turning without going all the
way. Be sure to turn until it clicks and stops.
lf your finger is removed from the light shield
curtain closing lever immediately before its
stopping, it sometimes return to its original
lf the lever is brought halfway and left, the lens
removing button cannot be pressed.

Removingcamera body cap

While pressingthe lens releasebutton@ in, rotatethe
cap counterclockwise, and align the groove @ on the
cap's side with the lens alignmentdot @ on the body.
The body cap can then be pulledout.

Mounting/Removing Lenses

Mo u n t i n g l e n s
1. Mounting lens.
AlignLensAlignmentDot @ with the CameraAlignment
Dot @. Insertthe lens into the camerabody. Then turn
the lens in the directionof the arrow (clockwise)until it
clicksand locksinto place.
>t nemove the front and rear lens caps. The front
lens cap can be removed by pressing in the tabs
on the right and left with your fingers and pulling
the cap towards you.
The rear lens cap can be removed by rotating it

2. Opening the light shield curtain.

T o o p e n t h e l i g h t s h i e l dc u r t a i n ,s l i d e t h e l i g h t s h i e l d
curtain release lever along to follow the arrow " l-- "
down and right.Thiswill causecurtainto snapopen.
T h e l i g h t s h i e l d l e v e r i n d i c a t o r -( a w h i t e l i n e ) i s t h e n
alignedwith " e".
* Wnen the light shield curtain is closed, the
shutter cannot be released. When taking a
picture, open the light shield curtain.

Mounting/Removing Lenses

Removing lens
1. Cock the shutterand close the light shield
After cockingthe shutter,close the light shield curtain
just as same as mountingthe lens.

-i 2. Remove the lens.

,r-t7l^lt W h i l e p r e s s i n gt h e l e n s r e l e a s i n gb u t t o n@ , t u r n t h e
lensin the arrowdirectionuntilthe lensalignmentdot @
linedup with the alignmentdot @ on the camerabody,
and pullout the lens.
>t ttever touch the light shield curtain. lf touched,
light leakageor a malfunction may result.

* Wnen removing a lens from the camera in which

the film is loaded, do not move the light shield
releasing lever. lf this lever is moved, the film
will be exposed to the light.

* Wnen the light shield curtain is open the lens

cannot be removed. Close the curtain to remove
the lens.

* When the lens has been removed and film

remains in the camera body avoid exposure to
direct sunlight as film fogging may result.

* put the front and rear lens cap on the lens when
the lens is removed.

Mounting/Removing Lenses

Precautionfor mounting lremoving lenses

1)As the rangefinder coupling roller is precisely
adjusted, be sure not to touch with your hand or
move it with finger.

2) Gold plated electronic contacts are located inside

the bayonet mount and at the rear of each lens. lf
oil, dirt, or other foreign matter collects on the
contacts, poor electronic information transfer
may result. When soiled, use a clean cloth to
wipe them.

Shuttercharge lever 3)Be careful not to damage the rangefinder

coupling lever and the shutter cocking lever at
Electronic the rear of each lens.

4) When mounting the 43mm, 50mm and 65mm wide

angle lenses make sure that the rear lens rims do
not touch the rangefindercoupling roller.
Rear rim

Position the front face of the lens which has been

removed as shown in the left illustration.

Gamera Functional Test




Beforeusingthe camera,it is advisableto understandhow it works.

e Poweron/off lever Set to ON. (See page 8)

@ Film advancelever Wind the leverto cock the shutter.
@ Lightshieldcuftain Open.(Seepage 11)
@ Back cover Open.(Seepage 15)
(Theshuttercan be releasedwithoutopeningthe backcoverwhilethe "Multi-exposure levef is
beingshiftedto "MULTI"position.Be sureto returnthe "Multi-exposure leved'tooriginalposition
aftercompletionof thetest.)""""""" (Seepage32)
@ Release theshutter (Seepage26)

lf the shutterls not released,rcd warninglampin the viewfinderwill light; rcpeatsteps@ to @ again.

To observethe function of the shutter releaseand the interactionbetweenthe light shield curtain
shutterand lensea,you neednot load film in the camera.Just leavethe back coveropen:
Before Loading the Film

Setting the film speed

Set the film speedof the film beingused by liftingup the
outer rim of the shutterspeed dial and rotateit untilthe
correctISO valueappearsin the window.
>k Ae sure to set the exact film speed, as otherwise
incorrect exposure will result.

25 o o 50 o o 100 o o 200 o o 400 . o 800 o o 1600
(32X40) (64X80) (125X160) (250X320) (500X640)(1000X1250)

Openinglclosingthe back cover

Whiledepressingthe back coverlock button@, simulta-
neouslypush down the lock lever @ in the directionof
t h e a r r o w a n d t h e b a c k w i l l o p e n . W h e n c l o s i n gt h e
back cover,securelypressboth comersuntilit clicks.

