“E-Passport using RFID and Biometrics”
Mrs. R. V. Shinde
This is certify that Ms. /Mr. _________________________________Roll No.__ of Fifth
Seal of
1 Introduction 1
Chapter no.1
2 3
Literature Survey
Chapter No.2
3 5
Chapter no.3
4 7
System Architecture
Chapter No.4
Advantages And Disadvantages
6 Conclusion
7 References
2 Block Diagram 7
3 Arduino Uno board 9
4 Fingerprint Scanner 9
5 RFID Scanner/Reader 9
The traditional paper-based passport system faces challenges in ensuring security,
authenticity, and efficiency, leading to concerns about identity theft, counterfeiting, and
lengthy border control processes. To address these issues, an E-Passport system utilizing
RFID and biometric technologies can provide a secure, efficient, and reliable solution.
However, integrating these technologies poses challenges, including ensuring data privacy
and security, preventing unauthorized access, and maintaining accurate biometric
identification. Moreover, the system must comply with international standards and
regulations, such as those set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This
project aims to design and develop a secure, efficient, and user-friendly E-Passport system
leveraging RFID and biometric technologies to enhance border control processes and ensure
the integrity of identity documents.
2. Biometric based RFID tag 2018 International advanced The protocol integrates
mutual authentication research journal in biometric authentication with
protocol to prevent science, engineering RFID technology to provide a
illegaltimate access and technology
robust means of verifying tag
&ensure secure data
authentity and preventing
unauthorized access. The
study demonstrated the
effectiveness of the proposed
protocol is preventing
common. RFID attacks, such
as tag cloning& unauthorized
access & ensuring securing
data transaction in various
application including passport
verification &
border control
4. Privacy and Security in 2014 International advanced This paper highlights how
RFID-Based ePassport research journal in biometric data such as
Systems: The Case for science, engineering fingerprints can enhance the
Biometric Protection and technology
security of RFIDbased
ePassports. The authors
discuss potential attacks on
biometric data and propose
advanced encryption protocols
and secure storage methods for
protecting this data.
1)RFID Technology:
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic identification method whose concept
is based on retrieving data from radio waves embedded onto a label-style material using
devices called RFID tags or transponders, Readers, and antennas. The RFID technology is
used in many different Identification systems in the form of barcodes and embedded chips.
The RFID tag is a small microchip designed for wireless data transmission. It contains the
same information as a passport's data page—the passport holder's name, nationality, gender,
date of birth, place of birth and digitized photo. RFID tags can be one of two types: active or
passive. Active tags are those which are run by battery, while passive does not have batteries.
So they supply their power by using the power obtained from radio signals emitted by the
RFID readers to operate. To read the information on the chip, the RFID reader energizes the
chip circuitry by wirelessly emanating power and communicating through its antenna which
is usually built into the RFID Reader and the RFID Tag to improve the signal. The designed-
in operation vary of the chip electronic equipment is incredibly small; it should be command
among ten centimetres of the reader.
RFID System:
Basically RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a wireless link to uniquely identify
objects or people. RFID enables iden- tification from a distance without requiring line of
sight. The RFID sys- tem comprises the RFID tag/card, RFID reader, backend database
and a control unit. RFID systems have two broad categories passive and active. The RFID
reader communicates with the RFID tag through tag interro- gation.
i. RFID Tags/Card:
RFID tags/cards consist of an Integrated circuit at- tached on an antenna that is printed,
etched or stamped onto a base which is often a paper substrate of Polyethylene
Terephthalate (PET). The inlay which is the combination of the chip and antenna is then
inserted amid the printed label and its adhesive backing or it is either placed in a more
durable structure.
Biometrics is the automated measurement of biological or behavioral features that identify a
person The major components of biometric system used in E- passport are:
i. Capture
ii. Extract
iii. Create Template
iv. Compare
The fingerprint recognition technique is used to implement and realized this project.
3)Fingerprint Recognition:
A fingerprint is a pattern of ridges and furrows located tips of each finger. Compact sensor is
used to obtain digital images of these patterns. In fingerprint recognition the initial image is
compared with live scan image of the finger by direct contact with a reader device.A
fingerprint in its slender sense is a control left by the friction ridges of a personality's finger.
