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RHCSA Rapid Track | Quick Guide


RHCSA Rapid Track | Quick Guide

Version 24.11

Ahmed Abdelwahed

RHCSA Rapid Track | Quick Guide

System Utility Commands

• date Shows the current date and time.
• uptime Shows the system running time and active users.
• w Shows the uptime output and working users.
• watch -n 3 uptime refreshes the uptime every 3 seconds.
• tty Displays the current logged-in shell.
• bc Provides a scientific calculator (binary calculator).
• whoami Prints the username associated with the current effective user ID.
• lscpu; cat /proc/cpuinfo Displays CPU information.
• lsmem; free -h; cat /proc/meminfo Shows memory status information.
• lsblk -f Displays a tree view of all block devices with additional information, including the filesystem type
and UUID.
• hostname; hostname -f Displays the full hostname.
• hostname -I Shows the IPv4 address of the current machine. While hostname -i shows both IPv4 and
• uname -a Prints details about the machine and operating system.
• last display a list of the most recent logins by users.
• lastb displays a list of failed login attempts by users.

Manage Files from the Command Line

Filesystem Structure (Linux File System Layout)
• tree -L 2 / > system_structure.txt Saves a two-level Linux directory hierarchy to
• man hier Displays the manual explaining the Linux filesystem hierarchy.
• man file-hierarchy Shows details about the filesystem hierarchy using an alternative manual.
Listing Files (Directories)
• pwd Prints the working directory.
• ls Lists files in the current directory.
• ls -a Lists all files, including hidden ones.
• ls -lt /etc Shows a long list, sorted by time.
• ls -ld /etc Lists information about the specified directory.
• ls -aF /etc Shows files and their types, with directories ending with a /
Creating Files and Directories
• mkdir -p par1/par2/dir Creates a directory with parent directories as needed.
• touch f1 f2 f3 Creates multiple files.
• touch "my file.txt" Creates a file with spaces in its name.
File Display Commands
• cat -n /etc/passwd Displays file contents with line numbers.
• less /etc/passwd Used to read long files; press 'q' to quit.
• less /etc/passwd

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Monitoring Files
• tail -f /var/log/messages Monitors a system log file in real-time.
File Maintenance Commands
Copying Files
• cp file1 /media/file4 Copies and renames a file with interactive prompts.
• cp -f /etc/*.conf /home/data Copies all .conf files, overwriting existing ones without prompting.

Moving and Renaming Files

• mv file1 file2 Renames a file.
• mv file1 file2 file3 dir Moves multiple files to a specific directory.
Removing Files and Directories
• rmdir or rm -r Removes a directory.
• shred passwd Destroys file content.
• shred -u passwd Destroys and removes a file.
GREP and EGREP (Global Regular Expression Print)
• grep -e 'root' -e 'aabdelwahed' /etc/passwd Searches for lines containing either "root" or
"aabdelwahed" in the /etc/passwd file using multiple patterns with -e.
• egrep -i 'root|aabdelwahed' /etc/passwd Searches for "root" or "aabdelwahed" in /etc/passwd,
ignoring case sensitivity with -i and using extended regular expressions with egrep.
Wildcards are special characters used to represent one or more characters in a file or directory name.
• * Matches any number of characters, including none.
• ? Matches exactly one character.
• [] Matches any one of the characters inside the brackets.
• {} Allows you to specify a list of alternative patterns.
• ! Negates the pattern, matching any file that does not match the pattern.
• ls *.txt Lists all files in the current directory with a .txt extension.
• rm file?.txt Deletes matching files.
• cp [ab]*.txt destination Copies matching files.
• touch file0{1..9} Creates 9 files.
• rm file0* Removes all files matching the pattern.
• mkdir dir{1..10}, touch abc0{1..9}-xyz Creates multiple files and directories.
• rm *-xyz Removes everything ending with "xyz."
• touch dir{1..10}/file{1..100} Creates 100 files in each directory.

• > Redirects stdout to a file.
• >> Appends stdout to a file.
• cat passwd > passwd_orig Redirects input to output.
• df -h > newfile Overwrites file content.
• cat /dev/null > ahmedfile Deletes file content.
• echo “wooooow” > passwd Overwrites content.
• echo “wooow” >> passwd Appends content.
RHCSA Rapid Track | Quick Guide

Making Links Between Files (Soft and Hard Links)

Hard Links
• ln source_file hard_link_name Creates a duplicate directory entry pointing to the same inode
as the source file. Both files share the same data, and changes to one reflect in the other. Deleting
one does not affect the other.
Symbolic (Soft) Links
• ln -s source_file_or_directory symlink_name Creates a pointer (shortcut) to the source file
or directory. The symlink becomes invalid if the source is deleted or moved.
Create, view, and edit text files
Linux File Editor (Vim)
• Vimtutor interactive tutorial that introduces users to the basics of Vim
Command Mode
• Go to First Line 1G or gg
• Go to Last Line G
• Go to Specific Line 2G or 20gg for second or 20th line
• End and Start of Line ^ and $
• Undo u, shift u
• Save and Exit shift zz
• Exit Without Save shift zq
Inserting and Appending

• Before Cursor i
• New Line Below o
• New Line Above O
• Start of Line I
• After Cursor a
• End of Line A
Copying and Pasting

• Copy Letter/Word/Line yl, yw, yy

• Copy Multiple Lines 20yy
• Paste Below/Above p, P

• Delete Letter/Word/Line dl, dw, dd
• Delete Multiple Lines 20dd
• Delete to End of Line/File d$, dG

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Changing Text

• Delete and Change cl, cw, cc

• Change Case Shift+~, g~~, gUU
• Merge Lines shift J

Execute Mode
• Save and Exit x, wq
• Force Exit q!
• Highlight Search se hlsearch, se nohlsearch
• Substitute Words %s/install/config/g
• Delete Lines $d, 1,9d, %d
• Add Empty Lines %s/$/\r/g
Visual Mode
• Use Ctrl+V > Shift+I > # > Esc for commenting multiple lines.
• Use Ctrl+V > y copy multiple lines.
• Use Ctrl+V > d delete multiple lines.

