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Minolta Hi-matic 5

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PayPal Name Lynn@butkus.org www.PayPal.me/lynnbutkus

Your new Minolta Hi-matic 5 will give you maximum operating speed and outstanding ease of
operation. And your pictures will have the sharpness and f idelity that you'd normally expect
only from cameras costing many times more.
You get high-quality,
f ull-f rame 35mm pictures with maximum camera compactness, thanks to
miniaturized body design that features a smart all-black finish.
The sensitive CdS electric-eye system sets exposure for you automatically. 4-symbol zone sys-
tem makes focusing simple.
Even flash pictures are automatic and effortless because your camera's easy-flash system sets
everything for you.
Please take a few minutes to read this instruction manual through carefully for longest service
life and best results with your new Hi-matic 5.


NAMES OF PARTS ........ 2

spEcrFrcATroNS .......... ..................... 4
Inserting Mercury Battery....... ...... 5
Loading Film .......... ........................ 6
Setting Film Speed .......,................. 9
l. Automatic PhotographY
1. Setting Shutter Speed ..........10
2. Focusing ...........11
3. Composing Your Picture ...........,,.......,...L2
4. Holding the Camera .............13
ll. Flash Photography
1. Attaching Flash Unit.. ...........14
2. Setting Guide Number .......15
3. Taking Flash Pictures ..............................15
UNLOADTNG EXPOSED FrLM ..............................16
ri opTroNAL ACCESSORIES .................................... 18
cARE AND STORAGE... ......................2L

Film Rewind Crank/Back Cover

Cordless Flash Contact
Shutter Release Button
Frame Counter
Viewf inder
Strap Hook
Distance Scale
Weather Symbols (Shutter Speeds)
Zone-Focus Symbols
CdS Cell
Guide Number Scale
Rokkor 4omm F2.7 Lens
Index Ring
ASA Scale
DIN Scale
Sync. Terminal

Film Pressure Plate

Film Advance Lever
Film Take-up Spool
Film Rewind Button
Finder Eyepiece
Battery Chamber Lock
Focusing Grip
Tripod Socket
Film Rewind Shaft
Film Cartridge Chamber

Mike Digitally signed by Mike Butkus

DN: cn=Mike Butkus, o=Butkus
camera manuals, ou=butkus.org,

Butkus email=mike@butkus.org, c=US

Date: 2020.10.18 15:05:20 -04'00'

Type: Compact 35mm electric-eye camera

Lens: Rokkor 4Omm F2.7,8 elements in 3 groups
Filter and lens shade mount: 49mm, screw-in type
Shutter: SEIKO shutter with speeds of 7/25Osec. (atthe sun symbol )F ) and 1/3O
sec. (at the cloud symbol (o)
Easy-f lashsystem: X'synchronization at 1/3O sec.,aperture automatically controlled by focus-
ing after setting guide number
EE system: Automatic diaphragm control by CdS exposure meter coupled to shutter
and f ilm speed settings
Meas u r i ng ra n ge: EV 7.9 (1 /3O sec. F2.7 )to EV L7 (L | 25O sec. F 22) atASA 1 OO
Fif m speed range: ASA 25 to 4OO, DIN 15 to 27
Mercury battery: 1.35v button-shape, Mallory PX-675, Eveready EXP-675
or equivalent
Focusing: Easy focusing with four zone symbols or distance scale, down to O.9m
Viewf inder: Bright-frame viewf inder with parallax-correction guide marks
F-number scale and over- and underexposure warning zone visible in f inder
Film advance: Lever type with single L4O' stroke
Frame counter: Automatic resetting type showing number of exposed
f rames
Fif m and frame size: Standard 35mm film; 12, 20,or 36 exposures, 36x
Sizeand Weight: Height: 71mm (2%in.), Width: l22mm (4%in.), Depth: 55mm (2)6in.);
37Og (L3oz.)


Inserting Mercury Battery

The automatic exposure system of the
Minolta Hi-matic 5 is powered by a long-life
mercury battery which must be properly
seated in the battery chamber before the
camera will operate:
1. Turn the battery chamber lock clockwise
until it stops. Then lift the battery holder
out as shown.
2. Insert a mercury battery into the holder as
shown. Make sure the plus (*) side is facing
cut-out plus (*) mark in the holder. Then
replace the holder and turn the lock
counterclockwise until it stops.
. Be sure that the plus (+) and minus(-)sides
of the battery a-re not reversed.
. Be sure not to touch the battery terminals
with the fingers. Before inserting, always
use a rough, dry cloth to clean the battery
r lf the camera is not to be used for over a
month, remove the battery and store it in
a cool, dry place.
o Use a 1.35v mercury battery, Mallory PX-
675, Eveready EPX-675 or equivalent.
Loading Film

