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Data Communication and Computer Networks Management System Project Report

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Research Proposal · March 2021

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21771.50724

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1 author:

Kamal Acharya
Tribhuvan University


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(Tribhuvan University)
Date: 2021/03/25
1. Session 1: Networking Tools............................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Crimping tool ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. RJ-45 ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. RJ-11 ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4. NIC .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5. Cable tester .............................................................................................................................. 3
2. Session 2: Cabling methods ............................................................................................................. 4
2.1. Types of Network Cables ......................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Color Code Standards............................................................................................................... 4
3. Session 3: Straight through cabling .................................................................................................. 6
4. Session 4: Crossover Cabling ........................................................................................................... 6
5. Session 5: Peer – to – Peer workgroup Network Configuration ......................................................... 7
5.1. Definition of Peer to peer networking ....................................................................................... 7
5.2. Configuring computer and workgroup name ............................................................................. 7
5.3. Configuring LAN card ........................................................................................................... 10
5.4. Configuring IP address ........................................................................................................... 12
6. Session 6: Sharing Resources in Network group Configuration....................................................... 15
6.1. Sharing file and folder in workgroup network ......................................................................... 16
6.2. Sharing printer in workgroup network .................................................................................... 20
6.3. Sharing a printer ..................................................................................................................... 21
7. Session 7: Dial UP Internet Connection and Configuration ............................................................. 25
7.1. Configuring Dial up Internet connection ................................................................................. 25
7.2. Sharing the dial up connections .............................................................................................. 27
8. Session 8: Installing windows XP by using virtualization ............................................................... 28
8.1. Definition of virtualization ..................................................................................................... 28
8.2. Installing and Starting Oracle Virtual box ............................................................................... 29
8.3. Installing windows XP using virtualization............................................................................. 29
9. Session 9: Windows Net Meeting Configuration I .......................................................................... 33
9.1. Configuring windows Net Meeting ......................................................................................... 33
9.2. How to configure Net meeting ................................................................................................ 33
9.3. How to make a call ................................................................................................................. 35

9.4. How to start chatting .............................................................................................................. 36
9.5. Finding IP Address of Client Computer .................................................................................. 37
9.6. Remote Desktop Sharing ........................................................................................................ 37
9.7. Transferring Files ................................................................................................................... 38
10. Session 10: Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) ........................................................................ 39
10.1. How to configure Remote Desktop Connection ................................................................... 39
10.2. Accessing RDC .................................................................................................................. 40
10.3. Firewall settings ................................................................................................................. 43
11. Session 11: Design Network Topology and simulation............................................................... 44
11.1. Installing Cisco packet tracer .............................................................................................. 44
11.2. Identifying Cisco Packet Tracer Network Devices .............................................................. 44
11.3. Configuring DHCP server .................................................................................................. 45
11.4. Configuring DNS Server .................................................................................................... 49
11.5. Configuring HTTP server ................................................................................................... 50
12. Session 12: Installing Server 2008 Using Virtualization ............................................................. 52
12.1. Installing server 2008 using oracle virtual machine ............................................................. 52
12.2. Assigning Static IP Address for the Server .......................................................................... 52
12.3. Installing DNS server ......................................................................................................... 53
12.4. Checking whether the IP address is the same as DNS or not ................................................ 53
12.5. Installing DHCP Server ...................................................................................................... 54
12.6. Configuring DHCP server .................................................................................................. 54
12.7. Installing FTP Server .......................................................................................................... 56
12.8. Configuring and Accessing ftp server from client computer ................................................ 57
13. Session 13: Active Directory Installation and configuration ........................................................ 58
13.1. How to install active directory user and computer ............................................................... 59
13.2. Connecting client to server using Domain Control .............................................................. 66
14. Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 70
15. Reference................................................................................................................................... 71

1. Session 1: Networking Tools

Networking is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data. In

computer networks, networked computing devices pass data to each other along data
connections. Data is transferred in the form of packets. The connections between nodes are
established using either cable media or wireless media. Networking Cable preparation basically
needs the following tools:

1.1. Crimping tool

A crimping tool is a tool designed to crimp or connect a connector to the end of a cable. For
example, network cables and phone cables are created using a crimping tool to connect the RJ-45
and RJ-11 connectors to the end of the cable. The crimper in picture below is capable of
crimping a RJ-11 (6-Pin) and RJ-45 (8-Pin) connectors and also includes a wire cutter near the
handles that can be used to cut phone or CAT5 cable.