Set Vim Defaults with .vimrc (Custom Vim)

• set number Displays line numbers in the editor.
• set ignorecase Makes search operations case-insensitive.
• set hlsearch Highlights all matches of the last search pattern.
• set smartcase Overrides ignorecase and makes searches case-sensitive if the search pattern
contains uppercase letters.
• set arabic Enables Arabic language support, including right-to-left text direction and appropriate
text shaping.
• set noarabic Disables Arabic language support.

Vim Tips
• Lock and Unlock ctrl+s, ctrl+q
• Add New Screens ctrl+w+n, ctrl+w+v
• Move Between Screens ctrl+w.
• Global Settings Edit /etc/vimrc
• View the contents without editing vim -R /etc/passwd

Other Editors
• Nano nano nf2
• Gedit gedit file

RHCSA Rapid Track | Quick Guide

Manage local users and groups

ID Command for Managing Users and Groups in Linux
• Showing User Identification Utilizing the id command displays key information about Linux users. For
instance, id test1 would yield the user ID, group ID, and any associated groups.
o UID The User ID, with the root ID being 0 and normal user IDs starting from 1000. Those under 1000
are special and system-related.
o GID Primary (private) Group ID, which usually mirrors the UID. Private groups help maintain data
o Groups These are secondary groups associated with file access permissions.
o Identifying a Specific User id test1 uid=1003(test1) gid=1003(test1)
groups=1003(test1) shows user identification for 'test1'.

Creating User Accounts in Linux

• With Default Settings useradd user1 will create 'user1' with all default settings.
• With Custom Options useradd -c "test account" -u 5002 -M -N -g user1 -G sales,hr -s
/bin/sh ahmed
o -c "test account" This sets the comment (or full name) for the user to "test account".
o -u 5002 This sets the user ID (UID) for the new account to 5002.
o -M This instructs the command not to create a home directory for the user.
o -N This means do not create a group with the same name as the username. Without this, useradd
would create a group named "ahmed" by default when you add the "ahmed" user.
o -g user1 This sets the primary group of the new user to "user1".
o -G sales,hr This adds "ahmed" to the supplementary (or additional) groups "sales" and "hr".
o -s /bin/sh This sets the default shell for the user to /bin/sh.
o ahmed This is the name of the user being added.

Managing User and Password Age

• pwscore evaluates the quality of a given password by assigning it a score between 0 and 100.
• chage -d 0 -M 42 -m 2 -W 4 -E 2024-12-31 user1
-d 0 Sets the last password change date to the epoch (January 1, 1970). Setting it to 0 will typically force
the user to change their password the next time they log in.
-M 42 Sets the maximum number of days the password is valid (before it expires) to 42 days.
-m 2 Sets the minimum number of days before which the password cannot be changed (once changed) to 2
-W 4 Sets the number of days to warn the user before the password expires. In this case, the user will
receive a warning 4 days before their password is set to expire.
-E 2024-12-31 Sets the account expiration date to December 31, 2024. After this date, the user will not
be able to log in.
user1 the target user account for which these changes are being made.
• Setting Last Password Change chage -d 2024-6-13 ahmed
• Passwd -e user1 expire a user's password immediately
RHCSA Rapid Track | Quick Guide
• Blocking Shell (non-interactive shell) chsh -s /usr/sbin/nologin ahmed
• Deleting User userdel -r ahmed to remove user and their home directory.
Managing Local Groups
• Linux Identity System Linux divides identity into owner, individual user, groups of users, and the world.
• Viewing Group Membership Commands like groups, groups username, and getent group show
group membership.
Creating Local Groups
• Creating and Viewing Groups Utilize groupadd to create groups and cat /etc/group, getent group,
or grep to view groups.
• Adding New Group groupadd sales to create a 'sales' group.
• Creating Group with Specific ID groupadd -g 555 admins.
Group Membership Management (Secondary Group Modifications)
• usermod -G wheel aabdelwahed Set wheel as the sole secondary group for aabdelwahed, removing
all others.
• usermod -aG wheel aabdelwahed Add wheel as a secondary group for aabdelwahed without
removing current secondary groups.
• usermod -aG wheel,admins ahmed Add wheel and admins as secondary groups for ahmed.
Group Membership Administration with gpasswd
• gpasswd -a user01 wheel Add user01 to the wheel group.
• gpasswd -M user01,user02,user03 sales Explicitly set members of sales group, overwriting
existing ones.
• gpasswd -d user01 sales Remove user01 from sales group.
• sudo usermod -G group2 user1
Querying Group Memberships
• groupmems -lg wheel List members of the wheel group.
• lid ahmed List groups associated with ahmed.
• lid -g wheel Display members of wheel group.
Group Management
• groupmod -n finance sales Rename sales group to finance.
• groupmod -g 1100 hr Set GID of hr group to 1100.
• groupdel finance Remove the finance group.
Visudo (Enable Sudo)
• Enabling Sudo Utilize visudo to specify who can run which command without needing the root password.
• Enable Specific Access Enable %wheel ALL=(root) ALL, and add specific users.
• Enabling sudo Access Edit specific lines or add users to the 'wheel' group. usermod -G wheel
• Disabling 5-Minute Timeout Set timestamp_timeout=0
• Restart SSH Service Use systemctl restart sshd to apply changes.
RHCSA Rapid Track | Quick Guide