Before Loading the Film

Setting the film type

This cameracan use either 120 or 220fi35 film. To set
for the type of film used,simplyrotatethe pressureplate
in either directionof the arrow until the white dot is at
"120"or "2201135".
When set, "120" or "2201135" will appear in the small
windowunderthe memo clip on the rearof the camera.

The numberof exposureson the film counteris auto-

m a t i c a l l ys e t a t 1 0 f o r 1 2 0 f i l m a n d 2 0 t o r 2 2 0 f i l m ,
accordingto the positionof the pressureplate.

Memo clip
This memo clip on the back cover is used to hold the
film box tab to serve as a convenientreminderof the
type of film in the cameraor for recordingotherdata.

selector index window

Loading the Film

1. Operate the spool bearing release lever.

Pushthe spoolreleaselever@ on rightside to the right,
and installthe take-upspool in the take-upspoolcham-
ber @, top first,then push the lowerspoolstud up.

2. Place the film in the film chamber.

Like installingthe take-upspool,push the spool release
leveron left side to the left,placea roll of film in the film
chamber,makingsure it seats properly.Make sure the
backingpaper is in the positionillustratedabove,black
side facingthe lens,coloredside towardsthe back.
When the new roll has been inserted,be sure to reset
the lower spool stud by pressingit in. (Also,be sure to
resetthe take-upspoolstud in a similarmanner.)

3. Insert the film into the groove of the spool

in the wind-up chamber.
Pulloutthebacking paper,andinsertthetip intotheslot
on thetake-upspoolas pictured.

Loading the Film

4. Align the start markof the film with the start

markon the body.
Wind the film advance lever until the small arrow (the
starting indicatoron the backing paper) aligns with the
film startingindicator(v) on the camera body. Then
close the back cover.
* mread the paper leader on the empty take up
spool so the film will be wound evenly and paral-
lel. This will prevent the film from winding loose-
ly or over the edge of the spool, which can
cause light leaks and film fogging.

*lt the multi-exposure lever @ is shifted to

"MULTI" position, film will not advance.

5. Wind up the film advance lever.

Windthe film advanceleveruntilit stopsautomatically
and"1"appears in theexposure
counter window.

Digitally signed by mike
DN: cn=mike butkus,
o=orphancameras, ou=29,

email=mike@butkus.org, c=US
Date: 2017.12.09 11:57:26

Setting Start Mark with 220 Roll Film

To assure even frame spacing,and preventoverlap-
DO NOT use the dotted line ping, be sure to wind the film up to the printedarrow
lor a start mark. start mark,which appearsafterthe dottedline.


Loading the Film

Prevention of Light Leaks Due To Loose Film

>t Use your left thumb to press lightly on the paper
leader while advancing winding lever slowly to
assure smooth and tight film take-up on the
empty spool. Advance the film and align the
+ printed arrow start mark with the small triangle

start mark on the camera. Then close the camera

For preventing the film loose winding

I When any other numeral than "S" appears in the exposure counter window, it is an indication
that the film is loaded. So do not open back cover.
I lf the film is not properly aligned with the "Y" indicator, the film may be improperly loaded
and cause spacing problems.
I When a 6EX roll film (5 exposures) is used, the procedure of loading the film is the same as
with 120 roll film.
I Make sure backing paper advances evenly between the spool flanges and does not begin to
slant. lf it advances unevenly, remove the backing paper from the take-up spool and start
over agarn.
I Do not pull excessively on the backing paper, and do not load/unload the film in direct
sunlight: bright light may fog the film.

I Before loading the film to the camera, be careful of the film looseness.
I When photographing with the 135 Panoramic Adapter, see its instructions.

Taking Photographs

AE (Automatic Exposure) Photography

The apertureprioritymetering
deviceis incorporated
intothe rangefinder
system.The correctshutter
speedforthepreselected aperture
be determined.

1. Align "A" on the shutter speed dial.

Align "A" on the shutterspeed dial with the white rine
indexmarkon the camerabody.

2. Setting the film speed.

Set the film speedby liftingup the outerrim of the shut-
ter speed dial and rotate it until the correct lso value
appearsin the window.

3. Setthe aperture.
To set the diaphragmto a desiredaperture,rotatethe
aperturering @ until the appropriatefigure is aligned
withthe centralred indexline@.
+ s s a 1 11 6 2 2 *q ick stops are provided at each engraved
aperture number but the diaphragm can be set
also for intermediatestops.

* nt A or AEL, the dial is locked. The lock can be

released by pressing the AE lock release button
in the center of dial.

4. Half-pressing the shutter button.

when the shutterreleasebutton is slightlytouched,dn
LED indicatingproperexposurewill automatically light
in the viewfinder.
when it is depressedall the way, the shutteris released
and an exposureis made.