To use this crimping tool, each wire is first placed into the connector. Once all the wires are in
the jack, the connectors with wires are placed into the crimping tool, and the handles are
squeezed together. Crimping makes the plastic connector puncture and hold each of the wires,
which prevents the wires from falling out and for data to be transmitted from the connector to
each of the wires.

1.2. RJ-45

Short for Registered Jack-45, RJ-45 is an 8-pin connection used for Ethernet network adapters.
The picture below shows is RJ-45 connector separated from the cable. This connector is most
commonly connected to the end of Cat5 cable, which is connected between a computer network
card and a network device such as a network router.

1.3. RJ-11

More commonly known as a modem port, phone connector, phone jack or phone line, the RJ-11
is short for Registered Jack-11 and is a four or six wire connection primarily used for telephones
and computer modem connectors in the United States. The picture is an example image of what
the RJ-11 phone cable and connection looks like. Although this cable can be used to connect
your modem to the Internet it should not be confused with the RJ-45 connector, which is used
with your network card.

1.4. NIC
Short for Network Interface Card, a NIC is also commonly referred to as an Ethernet card and network
adapter and is an expansion card that enables a computer to connect to a network such as a home network
or the Internet using an Ethernet cable with a RJ-45 connector. The picture below is an example of a SMC
EZ Card 10/100 PCI network card, a network card commonly found in most desktop computers today that
do not already have an onboard network on their motherboard.

1.5. Cable tester
A cable tester is a device that is used to test the strength and connectivity of a particular type of cable or
other wired assemblies. There are a number of different types of cable testers, each able to test a specific
type of cable or wire (some may be able to test different types of cables or wires). The cable tester can test
whether a cable or wire is set up properly, connected to the appropriate source points, and if the
communication strength between the source and destination is strong enough to serve its intended
purpose. The picture below is an example of a cable tester.

2. Session 2: Cabling methods

2.1. Types of Network Cables

Once you have the necessary equipment needed to create your own network cables you need to
determine the network cable you want to create. There are two major network cables: a straight
through cable and a crossover cable.

The twisted-pair cables consist of four twisted wires, each color coded; one a solid color and the
other a stripped color. As seen below, most network cables consist of a green, blue, orange, and
brown pair of cables.

There are two cable standards T568A and T568B, each twisted-pair must be broken apart to
create the layout as shown above. If you want to create a straight through cable both ends of the
cable should be identical and should match the T568A example shown above. If you want to
create a crossover cable one end of the cable should match T568A and the other should match

Once you have separated the ends of the cable to match one of the above examples place the
cables into the RJ-45 connector and then use the crimping tool to attach the connector. Do these
steps for each side of the cable. Once both ends of the cable have been completed connect the
cable to make sure it is working.

2.2. Color Code Standards

Let's start with simple pin-out diagrams of the two types of UTP Ethernet cables and watch how
committees can make a can of worms out of them. Here are the diagrams:

Note that the TX (transmitter) pins are connected to corresponding RX (receiver) pins, plus to
plus and minus to minus. Crossover cable used to connect units with identical interfaces. If you
use a straight-through cable, one of the two units must, in effect, perform the cross-over function.

If we apply the 568A color code and show all eight wires, our pin-out looks like this:

Note that pins 4, 5, 7, and 8 and the blue and brown pairs are not used in either standard. Quite
contrary to what you may read elsewhere, these pins and wires are not used or required to
implement 100BASE-TX duplexing they are just plain wasted.