Control access to files with Linux file system permissions

Right Access and Commands
• Read (R)
o Files View contents with cat, less, more, tac
o Directories List contents with ls
• Write (W)
o Files Modify contents with echo, cat, vim
o Directories Create or remove with mkdir, rm
• Execute (X)
o Files Allows execution if it's a script or program.
o Directories Change to the directory with cd
Alphabet vs Numerical Syntax for Permissions
Numerical Representation
• 0 for No permissions; 1 for Execute only; 2 for Write only (used with command redirection), 3 for Write
and Execute; 4 for Read only; 5 for Read and Execute, 6 for Read and Write, defining various access levels
for users on.
Listing Permissions
• Viewing Specific File Permissions ls -l file01
• Viewing Full Metadata stat file01
Modifying Permissions with chmod
• Changing Permissions The chmod command is used to change file and directory permissions.
• Symbolic Mode Use characters like u for owner, g for group, o for others, and a for all, combined
with +, -, or = to add, remove, or set specific permissions.
o chmod uo+x, g-w file01 to add execute permission to the owner and others and write only for
o chmod u=r,g=rw,o=rwx file01 sets specific permissions for user, group, and others.
• Numeric Mode Use numerical values to define permissions.
o chmod 755 file01 to set read, write, and execute for owner, and read and execute for group and
Managing File Ownership
• Use chown Command Change user and group ownership.
o Change User Owner chown user1 file01 (only root can do this).
o Change Group Owner chgrp sales file01 or chown :Sales file01
o Change Both chown user1:Sales file01
o Recursive Change chown -R user1:Sales ./ for current directory and subdirectories.
• View Numeric IDs ls -ldn dir1 to view numeric user and group IDs.

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Managing SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux)

Introduction to SELinux
SELinux is an advanced security architecture integrated into the Linux kernel, developed by the National Security
Agency (NSA) and the Linux community. It enhances Linux's security by enforcing mandatory access controls over
processes, applications, and users, and controls file access.
Basic SELinux Commands and Configuration
1. Checking SELinux Status
o getenforce Display the current SELinux mode.
2. Setting SELinux Mode
o setenforce 0 or setenforce 1 Temporarily set SELinux to Permissive (0) or Enforcing (1) mode.
o setenforce Enforcing
3. Configuring SELinux in System Config
o Edit SELinux configuration file vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux
o To disable SELinux on boot, change to SELINUX=disabled
4. Adjusting SELinux for Boot
o Set selinux=0 in the GRUB2 configuration for boot-time disablement.
5. Managing SELinux Ports
o semanage port -l List SELinux port contexts.
o semanage port -l | grep http Check if a specific port (e.g., 80 for HTTP) is allowed by
6. Adding/Removing Custom Ports in SELinux
o semanage port -a -t <SELinux_type> -p <protocol> <port_number>
o semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 5555 allow 5555 for http
o semanage port -a -t unreserved_port_t -p tcp 6789 allowing any service to use 6789
o semanage port -d -t http_port_t -p tcp 5555 Remove the custom port definition
7. Configuring HTTP Service for New Port
o Edit Apache HTTP configuration vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to allow the new port.
8. Adjusting Firewall for the New Port
o Add the custom port to the firewall
o firewall-cmd --add-port=5555/tcp --permanent
o Reload the firewall configuration firewall-cmd --reload
9. Restarting HTTP Service
o systemctl restart httpd to apply changes.
o Installing SELinux Management Tools
o If semanage is not found, install necessary tools
o yum install policycoreutils-python-utils
Understanding SELinux Modes
• Enforcing SELinux enforces its policies and denies access based on these policies.
• Permissive SELinux allows actions that would be denied in enforcing mode but logs them.
• Disabled SELinux is completely turned off.
RHCSA Rapid Track | Quick Guide

Monitor and manage Linux Processes

Process Inspection Using ps Command

• HTTP Process Inspection
o ps aux | grep http Searches for processes related to HTTP from the list of all processes.
• General Process Inspection
o ps aux Provides detailed information about most processes currently running on the system. It
displays owner, CPU usage, memory usage, and the command itself.
o ps -elf Displays a long-format listing of all processes, including their parent process IDs (PPID).
o ps -eo pid,ppid,uid,cputime,pmem,cmd Offers a customized output for the ps command,
showing process ID, parent process ID, user ID, CPU time, percentage of memory used, and the
command itself.
o ps -fU ahmed Displays full-format listing of all processes specifically owned by the user "ahmed".
• Tree View & Paging
o ps fax | less Displays a hierarchical view (similar to a tree structure) of processes and their
child processes. The less command is used for paging through the list.
• Quick Analysis
o ps aux | head Outputs the first ten lines from the ps aux command. This usually includes the
column headers and the first nine processes.
o ps aux | wc Counts the number of lines, words, and characters in the output of ps aux. This
essentially gives an idea of the number of processes running.
Backgrounding Tasks
• sleep 1000 Pauses the shell or script's execution for 1000 seconds.
• sleep 1000& Starts the sleep 1000 command in the background.
• jobs Displays the status of jobs in the current session.
• bg Resumes the last job that was stopped and runs it in the background.
• fg Brings the most recent background job to the foreground.
• fg 1 Brings the job with job number 1 to the foreground.
• ps -p 13732 or ps -F 13732 Displays information about the process with the process ID (PID) 13732.
Query Processes
o pgrep sleep Searches for processes named "sleep" and prints their process IDs.
o ps p $(pgrep sleep) Uses the process IDs found by pgrep sleep to display detailed
information about each "sleep" process.
o pgrep --count sleep Returns the number of "sleep" processes currently running.
o List all internet and network files in use by all processes: lsof -i
o List processes listening on specific ports: lsof -i :22
Terminate Processes
o Soft Kill kill 8537, kill -15 8537, kill -term 8537, kill -sigterm 8537.
o Hard Kill kill -9 8537, kill -kill 8537, kill -sigkill 8537.
o pkill sleep Sends the TERM signal to all "sleep" processes, asking them to terminate gracefully.