2. Pulling out on the film rewind crank, place

1. Pull the film rewind crank out until the the film cartridge into the film cartridge
back cover pops open. chamber.


4. Operate the film advance lever slowly,

while pressing film gently against the
3. Insert the f ilm leader about L cm (7/2in.) sprocket, until the perforations on both
into one of the slots in the take-up spool. edges of the film are engaged with the
Be sure that a film perforation is engaged sprocket teeth. Then close the back cover.
with the tooth of the slot. It should lock with a click.
5. The oointer in the frame counter window CAUTION:
should be pointing to thef irst large red dot . Operate the film advance lever with one
on the scale. Operate the film advance full stroke.
lever until it stops and press the shutter . Do not release shutter unless the film
release button. Repeat this action untilthe advance lever is in its rest position most
number "1" appears opposite the pointer. nearly parallel with the camera back.
. Be sure to load or unload the film in sub-
dued light.

Setting Film Speed (ASA/DlN Number)

Move the film speed setting lever on front
of lens barrel to the appropriate film speed
ASA and DIN scales are indicated as follows:
ASA 4o,0.2o,U^. 100.50. 25
DrN 27 . 24. 21 . 18. 15
r The dots (.) denote ASA 32O, 160,80 and 40;
Df N 26, 23,20 and L7, respectively.

10 l. Automatic Photography
l- Setting Shutter Speed
The Minolta Hi-matic 5 is equipped with a
highly accurate electric-eye system. Once the
shutter speed is set by aligning the index with
the appropriate symbol on the barrel, you
need only focus and press the shutter release.
1. For ordinary outdoor photography in good
weather, it is recommended to align the
index with the sun symbol (jF) to set a
shutter speed of 1/25Osec.
2. In dim light or rainy weather, use the cloud
symbol (t)for 1/3Osec.
After setting shutter speed, look through the www.butkus.us
viewfinder and press the shutter release part
way down. lf indicator needle remains in the
upper warning zone, picture will be over- or
underexposed, and exposure should be ad-
o When the shutter is set at the cloud symbol
(-o) be sure to hold the camera steady and
release the shutter with a slow, steady
squeeze to avoid camera movement.

2. Focusing This will generally yield a head- t1

Focusing your camera is very easy. Simply and-shoulders view of an adult
turn the focusing ring to align the proper subject.
zone focus symbol with the index.

T A SymOot: Distant setting
This is for taking pictures of
general scenes and for tar-away
fff Symbol: Medium distance
Use this setting when you can
sight a fullstanding figure with
only a small, clear area at the
top and bottom of the view-
finder, i.e., at about 3m (1Oft.)
T' from your subject.
Symbol: Portrait
Your subject should be at a
il distance of 1.5m (4 ft.) and
ll should fill the viewfinder frame
t. from about the waist up.
^a Symbol: Close-up
Use this symbol for closer views
with your subject about 1m
L2 3. Composing Your Picture
When viewing your subject through the
camera's viewfinder, you can see a "bright
frame" in the visual field. Use the full rec-
tangular frame for distant and medium
settings. The area within this frame is what
will appear on the film.
To correct for the slight difference in view-
ing angle between the viewfinder and the
camera's taking lens, frame pictures at the
portrait and close-up settings within the two
parallax-correction guide marks near the top
corners of the bright f rame.

4. Holding the Camera be held with both hands. Press the camera 13
It is very important to hold camera and re- firmly to your face with your hands or arm
lease shutter properly. lf it is not held right steadied against your body, then push the
and moves when the shutter is released, you shutter release with a slow, gentle motion. lt
will not get clear pictures. The camera may may be good idea to practice these basics be-
be held horizontally or vertically, but should fore loading the camera.
1.4 ll. Flash Photography
1. Attaching Flash Unit
The Minolta Hi-matic 5 is equipped with a
cordless f lash contact which can also be used
with standard guns having cords. When using
the Minolta Duofit-S flashgun or other flash
unit which has a cordless sync. connection,
all you do is slide the unit into camera's ac'
cessory shoe.
lf you use a flash unit which has sync. cord,
be sure to connect the plug of the flash cord
with the sync. terminal of the camera.
. Be sure not to insert a bulb into the flash
unit until it has been properly attached to
the camera.