However, the actual cables are not physically that simple. In the diagrams, the orange pair of
wires is not adjacent. The blue pair is upside-down. The right ends match RJ-45 jacks and the
left ends do not. If, for example, we invert the left side of the 568A "straight"-thru cable to
match a 568A jack--put one 180° twist in the entire cable from end-to-end--and twist together
and rearrange the appropriate pairs, we get the following can-of-worms:

This further emphasizes, I hope, the importance of the word "twist" in making network cables
which will work. You cannot use a flat-untwisted telephone cable for a network cable.
Furthermore, you must use a pair of twisted wires to connect a set of transmitter pins to their
corresponding receiver pins. You cannot use a wire from one pair and another wire from a
different pair.

Keeping the above principles in mind, we can simplify the diagram for a 568A straight-thru
cable by untwisting the wires, except the 180° twist in the entire cable, and bending the ends
upward. Likewise, if we exchange the green and orange pairs in the 568A diagram we will get a
simplified diagram for a 568B straight-thru cable. If we cross the green and orange pairs in the
568A diagram we will arrive at a simplified diagram for a crossover cable. All three are shown

3. Session 3: Straight through cabling

Straight through cable (T568A) is a network cable that connects a computer to a network device. It
connects a computer to a network hub, network switch, and network routers.
Exercise: Prepare and test the Straight through cable whether it is properly working or not.

4. Session 4: Crossover Cabling

A crossover cable (T568A & T568B) connects two devices of the same type. It is a cable that is used to
interconnect two computers by "crossing over" (reversing) their respective pin contacts and Network
device to network device, For example, router to router.

Exercise: Prepare and test the crossover cable whether it is properly working or not.

5. Session 5: Peer – to – Peer workgroup Network Configuration
5.1. Definition of Peer to peer networking
Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that
partitions tasks or workloads between peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants
in the application. They are said to form a peer-to-peer network of nodes.

Peers make a portion of their resources, such as processing power, disk storage or network
bandwidth, directly available to other network participants, without the need for central
coordination by servers or stable hosts.

Workgroup networking is the most essentials part of computer networking. For setting up the
network in real life environment consider the following approach before taking any final
decision on workgroup network: In this article we would configure IP address and Run Set up a
home or small office Network Wizard.

 Determine your requirements

 Choose between wired and wireless media
 Map your physical network
 Map your logical network
 Create a utilization plan
Assume that you have gone through these steps and come up with a plan to use 4 computers with
star topology for this network.

Computers 4 With any descriptive Name

Operating system windows 7
Topology Star
Workgroup Name SOFTWARE

5.2. Configuring computer and workgroup name

To change computer and workgroup name Right-click on Computer icon and select Properties,
the following window will be displayed.

 Next click on Advanced System Settings menu and on Computer Name menu.

 If you want to change the name of Computer and workgroup click change button.

 Follow this guideline while choosing name for computer and workgroup
 Computer name should be unique in a workgroup.
 Workgroup name should be same for all computers.
 Workgroup name may be up to 15 characters long and may contain any alphanumeric
(a-z and 0-9) characters, as well as special characters except for; " < > * + = \ |?
 Computer name can be up to 15 characters long and have the same naming
restrictions as workgroup. In addition, the computer name cannot be the same as the
workgroup name.
 Enter a new computer name in the Computer Name field and new workgroup name in
Workgroup field and click OK.
 You will be prompted to restart your computer to complete the name change. Click
ok to restart your computer.

5.3. Configuring LAN card
First check LAN card driver
Right Click on Computer icon ==> properties ==> Device manager ==> Network Adaptors ==>
Check here
 Situation:- Showing network adapters as shown in the figure below
o Installed and working properly

 Situation:-Showing with Yellow sign

o Description: - LAN card driver is corrupted
o Solution: - Install LAN card driver.