RHCSA Rapid Track | Quick Guide
o pkill -KILL -u user Sends the KILL signal to all processes owned by the user named "user",
forcefully terminating them.
o killall sshd Sends the TERM signal to all processes named "sshd", asking them to terminate
Monitoring using top and htop
• top A monitoring tool that monitors active processes in real time, sorting them based on processor
utilization. Can be customized with various keys
• f Add fields like PPID; z Color results; h More help.
• k Kill process; i Show only active processes; r Renice; q Quit.
• 1 Displays detailed information for each CPU.
• dnf install htop Installs htop (epel must be installed first).
Setting Process Priority with nice
• Commands
• nice -n 5 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null & This command starts a dd process with a nice value
of 5, meaning it has a lower priority than the default processes.
• nice -n -5 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null & This starts the same dd process, but this time with
a nice value of -5, giving it a higher priority.
• renice -n 10 -p 14721 This command is used to change the nice value of a running process. In this
case, it changes the nice value of the process with the PID (Process ID) 14721 to 10.

Tuning System Performance with tuned on Linux

Overview of Dynamic Tuning with tuned
The tuned daemon dynamically tunes system settings based on current workload and activity. It adjusts parameters
for storage, CPU, and network devices to optimize performance. This is done through predefined tuning profiles that
cater to various use cases.

1. Checking tuned Service Status systemctl status tuned.service

2. Installing tuned yum install tuned
3. Enabling and Starting tuned Service systemctl enable --now tuned

Using tuned-adm for Tuning Management

1. Viewing Active Tuning Profile tuned-adm active
2. Listing Available Tuning Profiles tuned-adm list
3. Applying a Tuning Profile tuned-adm profile throughput-performance
4. Getting Recommended Profile tuned-adm recommend
5. Turning Off Dynamic Tuning tuned-adm off

RHCSA Rapid Track | Quick Guide

Control services and daemons

View and Query Services
• systemctl -t help Shows the available units.
• systemctl list-units Shows all loaded units.
• systemctl list-unit-files --type=service identifying which services are set to start
automatically on boot and which are not.
• systemctl status sshd.service Check service state.
• systemctl --type=service Check all services.
• systemctl --type=service | grep active | wc -l Show total number of active processes.
• systemctl is-active sshd Check if sshd is active.
• systemctl is-enabled sshd Check if sshd is enabled.
• systemctl --failed --type=service List failed services.
Start, Stop, Reload Services
• systemctl stop sshd.service Stop sshd service.
• systemctl start sshd.service Start sshd service.
• systemctl restart sshd.service Restart sshd service.
• systemctl reload sshd.service Reload sshd service.
• systemctl reload-or-restart sshd.service Reload if available or restart sshd service.
View Dependencies
• systemctl list-dependencies sshd.service Display dependencies hierarchy.
Masking Services
• systemctl mask name.service Mask service to prevent it from being started.
• systemctl unmask name.service Unmask a service.
• systemctl list-unit-files --state=masked Get all masked services.
Configure and secure SSH
1. Identify the Package Providing sshd
• dnf whatprovides */sshd
2. Install OpenSSH
• dnf install openssh
3. Edit SSH Configuration to use port 1414
• vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Modify it to work through port 1414.
4. Update Firewall Rules
• firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=1414/tcp --permanent Allow port 1414.
• firewall-cmd --reload Reload firewall rules.
5. Configure SELinux for Port 1414 (if enabled)
• semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp 1414 Allow 1414 port from SELinux.
6. Enable and Start SSHD
• systemctl enable sshd; systemctl start sshd
7. Verify SELinux Configuration
• semanage port -l | grep sshd
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Configure SSH Keys

1. Generate and secure SSH Key Pair on Remote Server
• ssh-keygen
• chmod 700 ~/.ssh
• chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
2. View Keys
• cat /home/ahmed/.ssh/id_rsa Contains private key.
• cat /home/ahmed/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Contains public key.
3. Copy Public Key to Target Host
• ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@host
4. Restart SSHD
• sudo systemctl restart sshd
• ssh user@host Test the connection.
5. Reload SSHD
• systemctl reload sshd

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Installing and Updating Software in Red Hat

Package Management Commands:
• dnf install or dnf remove
• dnf update Updates all packages to the latest version available.
• dnf check-update Checks for available updates for installed packages without installing them.
• dnf download --resolve <package> Downloads a package and its dependencies without installing
• sudo dnf localinstall *.rpm Installs packages from downloaded .rpm files and resolves
Repository Management:
• dnf repolist all Lists all enabled and disabled repositories.
Listing and Searching Packages:
1. dnf list
o Lists installed, available, and all packages based on different filters.
▪ dnf list installed Lists installed packages.
▪ dnf list available Lists available packages in the repositories.
▪ dnf list | wc -l Counts the number of packages listed by dnf list.
▪ dnf list 'http*': Lists all packages starting with "http".
2. dnf list kernel Lists kernel-related packages.
3. dnf search all 'web server' Searches for packages related to web servers.
4. dnf info <package> Provides detailed information about the specified package. (e.g., dnf info
5. dnf provides <file> Shows which package provides a specified file or directory. (e.g., dnf
provides /var/www/html)
Group Management:
1. dnf group <command>
o List groups dnf group list
o Get group details dnf group info "Virtualization Host"
o Install group with optional packages dnf group install --with-optional
"Minimal Install"
o Remove group with optional packages dnf group remove --with-optional
"Server with GUI"
Logs and History:
tail -5 /var/log/dnf.rpm.log Displays the last 5 lines of the DNF RPM log file.
dnf history Shows the package installation/removal history.
dnf history info <id> Shows detailed information about a specific transaction in the history.
dnf history undo <id> Reverts changes made in a specific transaction.

