Word Formation: Lengua y Cultura Inglesa III - 2021
Word Formation: Lengua y Cultura Inglesa III - 2021
Word Formation: Lengua y Cultura Inglesa III - 2021
OBack clipping
It is the most common type, in which the begining is retained.
Example: ad (advertisement)
Doc (doctor) – gas (gasoline) – memo (memorándum) gym (gymnastics )
Pop ( popular) exam (examination)
Retains the final part
Example: phone ( telephone) – chute (parachute) – gator (alligator)
OMiddle clipping
In middle clipping or syncope, the middle of the word is retained
Example: flu (influenza) – tec (detective) jams (pyjamas)
OComplex clipping
Are also used in compounds. One opart of the original compound most often
remains intact.
Example: calegram (cabletelegram) op art (optical art)
Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations such as NATO, LASER AND
IBM that are formed using the initial letters of words or Word parts in a
phrase or name.
Acronyms and initialisms are usually pronounced in a way that is distinct
from that of the full forms for which they stand: as the names of the
individual letters (as in IBM) word ( as in NATO) or combination (as in
These started as names of specific products, but now they are used as
the generic names for different brands of these types of products or as
In linguistics, inflection is the modification of a word to express
different gramatical categories such as tense,gramatical mood,
gramatical voice, aspect,person,number,gender and case
For example: the English word “cars” is a noun inflected for: number,
specifically to express the prural; “s” is a inflectional suffix
Whereas “car” is not an inflection.
The word ‘visits’ is a verb inflected for tense and person (we know it is
third person singular, simple present)
It is the process of forming a new word on the basis of an existing word
Example: happi-ness and un-happy from happy
or determination from determine
Derivation stands in contrast to the process of inflection, which uses
another kind of affix in order to form gramatical variants of the same
word, as:
Derivation is the process of forming a new words by means of affixation
(Prefix, and Suffix)
A derivational suffix usually applies to words of one syntactic category and
changes them into words of another syntactic category.
For example: the English derivational suffix-ly changes adjectives into adverbs
Examples of english derivational patterns and their suffixes:
Adjective to Noun: ness (slow-slowness)
Adjective to Verb: ise (modern-modernize) ize (archaic-archaicize)
Adjective to Adjective: ish (red-reddish)
Adjective Adverb: ly (personal-personally)
Noun to Adjective: al (recreation-recreational)
Noun to verb: fy (glory-glorify)
Verb to Adjective: able (drink-drinkable)
Verb to Noun: (abstract) ance (deliver-deliverance)
Verb to Noun (concrete) er (write-writer)
A compound is a lexeme (a word) that consists of more than one other
lexeme. It can be categorized in to two i.e endocentric and exocentric
Endocentric compound: consists of a head i.e the categorical part
that consists the basic meaning of the whole compound, and modifiers,
which restrict this meaning.
Example: doghouse where house is the head and dog is the modifier (it
is understood as a house intended for a dog)
Endocentric compound: tend to be of the same part of speech(Word
class) as their head, as in the case of doghouse.
Watch this video for a complete explanation