Fig. 1
Fig. 2a
U.S. Patent Apr. 2, 2013 Sheet 2 of 5 US 8,412,109 B2
Fig. 3
U.S. Patent Apr. 2, 2013 Sheet 3 of 5 US 8,412,109 B2
a Uncharacterized antenna
on Uncharacterized antenna, calibration to tag
(N Characterized antenna
N Yamass
Fig. 5
U.S. Patent Apr. 2, 2013 Sheet 4 of 5 US 8,412,109 B2
mCalculated forward
Calculated reverse
- - - Measured forward
- Measured reverse
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
U.S. Patent Apr. 2, 2013 Sheet 5 of 5 US 8,412,109 B2
Calibrated to antenna
- - Calibrated to tag
Anechoic measurement
1i 0-5
800 825 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000
Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 8
10 Measurement
w Theo ry
O - ---------------- ---
O.O 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Distance (m)
Fig. 9
US 8,412,109 B2
1. 2
METHOD FOR CHARACTERIZING THE gation, an anechoic chamber is typically needed. Such a
RADIO LINK OF RFID TAGS chamber is, however, a large investment.
In acoustics, it is common to eliminate echoes of the mea
The present invention relates to a method for characteriz Surement chamber by using the beginning of the measure
ing a radio link in radio frequency systems, especially in ment result only until the first echo is detected, whereby the
RFID systems (Radio Frequency IDentification). responses caused by echoes are not taken into consideration.
Due to the high propagation Velocity of radio waves and the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION slow modulation of the carrier this is not usable for measuring
RFID tags in an active state.
The use of passive ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio fre 10 One possible method for determining operational adjust
quency identification (RFID) is increasing rapidly, especially ments of the reader, the type and tuning frequency of the tag
in logistic applications. This is partly due to a globally as well as the measurement geometry in a target environment
accepted standard, EPC Class 1 Gen 2 (ISO 18000-6c), and is to perform a number of measurements in the target envi
numerous successful pilot cases all around the world. It seems ronment and thus search for a usable configuration by brack
that RFID is finally starting to redeem the promises built 15 eting. Such a trial and error method is, however, slow, and it
during the last decades. does not guarantee finding even a nearly optimal reliability of
In passive UHF RFID, an interrogator (also: tag reader) operation.
transmits a radiating electromagnetic field to power up a An example of the measurement of tag properties per
transponder (also: tag). The interrogator modulates the carrier formed in an anechoic chamber is disclosed in WO 2005/
to send commands to the transponder. The transponder, in 086279. The measurement is performed with two antennae
turn, responds to the command by changing its reflectivity to (transmission/reception) and it is based on the way the tag
form modulation that can be detected with the receiver of the located in the field of these two antennae changes the elec
interrogator. Since the transponders are powered by the radi tromagnetic waves arriving to the receiver from the transmit
ating electromagnetic field, the read range in passive UHF ter. The method can only be used in anechoic environments.
RFID is typically limited by power delivery to the transpon 25 US 2004/0137844 discloses a method for adjusting a radio
der. frequency receiver or a receiver and a transmitter on the basis
The huge promises of RFID have lured many companies of external interference level. The interference measurements
and other parties to develop components for the developing do not, however, contain information about multi-path propa
industry. There are several integrated circuit (IC) manufac gation and they can not be used for considering the interac
turers, dozens of inlay manufacturers, and hundreds of con 30 tions caused by the Surrounding environment and the actual
verters involved in the RFID industry. This diversity has led to measurement process.
a need to create metrics and measurement methods for veri A white paper called “The test pyramid: a framework for
fying that the components conform to the applicable stan consistent evaluation of RFID tags from design and manufac
dards, and for comparing components with one another. Both ture to end use” published by Avery Dennison RFID Division
the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and 35 ( media/press/9.pdf)
EPCglobal have been active in this field. discloses a testing framework for RFID tags. The framework
In measurements of UHF frequency RFID tags the reflec is based on a “test cube' allowing measurements of a tag at a
tions caused by the Surrounding environment typically cause defined distance from an antenna of an RFID reader. This
error due to multi-path, i.e., echoed, propagation of RF setup allows for accurate measurements of tag properties,
waves. Due to these radio echoes the signal is transmitted 40 provided that the test cube itself is kept well calibrated and
from the transmitter to the tag and then from the tag to the that the radio reflections from the surrounding environment
receiver along a number of routes in addition to the direct do not significantly affect the measurement.