Taking Photographs

* Wnen t ) tt LED blinks, it indicates overexpo-

sure. Rotate the aperture ring to stop down to a
smaller f/stop until an LED indicates proper

* gtinking "LT" indicates under-exposure:rotate

the aperture ring until the LED stops blinking to

* llluminating"LT" indicatesthat the shutteris set for a relativelylong exposurefrom between

1 to 4 seconds.
Whentaking pictures at such slow speedsyou must be able to hold the cameravery steady,
or increaseapertureto obtainhighershutterspeeds,or bestof all, use a sturdytripod.
* UnderAE (automaticexposure)or AEL (AE lock),the LEDdlsplayIn the vlewfinderwill con-
tinueto operateas long as the shutterreleasebuttonis touchedslightly.Whenyou takeyour
fingerofl the button,the LEDswill go out.

Taking Photographs

Manual Photography
You mayoverridethe AE modeand selectthe apertureand shutterspeedmanually.Simplyset the
to thedesired" f " stop'

1. Release A.AEL.
F o r r e l e a s i n g ,d e p r e s sA E l o c k r e l e a s i n gb u t t o n @
locatingin the centerof the shutterspeeddial.
2. Set the shutter speed.
Rotatethe shutterspeeddial and alignwith indexline of
the camerabody.
* Wnile rotating the shutter speed dial click'stop
functions at each step of engraved number but
the intermediate shutter speed cannot be used.

1. Half-pressing the shutter button.
When the shutterreleasebutton is touchedgently,the
selectedshutterspeed LED only will be continuously
or anotherLED may alsoflash.
2. ln the case where one shutter speed is
When the pre-selectedshutterspeed LED only illumi-
nates, it indicatesthe shutter speed for correct expo-

3. In the case where two shutter speeds (one

is blinking) are displayed.
When the preselectedshutterLED illuminatesand one
other LED blinksthe blinkingLED indicatesthe shutter
speedfor correctexposure.
Turn the shutterspeed dial and/oraperturering to align
the two LEDs until merged.The single LED indicates


Taking Photographs

*Wnen on manual,10 secondsafteractivation,the LEDindicatorswill go out, to save battery

power.lf they do so during metering,press the ShutterReleaseButton hall way agaln.

The LED indlcatorswill disappear10 secondsafter you removeyour finger from the shutter
releasebutton In the following situations:
1) Whenthe lllm advanceIeveris not advanced.
, 2l Whenthe light shieldcurtainis closed.


Taking Photographs

Focusingthe Lens
Whenthe lens has been focused,the doubleimagesuperimposing
imageswithin thesquare! of theviewfinder.

Focusing method within the double image

coincidence zone
Positionthe subjectwithin the central square a of the
viewfinder.As on the top leftthe subjectwill appearas a
Rotatethe focusingring until the two imagesconverge
and are superimposedas on the figureon the left. The

Edge Focusing method at the edge of double image

coincidence zone
Look the object throughthe rangefinderand rotatethe
focus ring so aS to make two images into one without
any imaginalslippageat the edge of the centraldouble
image coincidencezone. As this method improvesthe
f o c u s i n gp r e c i s e n e s s t, h i s i s e s p e c i a l l ye f f e c t i v ef o r
N 1 5 0m m t l 4 . 5L l e n s .

Taking Photographs

Photographicarea covered
W i t h i n t h e v i e w f i n d e rt h e s u b i e c t a r e a c o v e r e d i s
i n d i c a t e db y t h e v i s i b l e b r i g h t f r a m e . P a r a l l a xi s
automaticallycompensatedfor accordingto the subject-
The compositionwill be within in the lines of the bright
frame @ for 6 x 7 format and @ for 135 panoramic
format. 83% of the field of view is visible at @, and
100/" is visibleat the minimumfocusingdistance.The
appropriatebright frame area is automaticallyindexed
upon lens interchange.
H o w e v e r ,f o r 4 3 m m , 5 0 m m l e n s , € l h e x c l u s i v e
viewfindermust be used. Also, for compositioncheck
purpose,dfl exclusiveviewfinderfor 150 mm lens is
sold separately.

Taking Photographs

1. Pressingthe shutter button.

P r e s s t h e s h u t t er r e l e a s e b u t t o n w h e n y o u h a v e
focusedand determinedcomposition.
* Wind the advance lever until it stops.
(Otherwise, a red warning Lamp in the viewfind-
er will signal that it is impossible to press the
shutter release button.)

I Removethe front lens cap.

I Do not advancethe film too quickly, as this might
adversely affect film flatness, or frame spacing.
I While the shutter is functioningdo not try to
cock the film advance lever, becausethe film will
be moved during exposure.

2. After completing the last exposure.

After completingthe last exposure,wind the advance
leverseveraltimes untilthe film with its backingpaper is
completelywound onto the take-upspool. The advance
lever will become easier to actuate when the film has
been completelywoundon the spool.