 Situation:- Showing with Red Cross
o Description:- Either cable is unplugged or LAN card is disabled
o Solution: - My network places ==> properties ==> local area connection ==>
right click ==> Enable (Follow only if LAN card is disabled) Check whether
network cable is plugged or not.
 Situation:-Not Showing network adapters
o Description: - LAN card is not detected yet (Check for physical installation)
o Solution: - Open the cabinet and check for physical detection
o Check Bios ==> Onboard LAN Option should be enable

 Situation:-Showing with firewall

o Description:-LAN is firewall protected

o Solution:-There is no need to on firewall unless you are connecting with
Internet. Turn off the firewall.

5.4. Configuring IP address

Steps to configure IP address:

1. Right click on the network notification icon on the task bar and click on “open network and
sharing center”. The following dialog box will be presented:

2. Next click on the Change adapter settings menu.

3. Right click on the Local Area Connection open properties then the following window will be

4. Double click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) then the following window will
be displayed.

5. Use the following IP address or choose the IP address you have been assigned by your
company to configure IP address, Subnet mask and Default Gateway for four computers
connected together by one switch and star topology.


IP address

Subnet mask

Default Gateway

6. Between two computers:

 Network address must be same and host address must be different.
 If network address is different a Router will be required to make communications

1. Check whether all computers are properly connected or not by using ping command.
2. Share a file or folder between all computers.

6. Session 6: Sharing Resources in Network group Configuration Sharing
files, folder devices, and printers in peer to peer workgroup network by using Simple File
Sharing on Windows 7. To activate resource sharing status On Windows 7 do the following

1. Right-click on network notification icon on the task bar and click on open Network and
Sharing Center.
2. Next click on the Change advanced sharing settings menu, then the following window will be
displayed. Turn on all the network and sharing options as shown below.

6.1. Sharing file and folder in workgroup network
1. Right click on the file or folder which you want to share and click on properties: the
following window will be displayed.

2. Click on the sharing tab:

3. Click on the share button and choose everyone option from the drop down list button.

4. Next click on Add button then everyone option will be added.

5. Click on share button then the following window will be displayed next click on done button.

Accessing the shared folder:

Click on start menu => click on Run command => Type \\hostname or IP address of the

Then click Ok button you will get your shared file as shown below.

Double click on the folder Users then the shared file will be opened.

6.2. Sharing printer in workgroup network

Local printer is the printer that is attached with system directly. Network printer is the printer
that is attached with other system and use local printer via network.

Installing Local printer, Local printer is required before you share it on network. To install local
printer with system:
1. Click Start ==> devices and printers
2. If you did not see any printer here, it means system has not detected the printer yet. You need
to install it manually.
3. Click on add a printer

4. Click on Add a Local printer option

5. Select the port on which you have attached the printer

6. Select the manufacturer and model of your printer. If you have printer driver CD then use
have disk options
7. Give any name to your printer for example Office Printer, Lab Printer, anything that is close
to your specification
8. If you want to print test page then choose Yes otherwise select No
9. Click on Finish to complete the Wizard
10. Before sharing on network it is best practice to test the printer. Do some printing.

6.3. Sharing a printer

Sharing a printer is similar to sharing the folder. First, open the Devices and Printers panel.
There you will see a list with all external devices installed on your PC. Go to the Printers section
and select the printer you want to share. Right click on it and select Printer properties, then
Select the printer properties. In this case Canon Pixma MX410 printer is selected.
Printer properties -> Canon MX410 series Printer WS

The printer Properties window is opened. Depending on the printer model and its drivers, you
will see different tabs and options. Go to the Sharing tab, which is common to all printers.

Here you can share the printer with the entire network. Check the box which says "Share this
printer". Then, you can edit the share name of the printer.

To access the shared printer on the client side open the Devices and Printers panel and click on
Add printer menu.

Next clock on Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth Printer option then the client computer will
search the network printer as shown below.

Finally select the network printer and click next and complete the steps.