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Linux System Logs Monitor Guide

Overview Log files on Linux servers provide a detailed record of system activities. These logs aid in troubleshooting,
monitoring, and security evaluations. To get the most out of these logs, they need to be managed and analyzed
Common Linux Log File Locations and Descriptions
System Logs
1. /var/log/messages Contains general system messages, including startup messages. It's one of the
primary logs administrators check when troubleshooting.
2. /var/log/boot.log Logs related to the system booting process.
3. /var/log/kern.log Logs from the Linux kernel. Useful for troubleshooting hardware and kernel-specific
4. /var/log/secure (or /var/log/auth.log) Authentication-related logs, recording user authentications,
attempted logins, and other security-related events.
5. /var/log/utmp or /var/log/wtmp These are not really log files. They store information about who is
currently logged in and login history. The who, w, last and lastb commands use these files.
6. /var/log/cron.log Logs from the cron daemon, showing the execution of scheduled tasks.
Application and Service Logs
7. /var/log/maillog Logs from mail servers like Sendmail or Postfix. Useful for troubleshooting email
delivery issues.
8. /var/log/qmail/ Directory containing logs specifically for the qmail mail server.
9. /var/log/httpd/ Contains log files for the Apache HTTP server, including access.log (recording all
requests processed by the server) and error.log (recording errors).
10. /var/log/lighttpd/ Directory with logs for the Lighttpd web server, structured similarly to Apache's
11. /var/log/mysqld.log Log file for the MySQL database server. Contains database server-related
messages, including errors, warnings, and other diagnostic info.
12. /var/log/yum.log Log for the yum package manager, recording package installations, updates, and
Understanding rsyslogd Configurations
rsyslogd provides flexible logging configurations that can be tailored based on
• Facilities Categories of information, e.g., system, security, mail.
• Priorities Severity levels such as emergency, error, warning, etc.
• Destinations Where the logs will be written to.
Example Configuration Edit /etc/rsyslog.conf to
#log all warning messages to warning file
*.warn /var/log/warnings
*.err /var/log/errors
systemctl restart rsyslog

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Managing System Logging with systemd-journald

Basic Commands for systemd-journald
1. Checking Service Status
o systemctl status systemd-journald.service Check the status of the journald service.
2. Viewing Logs
o Live system logs journalctl -f
o Live logs for a specific service (e.g., SSH) journalctl -u sshd -f
3. Filtering Logs by Time
o Logs in a specific time frame journalctl --since "2022-8-21 800" --until "2022-8-22"
o Logs since today journalctl --since today
o Logs since yesterday journalctl --since yesterday
4. Listing and Viewing Boot Logs
o List recorded boot sessions journalctl --list-boots
o Logs from the current boot journalctl -b
o Displaying Logs in Reverse Order journalctl -r
o journalctl -e # View the end of the log
o Limiting the Number of Log Entries journalctl -n 100
5. Filtering Logs by Priority
o Show only error logs and higher journalctl -p err, journalctl -p warn
o journalctl -u sshd -p err --since "yesterday"
6. Viewing Logs of Specific Units
o Logs for a specific unit (e.g., cron) journalctl -u crond, journalctl -u sshd -u
7. Kernel Logs
o Display only kernel logs journalctl -k
8. Filtering Logs by Recent Times
o Logs from the last hour journalctl --since "1 hour ago"
o Logs from the last minute journalctl --since "1 minute ago"
9. Checking Disk Usage of Logs
o Display journal disk usage journalctl --disk-usage

Persisting journal:
Default Storage Behavior
o By default, systemd-journald uses volatile storage (logs stored in memory and lost on reboot)
unless /var/log/journal exists.
o Enabling Persistent Storage
mkdir -p /var/log/journal
Edit /etc/systemd/journald.conf and set Storage=persistent
systemctl restart systemd-journald.service

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Scheduling jobs
Using crontab to Schedule Recurring Tasks
• Understanding crond Service Behavior
o The crond daemon reads its configuration every minute and schedules jobs for the next minute.
Allow at least a 3-minute margin between configuration and execution for optimal results.
• Installing and Starting cron
o Install the cronie package dnf install cronie
o Start the crond service systemctl start crond.service
• Viewing Log Messages
o Monitor log messages tail -f /var/log/messages
• Editing Cron Jobs
o System-wide cron jobs:Edit the main cron configuration vim /etc/crontab (including user)
o * * * * * root rm -rf /tmp/testdir/*
o 17 * * * * * ahmed rm -rf /home/ahmed/Desktop/*
o User-specific cron jobs: Edit user's cron jobs crontab -e
• Cron Job Format
o Example of job definition
* * * * * user-name command to be executed
o Fields represent minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week.
• Common Cron Job Examples
o 0,10,20,30,40,50 17-20 15 Jun,Jul,Aug * root /usr/local/bin/my-script.sh
This job runs on minutes 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 past the hour, from 5 PM to 8 PM, on the 15th day
of June, July, and August.
o 0 5,17 * * * bash /cron/batch This job runs at 5 AM and 5 PM daily.
o 3 12 * * sun /bin/systemctl stop atd.service This job runs at 12:03 PM every
o * * * * * bash /cron/batch This job runs every minute.
o */10 * * * * /scripts/monitor.sh This job runs every 10 minutes.
o 0 17 * * sun,fri /script/script.sh This job runs at 5 PM on Sundays and Fridays.
• Managing Cron Jobs
o Remove cron job crontab -r
o List user's cron jobs crontab -l
• System-wide Cron Jobs
o Use /etc/cron.d for system-wide cron job configurations.
o System-wide scripts run from directories like /etc/cron.hourly, /etc/cron.daily, etc.
• Running Multiple Tasks in One Cron
o Use semicolons to run multiple tasks in a single cron entry.
• User-specific Cron Management
o Manage cron jobs for specific users
▪ Edit user's cron jobs crontab -e -u username
▪ List user's cron jobs crontab -l -u username
▪ Remove user's cron jobs crontab -r -u username
• Directory for System-wide Cron Jobs
o /etc/cron.d Store system-wide cron job configurations.
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o /etc/cron.hourly, /etc/cron.daily, etc. Executed automatically by the cron daemon on
an hourly basis.
• Executing Scripts in a Directory
o Test cron job execution for a directory run-parts --test /etc/cron.hourly
o Execute all scripts in a directory nice run-parts /etc/cron.hourly

Managing Cron Security

By default, all users can create cron jobs. However, you can enhance cron security
using /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny files
• If /etc/cron.allow exists, only users listed in it can use cron.
• If /etc/cron.deny exists, users listed in it are denied access to cron.

