RAPDS Citrus
RAPDS Citrus
RAPDS Citrus
Recommended Citation
BAIG, M. N. R.; GREWAL, SAPNA; and DHILLON, SANTOSH (2009) "Molecular characterization and genetic
diversity analysis of citrus cultivars by RAPD markers," Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: Vol.
33: No. 4, Article 6. https://doi.org/10.3906/tar-0804-27
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Turk J Agric For
33 (2009) 375-384
Research Article doi:10.3906/tar-0804-27
Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana 125004, INDIA
Received: 25.04.2008
Abstract: Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to evaluate genetic similarity and inter-
relationship among 18 citrus cultivars, including 13 species and 5 hybrids. Out of 40 decamer primers screened, 25 were
selected which produced 250 markers; of which 231 were polymorphic and some species or cultivar specific RAPD
markers. The Jaccard coefficient was used to calculate the genetic similarity. UPGMA was used to generate the
dendrogram which clearly separated Jatti-Khatti from all major clusters at a similarity coefficient of 0.61. The average
genetic similarity value observed across all the genotypes was 0.63, with the 2 sweet orange cultivars, Jaffa and Blood red,
showing maximum similarity (82%). The Jatti-Khatti and King Mandarin were found to be genetically most diverse. The
genetic variation between cultivars was quite high and revealed their different origins.
* E-mail: santosh_dhillon@hau.ernet.in
Molecular characterization and genetic diversity analysis of citrus cultivars by RAPD markers
type of markers employed, distribution of markers in has been attempted even with a large area under
the genome, type of loci they amplify, level of cultivation in India. In this study we used RAPD
polymorphism and reproducibility of products (Virk markers to characterize the citrus genotypes. The
et al., 2001; Fernandez et al., 2002). Techniques using objectives of the study were to achieve a better
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) understanding of genetic variation and to investigate
markers are simple, fast, and sensitive. They require their inter-relationship.
no prior knowledge of the DNA sequence and can
amplify a large number of DNA fragments for
Materials and methods
reaction. The introduction of DNA markers based on
the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology has Plant material
led to the development of several novel genetic assays A total of 18 citrus genotypes (Table 1) used in this
that can be used for many purposes in plant genetic study were collected from the citrus orchard of
analysis such as cultivar identification and gene Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural
mapping. RAPD markers that result from the PCR University, Hisar, Haryana, India.
amplification of genomic DNA fragments using short
DNA isolation
oligonucleotide (usually 10-mers) of arbitrary
sequence as primers (William et al., 1990) provide a Total genomic DNA was isolated from fully
fast and easy approach for taxonomic classification expanded leaves using the CTAB
and cultivar-typing of fruit trees. This assay has the (hexadecyltrimethylammonium-bromide) method
advantage of being readily employed, requiring very (Murray and Thompson, 1980) with few
small amounts of genomic DNA, and eliminating the modifications. Briefly, 2 g of leaves were ground in
need for blotting and radio-active detection (Cipriani liquid nitrogen to a fine powder. The powder was
et al., 1996). For these reasons many fruit tree crops added to 6 mL of extraction buffer (100 mM Tris–HCl
have been successfully fingerprinted using RAPD pH 8.0, 20 mM EDTA, 1.4 M NaCl, 2% (wv-1) CTAB,
markers, e.g. grape (Huseyin and Sabitagaoglu, 2008), 2–mercaptoethanol 2% and 1% (wv ) PVP and
strawberry (Sugimoto et al., 2005), olive (Sanz-Cortes incubated at 65 °C for 30 min. The DNA was extracted
et al., 2001) and pineapple (Sripaoraya et al., 2001). with chloroform – octanol (24: 1). The DNA was
This technique, regardless of its sensitivity to reaction washed with 70% ethanol and dissolved in 100-400 μL
conditions, problems with repeatability, and of TE (10 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA and 0.2
mg mL RNase). The DNA concentration was
amplifying of non-homologous sequences, has been
determined spectrophotometrically at 260 nm. Stock
successfully used for the assessment of genetic
DNA samples were stored at –20 °C and diluted to
diversity in plants (Maria et al., 2008). Factors such as -1
20 ng uL when in use.
