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Micropara March 03

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MICROPARA MARCH 03 tambal mao nay interval sa

Inhibiting the Growth of Pathogens in Vivo
Liver= Toxification process
Chemotherapeutic Agents- is any drug
used to treat any condition or disease. Allergies= Disease immune response
(hypersensitivity reaction)
Antimicrobial Agents are
chemotherapeutic agents used to treat Capsules-solid form
infectious diseases either by inhibiting or Septicemia
killing pathogens
How antibacterial Agents Work?
 Antibacterial agents- drugs used to
treat bacterial diseases Mechanisms of action of antibacterial
 Antifungal agents-drugs used to agents
treat fungal diseases
 Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
 Antiprotozoal agents- drugs used
 Damage to cell membrane
to treat protozoan diseases
 Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis
 Antiviral agents- drugs used to
(either DNA or RNA)
treat viral diseases
 Inhibition of protein synthesis
Antibiotics are substances produced by a  Inhibition of Enzymes Activity
microorganism that is effective in killing or
Sulfa drugs are competitive inhibitors
inhibiting the growth of other
(inhibit growth of microorganisms by
competing with an enzyme required to
Antibiotics that have been chemically produce an essential metabolite
modified to kill a wider variety of (bacteriostatic).
pathogens or reduce side effects are
SULFA DRUGS-usually intended for
called semisynthetic antibiotics
(Semisynthetic penicillin, Ampicillin and

Some Major Categories of Antibacterials

 Penicillin interferes with the
synthesis and cross-linking of
peptidoglycan, a component of
bacterial cell walls, thus inhibiting
 Kill or inhibit the growth of cell synthesis. Effective against
pathogens Gm+ bacteria especially
 Cause no damage to the host Streptococcus spp., some
 Cause no allergic reaction in the anaerobic bacteria.
host  Narrow spectrum antibiotics kill
 Be stable when stored in solid or wither Gram-positive or Gram-
liquid form negative bacteria, whereas broad-
 Remain in specific tissues in the spectrum antibiotics kill both Gram-
body long enough to be effective positives and Gram-negatives.
 Kill the pathogens before they
mutate and become resistant to it.
(mao ning pataka lang ug hatag ug 2. Cephalosporins
low dose na drugs, dili tama ang
paghatag) (para ma maintain ang Also B-lactam antibiotics produced by
molds. They interfer with cell wall
synthesis (bactericidal). First generation Levafloxacin and maxifloxacine are broad
are active against Gm+, second spectrum drugs.
generation against Gm-, third generation
against Gm-, fourth generation effective
against Gm+ and Gm (-); fifth generation fluoroquinolones -most commonly used
has activity against aerobic Gm (+) cocci fluoroquinolone, ciprofloxacine
including NRSA Staphylococcus.
3. Carbapenems
Organisms Drug used to treat
Most powerful antibacterial agents use.
They also include B-lactam rings. Inhibit Mycobacterium Rifampin, isonlazid,
cell wall synthesis and have excellent tuberculosis pyrazinamide, ethambutol
activity against broad spectrum of (RIPE)
bacteria. Considered as antibiotics of last Drug-resistant RIPE + fluoroquinolone,
resort. amikacin, capreomycin
Mycobacterium Clarithromycin, ethambutol,
4. Glycopeptides including Vancomycin avium rifampin, rifabutin
Targets bacterial cell wall. Excellent Mycobacterium
activity against most aerobic and
anaerobic Gm (+) bacteria but have no
activity against most Gm (-) bacteria. Mycobacterium Clarithromycin, amikacin,
5. Tetracyclines abscessus imipenem, cefoxitin,
Broad spectrum drugs and exert their Mycobacterium Amikacin, cefoxitin,
effect by targeting bacterial ribosomes and fortuitum probenecid,
thereby halting protein synthesis trimethoprim-
6. Aminoglycosides Mycobacterium Clarithromycin, rifabutin
Broad spectrum drugs that inhibit bacterial
Mycobacterium Isoniazid, rifampin,
protein synthesis. Effective against a wide kansasii ethambutol
variety of aerobic Gm (-) bacteria but are Mycobacterium Surgery is recommended
ineffective against anaerobes. Used to marinum
treat infections with members of family Mycobacterium Dapsone rifampin
Enterobacteriaceae. leprae
7. Macrolides
D.O.T.S- Directly Observe ………….
Inhibit protein synthesis. Considered
bacteriostatic at lower doses and Mycobacterium avium- cause by bird
bactericidal at higher doses. The
macrolides include erythromycin, Mycobacterium abscessus
clarithromycin and azotomycin. Effective Mycobacterium marinum-sa dagat
against chlamydias, mycoplasmas, T. makuha
pallidium, H. influenza and Legionella sp.
Mycobacterium leprae- sa tip sa imong
8. Fluoroquinolones fingers, ears, leprosy ni siya guys
Bactericidal drugs that inhibit DNA Hansen's disease (also known as
synthesis. The most commonly used
leprosy) is an infection caused by slow-
fluoroquinolone, ciprofloxacine, effective
growing bacteria called Mycobacterium
against members of the family
leprae. It can affect the nerves, skin, eyes,
Enterobacteriaceae and P. aeruginosa.
and lining of the nose (nasal mucosa).
With early diagnosis and treatment, the
disease can be cured.

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