7. Session 7: Dial UP Internet Connection and Configuration
Dial up internet connection is a form of Internet access that uses the facilities of the public
switched telephone network (PSTN) to establish a dialled connection to an Internet service
provider (ISP) via telephone lines. The user's computer or router uses an attached modem to
encode and decode Internet Protocol packets and control information into and from analogue
audio frequency signals, respectively. Dial-up internet is sometimes used where Broadband
internet access is not available; primarily in rural or remote areas. We have seen Workgroup
configuring and sharing folders and printers in our previous article. Sharing Internet connection
is the next logical step in getting everybody online. If you have installed an Internet gateway,
chances are that you are already online. Windows XP Internet Connection Sharing allows your
computer to function as an Internet gateway. In this article we would use window XP as internet

7.1. Configuring Dial up Internet connection

To connect with internet via dial-up follow these steps:-

1. Physically attach the modem and install driver

2. Right click on network icon ==> properties then the following window will be displayed.

3. Click on set up a new connection or network option

4. Click next button

5. Click on the dial up modem or if modem and the following window will be displayed.

Next enter Dail-up phone number, user name and password, these options are only given by
Internet Service Provider. In Ethiopia Ethiopian telecommunication agency is Internet Service

7.2. Sharing the dial up connections

 Right-click on dial up Internet connection and select Properties.

 Click the Advanced tab
 Click on “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet
 Internet connection sharing will change IP address to and enable a simple
DHCP server. On all other computers of workgroup network you only need to set IP
address to obtain IP address automatically.

8. Session 8: Installing windows XP by using virtualization

8.1. Definition of virtualization

It is way to separate the hardware & software. Virtualization is based on the insertion of
Hypervisor (Virtual Machine Monitor) on the top of the hardware. Then the hardware is shared
by many Operating Systems. There are different types of Virtual Machines such as: VMware
Workstation, Oracle Virtual Machine, VMware Fusion, Microsoft virtual Pc and Microsoft
virtual server. For this laboratory Oracle Virtual Machine is taken.

Virtualization sums up everything in one.

8.2. Installing and Starting Oracle Virtual box
Download the oracle virtual box set up from the Internet. Install like any ordinary software
installation by following installation wizard. Finally start the oracle virtual machine. The
following window will be displayed.

8.3. Installing windows XP using virtualization

Procedures to install windows XP by using VM

Step 1: click new button on the oracle VM virtual box manager then create new virtual machine
window will be displayed. Then Click next.

Step 2: write the name of the OS on the name option.
Step 3: Click next buttons and allocate the base memory size.
Step 4: click next and check create new hard disk as shown in the figure below.

Step 5: click next and check VDI as shown below.

Step 6: click next and check dynamically allocated as shown below.

Step 7: click next two times and check summary as shown below.

Step 7: click create button two times and then new virtual machine is created as shown below.

Step 7: click newly created virtual machine and then click start button on the virtual machine
window as shown below.

Step 8: Insert XP operating system CD or ISO file and follow all steps till the XP is installed on
the machine.

9. Session 9: Windows Net Meeting Configuration I
9.1. Configuring windows Net Meeting

Microsoft NetMeeting is a nice in built feature of XP. It’s allowing you to share files and
desktop. You could also use it for chat, video conferencing. You have to configure Net Meeting
before you could use it.

9.2. How to configure Net meeting

To configure NetMeeting follow the following steps:
1. Click Start and select Run
2. In Run box, type conf.exe and click OK as shown below.

3. In the NetMeeting window, click Next

4. Fill in your name, email address, and location info, then click Next as shown below.

5. Click off "Log on to directory server when NetMeeting starts", then click Next
6. Select the network connection you are using, and then click Next (On campus, select Local
Area Network) as shown below.

7. Select "Put a shortcut to NetMeeting on my desktop", and click Next.

8. In Audio Tuning Wizard window, click Next as shown below.

9. In Audio Tuning Wizard window, adjust the speaker or headphone volume and click Next.
10. When finished adjusting settings, click Finish.

NetMeeting setup is now complete. An icon will be displayed on the desktop. (During startup, if
Windows XP Firewall attempts to block NetMeeting, click Unblock.) The NetMeeting main
window is displayed as figure shown below.