Taking Photographs

Unloadingthe film
1. The back cover open.
While pressingthe back cover lock button, push the
back cover open/closebutton, then the back cover will
2. Unloading the film.
Push the spool stud releaseslever @ to the right in
orderto disengagethe spoolfrom the stud.
* Simply push the upper rim of the spool with your
index finger as shown to lift up the other end of
the spool.

* fo prepare for another roll, remove the empty

spool from the film chamber, and place it in the
take-up chamber.

>t fo remove the film before exposing the entire

roll, cap the lens and press the shutter release
button and wind the film onto the take-up spool
frame by frame.

>t for unloading method of Panoramic pho-

tographing with 135 mm film, refer to Instruction
Manual for 135 Panorama Adapter Kit AD701
(sold separately).

3. Seal the unloaded film.

Be careful not to let the roll of exposedfilm unwind. Be
sure to seal it immediately.

Handlingof Exposed Film

I DO NOTremoveexposedfilm from the cameraunderdirect sunlight.Find a shadedareaor
turn your backto the sun and shadethe camerabeforeyou open it.
I lmmediatelyplaceexposedfilm in your cameracaseor a bag,awayfrom sunlight.

Photographing to conform to purposes

AE Lock(AELIPhotography
The AEL positionis very usefulwhenmakingselectiveexposuremeasurements of important
areaswhicharenotin thecenterof thefinderimagewhenfacedwithdifficultlighting

1. Align "AEL" on the shutter speed dial.

Rotatethe shutterspeeddialuntil"AEL"alignswiththe
whiteindexmarkon thecamerabody.

2. Hall-pressing the shutter button.

Positionthe importantpart of your subjectin the central
squareof the viewfinder- this will establishthe correct
exposure.Then touch the shutterreleasebuttonslightly
the correctexposure.
and an LED will lightindicating

3. When changing composition.

In abovestate,the exposurereadingwill be memorized.
After adjustingfor compositionas desired,releasethe

* |f you cannotget close enoughto your subiectfor anothermeter readingmakesubstitute

measurementsby pointing the camerato light and dark areas and calculatea mean
exposurevalueor try takinga readingoff your palm.

Photographing to conform to purPoses

The shutteris releasedabout 10 secondsafter pressingthe self-timerbutton.The LED on the front of
the camerailluminatesfor about 8 seconds,then blinksfor about 2 secondsand then the shutteris

1. Fix the camera to a tripod.

2. Press the self-timer button.
Cockthe wind-upleverand pressthe self-timer
(U) Theself-timermodecancelsitselfautomatically.
_J@z--"-- a--=l

f Whenthe shuttel is set to "8" (bulb),the self-timerdoes not operate'

f To overridethe self-timer,after having pressedthe release,press the self-timerbutton ( \))
again.Thenthe self-timerlampwill go out and thenthe self-timermodewill be canceled.
* Whenusing the self-timerthe cameramust rest on a steadysuppon'

Precaution when Sell-timer Photographing

I Whenbatterycheck,the self-timersometimesdoes not lunction becauseof the lact that the
amountof the batteryto be consumedfol shutterreleaselunctionis differentfrom that of the
self-timerfunctioning.In such a case,replacethe batterywith a newone'

Photographing to conform to purposes

Time Exposures
When taking an exposure longer than 4 seconds,set
shutterto "8" (bulb).At "8" the shutterwill remainopen
as long as the releaseis presseddown.
>t ln order to prevent camera movement it is best
to use a cable release and triPod.

Cable ReleaseAttachment
Thecablereleasecanbe screwedin the releasesocket
on the lowerleftsideof the bodyas pictured.

Precautions for Bulb Photographing

I When bulb photographing, the battery is consumed. A new alkaline manganese battery is
durable for about 3 hours, silver oxide battery and lithium battery for about 7 hours.
When the battery is fully consumed, the shutter will be closed automatically.

lUsing a tripodl
witha largetripodhead,theheadmayinterfere
film from being loaded.To preventthis, use the optionaltripodadapterN.

I The threaded tripod screw hole is 5.5mm deep and the use of a longer tripod screw might
result in damaging the camera. So be careful not to apply unnecessary pressure when
mounting the camera.

Photographing to conform to purposes

Flash Photography
The Mamiya 7ll featuresan X synchroflash terminal
and its lens shutter system permits flash synchroniza'
tion at all shutterspeeds.
Shoe-mountedflash units can be attached directlyto

the hot-shoe,while flash bracketscan be attachedto
the tripodsocketfor largerflash guns.
Remove safety cover @ to attach sync cord to PC ter-
minalon front left bottomof camera.


the aperture]
on the flashunitfor conectaperturesettings.
Whenusingautomaticflashunits,referto the instructions
Whenusinga manualelectronic flashthe guidenumberdividedby subjectdistancegivesthe correct

Guidenumber(32) =Correct
aperture setting(8)

* X contact of thls camerais an excluslvecontactfor strobe'

* Chargedelectronic flash units sometimesfire when they are attachedto the camera.This
does not indicatea defectivecircult.
>tWnen using electronicflash, be sure to read its manualcarefully.
* Be careful, if electronlc flash is used at the "A" (Auto exposure)mode, overexpoauremay

. When an electronicflash is connectedto the hot-shoe,current moves
I throughthe X contact.So be sure to put the safetycoversuppliedwith the
cameraon the X contactso that you will not receivean electricshock.
. Whenusing strobe,neverbring the cameracloseto humaneyes(including
all living things),especiallylittle children,becauseif it is flashednear the
eyes,it can causeseriousvisualtrouble.