speed, efficiency and amenability to automation
make it one of the most suitable methods for PCR procedure
germplasm management with respect to estimating The RAPD primers were purchased from Operon
diversity, monitoring genetic erosion and removing Technologies Alameda, CA, USA. A total of 40
duplicates from germplasm collections (Khadari et al., decamer oligonucleotides of arbitrary sequence were
2003). tested for PCR amplification. The basic protocol
In citrus, RAPD markers have been used for reported by William et al. (1990) for PCR was
genetic diversity analysis (Abkenar and Ishhiki, 2003; performed in a total volume of 12.5 μL, containing 25
Mariniello et al., 2004; Campos et al., 2005; Novelli et ng of template DNA, 0.4 μM of single primer, 0.6 U
al., 2006; Shaaban et al., 2006; Shahsavar et al., 2007; Taq DNA polymerase (Bangalore Genei, India), 0.20
Hvarleva et al., 2008), chimeras (Sugawara et al., 2002) μM of each dNTP, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 10 mM Tris–HCl,
and phylogenetic analysis (Nicolosi et al., 2000). DNA and 50 mM KCl.
fingerprinting using PCR-based markers is very DNA amplification was carried out in a PTC-
important for breeding and taxonomy of citrus. No 10096V Thermocycler (MJ Research, Inc, USA) and
DNA-based markers approach to the study of citrus the thermal cycler conditions for PCR reactions were
1 Ponkan mandarin Citrus reticulata blanco
2 Shekwasha mandarin Citrus depressa hay.
3 King mandarin Citrus reticulata blanco
4 Satsuma mandarin Citrus unshui Marc
5 Pectinifera Citrus pectinifera cv Pectinifera
6 Cleopatra Citrus reshni cv Cleopatra
7 Kinnow hybrid (interspecific hybrids) Citrus nobilis ×
Citrus deliciousa
Sweet oranges
8 Jaffa Citrus sinensis cv jaffa
9 Blood Red Citrus sinensis cv Blood Red
an initial denaturation cycle of 1 min and 30 s at 94 °C (Rohlf, 1993). The dendrogram was constructed by
was followed by 45 cycles comprising 1 min at 94 °C, using a distance matrix using the unweighed pair-
1 min at 36 °C and 2 min at 72 °C. An additional cycle group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA)
of 7 min at 72 °C was used for final extension. sub-program of NTSYS-PC.
Amplification products were separated by
electrophoresis (8.3 V cm-1) in 1.5% agarose gels and
stained in ethidium bromide. A photographic record Results
was taken under UV illumination. Genetic polymorphism among citrus cultivars
Data analysis After screening 40 primers, 25 primers produced
Only clear and repeatable amplification products polymorphic and repeatable products. The banding
were scored as 1 for present bands and 0 for absent profile and polymorphism generated using one of the
ones. The specific bands useful for identifying species primers OPH-17 (Figure 1a) are shown. PCR
and cultivars were named with a primer number amplification of the DNA isolated from 18 selected
followed by the approximate size of the amplified citrus cultivars yielded a total of 250 amplified
fragment in base pairs. Polymorphism was calculated products, of which 231 were polymorphic and 19 were
based on the presence or absence of bands. The 0 or 1 monomorphic (Table 2). The total number of
data matrix was created and used to calculate the amplified DNA bands varied between 5 (primer OPA-
genetic distance and similarity using ‘Simqual’, a sub- 07) and 14 (primer OPA-17 and OPG-09) with the
program of the NTSYS-PC program (numerical average of 10 ± 0.51 bands per primer. The maximum