9.3. How to make a call

You can connect individually or in group.
To start NetMeeting:
 Click the NetMeeting shortcut icon on your desktop
 The NetMeeting main window will appear.
Placing a Call
 Click the Place Call button. Enter the IP Address of the remote computer.

Receiving a call

When another person is calling you NetMeeting will display the following screen:

Click Accept to begin the call.

 To make a call simply Enter the IP address of the other computer.

 Then click on Place a call button.
 And then the person will accept or reject your incoming call.

9.4. How to start chatting

 First write the IP address of the person you want to communicate.
 Write a message on the Text area

1. Create and share a file or a folder.
2. Share a program with another system.

9.5. Finding IP Address of Client Computer
Connections in NetMeeting are done through IP addresses. You need to know your IP Address.
To find out your IP Address:
 Click on Start button, select Run
 Type cmd command and click OK
 In the window that appears, type ipconfig and press the Enter key
 Your IP Address will be displayed in the window (eg. (Write down your
IP Address)

9.6. Remote Desktop Sharing

Remote Desktop Sharing allows you to access a computer from another computer at another
location. To use Remote Desktop Sharing, activate it and then close NetMeeting. To stop
sharing, click Unshare in the Sharing dialog box. To set up Remote Desktop Sharing:

 Under Tools on the menu bar, select Remote Desktop Sharing.

 In the Remote Desktop Sharing Wizard, click Next.
 In the Remote Desktop Sharing Wizard, click Yes, enable password-protected screen saver.
 Click Finish.
To activate Remote Desktop Sharing on the computer:
Note the computer's IP Address.
Under Call on the menu bar, select Exit.
To connect to the computer from a second location:
Click the Call button in NetMeeting.
In "To", type in the computer's IP Address.
Type in your password.
The remote desktop will appear on the second computer.
To end Remote Desktop Sharing:
On the computer being accessed, click Start.
Select either Log Off or Turn Off.

9.7. Transferring Files
Files can also be transferred in the background while a NetMeeting conference is going on or can
be sent either to an individual or a group. To transfer a file:
 Click the Transfer Files button.
 Click the Add File button.
 Select the desired files.
 Choose the people you wish to send the file to (if you wish to send the file to everyone in the
meeting, click All).
 Click Send All button to transfer the files.

10. Session 10: Remote Desktop Connection (RDC)

RDP remote desktop protocol is a nice feature of windows 7. RDP allow you to share the
desktop. With RDP you could access desktop from any computers. You need to enable it before
use. To enable it follow these steps: You need to enable it before use.

10.1. How to configure Remote Desktop Connection

To configure type allow at the start menu then click on “allow remote access to your computer”
and check Allow remote assistance connections to this computer and allow connections from
computers running any version of Remote desktop (less secure) options then the following
windows will be displayed. And Press ok button.

Finally press ok and click on apply button

10.2. Accessing RDC

To accesses Remote computer
1. Write remote on the start menu then you get Remote desktop connection
2. Write computer /host name or IP address of the computer

Click ok button then you will get the following authentication message

Again click on yes button to pass the authentication

Click on ok button

Next enter valid password of the server

Now let us check the IP address of the remote Desktop (RDC)

A. Open run command and type cmd

B. And type ipconfig the IP of the computer is

10.3. Firewall settings

Windows firewall must be open for RDP before you start working with RDP. You could either
turn off the firewall or configure it to allow the RDP. If you are using RDP only in local network
with trusted computers than you could turn off the window firewall. But if you are using RDP
over the un-trusted network it’s better to use firewall. To configure windows firewalls follow
these steps:
 Click Start.
 Click Control Panel.
 Access the Windows Firewall menu (by clicking Windows Firewall using Control
Panel's Category View or by clicking Security Center and selecting Windows
Firewall using the Classic View).
 Click the Exceptions tab.
 Confirm the Remote Desktop checkbox is checked and isn't overridden by a group

11. Session 11: Design Network Topology and simulation
11.1. Installing Cisco packet tracer

Cisco Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulation program that allows students to
experiment with network behaviour and ask “what if” questions. As an integral part of the
Networking Academy comprehensive learning experience, Packet Tracer provides simulation,
visualization, authoring, assessment, and collaboration capabilities and facilitates the teaching
and learning of complex technology concepts.

