2023 Annual IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Report Live
2023 Annual IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Report Live
2023 Annual IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Report Live
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January 2024
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) is a specialised division of the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC). The IMB is a non-profit making organisation, established in 1981 to act as a focal
point in the fight against all types of maritime crime and malpractice. The International Maritime
Organization (IMO), in its resolution A 504 (XII) (5) and (9) adopted on 20 November 1981, has inter
alia urged governments, interest groups and organizations to co-operate and exchange information with
each other and the IMB, with a view of maintaining and developing a coordinated action in combating
maritime fraud.
Outrage in the shipping industry at the alarming growth in piracy prompted the creation of the IMB
Piracy Reporting Centre (IMB PRC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in October 1992.
The IMB PRC provides all its services free of charge to all ships irrespective of crew nationality,
ownership, or flag.
This report is an analysis of 120 global maritime piracy and armed robbery incidents reported to the
IMB PRC from 1 January to 31 December 2023. Incidents are occasionally reported late, resulting in
changes to the tables and figures in subsequent reports.
Due to the continued debate concerning the Malacca Straits, these narrated incidents are shown
For further details on the anti-piracy service or to report an incident, contact the 24-hour manned IMB
PRC at:
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
The IMB PRC follows the definitions of Piracy as defined in Article 101 of the 1982 United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and Armed Robbery as defined by the International
Maritime Organisation (IMO) in its 26th Assembly session as Resolution A.1025 (26) “Code of Practice
for the Investigation of Crimes of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships”.
(a) any illegal acts of violence or detention, or any act of depredation, committed for private ends by
the crew or the passengers of a private ship or a private aircraft, and directed-
(i) on the high seas, against another ship or aircraft, or against persons or property on board such ship
or aircraft;
(ii) against a ship, aircraft, persons or property in a place outside the jurisdiction of any State;
(b) any act of voluntary participation in the operation of a ship or of an aircraft with knowledge of facts
making it a pirate ship or aircraft;
(c) any act of inciting or of intentionally facilitating an act described in subparagraph (a) or (b).
IMO Resolution A.1025 (26) “Code of Practice for the Investigation of Crimes of Piracy and
Armed Robbery against Ships” defines Armed Robbery as:
1. any illegal act of violence or detention or any act of depredation, or threat thereof, other than an act
of piracy, committed for private ends and directed against a ship or against persons or property on
board such a ship, within a State’s internal waters, archipelagic waters and territorial sea;
The definitions of piracy and armed robbery are aimed to assign responsibility for responding to these
illegal acts. It is worth noting that these definitions do not consider the resulting consequence on the
crew, vessel and cargo, which in IMB’s experience ranges from opportunistic theft, cargo theft, taking
crew hostage, assault and injury, kidnapping and in some cases, death of a crew member.
It is vital that all actual and attempted incidents at the time of, or shortly after the incident, are reported
and recorded.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Under the definitions of Piracy or Armed Robbery, the IMB PRC reports incidents as follows:
1. Boarded: An illegal act of perpetrators successfully gaining access onto the vessel.
2. Hijacked: An illegal act of perpetrators successfully gaining access onto the vessel and taking
over the control of the vessel from the Master and crew.
3. Fired Upon: An illegal act of perpetrators discharging weapons towards the vessel while
attempting to gain access onto the vessel.
The consequences to the crew, vessel, or cargo, as a result of the above illegal acts:
2. Vessel: Damage, especially due to the discharge of weapons or when perpetrators willfully
damage vessel equipment and property.
Severity Level I: Any incident which has a direct impact on the crew. To include:
a. Crew being taken hostage, assaulted, injured, killed, kidnapped, missing, threatened.
b. A hijacking where the command of the vessel is taken over by those boarding.
c. An incident where the crew retreats into the citadel.
Severity Level II: To include a vessel being fired upon, security teams firing on approaching threat,
robbers / pirates identified with weapons of any type (violence is offered) whether boarded or otherwise.
Severity Level III: To include an incident that does not fall into either Level I or Level II
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
The Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC), funded purely on donations, wishes to thank the following
organisations that have financially contributed towards the Centre’s 24-hour manned service:
Assuranceforeningen Skuld
Gard AS
Japan P&I
Justships Ltd
NorthStandard Limited
Vesseltracker ( https://www.vesseltracker.com/ )
YEAR 2023
The financial and non-financial support provided to the IMB PRC by the above contributors as well as
other information providers has enabled the IMB PRC, to receive, respond to and action over 2,361
emails and calls on its Maritime Security Hotline from seafarers, CSOs, Maritime Authorities,
Government Agencies, Flag States, Law Enforcement, Navies, warships, Rescue Centres and LES on
piracy and armed robbery as well as other maritime crimes and security.