taxonomy and multivariate analysis system program) number of polymorphic bands (13) was obtained with
Molecular characterization and genetic diversity analysis of citrus cultivars by RAPD markers
Table 2. DNA bands amplified and polymorphism generated in 18 citrus genotypes using 25 RAPD
1 OPA-02 7 6 85.70
2 OPG-05 7 6 85.70
3 OPQ-01 7 7 100.00
4 OPG-09 14 13 92.80
5 OPH-17 10 8 80.00
6 OPI-01 13 11 84.60
7 OPG-02 10 9 90.00
8 OPO-12 9 8 88.80
9 OPQ-07 11 11 100.00
10 OPA-04 10 10 100.00
11 OPG-12 10 10 100.00
12 OPO-06 9 9 100.00
13 OPA-07 5 4 80.00
14 OPG-20 10 10 100.00
15 OPB-05 11 8 72.70
16 OPB-14 11 10 90.00
17 OPH-15 8 8 100.00
18 OPG-08 7 7 100.00
19 OPO-17 9 9 100.00
20 OPA-09 13 12 92.30
21 OPH-20 13 12 92.30
22 OPA-16 7 7 100.00
23 OPG-04 14 14 100.00
24 OPA-17 14 12 85.70
25 OPB-18 11 10 90.90
(Troyer, Citrumello, C-639 and Carrizo) and Swingle were absent in sweet oranges. Primer OPQ-01 and
Citrumello. Out of these, 136 were polymorphic and OPB-05 amplified 1 allele unique to mandarins.
53 were monomorphic. Primer OPH-20 generated the Primer OPA-09 generated 1 specific allele for sweet
maximum number of polymorphic bands (11) oranges which was absent in mandarins. These
whereas each of the primers OPA-02, OPQ-01, OPG- primers thus were able to distinguish between
09, OPG-02, OPG-12, OPO-06, OPA-07, OPG-20, mandarin and sweet orange genotypes. Each of the
OPH-15, OPG-08, OPH-20 and OPA-16 generated primers OPB-05, OPB-18 and OPB-14 generated 1
only one monomorphic band. Primer OPQ-07 allele unique to mandarins, which was absent in lime
generated 100% polymorphism. and lemon genotypes. Primer OPA-17 generated a
Primers capable of differentiating genotypes specific allele which was present in lime and lemon
and absent in mandarin. Thus these 4 primers were
After analyzing all the data, 5 primers OPA-09, able to differentiate between citrus types. Primer OPI-
OPQ-01, OPG-09, OPB-05 and OPG-08 were found 01 resulted in the amplification of 1 allele for citranges
useful in differentiating between mandarin and sweet which was absent in mandarins. Two primers, OPA-
oranges. It was observed that 2 primers, OPA-09 and 09 and OPO-06, gave 1 allele each for mandarin
OPG-08 gave 2 unique alleles for mandarins which whereas primer OPG-05 amplified 2 alleles, one
Molecular characterization and genetic diversity analysis of citrus cultivars by RAPD markers
unique to citranges and other to mandarins. Thus Unique bands in 18 citrus genotypes
these primers were found to differentiate between Some primers gave unique bands in a specific
mandarins and citranges. Five primers were found citrus genotype as shown in (Table 3). These primers
to be useful for distinguishing sweet oranges from produced a specific DNA band which distinguished
lemons. Each of the primers OPB-14, OPI-01, OPG- one genotype from the rest. Primer OPA-17 generated
12 and OPQ-07 generated 1 specific allele which was a unique allele for C-639 (Figure 1b). Primers OPG-
present in sweet oranges and absent in lemons. Each 12, OPA-07 and OPQ-01 generated a unique band for
of the primers OPQ-07 and OPO-06 gave 1 specific the Satsuma mandarin (Figure 1c). Primer OPG-20
allele which was absent in sweet oranges and present generated a unique allele for Troyer, whereas primer
in lemons. Therefore, these primers were able to OPG-09 gave it for kinnow. Primer OPO-17 and
distinguish between sweet oranges and lemons. Four OPB-14 generated respectively 2 and 3 specific bands
primers OPB-14, OPB-05, OPA-17 and OPA-04 for Jatti Khatti.
