Contemporary Perspectives On Film and PH
Contemporary Perspectives On Film and PH
Contemporary Perspectives On Film and PH
Stefan Deines
Goethe University Frankfurt,
Mario Wenning
Goethe University Frankfurt,
Recommended Citation
Deines, Stefan and Wenning, Mario (2016) "Introduction," Contemporary Aesthetics (Journal Archive): Vol.
0, Article 1.
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Con t a ct CA Ever since the emergence of film, cinema, and TV, there have
been theoretical and philosophical endeavors to try to
Lin k s understand and conceptually grasp these phenomena. The
fact that we are confronted with “moving images” gives rise to
Su bm ission s a number of ontological, epistemic, and aesthetic questions.
These questions result from the fact that these new media are
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based on the techniques of photography and are capable of
Enter search terms recording movement and, later, sound. Using these
techniques, we can capture scenes of our world and also depict
more or less imaginary worlds and tell stories about fictitious
characters. The questions revolve around the keywords
‘realism,’ ‘representation,’ and ‘illusion,’ which continue to be
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intensely debated.[1]
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Theoretical approaches to film also focus on the fact that
Privacy movies have an extraordinary impact on their viewers and the
cultural world in general. As far back as the 1930s, Erwin
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Panofsky observed that the impact of movies surpasses the
Publisher influence of the traditional arts:
Stefan Deines
Mario Wenning
En dn ot e s
[6] Cf. Josef Früchtl, Vert rauen in die Welt . Eine Philosophie
des Film s (München: Fink, 2013).