2. Setting Guide Number 3. Taking Flash Pictures 15

Set the index to the guide number by turn- Even with flash, simply focus, compose, and
ing index ring. Use the guide number which release the shutter. Proper aperture for flash
is shown on the f lash bulb package, f lash unit photography is automatically set bythe easy-
or its instructions. f lash (f lashmatic) system. The easy-f lash
NOTE: working range for proper exposure is shown
o Shutter speed is 1/3Osec. for flash. by the flash chart on the back cover of the
. lntermediate guide numbers can be set be- camera and below.
tween click stops.

16 NOTE:
When using the Minolta Duof it Flashgun or
Minolta Electrof lash, select a guide number
from the table of the flash unit.
When using other flashguns, check their
guide number table or instructions.
The guide numbers shown on flash bulb 1. To unloadthef ilm, depress the film rewind
packages are based on use of bulbs in high- button on the bottom of the camera.
lf these guide num-
ly polished reflectors.
bers are used with dull or satin-finish
reflectors, exposure should be adjusted

2. Lift the film rewind crank and turn it clock.

wise. This will rewind the exposed film
back into its cartridge. When the film is
nearly rewound, you will feel a slight re-
sistance. This means that the film leader 3. When you are sure the f ilm is completely
is leaving the spool. Continue winding the rewound, pull out on the rewind crank to
crank a few more turns until all the film is open the camera back and removethe film
rewound. cartr idge.

Minolta Filters For All Film

For Black-and-White Film ND X4: This neutral density f ilter is used to
UV: This filter absorbs excessive ultra- ad just the amount of exposure. lt is
violet rays when shooting mountain, especially useful when there is a pos-
snow, sea, and other distant scenes. sibility of overexposure (for example,
It may be kept attached to Protect when shooting summer beach or
the lens. brilliant snow scenes, particularly
Yellow: This filter renders red and yellow with fast f ilms).
subjects lighter than the eye sees
them. lt is often used to darken blue Minolta Lens Shade
skies and emPhasize white clouds. The lens shade prevents bright, direct side
For Color Fllm light from striking the lens and is recom-
1A: Use this filter to improve bluish rendi' mended for all outdoor photography.
tion of subjects in shade illuminated
by blue sky, on overcast or rainy days,
or obscured by atmospheric haze. lt
can also be used to protect the taking
8OB: This filter is used for shooting with
daylight-type color film indoors with
artificial light of 34OO"K color tempe'
ratu re.

Minolta Electrof lash-2 Minolta Electrof lash 19

Designed with your Hi-matic 5 in mind, this This electronic flash unit is equipped with
compact, efficient electronic flash unit fea- Hl and LO neon lights to indicate precise
tu res: guide numbers and provide perfect exposure.
. Cordless, hot-shoe convenience It gives 37O flashes per set when used with
. Pulsating "flash-ready" monitor lamp visi- alkaline batteries. Unit also works with ordi-
ble in Hi-matic 5 viewfinder nary penlight batteries or on AC current.
r Consant light output throughout life of
This Electroflash-2 can also be used with
any camera having a cordless hot shoe, and
its flash-ready lamp can also be seen in view-
finders of the Minolta Hi-matic E and other

20 lll
Minolta Flashgun Deluxe Minolta Duof it-S Flashgun
This compact and powerful unit has a This compact flashgun has a unigue design
folding-type ref lector and swivels to f ive click- for extremely efficient operation. When used
stop positions. lt takes regular base and AG- with the Minolta Hi-matic 5, it operates
type flashbulbs and can be used with or without cord. lt is also equipped with a self-
without a cord. store cord for use with cord-terminal


Your Minolta Hi-matic 5 is made for long, carefree service, but there are a few things that you 2l
should do. Never touch the camera lens with fingers. Should lens become dirty, clean it with a
blower lens brush or soft, lint-free cloth, using a gentle motion.
ff you do not plan to use your camer a f or a long period of time, it is best to remove the battery.
Store your camera in a cool, dry place away from dust or chemicals. An airtight container that
has a drying agent like silica gel in it would be ideal.
Camera should never be put or left in glove compartment or other place in motor vehicles or
elsewhere in which it may be subject to relatively high temperatures.
lf you have any questions, ask your Minolta dealer. He is knowledgeable in all aspects of photo-
graphy, and can help you with all your photographic needs.
Minolta Camera Co., Ltd.,30,2-Chome, Azuchi-Machi, Higashi-Ku, Osaka 541, Japan
Minofta Corporation, 101 Williams Drive, Ramsey, New Jersey 07446, U.S.A.
Minolta Camera Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H.,2 Hamburg 1. Spaldingstrasse 1, West Gerrtany
Minolta Hong Kong Limited, 49 Chatham Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Minolta Singapore (Pte) Ltd., Tong Fong Bldg.. 52-E, Chin Swee Road, Singapore 3

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