route, and the signals interfere with each other at, for
example, the locations of the tag and the receiver. When SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
certain quantities, such as activation sensitivity, are measured 45
in a frequency domain, waviness is formed in the frequency The aim of the invention is to eliminate at least some of the
graph as interference changes with the frequency. As the above-mentioned problems and to produce a novel method
mutual location of the tag and the reader changes in the for effectively correcting the error caused by the surrounding
environment, respective frequency graphs can be signifi environment especially for the purposes of RFID system
cantly different. Such a measurement result is more descrip 50 design. A particular aim is to produce a method by means of
tive of the measurement environment than the actual fre which more information can be produced about the perfor
quency dependency of the sensitivity of the tag. mance of the radio frequency system for finding the optimal
The most widely used tag performance measurements are system parameters, such as operation frequency, in the envi
based on measuring two things: how much radiated power is ronment. A further aim of the invention is to provide a method
needed to activate the tag, and how strong is the response of 55 for characterizing a radio link using only common, and thus
the tag. These two concepts are typically measured as a func well-defined and repeatable, tag performance measurements,
tion of Some other parameters such as carrier frequency, ori Such as tag sensitivity and backscatter signal strength as a
entation, interference, or the properties of the Surrounding function of frequency.
materials. The measurements may be performed with various An aim is also to provide a novel method for calibrating a
different measurement systems. However, there are some 60 measurement system in a way that allows taking environmen
common problems resulting from the nature of measuring in tal factors into account.
the radiating far field. Firstly, it is relatively easy to calibrate The aims of the invention are achieved by the method
the measurement system up to the ports of a measurement according to claims 1 and 23. Further advantageous embodi
device or the end of a cable. However, it is far more difficult ments of the invention are characterized in the dependent
to evaluate the magnitude of the radiating power at the loca 65 claims.
tion of the tag. Secondly, in order to perform measurements in The method is generally based on using a reference tran
the radiating far field without the effects of multi-path propa sponder (first transponder). Such as an RFID tag, and a wire
US 8,412,109 B2
3 4
less interrogator capable of being coupled to the transponder Applying the principles shortly described above, the inven
through a radio-frequency electromagnetic excitation field. tion provides also a method for calibrating a radio-frequency
The actual (i.e. ideal) response of the reference transponder is communications system in a target environment, the method
known (i.e. it is measured or has been measured in an essen comprising
tially anechoic chamber or a simulation model has been made 5 placing a first wireless transponder to a first location within
about it, the model taking closely into account the operation the target environment,
of the transponder in a radiation field). According to the measuring the response of the first wireless transponder
method, the response of the reference transponder is mea using an interrogator placed to a second location within
Sured in a target environment in a predefined interrogator the target environment, and
transponder geometry and the responses of the reference tran 10 comparing the measured response of the first wireless tran
sponder in the target environment and in an essentially sponder with a response of the transponder in an essen
anechoic chamber are compared for characterizing the radio tially anechoic space for obtaining a calibration function
link established at the target environment. characterizing said target environment.
In prior techniques for determining tag performance in an
According to one embodiment, the thus achieved charac 15 environment, the calibration of the measurement system is
terization of the radio link is used for compensating the effect limited to the relatively well-determinable characteristics of
of radio reflections from at least one other measurement car
the transmit and receive ports of the reader. In contrast to this,
ried out in the target environment. the present invention allows for taking into account the envi
According to one embodiment, the method is applied for ronmental factors, which, in addition to the characteristics of
measuring a second transponder (also: the transponder of the reader and its transmit antenna, affect the field power at
interest) so that the response of the second radio frequency the location of the tag. That is, the measurement system can
transponder is also measured in the target environment in the be calibrated “one step forward' within the target environ
abovementioned interrogator-transponder geometry, Subse ment, thus taking environment-dependent power transmis
quent to which the effect caused by the target environment is sion factors to be taken into account at the tag location in all
eliminated from the measured response of the second tran 25 further measurements and analyses. The term "calibration to
sponder on the basis of the responses determined for the transponder/tag (location) is used to describe this advanta
reference transponder in the anechoic environment and in the geous novel functionality of the invention.