Packet Tracer supplements physical equipment in the classroom by allowing students to create a
network with an almost unlimited number of devices, encouraging practice, discovery, and
troubleshooting. The simulation-based learning environment helps students develop 21st century
skills such as decision making, creative and critical thinking, and problem solving. Packet Tracer
complements the Networking Academy curricula, allowing instructors to easily teach and
demonstrate complex technical concepts and networking systems design. The Packet Tracer
software is freely available on the web for users.

First download Cisco Packet Tracer version 5.3 or 6.2 from the Internet and Install on your

11.2. Identifying Cisco Packet Tracer Network Devices


1. Design, configure IP and check connectivity of Star topology.

2. Design, configure IP and check connectivity of Mesh topology.
3. Design, configure IP and check connectivity of Bus Topology.
4. Design, configure IP and check connectivity of Ring topology.

11.3. Configuring DHCP server

In the DHCP service configuration, you can set up a DHCP server with many different IP
address pools. To add a DHCP pool, enter the Pool Name, Default Gateway, DNS Server
address, Starting IP address to lease, Subnet Mask, and the Maximum number of Users, then
click Add. If you want to make changes to an existing DHCP pool, select the pool from the list
and edit the fields you want to make changes to, and then click Save. If you want to remove a
DHCP IP address pool from the server, select the pool from the list and click Remove.

1. First we must to drag and drop the network components like switch, server and client in
to design area.

2. And make a connection based on the standard

3. Click on the server icon then you will get

4. Next click on the Desktop Tab and fill IP configuration options.

5. Exit from the IP configuration go to the config tab then you will get the following

6. Click on the DHCP tab

How to obtain the client automatic IP address assignment?

1. Click on the client computer

2. Next go to desktop tab
3. Click on the Desktop next click on IP configuration
4. Finally click the DHCP radio button.

11.4. Configuring DNS Server

In the DNS service configuration, you can set up a DNS server to translate domain names with
different types of resource records, which are basic data elements in the Domain Name System.
Packet Tracer currently supports four different types of resource records: Address (A), Canonical
Name (CNAME), SOA (Start of Authority), and NS (Name Server). An Address (A) record is the
most common type of resource record where its core functionality is to map a hostname to an IPv4
address. A CNAME record is used to specify that a domain name is an alias of another, canonical
domain name. An SOA record is used to specify authoritative information about a DNS zone,
including the primary name server, the email of the domain administrator, and several timers
relating to refreshing the zone. An NS record is used to delegate a DNS zone to use a given
authoritative name server.

To add a resource record, enter the Name of the resource record, select a Type of resource record,
and then enter all required fields pertaining to the resource record such as Address for A Record,
Host Name for CNAME, or Server Name for NS Record and then click Add. To modify an
existing resource record, select the resource record from the list, edit the fields you want to change,
and then click Save when you are done. If you want to remove a resource record, just select the
resource record from the list and click Remove.

11.5. Configuring HTTP server
In the HTTP service configuration, you can edit the included HTML pages such as index.html,
helloworld.html, and image.html using the following supported HTML tags:

Aaddress b big blockquote body

br center cite code dd
dfn div dl dt em
font h1 h2 h3 h4
h5 h6 head hr html
I img kbd meta li
nobr ol p pre qt
s samp small span strong sub
sup table tbody td tfoot
th thead title tr tt
u ul var

Additionally, you can also add or remove HTML files from the server. When a PC accesses an
HTML page on the server using the Web Browser, the HTML page will load in the Web

After we configured it to access the http from web browser, write the host name in URL like this
http:// www.network.com at the client web browser.