Photographing to conform to purposes

Multiple exposure mechanism

W h i l e p r e s s i n gt h e l o c k r e l e a s eb u t t o n@ , m o v e t h e
l e v e r i n t h e a r r o w d i r e c t i o nt o t h e m u l t i p l ee x p o s u r e
It does not matter if the changeoverto multipleexpo-
\\ \turr,..
-\- sure is made before or after the first exposure.Once
changed,the shutteris releasedand wind-uplever is
cocked,but the film counterdoes not advance.
\-[ <- * Wnen taking multiple exposures of subiects with
the same brightness, exposure compensation is
necessary. When taking multiple exposures of
subjects with different brightness, take an expo-
sure of the darker subject first. Then follow with
an exposure of the lighter subject.

* nter finishing multiple exposure photographing,

be sure to return the lever to normal position.

Infrared Photography
W h e n u s i n g i n f r a r e df i l m , i t i s n e c e s s a r yt o m a k e a
4 5.6 g 1119 focusingadjustmentin order to achieveaccuratefocus.
This is becausethe focus positionof the imagedeviates
0II000000 0 !! 0!000!I0 from normalsincethe infraredray wavelengthis longer.

II00I00I 0 r'l !! !!0I!0!I

\ l
After focusingin the usual manner,check the distance
o n t h e d i s t a n c es c a l e t h a t i s a l i g n e dw i t h t h e c e n t e r
r e f e r e n c em a r k @ o f t h e l e n s . M a k e t h e f o c u s i n g
,?10 adjustmentby turningthe focusingring in the direction
of the arrow in the accompanyingphotographso that
aat 1 6 ' g "a " b ' 1 ' G 2 2 the distancejust observedis alignedwith the infrared

* Wnen using infrared film, be sure to read the instructions with the film.

Photographing to conform to purposes

The exposurecompensatorfunctionsin a number of
importantways. lt can be used to correct exposure
values (EVs)or the differencesin brightnessbetweena
primarysubjectand its background-especially when
o v e r o r u n d e r - e x p o s u r e os c c u r . l t c a n a l s o b e u s e d
when filtersare employedor when engagedin available

light photography- or under high contrastconditions
(i.e.low or highkey).
To set, press the compensatorlock release button @,
and selectthe desiredEV: graduationsare 1/3 EV.

[Whena filter is used]

usingtheAEor manual
Whether compensate in
the table below.

Filter exposure factor x1 x1.2 x1.5 x1.7 x2 x2.5 x3 x4

Exposure compensation
0 * 32 * 32 +1 +2
value (EV)

* After using exposurecompensation,be sure to resetto "0",

for UsingPolarizedLight Filter(PL)

As thiscamerais the rangefinder to checkpolarized
type,it is impossible lighteffectin the viewfinder.
However, it becomespossible procedures.
to usethefilterby meansof following
Be sureto makepriortest andcheckthe effectbeforehand.
1. Check the polarized light effect position;
the position(a letteror
Beforetittingthe PL filterto the lens,applyyoureyeto thetilterandremember
markmentioned on thefilter)or puta maskis on thefilterfrontframe.
2. Fit to the lens.
Fitthefilterso thatthemarkandthe likeputon thefilterfrontframewillbecometo thesameposition.
* As the transmitting amount ot light dilfers according to rotating angle ot the PL filter,
exposurecompensationis necessary.
* Uaketest photoglaphingand calculatethe compensationvalue.
* you may use either a circular type 01 lineartype polarizedlight filter.

Photogrephing to conform to purPoses

Diopter Correction Lenses

Six types of dioptercorrectinglenses are availablefor
n e a r l t a r s i g h t e dp e o p l e . M o u n t a s i n d i c a t e da b o v e .
Powersavailableare:+3, +2, +1, -1 , -2, and -3.

+: Far-Sighted
-: Near-Sighted

The depth-of-field variesaccordingto the aperture.The
s m a l l e rt h e a p e r t u r e( t 1 8 ,f l 1 1 , f l 1 6 . . . )t h e g r e a t e rt h e
1s.dtrm depth-of-field; the largerthe aperture(f18,f/5.6,...)the
smallerthe depth-of-field. To take pictureswhich are
sharp from foregroundto infinityor when taking snap-
00000000000 s h o t s , t h e fo c u s i n g r a n g e i s e x t e n d e do r d e p t h
000M00 i n c r e a s e db y u s i n g a s m a l l e r a p e r t u r e .W h e n t h e
subjectis to standout, with the backgroundout of focus,
a largerapertureis appropriate.
The depth-of-field scale on the lens indicatesdepth-of-
r ' o ' a "i " a t o field in terms of the distancebetween subjectson both
sides of the scale. For example,when a 80mm lens is
stopped down to t122,respectively,all objects located
withinthe rangesshown in the illustrations abovewill be

* neter to the instructions attached to individual

lenses for specific depth-of'field tables.