According to a preferred embodiment, the transponder is 30
an RFID tag or the like device. However, as explained later, By a “transponder we mean a device comprising a wire
the method is suitable for characterizing radio links estab less receiver operating in a radio frequency field having a
lished between other types of wireless devices too, in particu certain activation point, most preferably a wireless transmit
lar those adapted for two-way digital communication. ter-receiver, at least the receiver portion of which is adapted
Considerable advantages are achieved by means of the 35 for wireless radio frequency communication. According to a
invention. Comparison of the responses of the reference tag in typical embodiment, both the receiving and transmitting (re
an anechoic environment and in the target environment is sponse) portions of the transponder are adapted for wireless
indicative of the reflections of the environment and its suit radio frequency communication, as is the case for example
ability for the communications system, such as an RFID with RFID tags. However, it must be noted, that according to
system. It further creates a novel method for compensating 40 the invention in a general level, the response of the transpon
measurement results of RFID tags in non-ideal conditions by der may be measured using also wired electrical or optical
reducing them to correspond with those measured in an channels, for example. An “activation point’ means a certain
anechoic environment. It is Sufficient that one reference tag power of a command signal received from the interrogator
has once been measured in an anechoic chamber. below which the command (e.g. reading/writing the RFID tag
The method allows for taking into account multi-path 45 by an RFID reader) is not executed. A successful execution of
propagation in all kinds of environments and measurement the command can be deduced, for example, from the response
geometries. Thus, it is not restricted to laboratory conditions of the tag or a change in its operational state. The invention is,
or spacious rooms or to short measurement distances (using however, usable for optimizing the operation of other than
which the radio reflections from the walls of the room are RFID systems, such as WLAN networks and the like digital
typically insignificant). In fact, according to a typical practi 50 data communication systems.
cal embodiment, the distance between the antenna of the An “interrogator or “reader', as herein used, is a device
interrogator and the transponder is not significantly smaller capable of coupling to the transponder used through an elec
than the distance between the transponder and reflecting tromagnetic field and measuring the quantities of interest in a
objects. Thus, there may be radio-wave reflecting objects at a particular experiment. That is, the interrogator/reader
distance from the transponder which is smaller than the dis
55 includes both the signal generation electronics and radiation
tance between the reading antenna and the transponder. means (i.e. an antenna orantennae) functionally connected to
thereto. For example, an RFID reader or the like device, in the
The advantages of the invention are emphasized in RFID sense that it is capable of transmitting at least one command
systems, as the operation environments are very diverse. signal according to an established RFID protocol and deter
RFID reading is often performed from a tag moving in rela 60 mining whether the command was executed by the tag or not,
tion to the environment and the tags can be located on a can be used for measuring the activation point of an RFID tag.
number of platforms having different sizes and made of dif The same principle applies to other wireless communication
ferent materials. All the above-mentioned factors affect the system architectures and protocols as well.
measurement due to multi-path propagation. In addition, By “measurement of the response of a tag we mainly
there are a number of different tags (including the different 65 mean measuring the threshold power of the activation of the
variations of active and passive tags) with different properties tag and/or determining the strength of the backscatter signal
with respect to sensitivity and directivity, among others. (especially passive RFID tags). The threshold power is pri
US 8,412,109 B2
5 6
marily the smallest power of the reader with which the tag INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY
reacts to the command according to the protocol used. The tag
can react to the command by replying, such as in case of a The invention is industrially applicable. It is especially
“Query' command according to the EPC Class 1 Gen 2 pro advantageous in RFID system design. The designer uses a
tocol. However, according to the protocol the tag does not known reference tag. In the target environment, the designer
reply at all to a "Select’ command, but the tag only changes its measures the response of the tag in the chosen tag-reader
internal operation state. On the other hand, the tag can also geometry (which can be a geometry characteristic for the
reply to “Write command by stating that there is not suffi target environment or for a logistic operation performed
ciently power available for executing the command. The therein or Some other). The designer can then calculate the
“strength of the backscatter signal, on the other hand, is the 10 reflection function with a computer on the basis of the mea
signal strength returning to the reader if/when it replies to a Surements. He can further measure one or more tags in the
command. same geometry and calculate with the reflection function of
A person skilled in the art will understand that the threshold the environment the real tuning frequency/frequencies of the
power can also be measured differently. tag(s) as well as estimate the Suitability of the frequency for
By an "anechoic chamber we mean a chamber having 15 the chamber/environment on the basis of the reflection func
walls that do not essentially reflect the signal at the frequency tion.
or frequency band used. Thus there is no significant multi It is to be noted that in the measurements the reader or even
path propagation. the antenna of the reader does not have to be the same as that
By a “reader-tag geometry (or similarly “interrogator used in the anechoic chamber, because (in an ideal) anechoic
transponder) we mean the mutual spatial positional relation chamber the directivity of the antenna is not significant any
of the antenna of the reader, the tag to be measured and the way.
