Final Term Topic 1
Final Term Topic 1
Final Term Topic 1
1. Achieve a good quality of life
2. Create a health-supportive environment
3. Provide basic sanitation
4. Supply access to healthcare
(2) community health-care team building comprising representatives from the
community or members of stakeholder organizations.
(3) conducting the assessment process concurrently with other functions throughout
the course of the community healthcare interventions and programs.
(4) identifying community people’s healthcare demands (individuals, families, and
groups in the community), which lays a strong foundationfor other functions.
(5) collecting up-to-date information, representing both the people’s
perspective/experiences and academic perspective.
Community Assessment
Collect data on the three categories of community health determinants: people, place,
and social system. Planned Approach to Community Health (PATCH) is a
community health planning model that builds on a set of quantitative and qualitative
data for profiling
Comprehensive needs assessment - broad – totality of the community
Problem-oriented assessment – focused - responds to a particular need
Community Diagnosis
As a finding: A quantitative and qualitative description of the health of citizens and
the factors which influence their health.
As a process: Determining a community’s
a. health status
b. resources, and
c. health action potential or the likelihood that the community will act to meet health
needs or resolve health problems.
Types of Community Diagnosis
1. Comprehensive Community Diagnosis
Aims to obtain general information about the community with the intent of
determining not only prevalent health conditions and risk factors (epidemiologic
approach) but also the following factors, such as:
Socio-economic conditions
Lifestyle behaviors and attitudes that have effect on health
2. Problem-oriented Community Diagnosis
- The type of assessment that responds to a particular need of a target group.
For example, Health problems related to improper factory waste disposal
Steps in Conducting a Community Diagnosis
1. Determining the objectives
▪ In stating the objectives, the following questions should be answered:
✓ To describe the prevailing disease conditions and health needs of the target
What is the present health condition of the people in the community?
✓ To explain the health behaviors or risk factors that give rise to the health problem.
Why are the people in the community in such condition?
✓ To provide the analyses related to the socio -economic, cultural, and environmental
factors that sustain or allow for the perpetuation of the health problems of the target
What are the roots of these problems?
✓ To reflect possible solutions of the health problems based on the community’s
capabilities and resources.
2. Defining the study population
▪ The defined objectives are the bases for determining the study population
▪ The nurse and the community diagnosis team identify the population group to be
included in the study.
▪ May include the following:
- Entire population.
- Focused on a specific population group.
✓ Women of reproductive age-group (15-44 years old).
✓ Infants (0-12 months old).
✓ If a complete enumeration of the desired sample is not possible.
Sample or a subset of the target population.
▪ Example of objectives of the focused community diagnosis:
3. Determining the data to be collected.
▪ Developing a data collection plan.
- Data collection plan uses the objectives to guide the data
collectors to decide on the following:
✓ Data to be collected.
✓ Methods of data collection.
✓ Instruments/tools for data collection.
✓ Possible sources of these data.
▪ Categorizing data collected.
Primary Data – directly obtained by the nurse specifically to answer the community
diagnosis objectives.
Secondary Data – existing data that were obtained by other people, which the nurse
can use to answer the community diagnosis objectives.
Data collation
● Numerical data – counted
● Descriptive data - described
Data presentation
● Depend largely on the type of data obtained
Data analysis
● Aims to establish trends and patterns in terms of health needs and problems of the
● Allows comparison of data with standard values
● Determine the interrelationship of factors will help the nurse view significance of
the problems and their implications on the health status of the community
Identifying the community health nursing problems
● Health status problems
● They may be described in terms of increased or decreased morbidity, mortality,
fertility or reduced capability for wellness.
● Health resources problems
● They may be described in terms of lack or absence of manpower, money, materials
or institutions necessary to solve health problems.
● Health-related problems
● They may be described in terms of existence of social, economic, environmental
and political factors that aggravate the illness-inducing situations in the community.
4. Add the final score for each criterion to get the total score for the problem. The
highest possible score is 10.
5. The problem with the highest score is given the priority by the nurse.
Given the situation:
Problem 1: After collating the data in the community diagnosis, the nurse learned that
one of the community health problems is that 40% of the school-age children have
ascariasis. The mothers recognize this and are willing to have their children undergo
deworming. Majority of the mothers are so concerned that they asked the nurse about
its cause and ways on how to prevent it.