Photographing to conform to purposes

How to Hold the Camera

Because most out of focus picturesare the result of
c a m e r a m o v e m e n t ,m a k e s u r e n o t t o m o v e w h e n
pressingthe shutterbutton.Hold the camerawith your
elbows close to your body: pressingpart of the camera
o n y o u r f o r e h e a dw i l l h e l p s t a b i l i z ei t . T h e n g e n t l y
releasethe shutter.
W h e n m a k i n g e x p o s u r e sl o n g e r t h a n 1 / 3 0 s e c . , i t i s
advisableto use a tripodwith a cable release.

Neck strap
Passthe neck strapthroughthe carryingstraplugs,and
fasten it as shown.

Be sure to focus the lensesby spanningthe lower part
of the focusingcollar with your fingers,in order not to
blockthe rangefinderwindow.

Trouble shooting
Uniquelydesignedto preventerrors.the Mamiya7lI incorporatesnumeroussafetyfeatures.
lf the shutterwill not function,it is very likelydue to user error ratherthan camera malfunction.Should
there be problems,be sure to reviewthe followingpoints.

. When the shutter will not function.

O ls tne batterygood?
@ ls the poweron/offleverset to the white dot "ON" position?
@ Has the film been completelyadvancedto the next frame?
Have allthe exposuresalreadybeen made (10 with 120,20with22Q)?
@ Has the film advanceleverbeen moved untilit stops?
@ ls the lightshieldcurtainclosed?
(ln the case of examples@ - @, the red warning Lamp will flash a warningon the lower left hand
comer of the viewfinder.

. When the lens cannot be removed:

ls the lightshieldcurtainopen?
The light shield curtain must be closed, and the film advance lever must be advancedand shutter
cockedto removethe lens.

. When the film cannot be advanced:

lsn'tthe multi-exposure levershiftedto "MULTl"position?
Filmwill not advanceif the multi-exposurelever is shiftedto "MULTl"position.

..,::,,,,,,:. ..ii*i:stitrli,;#r:iii;
Lens construction : 1 0 e l e m e n t si n 6
r-fi-..' Angle of view ;92"
\r L-IJ
Minimumaperture : 2 2
35mm equivalent : 2 1 m m
\.-\, Minimumfocusing
f-t-1 distance :1m

Magnification at
minimumdistance : 0.049
Area covered : 1 1 4 5x 1 4 2 1 m m
iru Filtersize :67mm
\=/ Hood : Bayonettype
Dimensions : a2 (L) x 72 (D)mm
Weight :3909

N50mm tl4.5L
Lens construction : 1 0 e l e m e n t si n 6
Angle of view : 84"
\r'A\1 Minimumaperture : 2 2
l,/' | \l 35mm equivalent : 2 5 m m
M i n i m u mf o c u s i n g
\t/ distance :1m
\--+--l Magnification at
F minimumdistance : 0 . 0 6 3
t-r-t Area covered : 8 9 5x 1 1 1 1 m m
Filtersize :67mm
<\t/, i ,^\ Hood
: Bayonettype
: 55 (L) x 70 (D)mm
Weight :4569

N65mm f/4L
in 5
Lens construction : 9 e l e m e n t s
Angle of view : 69o
^ Minimumaperture : 2 2
35mm equivalent : 3 2 m m
--*---. Minimumfocusing
g distance
Magnification at

m minimumdistance : 0.078
Area covered : 7 1 9x 8 9 2 m m
Filtersize :58mm
a\l/) Hood : Bayonettype
\=/ Dimensions : 65 (L)x 67 (D)mm
Weight : 3809


N80mm f/4L
Lens construction : 6 e l e m e n t si n 4
Angle of view : 58'
Minimumaperture : 2 2
35mm equivalent : 3 9 m m
llllrfrffiil!l distance
Magnification at

minimumdistance : 0 . 0 9 7
Area covered : 5 8 0x 7 ' 1 9 m m
Filtersize :58mm
Hood : Bayonettype
Dimensions : 56 (L)x 67 (D)mm
Weight : 2909

Lens construction : 6 elementsin 5
Angleof view :34'
Minimumaperture : 3 2
35mm equivalent : 7 1 m m
distance : 1.8m
Magnification at
m i n i m u md i s t a n c e : 0.096
Area covered : 5 8 1x 7 2 1 m m
Filtersize :67mm
Hood : Bayonettype
Dimensions : 9 6 ( L )x 7 0 ( D ) m m
Weight :5209