Surrounding environment interacting with the RF waves. In The method can also be used in systems with two or more
an anechoic chamber the essential reader-tag geometry is reader antennae (separate transmission and reception anten
reduced into a mutual locational relation of the antenna of the nae) or even in situations in which the response of the tag is
reader and the tag to be measured, because the contribution 25 measured with conductors using a wired system. In this case
caused by the environment is non-existent (in an ideal case). the tag-reader geometry includes the relative positions of the
It is to be noted that the orientation of the reader antenna does tag and all antennae.
have an effect (unless the antenna is fully homogenically As examples of target environments we can mention ports,
omnidirectional antenna), as does the orientation of the tag on airports, logistics halls and product lines, among others. The
both the strength of the measured response and the reflec 30 experimental results described later in this document reveal
tions. Thus, a change in the orientation of both the tag and the the potential and industrial applicability of the proposed
reader along any possible rotational direction generally has method in more detail. In Summary, the experiments provide
an effect on the reader-tag geometry. Support for three main practical aspects of the invention and
“Characterization of a radio link' in the target environment their advantages: Firstly, calibrating the measurements to the
generally means any action, Such as calculating a parameter, 35 tag location allows reliable performance measurements to be
function, graph or model, made based on the measurement of performed using components that have not been thoroughly
the reference transponder and wherein the multi-path propa characterized. Secondly, compensating multi-path propaga
gation of radio waves in the target environment is the deter tion allows reliable performance measurements to be per
mining factors or one of the determining factors. Thus, char formed without an expensive anechoic chamber. Thirdly,
acterization of the radio link characterizes mainly the target 40 characterizing the environment for reflections is a tool for
environment. designing RFID systems that take the environmental proper
"Calibration to transponder/tag (location) means using ties into account.
the results of the radio link characterization in a way that
allows taking into account the multi-path propagation of radio BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
waves in the target environment in further measurements and 45
analyses. Typically, an interrogator-transponder geometry In the following, the different embodiments of the inven
dependent calibration function is calculated. “Compensating tion are disclosed in more detail with reference to the
multi-path propagation/radio reflections' means utilizing the appended drawing.
results of the radio link characterization in a further measure FIG. 1 is a conceptual illustration of multi-path propaga
ment in a way that the effect of the target environment of the 50 tion in a radio frequency system.
measurement is suppressed to a significant degree. FIG. 2a is a flow diagram of the basic principle of the
There are various embodiments, where measurements are method according to the invention.
carried out in two or more reader-taggeometries in order to be FIG.2b is a flow diagram according to a preferred embodi
able to determine the quantity of interest. That is, a measure ment of the present method.
ment may comprise measurements in several different mutual 55 FIG. 3 is a graph of the measurement result produced by
locations of the antenna and the tag whose response is to be means of the present method.
measured. The location can be varied with respect to one (e.g. FIG. 4 shows Schematically the measurement setup used in
distance), two (e.g. horizontal grid of measurement locations tag performance experiments.
of the tag) or all three coordinate axes, depending on the FIG. 5. shows sensitivity measurement results for a single
objective of the measurement. Assuming that the properties 60 tag.
of the tag to be measured is a constant factor, it is irrelevant, FIG. 6 depicts measured and calculated path loss curves.
whether the measurements are carried out Successively using The calculated path loss curves assume an anechoic environ
a single tag moved from one place to another or using a ment.
preconfigured matrix of tags, which are measured succes FIG. 7 shows as a graph multi-path effect as a function of
sively or at the same time. The latter embodiment provides a 65 frequency.
convenient way of characterizing the measurement environ FIG. 8 illustrates the threshold power as a function of
ment rapidly and in a well repeatable manner. frequency measured in the target environment with normal
US 8,412,109 B2
7 8
calibration to the antenna, and calibration to the tag. A refer sensitivity of the tag, the tuning frequencies of the tag, the
ence measurement from an anechoic chamber is presented as directivity of the antenna of the reader and the adjustment
a reference. parameters of the reader (transmission power, the used fre
FIG. 9 depicts path loss measurement results (bumpy quency channel, data transfer speed, modulation type).
curve) together with the theoretical path loss (smooth curve) 5 According to one embodiment the activation threshold of
as a function of distance in the range 0.3 to 3.8 m. the tag is measured, i.e. the Smallest possible transmission
needed for activating the tag in the used reader-tag geometry
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS is determined. By activation is meant that the tag reacts to the
command according to the used protocol.