Resetting a Lost Root Password

If you've lost the root password
1. Edit Boot Entry
o At the boot selection menu, press 'e' to edit the boot process.
o Edit the Linux entry and add init=/bin/bash
o Press ctrl+x to continue booting with the modified entry.
2. Remount Root Filesystem
o mount -o remount,rw /
3. Change Root Password
o passwd
4. SElinux Relabeling (Optional) To perform SELinux relabeling after changing the password
o touch /.autorelabel
o exec /usr/lib/systemd/system

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Managing Basic Storage and Partitions

A. Basic Storage Management Commands
1. Installing Hardware Information Tool
o dnf install hwinfo
2. Gathering Disk Information
o hwinfo --disk –short
o hwinfo --memory
o hwinfo --cpu
o hwinfo --short
3. Disk Space Analysis
o lsblk -la
o lsblk /dev/sdb1
o df -hT
o du -ah
o du -sh
o mount | column -t #Show current mounted filesystems
o lsof +D /path/to/directory # List open files and their associated processes.

B. Using Fdisk for Partition Management

fdisk is a traditional partitioning tool, primarily used with MBR (Master Boot Record) supporting up to 2 TB partitions
and a maximum of four primary partitions, with one being an extended partition.

1. Creating Partitions
• fdisk -l /dev/sdb (List all partitions for a block)
• fdisk /dev/sdb (Create partition table with interactive options)
• partprobe /dev/sdb (Inform kernel of partition table changes)
• dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb count=1 bs=512 (Delete partitioning)
2. Adding File System and Labeling
File System Considerations
• ext4 Max file size of 2 TB.
• XFS Handles larger files, up to 8 EB.
o mkfs.xfs -L Data /dev/sdb2 (Create XFS filesystem with label)
o xfs_admin -L "mydata" /dev/sdc1 (Label unmounted XFS filesystem)
o xfs_admin -lu /dev/sdb1 (Show filesystem label and uuid)
o dumpe2fs /dev/sdb1 | less (Display filesystem metadata)
o Xfs_info /dev/sdb2
3. Mounting File System to Directory
• mount or findmnt (Show all mounted filesystems)

Configuring Temporary Mounting Points

• a. mkdir -p /data/{sdbdata1,sdbdata2} (Create directories)
• b. mount /dev/sdb1 /data/sdbdata1
• c. mount /dev/sdb2 /data/sdbdata2
• d. mount -a (Activate fstab mounting points)
• e. findmnt -x (Check for mount errors)

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• f. umount /data/sdbdata1

Mounting File Systems Using fstab and Systemd in RHEL 9

A. Preparing to Use fstab
1. Editing fstab File
o Open the fstab file vi /etc/fstab
o Use blkid to retrieve the UUID or file system label.
2. Generating and Retrieving UUIDs and Labels
o Generate UUID for a specific device xfs_admin -U generate /dev/sdc1
o Retrieve the UUID of the filesystem ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/
o Retrieve the Label of the filesystem ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/

Logical Volume Management (LVM)

1. Installing LVM
o dnf install lvm2 Install LVM package.
o pvcreate /dev/sd{a,b,c} Create physical volumes.
2. Creating Volume Groups and LV using GB
o vgcreate vg1 /dev/sd{a,b,c} Create a volume group.
o lvcreate -n lv1 -L 2G vg1 Create a 2GB logical volume.
o lvcreate -n lv2 -l 100%FREE vg1 Use remaining space for another logical volume.
o mkfs.xfs -L lvdata /dev/vg1/lv1 Format logical volume.
3. Creating an LV using PE
o vgdisplay vg0 | grep "PE Size" Determine the PE Size
o 40GB = 40 * 1024 MB = 40960 MB Convert the desired LV size to MB
o lvcreate -l 5000 -n lvdata vg0 Create the Logical Volume using PEs
4. Mounting and Using LVM
o mkdir /lvm1 Create a mount point.
o Add entry in /etc/fstab lvdata /mnt/lvm xfs defaults 0 0.
o mount -a Mount all filesystems in fstab.
o Test LVM Copy data to /mnt/lvm.
5. Resizing Logical Volumes
o vgextend vg1 /dev/sdd Extend volume group.
o lvextend -L +50G -r /dev/vg1/lv1 Extend logical volume (add 50G to the current size)
o lvextend -L 50G -r /dev/vg1/lv1 Extend logical volume (change the current size to 50G)
o xfs_growfs /mnt/lvm/ grow filesystem in case you not use -r option.
6. Remove LVM
o lvremove /dev/lvmraid/lvm1 Remove logical volume.
o vgremove lvmraid Remove volume group.

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Archiving and Transferring Files Using tar and Compression Tools

o Archiving
▪ To archive /home directory into a file named home.tar tar cvf home.tar /home/
▪ For the /etc directory into etc.tar tar cvf etc.tar /etc/
o Checking Archive Type file home.tar
o Listing Archive Contents
▪ For home.tar tar tf home.tar
▪ To find specific files (e.g., rsyslog in etc.tar) tar -tf etc.tar | grep rsyslog
o Extraction
▪ To extract in the current location tar xvf home.tar
▪ To extract to a different location like /mnt/ tar xvf home.tar -C /mnt/
▪ For extracting with original permissions tar xpvf home.tar -C /mnt/
o Compression with tar
▪ Using gzip tar zcvf /lab01/home.gz /home/
▪ Extraction tar zxvf home.gz -C /save
▪ Using bzip2 tar jcvf /lab01/home.tar.bz2 /home/
▪ Extraction tar jxvf home.bz2 -C /save
▪ Using xz tar Jcvf /lab01/home.xz /home/
▪ Extraction tar Jxvf home.xz -C /save
o Backup and Restore
▪ For backup tar zcvf home.tar.gz /home
▪ For restoration tar zxvf home.tar.gz -C /
Compression Using gzip
o Compression gzip arch.tar
o Decompression gunzip arch*
o Reading Compressed Files Use zcat or zless
Compression Using bzip2
o First, ensure the necessary software is installed yum install bzip*
o Compression bzip2 file
o Decompression bunzip2 file*
Compression Using xz
o Compression
▪ For a single file xz passwd
▪ While retaining the original xz -k passwd
▪ For multiple files xz f1.txt f2.txt f3.txt
o Decompression
▪ Basic decompression xz -d passwd.xz
o While retaining the .xz original unxz -k passwd.xz
o Inspection and Listing
▪ Compression information xz -l passwd.xz
▪ View contents without decompression xzcat passwd.xz