The IMB PRC has also participated in 77 emergency vessel drills, on request of CSOs and has provided
information and advice to Masters and vessel operators on vessel voyage risk planning.
The IMB PRC has provided all its services free of charge to all ships irrespective of vessel/crew
nationality, ownership, or flag.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
CHART A: The following five locations contributed 70% of the total 120 incidents reported in
the period January – December 2023
PERU, 14
20 19
16 15
14 13
10 9 9
8 8 8
8 7 7
4 3
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
CHART C: Total incidents as per regions of the world January – December 2023
70 67
110 105
15 9
10 4
5 2
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
CHART E: Type of incident in relation to the status of vessel movement January – December
5 4
2 3
CHART F: Region specific type of incident in relation to the status of vessel movement
January – December 2023
15 13
5 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 11
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
15 14
13 13
10 9
5 4 4
3 3
Actual Attempted
Location Boarded Hijacked Fired upon Attempted
SE ASIA Indonesia 18
Malacca Straits 1
Malaysia 2
Philippines 9
Singapore Straits 35 2
EAST ASIA Vietnam 3
INDIAN Bangladesh 1
SUB CONT India 4
Colombia 1 1
Ecuador 1
Panama 1
Peru 13 1
AFRICA Angola 3
Cameroon 1 2
Egypt 1
Gabon 1
Ghana 5 1
Guinea 1 1
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Ivory Coast 1 1
Mozambique 2
Nigeria 2
Sierra Leone 1 1
Somalia 1
The Congo 1
Sub total 105 4 2 9
Total 120
TABLE 3: Ports / anchorages, with three or more reported incidents, January – December 2023
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
TABLE 6: Types of arms used during incidents, January - December 2019 – 2023
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
TABLE 10: Types of arms used by geographical location, January – December 2023
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
TABLE 11: Incidents as per type of vessels, January – December 2019 – 2023
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Gabon 1
Germany 1 2 1 1 1
Ghana 3 2
Gibraltar 1 2 2
Greece 4 3 4 1 1
Hong Kong (SAR) 9 10 6 4 8
India 2 1 2
Indonesia 1 2 1
Isle of Man 4 1 1 1 1
Italy 2
Jamaica 1
Japan 1 2
Korea South 1 1
Liberia 19 32 18 11 17
Libya 1
Luxemburg 2
Malaysia 3 1 2 2 4
Malta 10 9 5 7 8
Marshall Islands 28 33 17 20 16
Mongolia 1
Netherlands 2 2
Nigeria 6 1
Niue 1 1
Norway 3 1 2 1
Palau 1 1 1
Panama 17 26 6 25 16
Philippines 1
Portugal 1 3 3 2 6
Saudi Arabia 4 3 1
Senegal 1
Singapore 22 28 24 20 19
Spain 1
St Kitts & Nevis 1 2
St Vincent & Grenadines 1 1
Switzerland 1 1
Togo 1 1 1
Turkey 1 1 1
United Kingdom 1
USA 1 1
Vanuatu 1 1 1
Vietnam 1 1
Not Stated 1
Total at year end 162 195 132 115 120
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
16 16
TABLE 13: Vessels affected – managed or controlled from January – December 2023
Country No of Ships
Angola 1
Belgium 1
Bulgaria 1
Canada 3
China 3
Cyprus 4
Denmark 5
Germany 14
Greece 11
Hong Kong 3
India 9
Japan 9
Liberia 1
Malaysia 3
Mauritius 1
Netherlands 3
Norway 1
Philippines 2
Sierra Leone 1
Singapore 28
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Switzerland 1
Taiwan 1
The Congo 1
United Kingdom 4
NS 3
Total 120
CHART J: Managing countries whose vessels involved in 12 times or more incidents between
January – December 2023
15 14
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
The international navies patrolling these waters continue to coordinate and liaise with merchant
vessels and fishing fleets to identify and apprehend pirate action groups.
All vessels are advised and encouraged to adhere to the BMP 5 recommendations while transiting
these waters. Vessels employing Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP) should
be cautious and not mistake fishermen for pirates in some heavy fishing areas.