Lenshood Lens case Type A

ll For 43mm f/4.5: Bayonettype The lens case is made of specialmaterialwhich
is very soft but toughand fits 43mm,50mm,
For 50mm f/4: Bayonettype
For 65mm f/4: Bayonettype 6 5 m m , 8 0 m ma n d 1 5 0 m ml e n s e s .
For 80mm f/4: Bayonettype Dimension:bottomdiameteris 90mm and it is
For 150mmf14.5:Bayonettype 1 6 0 m mi n l e n g t h .
All are suppliedwiththe lenses.
il ExternalBatteryCasePE7O2
it DioptercorrectingLenses
F o c u s i n ga c c u r a c yd i m i n i s h e sw h e n t h e e y e
diopteris incorrect.So, it is advisablethat near
Cold temperaturescan affect battery power.
Permitscamera batteryto be worn conveniently
i n s i d e c l o t h i n g a n d c o n n e c t e dt o b a t t e r y
and far sighted people use diopter correcting chamberby wire.
lenses.Fit the proper dioptercorrectinglens to
the eyepiece. Vievyfinder
FV701for 43mmf/4.5lens
6 typesare available:+3, +2, +1, -1, -2, and -3. See lens instructionsbooklet.

TripodadapterN Viewfinder FV703for 50mm f/4.5 lens

This is used to mount the camera to tripod See lens instructionsbooklet.
Even when the tripodhas a large head,the ViewfinderFV7O2for 150mmf/4.5 lens
a d a p t e ra l l o w s f i l m t o b e l o a d e d ,w h i l e t h e
camerais attachedto the tripod.

PanoramicAdapterKit AD701
W h e n u s i n g t h e P a n o r a m i cA d a p t e r ,a w i d e
panoramicphotographcan be taken by using
35mm film. The 135 panoramicAdapter Kit is
composedof the following:
O tgS PanoramicMask
@ Take-upSpool
@ CassetteHolder
* @ RewindCrankUnit
( U n i tW e i g h t 1
: 109)
I .135 PanoramicPictureArea and the Number
of Exposures.
Picturearea:24mmx 65mm

Numberof exposures:
1 3 5 F i l m3 6 E X P " " " " " " " " ' 16
135 Film24EXP """"""""' 10

The picture area (24 x 65mm) providedby the

Mamiya7lI panoramicformatis 3.3 x largerthe
35mm panoramicformat(13 x 36mm)
N o t e : A p a n o r a m i cp a p e r s l i d e m o u n t 2 4 x
65mm,is alsoavailable.


System chart
f/4.5 80mtl4 65mm f/4 50mm f/4.5
^/--\^ ^/--\^
Affi=N Lens

@ I
v - w / Hoods
@ @
ffi ffi
v w (;

l--l +3 E-r
l_l+2 E-2
+t E-g

aaa Viewfinder
135 panoramic Adapter Kit 4D701
FV702 .m, Mask
I I f" j-rlrEvt-:-l +:ts
G - s s e t t el ll F l l l
H o l d e r| | ll ll Il
I larl l:-----r- | lrarl
I na-n \ - e FyF
o t'lontYq -*'
Tfffilll- lo " o |

Take-up Spool
/z;zffR\ | \\.#@ rl-h,
W |

fripod Adapter -.ffi

Soft Lens Case

Type A
Quick Shoe AQ702
Neck Strap

ffi- llsl
BatteryCase l\adl
PaperSlide Mount 24x65


Type of Camera :6 x 7cm format interchangeablelenses,rangefindercamera,dou-

ble formats(6 x 7 and 35mm panorama)
Film Used :120 Roll Film (10 exposures),220Roll Film (20 exposures),135
Roll Film(16 exposureswith 36 exp.film)
Actual lmage Size :56 x 69.5mmwith 1201220tilm,24 x 65mm with 135 film, using
F il m w i n ding : A single185"stroke
Lens Mount : ExclusiveBayonetMount
Lenses Ultrawide angle : 43mm t14.5L with OpticalViewfinder
Wide angle :50mm tl4.SLwithOpticalViewfinder, 65mmf/4 L
Standard : 8 0 m mf / 4 L
Telephoto : 150mmt14.5L
Shutter : #00 electronicleaf shutter,B, 4-1l500sec. ,electro-magnetic
ter release,X-contactsynchronizingat all shutterspeedswith hot-
shoe and PC Terminal;Electronic SelfTimer
(10 sec. delayed,automaticturn-off)
Multipleexposure : Possibleby meansof multi-exposure lever.
ExposureControl :Aperture priorityAE, SPD receptorin viewfindermeteringrange:
EV3- EV18 (with 80mm f/4 lens ISO 100 ), Exposurecompensa-
tion:+2 - -2EV( in 1/3EVsteps) Filmspeedrange:ISO 25 - 1600
Rangefinder : L e n s d e c l i n a t i o nd, o u b l e i m a g e s u p e r i m p o s i n gs y s t e m : b a s e
length60mm (effectivebase length34.2mm)

