Word Formation Process
Word Formation Process
Word Formation Process
a. Back clipping
b. Fore-clipping
c. Middle clipping
d. Complex clipping
Back clipping or apocopation is the most
common type, in which the beginning is
retained. The unclipped original may be either a
simple or a composite. For example:
ad (advertisement), cable (cablegram),
doc(doctor), exam (examination),
gas (gasoline), math (mathematics),
gym (gymnastics, gymnasium)
mutt (muttonhead), pub(public house),
pop (popular concert), trad (traditional jazz),
Fore-clipping or aphaeresis retains the final
For Example:
phone(telephone), varsity (university),
chute (parachute), coon (raccoon),
gator(alligator), pike (turnpike).
In middle clipping or syncope, the middle
of the word is retained.
For Example:
f lu (inf luenza), tec (detective),
polly (apollinaris), jams (pyjamas),
shrink (head-shrinker).
Clipped forms are also used in compounds. One
part of the original compound most often remains
intact. For examples are:
cablegram (cabletelegram),
op art (optical art),
org-man (organization man).