The present method provides a practically valuable way of 10 The measurement of the activation threshold can be carried
characterizing the radio link between an RFID reader and a out, for example, by transmitting with the reader, at a specific
tag, based on common tag performance measurements. The frequency of a carrier wave, to the tag a command using
proposed characterization method has several application power to which the tag does not yet reply. The power is then
areas Such as calibrating tag performance measurements to incrementally increased giving a command at each power,
the location of the tag, compensating multi-path propagation 15 until the tag replies correctly according to the used protocol.
in measurements, and characterizing a space for reflections. This threshold power is the actual object of the measurement.
In the following, the problems behind the invention and some The method can be carried out iteratively, i.e. repeating
advantageous embodiments are described more closely. steps 21-24 while changing at least, and most preferably only
FIG. 1 illustrates a conceptual example of multi-path one system parameter (arrow with dashed line in FIG. 2b).
propagation causing the problems that the invention can Thereby it is possible in step 25 to estimate the effect of
Solve. A radio frequency transmitter 10 transmits a primary especially this system parameter to the executability of the
wave 12 in room 18. The wall of the room 18 interacts with the measurement on the view point of multi-path propagation. In
wave 12 and a secondary reflected wave 14 is generated in the case a system parameter having an effect in the measurement
room. The primary wave is also reflected from the back wall made in the anechoic chamber as well is being changed, step
of the room 18 and a second secondary wave 16 is formed. If 25 20 can also be repeated or previously determined measure
the tag is located at place 11A, the direct field and the reflected ment results can be utilized. Step 20 can be executed in a
fields amplify each other. The fields reflected in point B similar adjacent environment especially if the adjacent envi
together attenuate the directly propagating field, causing an ronment of the tag changes the measurable properties thereof
increase of the minimum transmission power needed for the (such as a change of tuning frequency possibly caused by the
activation of the tag. The field propagating directly at C is so 30 material underlying the tag). In the following, two exemplary
much stronger than the reflected fields that the reflections are embodiments using iterative determination are described.
not very significant. The example of the conceptual illustra Most preferably the step 20 (or a corresponding simulation,
tion is naturally a simplification of a real situation, as the as stated earlier) is performed as a function of both frequency
waves are attenuated as they propagate and they are reflected and power (essentially non-Zero, such as with frequency and
an incalculable number of times between the walls, forming 35 power ranges according to standards), whereby in later steps
standing waves with local minimums and maximums in the there will be sufficiently data for calculating the real reflec
OO. tion function and for characterizing the radio link.
With reference to FIG. 2a, when the response of the refer According to one embodiment the method is used for deter
ence tag in the anechoic chamber is known (step 20), the mining an optimal (fulfilling the desired criteria) reader-tag
method can be performed by means of the following steps: 40 geometry in a target environment. Such a measurement can
measuring the reference tag in a measurement environment comprise steps in which
(step 21), and a reference tag is placed in the desired read area within the
the measurement results achieved for the reference tag in target environment and the radio link is characterized
the measurement environment and the anechoic cham according to the present method,
ber are subtracted from each other (step 22). 45 the direction and/or location of the antenna of the reader is
The result is a transfer function describing the reflections in changed and the characterization is repeated with differ
the chamber and characteristic of the exact location of the ent geometries, and
transmitter and the receiver (in short “reflection function'), of the tested geometries, the one with the best operating
characterizing the radio link accomplished in the measure link is chosen (i.e. the reflections from the environment
ment environment and thus the measurement environment 50 affect the link the least, improve the link the most or are
itself. The reflection function is dependent on the measure least sensitive to frequency changes, depending on the
ment geometry used in the measurement environment. desired effect).