Viewfinder : Coupledwith rangefinder:automaticbrightline frame indexing(65,

80 and 150mm):parallaxcompensation: Magnification ratio:0.57X:
837o.of the field of view visibleat infinity:built - in shutterspeed
and exposuredisplay,safetyinterlockwarningL.E.D.
. This information
is based on a linear (horizontal/vertical) mea-
Internal "Dark Slide" curtain : To permitchanginglenseswith loadedcamera
Safety Mechanism : 1. Doubleexposureprevention
2. Shutter release is locked when internaldark slide curtain is
3. Shutterreleasebuttonlock lever
PowerSupply :one 6V (4SR44,4LR44or 2CR1/3lithium)battery
Dimensions : Camerabody:159(L)x 112(H)x 66(D)mm
B o d yw i t h8 0 m ml e n s :1 5 9 ( L x) 1 1 2 ( H x) 1 2 0 ( D ) m m
Weight : Camerabody:9209
Body with 80mm lens: 1,2109

. Specificationsand features are subject to change without notice.

Gommon Sense Gamera Gare and Practice

The Mamiya7II is a precisionoptical/mechani- Specific Suggestions:

cal instrument,built for heavy professionaluse . Operate the film advance lever with easy
and a long service life, if properlytreated and s t r o k e s .l f m o v e d t o o r a p i d l yi t m a y a f f e c t
m a i n t a i n e d .P l e a s e o b s e r v e t h e s e b a s i c spacing.
caveats: . Hold lens focusingmountson bottom in order
. Read instructionsbeforeusingcamera. not to block rangefinderwindow.
. Always test your equipmentbefore going on
. Protectcamera againstshocks and falls. Use
neck strapsuppliedwith it, wheneverpossible.
. Check the batteryfrequentlyand alwayscarry
The lmportance of Proper Maintenance
spares. The sealed battery supplied with the
camera may have been subject to itorage Your camera has mechanismslike film trans-
conditionswhich have reducedits servicelife. port, shutterand diaphragmblades,rangefinder
couplings,etc. They are controlledby gears,
. Be sure to wipe batterycontactsbefore instal- levers,springs,and so on. All requirespecial
lationand watch correctpolarity. lubricationfromtime to time.Ambientconditions
. Batterylife differs,dependingon frequencyof can also affect these mechanisms,as well as
the electroniccomponentsand the opticalglass
u s e , t y p e , a g e , s t o r a g e c o n d i t i o n ,a m b i e n t
of your lenses. We thereforesuggest that you
temperature(use External Battery Case in
have your camera and lenseschecked,and if
very cold weather),etc.
. Always remove the battery (and film) when
camerais not used for a periodof time
. Always keep covers on lenses and camera
. Do not store the camera at temperatures
e x c e e d i n g4 0 ' C ( 1 0 5 ' F ) a n d - 1 0 ' C ( 1 5 ' F ) .
Also avoid humidor sea air environment.
. P r o l o n g e dd i s u s e s h o r t e n s c a m e r a l i f e .
Periodicallyexercisethe shutter(at different
s p e e d s , l e n s d i a p h r a g m sa n d f o c u s i n g
. Protectcameraagainstrain and moisture.
. Do not touch lens surfaces.Use bloweror lens
tissueto removedust particles.

Gommon Sense Gamera Gare and Practice

Batteries Care
1 . T h e s e a l e d ,n e w b a t t e r yw h i c h i s s u p p l i e d
with this camera may have been subject to
storage conditionswhich have reduced its
s e r v i c e l i f e . T h e r e f o r e i t i s d e s i r a b l et o
replaceit with a fresh batteryas soon as pos-
2. Carefully wipe the battery contacts before
insertinginto the chamber.Failureto do so
may resultin poor electricalcontactand con-
sequentmalfunctioning of the camera.
3. Always remove battery when camera is not
used for a while. Always carry spare batter-
4. Battery life differs, depending on type, age,
quencyof use etc.
5. Be sure to match the poles of the batterywith
thoseshown in the diagramin the chamber.
6 Alwayskeep batteriesout of the reach of chil-
dren and neverthrow used batteriesinto a fire
or exposeto excessiveheat.
7. When going on trips be sure to carry spare
batteriesto ensurethat the camera will func-
tion. Also, as batteriestend to temporarily
malfunctionat temperaturesbelow freezing,

t w h e n p h o t o g r a p h i n gi n e x t r e m e l yc o l d c l i -
mates,carrythe ExternalBatteryCase.

ir 8. When you carry spare batteries,leave them

in the originalfactory packaging.lf they are
"unpackaged", be sure to wrap them carefully
in order to preventthem touchingeach other
or any metalobjectswhich can causethem to
shortcircuitand becomeuseless.

l f


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