1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
2. General Description
2.1 Application Perspective
2.2 Application Functions
2.3 User Characteristics
2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies
3. Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interface Requirements
3.1.1 User Interfaces
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces
3.1.3 Software Interfaces
3.1.4 Communications Interfaces
3.2.1 Student Registration
3.2.2 Student Attendance Management
3.2.3 Opinion Management
Student Attendance Management System has become important factors in modern education
field. This system will help the institutions to streamline the administrative task and provide real-
time access to the data Building this system in offline based interface will further help the ease of
accessibility through any windows. The study findings enable the definition of the project
problem statement, its objectives, scopes and advantages of the Student Attendance
Management System:
1.1 Purpose:
The purpose this document is to present a detailed description of the Student Attendance
Management System. It will explain the purpose and features of the software, the interfaces of
the software, what the software will do, the constraints under which it must operates and how the
software will react to external stimuli. This document is intended for both the end users and the
developers of the software.
1.2 Scope:
This document covers the requirements for the Student Attendance Management System. This
software will provide a graphical environment in which the users of the system will be able to
perform various operations that are associated with storing, marinating, updating and retrieving
Student’s Attendance information. The system will capture information about Student’s and
Professor’s personal details and courses. Storing, updating and retrieving in a fast and accurate
2.General description
2.1 Application perspective:
The application Student Attendance Management system, is an independent product and does not
depend on any other product or system. The product will automate various tasks associated with
handling student details and better organizing the stored information and optimum performance,
thus helping the Colleges to ensure smooth working of these processes.
3. Specific Requirements:
When invalid inputs are given to the modules then the error messages will be
popped up in order to inform the user that the input provided is not taken by the
database. When incomplete information is provided by the user and the user tries to
submit the form in order to store the details in the database the system will pop up
a message box asking the user to enter all the details required.
Time: This project should be completed within the stimulated time period.
Cost: The cost involved in marketing the project should be less.
Usability: This requirement is present, as this system will interact with the user.
Reliability: This system must be highly robust.
Performance: It should be fast enough to produce output.