1. Assume that you are asked to design a network for two labs by using Cisco packet tracer
and to simulate it. The requirements for the network is:-
A. 2 switch
B. One server
C. 30 clients
D. in each lab having 15 clients and one server is placed in one of the lab
E. IP address of the server is
F. Subnet mask =255..255.255.0
G. Default get way =
2. Based on the above information try to configure the
A. DHCP server
B. HTTP server
C. DNS server named as www.practice.com

12. Session 12: Installing Server 2008 Using Virtualization
12.1. Installing server 2008 using oracle virtual machine
1. Install server 2008 by using VM
2. Check whether the Network driver works or not by typing the command ping localhost
on the cmd command.

12.2. Assigning Static IP Address for the Server

1. Right click on network notification icon on the task bar, thin click on network and
sharing center
2. open the manage network connections
3. Right click on network notification and click on properties
4. Next Double click on the TCP/IPv4 you will get the following and then assign IP
address, subnet mask and default gateway.

12.3. Installing DNS server
To install any server first click Roles then click Add Rolls

12.4. Checking whether the IP address is the same as DNS or not

Step 1 click on start menu =>Next click on the run command => type cmd =>on the cmd type
ping computer name .DNS in our case c1.sc.com

12.5. Installing DHCP Server
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows a system to connect to a network in
order to be assigned the necessary addressing information for communication on that network.
To install DHCP server the same procedure as DNS server installation

12.6. Configuring DHCP server

How DHCP server assigns an automatic IP address to Clients?

How to see the IP configuration type ipconfig/all

12.7. Installing FTP Server

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer
files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.

FTP is built on client-server architecture and uses separate control and data connections between
the client and the server.FTP users may authenticate themselves using clear sign-in protocol,
normally in the form of a username and password, but can connect anonymously if the server is
configured to allow it. For secure transmission that protects the username and password, and
encrypts the content, FTP is often secured with SSL/TLS (FTPS). SSH File Transfer
Protocol (SFTP) is sometimes also used instead, but is technologically different.

12.8. Configuring and Accessing ftp server from client computer
 To configure ftp server install file service rolls and web server iis
 Write ftp://IP address of the computer or host name in web browser url like this. you get the following file.


1. Crete authenticated ftp server (Authenticated means private file secure and then you will be
asked to enter user name and password to access the ftp server).

13. Session 13: Active Directory Installation and configuration

Active Directory Overview

A directory is a hierarchical structure that stores information about objects on the network. A
directory service, such as Active Directory, provides the methods for storing directory data and
making this data available to network users and administrators. For example, Active Directory
stores information about user accounts, such as names, passwords, phone numbers, and so on,
and enables other authorized users on the same network to access this information.
Logical Structure
In active directory you organize resources in a logical structure that mirror the logical structure
of your organization. Grouping resources logically enable you to find a resource by its name
rather than by its physical location.
The core unit of logical structure in Active Directory is the domain, which can store millions of
objects. Printers, documents, e-mail address, databases, users, groups, computer objects etc.
Domain Controller
A domain controller is a computer running windows 2008 server that stores a replica of the
domain controllers. A domain can contain one or more domain controllers; all domain controllers
in a domain have a complete replica of the domain's portion of the database.

13.1. How to install active directory user and computer
1. First type Server manager on search option and then click on newly found Server
2. Click on Roles menu and then click on Add roles button

How to create user account

13.2. Connecting client to server using Domain Control

14. Conclusion

This laboratory manual provides students with hands on training regarding network cabling,
network design, troubleshooting, modeling and evaluation of computer networks. In this course
students are going to experiment in a real test bed networking environment, and learn about
network design and troubleshooting topics and tools such as network address, address resolution
protocol, basic troubleshooting tools and commands such as: ping, ipconfig, traceroute, and
nslookup etc. Students will also be introduced to the network modeling and simulation and will
have the opportunity to build some simple networking models using the tool and perform
simulation that will help them evaluate their design approaches and expected network
performance. Finally this manual can be rebuilt by instructors who are delivering this course
based on newly emerging operating systems and simulating tools.

15. Reference:
1. Data Communication and Networking, Behrouz A.Forouzan, Fourth Edition.
2. www.cisco.com
3. www.youtube.com
4. Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings, Fifth Edition.

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