Problem 2: The other problem is the lack of skills of the BHWs in the barangay. For
example, 25% of the BHWs lack skills in vital signs-taking. The BHWs expressed
their concern that they cannot perform their tasks because of this. All of them
verbalized their desire to attend health skills training in the future
Problem 1
Nature of the problem
Magnitude of the problem
● (25%-49% affected) – (2/4) x 3 = 1 ½
Modifiability of the problem
● (high) – (3/3) x 4 = 4
Preventive potential
● (high) – (3/3) x 1 = 1
Social concern
● (Urgent community concern) – (2/2) x 1 = 1
Total : 8 ½
Problem 2
Nature of the problem
● (health resources) - (2/3) x 1= 2/3
Magnitude of the problem
● (25%-49% affected) – (2/4) x 3 = 1 ½
Modifiability of the problem
● (high) – (3/3) x 4 = 4
Preventive potential
● (high) – (3/3) x 1 = 1
Social concern
● (Urgent community concern) – (2/2) x 1 = 1
Total : 7 ¾
Salvacio G & Bailon-R.(2006)Community Health Nursing. The basics
of Practice
It is a logical process of decision making to determine which of the identified
health concerns requires more immediate consideration (priority setting & what action
may be undertakes to achieve goals.
- To intervene in the reduction of risk entails technological, financial & other material
resources of the community, the nurse, the health agency.
- Accessibility of outside resources & link are taken into account
7. Group. It is a flexible process using the nominal group technique wherein each
group member has an equal voice and decision-making, thereby avoiding control of
the process by the more dominant members of the group
■ From the scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest, the members give each criterion
based on their perception of its degree of importance in solving the problem.
■ From a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest, each member rates the criteria in terms
of likelihood of the group being able to influence or change the situation.
■ Collate the weights (from step 1) and ratings (from step 2) made by the members of
the group.
■ Compute the total priority score of the problem by multiplying collated weight and
rating of each criterion.
■ The priority score of the problem is calculated by adding the production
obtained in step 4.
Social Mobilization is an approach wherein the community participation is very
essential. It uses deliberate participating processes to involve local institutions, local
leaders, community groups, and members of the community to organize through
concerted efforts toward a common purpose. Community mobilization is
characterized by respect for the community and its needs. What is Social Mobilization
It is also defined as a process of capability buildng of deprived community people to
enable them to plan, manage and control over their own development program. It
emphasizes self-decision of the concerned community, self-initiated development
efforts as well as self-capacity building of the community, empowerment of the
powerless, organization of the unorganized, and awarenes of the unaware which are
the major elements of the social mobilization and are the concerns of the National
Service Training Programs. (Abhiyan,2004)
- 2 strategies in gaining entry into a community which can be
Padrino or patron. When patron tries to boost the community organizer’s intended
output to the community, this will create false hopes
Bongga entry. Easiest way to catch the attention and gain the approval of the
3. Community Integration
Community integration or pakikipamuhay is the phase when the organizer may
actually live in the community in an effort to understand the community better and
imbibe community life. The establishment of rapport between the organizer and the
people indicates successful integration.
- Integration requires IMMERSION in a community life.
- Organizer’s conduct as well as manner of dressing must be in accordance
with the norms of the community
- Styles of integration
- “Guest” status
People-centered approach integration
Community organizers enter into a community with a well-conceived plan.
They establish contact with villagers and become their allies
Organizers develop a deeper relationship through various techniques
Pagbabahay-bahay or occasional home visit, observe house routines to avoid
Informal conversations in the village poso during laundry time, basketball
court and sari-sari store
Participation in the production process
Participates in farming, fishing or any livelihood activities of the community
This practice allows the organizer to experience the life of the people in the
community. Hence, they will understand them better.
Participation in social activities
Attending fiestas, weddings, baptismal celebrations, funeral wakes and other
activities ofthe community that carry social meaning and importance.
Community organizers should remain as role model, gambling and drinking alcoholic
beverages with them is prohibited.