were found to distinguish between citranges and
sweet oranges. Three alleles, each generated by Genetic relationship between citrus genotypes
primers OPB-14, OPA-17 and OPA-04 were present Data of RAPD markers scanned from the 18
in sweet orange and absent in any genotypes genotypes with 25 reproducible primers was used to
belonging to citranges, while primer OPB-05 generate similarity coefficients. A maximum
amplified one allele present in citranges only. Primer similarity value of 0.82 was observed between 2
OPG-20 generated a unique allele for Troyer; Primer cultivars of sweet orange Jaffa and Blood Red, whereas
OPA-17 generated a unique allele for C-639, Jatti Khatti and King Mandarin were found to be
whereas primer OPG-09 generated it for kinnow. genetically most diverse (0.44). Average similarity
Primers OPO-17 and OPB-14 gave 2 and 3 specific value observed across all genotypes was 0.63. The 2
bands respectively for Jatti Khatti which were absent lemon genotypes followed by the Jatti Khatti were
in citranges, while primer OPB-05 gave 1 allele diverse having similarity value of 0.50. Troyer, a
specific for citranges which was absent in sweet Citrange showed its similarity with Cleopatra (0.72)
oranges. After analyzing the data generated by 25 a genotype of mandarin group. Rangpur lime showed
primers, it was concluded that 7 primers closeness with the sweet orange having similarity
differentiated citranges from lemon. Primer OPO- value of 0.74.
17 generated 3 specific alleles which were present in The cluster tree analysis (Figure 2) showed that
citranges and absent in lemon. Each of the primers the citrus genotypes were broadly divided into 3 main
OPH-20, OPG-04, OPA-09 and OPI-01 generated 1 groups representing mandarins, sweet oranges and
specific allele for citranges, which was absent in lemon. However, Jatti Khatti was found to be quite
lemon. Primer OPB-14 generated 2 alleles which divergent and did not fall in any of the major clusters.
were presents in lemon but absent in citranges as It separated from the above groups at a similarity
well as Swingle citrumello. coefficient of 0.61; 3 groups were further divided into
Table 3. List of RAPD primers producing unique alleles for specific citrus genotype.
various sub-groups according to similarity between maximum similarity (0.82), Rangpur lime merged
them. Three main groups branched at similarity value with these at a similarity coefficient of 0.75.
of 0.65 into 2 major clusters. First major cluster Jallundhari entered the above sub-group at similarity
consisted of 2 sub-clusters, in which a high genetic value of 0.71.The second major cluster consisted of 2
similarity was observed between Citrumello and sub-groups. Two genotypes namely, Bhadri lemon
Ponkan mandarin (78%). Carrizo merged into this and Indian lime which were close to each other and
sub-group at different similarity coefficient value of showed similarity coefficient of 0.76 represented one
0.73. Shekwasha mandarin and C-639 had similarity subgroup the other subgroup included Kinnow and
coefficient of 0.78 which merged with the above Pectinifera, 2 genotypes of mandarin which showed
cluster at similarity value of 0.72. Two mandarin similarity coefficient of 0.73 and merged with Bhadri
genotypes Ponkan mandarin and Satsuma mandarin lemon sub-group at similarity value of 0.71. Cleopatra
showed 77% closeness and merged with the above and Troyer showed similarity coefficient of 0.72 and
major sub-group at similarity coefficient of 0.71. Jaffa merged with the above main sub-cluster at similarity
and Blood Red, 2 sweet orange cultivars showed coefficient of 0.67.
Molecular characterization and genetic diversity analysis of citrus cultivars by RAPD markers
In this study we confirmed that RAPD markers, as accessions is required, the use of other molecular
a fast and simple technique, can detect enough marker techniques such as Amplification fragment
polymorphism to differentiate between citrus length polymorphisms (AFLPs) (Campos et al., 2005)
cultivars and to understand their inter-relationships, or inter-simple sequence repeat markers (ISSRs)
However, if a finer molecular analysis of Jatti Khatti (Shahsavar et al., 2007) should be considered.
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