In a wider use of the term, fingerprints are the traces of control from the friction ridges of any
a part of a personality's or different primate hand. A print from the foot may leave control of
friction ridges. A friction ridge could be a raised portion of the cuticle on the digits (fingers
and toes), the palm or the only of the foot, consisting of one or more connected ridge units of
friction ridge skin. These are usually referred to as "epidermal ridges" that are caused by the
underlying interface between the dermal papillae of the derma and also the interpapillary
(rete) pegs of the stratum. These dermal ridges serve to amplify vibrations triggered, for
example, when fingertips brush across Associate in a nursing uneven surface, better
transmitting the signals to sensory nerves involved in fine texture perception. These ridges
conjointly assist in fascinating rough surfaces, as well as smooth wet surfaces.
Fig1:System Architecture
The E-Passport system architecture comprises several components: RFID tags (E-Passports),
RFID readers, biometric authentication (fingerprint scanning), and a secure database. The
system operates as follows: the Admin (passport officer) registers user details, captures
fingerprints, and assigns RFID tags (E-Passports) through the registration module. The RFID
tags store user data, including biometric information and journey details. The passport
checker uses an RFID reader to scan the RFID tag and authenticate the user's fingerprint,
granting access to view journey details. The Police department and Government hospitals
have separate modules to update user crime records and medical records, respectively. Users
can access their journey details and book new journeys through a user portal. The system
employs a secure database to store and manage user data, ensuring confidentiality and
integrity. The architecture enables real-time verification, secure data storage, and authorized
access, providing a robust and efficient E-Passport system.
Fig2:Block Diagram
The existing E-Passport system utilizes a combination of RFID and biometric
technologies to enhance identity verification processes. The current system consists of a
passport booklet containing a contactless RFID chip, which stores the holder's biographic and
biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial recognition information. At border control
points, RFID readers are used to wirelessly read the data stored on the RFID chip, and the
biometric data is compared with the individual's live biometric scan to verify their identity.
However, the existing system has limitations, including security vulnerabilities, data storage
capacity constraints, and compatibility issues with international standards. Additionally, the
current system lacks advanced features, such as real-time data updates, secure data
encryption, and seamless integration with other identity verification systems. The existing
system requires enhancement to address these limitations and ensure a more secure, efficient,
and reliable identity verification process.
System Necessity
1. Processor – i3
2. Hard Disk – 5 GB
3. Memory – 1GB RAM
4. Arduino Uno Board
5. Fingerprint Scanner
6. RFID Reader /Scanner
1.Operating System:Windows XP and later versions 2.Front & Back End:HTML,CSS .
3.Programming Language: Java,Embedded.
5.Domain:Image Processing
2)Fingerprint Scanner
To scan biometrics we are using fingerprint sacnner.Fingerprint scanners have unique patterns
that can be used to distinguish one scanner from another one. The pattern, which we call
scanner pattern, stems from the variability of device characteristics at silicon level and is
caused by imperfections of the conversion from the input to the scanner (i.e., the object
applied to it) to its output (i.e., the digital image).
Helps to detect counterfeit or manipulated documents
Confirms the identify of the individual
The increasing threat of identity fraud requires a strengthening of security features
in passports
The use of biometric information to link a person to a passport can help to counter
identify fraud
Biometric verification can be used at border controls and to verify the image on a
passport renewal application against images held on record.
No physical documents
Identification process requires online connection to User
Identification doesn’t require additional data sources (flight data etc.)
Tags can be read only as well as read/write unlike barcodes
RFID systems are often more expensive than barcode systems
RFID tags are usually larger than barcode labels
More than one tag can respond at the same time
In conclusion, the integration of RFID and biometric technologies in E-Passports offers
a robust solution for enhancing identity verification processes, ensuring secure, efficient, and
reliable travel. The proposed system addresses the limitations of the existing system,
providing advanced security features, increased data storage capacity, and seamless
integration with international standards. By leveraging RFID and biometric technologies, the
E-Passport system minimizes the risk of identity fraud, reduces processing times, and
enhances the overall travel experience. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected,
the adoption of E-Passports with RFID and biometric technologies is crucial for maintaining
national security, facilitating international travel, and ensuring the integrity of identity
documents. The successful implementation of this system has far-reaching implications for
the future of identity verification, paving the way for a more secure, efficient, and globalized
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