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Using find Command

1. Search by Name Pattern
o Example find / -name file*
o Explanation Searches for all files starting with "file" in the root directory.
2. Search by Size
o Example find / -size +1G
o Explanation Searches for all files larger than 1 GB in the root directory.
3. Search by Permissions
o Example find -type f -perm 644
o Explanation Searches for all files with permission 644.
4. Search by Type (e.g., Empty Directories)
o Example find /tmp -type d -empty
o Explanation Searches for all empty directories in the /tmp directory.
5. Search by Owner or Group
o Example find /tmp/ -user root
o Explanation Searches for all files owned by the "root" user in /tmp.
6. Copy Files Based on Search
o Example find /usr/share/doc -name *.html -exec cp {} . \;
o Explanation Finds all html files in /usr/share/doc and copies them to the current directory.
7. Change Permissions of Specific Files
o Example find /root -type f -perm 0777 -exec chmod 500 {} \;
o Explanation Searches for all regular files under "/root" with permission 0777 and changes their
permissions to 500.
8. Find Files Without Specific Permissions
o Example find / -type f ! -perm 777
o Explanation Finds files without 777 permissions in the root directory.
9. Find and Delete Specific Files
o Example find / -type f -name *.mp3 -size +10M -exec rm {} \; or find / -
type f -name *.mp3 -size +10M -delete
o Explanation Finds and deletes all MP3 files larger than 10 MB in the root directory.
10. Identifying Recently Accessed and Modified Files
• find / -mtime 1 Searches the entire filesystem for files modified exactly 24 hours (1 day) ago.
• find / -mtime -1 Finds files modified within the last 24 hours from the entire filesystem.
• find / -atime 5 Searches for files last accessed exactly 5 days ago throughout the entire filesystem.
• find / -atime -5 2>/dev/null Finds files accessed within the last 5 days, suppressing error
• find / -amin 10 2>/dev/null Searches for files last accessed exactly 10 minutes ago, hiding errors.
• find / -mmin -10 Finds files modified within the last 10 minutes across the filesystem.
• find / -mmin +10 Searches the entire filesystem for files that were last modified more than 10 minutes

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Managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux Networking

Basic IP Commands
• Display Interface Details ip a show eth0 or ip a s enos3; ip -6 a
• Turn Interface Off ip link set eth0 down Turns the eth0 interface off.
• Add Temporary IP Address ip addr add dev eth0 Assign a temporary IP address
to eth0.
• Show Routing Table ip r show
• Add Temporary Default Gateway ip route add via
• ARP Table / Neighbors ip n show
• Display Specific Interface Information ip -4 a s em1 Displays information about the em1 interface for
• Routing Table for IPv4/IPv6 ip r s and ip -6 r
• Trace Network Paths tracepath www.google.com and tracepath6 www.google.com
Network Diagnostics
• Packet Capture and Analysis tcpdump .
• Network Statistics - Netstat netstat -a | more Listens to all TCP and UDP ports.
netstat -tupln, ss -tunap ,netstat -s, netstat -r
• dnf install bind-utils
• dig yahoo.com; dig mx yahoo.com; dig ns yahoo.com; dig txt yahoo.com
• host -t MX p yahoo.com
• dig @ yahoo.com
• tcpdump -i eth0 port 22
• tracepath www.google.com
• ping -I eth0 www.yahoo.com
• nmap -p 80 ; nmap -p 22,80,443; nmap
Configuration Files
1. Global Network Configuration /etc/sysconfig/network
• The network configuration files used to be in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx but
have moved to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/.
2. Hostname /etc/hostname
3. Name Server Configuration /etc/resolve.conf
4. Static Table Lookup for Hostnames /etc/hosts
Persistently Storing Network Configurations
Edit the interface configuration using a text editor like vim
• vim /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
After making changes, restart the Network Manager systemctl restart NetworkManager
curl and ping Commands
• Download Files wget [fileurl]

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• Check Website Accessibility curl www.google.com If it returns the website's content, the site is
• Download Using curl curl -O www.site/filename This can replace wget if it's not supported in your
• Ping a Website ping www.google.com For a limited number of pings, use
ping -c 5 www.google.com; Ping ping6 www.google.com

Network Management with nmcli and nmtui

• Show Devices nmcli d s or ip link
• Show Connections nmcli connection show
• Show Active Connections nmcli connection show --active
• Device Status nmcli device status
• Add a Connection to NIC (Static)
nmcli connection add con-name newcon1 ifname ens224 ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns ipv4.method
manual type ethernet
• Modify an Existing Connection
nmcli connection modify "ens160" ipv4.addresses ""
ipv4.gateway "" ipv4.dns "" ipv4.dns-search
"search.abdelwahed.me" ipv4.method manual autoconnect yes
• Add extra connection to the same NIC (DHCP)
nmcli con add type ethernet con-name newcon2 ifname ens224 ipv4.method auto
• Reload Connection nmcli connection reload
• Activate a Connection nmcli connection up "newcon1"
• Deactivate a Connection nmcli connection down newcon1
• Disable NIC nmcli device disconnect eth0
• Enable NIC nmcli device connect eth0
• Graphical Network Configuration Tool nmtui

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Managing Firewall with Firewalld on Linux

Firewalld is a dynamic firewall management tool available on many Linux distributions. It provides a way to
configure and manage network firewalls, including creating, modifying, and deleting firewall rules.