With further reference to FIG. 2b, when it is desired to The method can also be used for determining the optimal
analyse the operation of a new (different type) of tag in the (fulfilling the desired criteria) operational frequency in the
measurement environment, the anechoic chamber is no 55 target environment. In Such a measurement
longer needed. Thus, the following steps are additionally a reference tag is placed in the desired read area within the
performed: target environment and the radio link is characterized
the new tag is measured in the measurement environment according to the present method,
(step 23), and the frequency of the carrier wave of the reader is changed
the reflection function resulting from the reference tag is 60 and the characterization is repeated at different frequen
added to the measurement result, whereby a compen cies (such as at allowed channels), and
sated end result is achieved (step 24). of the tested frequencies, the one with the best operating
The method makes it possible to estimate system param link is chosen (i.e. the reflections from the environment
eters (step 25) in a novel way. The system parameters are, affect the link the least or improve the link the most,
among others, a preferred reader-tag geometry in the target 65 depending on the desired effect).
environment (including the geometry of the actual target An application in which the antenna is changed between
environment and the location of its movables), the directional the repeated measurements, is also mentioned as a preferred
US 8,412,109 B2
embodiment. Thus it is possible to select an antenna with describing each of the abovementioned applications are pre
which the reflections of the target environment are the most sented below. However, the technical background for moti
preferred for the tag-reader geometry used. Vating the examples is discussed in detail first.
According to one embodiment, the present radio link char Assessing the performance of a tag can be carried out by
acterization method utilizing the reference transponder is measuring from how far the tag can be read with a commercial
further applied for characterizing a component, such as an reader. This method may be sufficiently accurate for applica
antenna, attenuator, circulator, directional coupler, of the tions in which the effect of multi-path propagation is not
measurement system. Most preferably, the antenna is charac significant. However, in order to make measurements com
terized, as its proper characterization for practical measure parable between different measurement systems located at
ment purposes is not easy or possible using, for example, a 10 different sites, the procedures and equipment need to be stan
network analyzer due to its radiating field. dardized more.
A conventional way of measuring properties of an antenna At the moment, different measurement standards (EPCglo
is to excite it by inputting known power thereto and measur bal/ISO) and common practices disagree on many issues,
ing the power density of the radiation field at said power level Such as the units in which to communicate the performance
at specified locations. In the present method, the basic idea is 15 parameters, and the measurement equipment used. However,
to vary the input power of the antenna in order to find out the there seems to be a consensus on the most important issues.
minimum power required to activate a transponder. By this First of all, tags are measured in the active state, i.e. by
means, it is possible to measure at least the radiation pattern sending them a command, and by detecting and evaluating the
of the antenna, gain of the antenna as a function of frequency response. Thus, the tags are in the same operating point as
and the location of the phase center of the antenna, i.e., the they are when interrogated in a normal application. Secondly,
apparent source of radiation when the antenna is used for even though the units are different, the measured concepts
transmitting. In some antenna types, e.g. log-periodic, the Such as sensitivity and backscatter signal strength are the
apparent phase center will strongly depend on frequency. same, and the units can often be interchanged quite easily.
This is a crucial issue if an antenna having dimensions com The assessed tag performance metrics are hereinafter
parable to the measurement distance is used. 25 divided into two categories, those describing the forward link,
As an example, the method for determining the location of and those describing the return link. To clarify this division,
the apparent phase center of an antenna as a function of FIG. 4 shows the typical measurement setup and the related
frequency is described in more detail. In Such a measurement parameters. The forward link consists of a transmitter con
a transponder is placed in the radiating far field at a first nected to a transmit antenna 42 sending electromagnetic
distance from the antenna to be characterized, the 30 waves to power up the tag 44 and to send commands to it. The
antenna is connected to an interrogator and is used as the return link, in turn, consists of a receiver connected to a
transmit or receive antenna of the radio link, receive antenna 46 used to record the response from the tag. In
the response of the transponder is measured according to more detail, the transmitter is used to generate RF power P.
the present method, radiated by a transmit antenna with the gain G. The tag
the transponder is moved to a second distance while still 35 antenna, the distance R away from the transmit antenna,
remaining essentially in the radiating far field, collects the power P (power on tag forward) from the inci
the measurement of the response of the transponder is dent field. The tag modulates the electromagnetic field thus
repeated, transmitting a return power P (power on tag reverse) over
the relative change of the distance between the phase center the distance R2 to the receiver antenna with the gain G. As a
and the transponder is calculated from the relative 40 result, the signal power P can be recorded at the receiver. W is
change of the measured transponder responses, the carrier wavelength.