Basic Firewalld Configuration and Management

1. Firewall Configuration File

o Location /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf
2. Checking Firewalld Service Status
o systemctl status firewalld.service View the status of the Firewalld service.
3. Enabling Firewalld Service
o systemctl enable firewalld.service Enable Firewalld to start at boot.
4. Starting/Stopping Firewalld Service
o systemctl start firewalld.service Start Firewalld service.
o systemctl stop firewalld.service Stop Firewalld service.
5. Managing Firewall with firewall-cmd
o firewall-cmd Primary command to manage the firewall.
o firewall-cmd --list-all List all current settings.
6. Modifying Firewall Services
o Remove a service firewall-cmd --remove-service=ssh
o Add a service temporarily firewall-cmd --add-service=ssh
o Add a service permanently firewall-cmd --add-service=ssh --permanent
o Reload firewall to apply permanent changes firewall-cmd --reload
7. Listing Allowed Services and Ports
o firewall-cmd --list-services List all allowed services.
o firewall-cmd --list-ports List all open ports.
8. Adding Ports
o Add a port permanently firewall-cmd --add-port=5050/tcp --permanent
o Reload firewall to apply changes firewall-cmd --reload
9. Working with Zones
o List available zones firewall-cmd --get-zones
o List all settings for all zones firewall-cmd --list-all-zones
o Get default zone firewall-cmd --get-default-zone
o Set default zone firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=internal
o Add service to a zone firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http
o List services in a zone firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-services
10. Understanding Firewalld Service Definitions
o Service definitions are stored in /usr/lib/firewalld/services.
o These XML files define ports and protocols for services.
o They are crucial for configuring firewall rules.

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Basic Concept of Containers

• Containers are a way to package applications and their dependencies into isolated, self-contained
environments. This allows applications to run consistently across different systems without conflicts.

• Lightweight: Unlike virtual machines, which contain a full operating system, containers only package the
application and its dependencies. They share the host system's OS kernel, making them much smaller and
faster to start.

• Portable: Containers can run the same way across various environments (developer laptops, data centers,
cloud) because they package everything the application needs. This makes it easy to move applications
between development, testing, and production without changes.

• Isolated: Each container runs in its own environment, isolated from other containers and the host system.
This protects applications from interfering with each other, enhances security, and makes it easier to
manage dependencies.

Podman: Daemonless, Rootless Container Engine

• Daemonless:

o Traditional container engines like Docker use a background service (daemon) to manage containers.
The Docker daemon runs with elevated privileges and handles tasks like starting, stopping, and
monitoring containers.

o Podman, on the other hand, is daemonless. It doesn’t rely on a background service; instead, each
command directly manages containers. This design makes Podman simpler and avoids the single
point of failure associated with a daemon.

• Rootless (No Root Privileges Required):

o Most container engines require root privileges to create and manage containers, which can
introduce security risks if a container is compromised.

o Podman allows containers to run without root access (rootless mode), making it more secure. In
rootless mode, users can create and manage containers within their own user namespace, isolating
them from the host system.

o This feature is especially valuable for multi-user environments where unprivileged users need to run
containers safely without requiring administrative rights.

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Step-by-Step Lab: Running a Container
1. Install Podman
• Start by updating the system and installing Podman:
sudo dnf update -y
sudo dnf install -y podman
• Verify the installation to ensure Podman was installed correctly:
podman --version
2. Pull the Alpine Image
• Download the Alpine Linux image to use as a lightweight base:
podman pull alpine
3. Run the Container with Custom CPU and Memory Limits
• Start the container with specific CPU and memory limitations. In this example, we limit the container to use
1.5 CPU cores and 512 MB of RAM.
podman run -d --name limited_container \
--cpus=1.5 \
--memory=512m \
alpine sleep infinity
• Explanation:
o --cpus=1.5: Restricts the container to using a maximum of 1.5 CPU cores.
o --memory=512m: Limits the container’s memory usage to 512 MB.
o alpine sleep infinity: Runs the Alpine container with a command to keep it running
4. Verify the Container's Configuration
• Check Container Status:
o List running containers to confirm that your container is up and running:
podman ps
• Inspect Resource Limits:
o Use the inspect command to check that the CPU and memory limits are applied:
podman inspect limited_container | grep -E 'Cpu|Memory'
• Monitor Resource Usage:
o View real-time resource usage with podman stats:
podman stats limited_container
5. Interact with the Running Container
• You can execute commands within the running container to verify its environment and observe resource
podman exec -it limited_container sh
• Once inside the container, you can run simple commands like:
top # To view CPU and memory usage within the container
exit # To leave the container shell
uname -a # Displays kernel and system information
cat /proc/meminfo # Shows detailed memory info
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cat /proc/cpuinfo # Shows CPU details
yes > /dev/null &
pkill yes
To stop and remove an Alpine container in Podman (or Docker), follow these steps:
Step 1: List Running Containers
• First, check the list of running containers to find the container name or ID of your Alpine container:
podman ps
• If the container is not currently running but was created, you can list all containers (including stopped ones)
podman ps -a
Step 2: Stop the Container
• Use the container name or ID from the previous step to stop the Alpine container:
podman stop <container_name_or_id>
• Example:
podman stop my_alpine_container
Step 3: Remove the Container
• After stopping it, remove the Alpine container using its name or ID:
podman rm <container_name_or_id>
• Example:
podman rm my_alpine_container

Alternative: Stop and Remove in One Step

• You can also stop and remove the container in a single command:
podman rm -f <container_name_or_id>
• The -f flag forces the container to stop if it’s running and then removes it.


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