the location of the phase center is calculated from the A. Forward Link
relative change of the distance between the phase center For current RFID tag designs, in the majority of cases, tag
and the transponder, and the distance between the two performance is forward link limited, i.e. the limiting factor for
measurement points. 45 read range is power delivery to the IC. Since the maximum
The steps of the method can be executed with spot frequen power radiated by a reader is restricted with regulations,
cies or with a chosen frequency band. Measuring the thresh power delivery over a given distance is determined primarily
old power of the tag as a function offrequency is an especially by the tag design. First of all, the IC requires a certain amount
preferred embodiment. In this case the multi-path distortion of power to operate. In addition, the antenna design and
of the frequency response of the tag will become spectrally 50 matching circuit determine how effectively the radiated
visible. This allows the strong standing waves caused by power is delivered to the IC. Finally, also the materials sur
multi-path propagation to be considered in System design and rounding the tag and other environmental factors affect the
the operation frequency can be, for example, chosen to be properties of the tag. For the purposes of the present model,
sufficiently far away from this frequency band. we consider the tag as one unit, and concentrate on the amount
Theory Behind the Invention 55 of radiated power needed to activate the tag, which is com
According to a preferred embodiment, the proposed monly called tag sensitivity.
method is based on measuring both the power required to The basic methodology of how to measure tag sensitivity is
activate a known tag and the power scattering back from the generally known to a person skilled in the art. Typically a
tag, typically in an unknown environment. The measurement signal source attached to an antenna is used to send a com
reveals the path loss for the forward link and the return link. 60 mand to the tag, and to vary the transmit power to find the
The method has several application areas, such as calibrating minimum power for the tag to be able to respond. The
tag performance measurements up to the location of the tag, response is detected and decoded with a receiver attached to
compensating multi-path propagation in tag performance another antenna. This test can be repeated with different
measurements, and characterizing a given space for reflec carrier frequencies to get a comprehensive picture of the tag
tions, for example for finding out the tuning frequency of a 65 sensitivity.
tag. Successful operation of the above-described method in In order to concentrate on the properties of the tag rather
these areas has been proven by measurements. Example cases than the measurement setup, sensitivity should be presented
US 8,412,109 B2
11 12
as a geometry-independent unit that describes the required A commonly used concept describing the backscatter sig
power at the location of the tag. Different measurement stan nal strength is differential radar cross section (ARCS or AO),
dards use different units that are quite easily interchangeable. a calculated entity that lends itself from radar applications.
Assuming an anechoic environment, the power density at the Differential radar cross section describes the strength of the
tag location is signal reflected from the tag due to backscatter modulation,
and is determined as
where P is the transmit power, G is the gain of the transmit where P is the backscattered power, and S is power density,
antenna, and R is the distance between the transmit antenna both at the tag location. Since the tag may modulate the
and tag. After calculating the power density required to acti amplitude and/or phase of the reflected signal, differential
vate the tag S, the three most widely used metrics for tag 15
radar cross section is a complex quantity, thus consisting of
sensitivity: theoretical maximum read range R. mini amplitude and phase. A reader is typically built with a het
mum electric field strength E.ri and minimum power on tag erodyne detector and can thus as well detect amplitude or
Pre can be calculated: phase modulated responses. Once again, different standards
and industrial bodies have different interpretations of the
backscattered power used in the equation. The power may be
Ray = PEIRPma (2) either total backscattered power, sideband power, or even the
Lima W. S.4 difference in the reflected power between the two states.
Emin = W Smin Z, (3)
For the purposes of some of the measurements described
25 below, the backscattered power at the tag location P is a
A2 (4) measure of interest. Since the differential radar cross section
PtF.min F Snina,
47t of the tag may vary as a function of the power on the tag, the
operating point used in the measurements is fixed. The sen
sitivity threshold Pre, is a comprehensible choice. That is,
where Perre is the maximum effective isotropic radiator 30 the minimum power required to activate the tag is determined,
power (EIRP) limited by regulations—often the European and the returning signal strength at that transmit power is
limit 35 dBm is used, Z is the impedance of free space 377S2, measured. Once again, the return link between the tag and the
and W is the wavelength. reader receiver can be characterized with a forward path loss
Below, the minimum power on tag concept is used, because concept
it being a power reading simplifies path loss calculations. 35
Thus, the forward link between the reader transmitter and the
tag can be characterized with a forward path loss concept (7)