The IMB PRC continues to monitor the situation in the region. Although only one incident
recorded, it cautions vessel owners and masters against complacency. Somali pirates still retain
the capability and capacity to carry out attacks far from coast.
The IMB PRC supports and compliments the role of international navies by relaying all reports
received to the response agencies, as well as by broadcasting alerts to vessels via the INMARSAT
Safety Net Service.
The positive information sharing, actions, and cooperation between the Indonesian Marine Police
(IMP) and the IMB PRC has resulted in an overall decrease in the number of reported incidents
in the 10 safe designated areas.
All vessels intending to anchor, waiting for berth or drift should do so at the designated areas
where IMP patrol boats would be stationed to enable them to maximize their resources to provide
greater protection for vessels.
Vessels are advised to cooperate by maintaining strict anti-piracy and robbery watches and
report all attacks and suspicious sightings to the local Authorities / IMP, as well as the IMB PRC.
The IMB PRC will also liaise with local and regional Authorities to render necessary assistance.
In line with the Road Map Program Police Reforms Wave III, the Indonesian Authorities will
continue until future notice to allocate and position resources and assets in 10 key designated
areas of concern, to prevent sea robbery and piracy in and around Indonesian waters.
The IMB thanks the IMP for their support and contribution to the shipping industry.
The IMB PRC appreciates the strong and vital cooperation from the Philippine and Malaysian
Intel that have provided crucial information relating to the safety of vessels and seafarers,
particularly in the Sulu Sea/eastern Sabah waters. The successful cooperation has directly and
indirectly saved many lives and properties at sea. The IMB PRC looks forward to the continued
cooperation, and thanks both intel agencies for their commitment.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
The IMB appreciates the assistance (past and present) and vital cooperation provided by the
Coalition naval forces / EU naval force (EUNAVFOR ATALANTA) / MSCHOA / US Navy /
French Alindien / NATO / UKMTO / Indian Navy / Iranian Navy / Malaysian Navy / Russian Navy
/ Chinese Navy / South Korean Navy / Japanese Maritime SDF/ Singapore Navy / Royal Thai Navy
/ and Yemeni Coast guard and Navy, for assisting the many vessels that have been attacked by
suspected Somali pirates, both in the Gulf of Aden, and off eastern / southern Somali coast, Indian
Ocean, Arabian Sea and other areas. The positive actions by the navies, including pre-emptive and
disruptive counter piracy tactics, resulted in a drop in the number of attacks.
The IMB PRC appreciates the strong cooperation from the West African authorities / navies and
international navies (past and present), especially the Danish, Italian, Russian, Spanish and
Portuguese Navies in the Gulf of Guinea. A special thanks to the Nigerian Authorities,
particularly the Nigerian Navy and NIMASA, who have continued to provide prompt
information, actions, and valuable cooperation between agencies. The IMB PRC looks forward
to the continued cooperation from the West African authorities / navies and international navies
in the area.
The IMB PRC thanks all the masters and vessel owners / operators who have reported incidents
to the Centre. It encourages all incidents to be reported in a timely manner.
While the IMB PRC endeavours to always get a meaningful response from regional authorities,
the reports also play a crucial role to increase awareness of this crime. This allows for additional
resources to be allocated by authorities to tackle the crime of piracy and armed robbery.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
All vessels are advised to report all piracy and armed robbery incidents and suspicious sightings to
local Authorities, their flag state and to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre as per IMO Cir 1334.
Mariners are advised to be cautious, take precautionary measures and follow all recommended
guidelines, when transiting the following areas:
Bangladesh: Robbers normally target vessels at anchor. Most incidents reported are at Chittagong
anchorages and approaches. Incidents in Bangladesh have fallen significantly over the past few years
because of the efforts by the Bangladesh authorities.
Indonesia: Belawan and Dumai/Lubuk Gaung and surrounding waters. Pirates / robbers are normally
armed with guns / knives and / or machetes. Generally, be vigilant in other areas. Many incidents may
have gone unreported. Pirates / robbers normally approach vessels during the night. When spotted and
alarm is sounded, the pirates / robbers usually escape without confronting the crew. A strict anti-piracy
watch is recommended.
Meetings and continued dialogue between the Indonesian Marine Police (IMP) and the IMB PRC
resulted in positive actions by the Indonesian authorities, who have so far brought down the number of
incidents significantly. With the assistance and actions of the IMP, the incidents appear to be decreasing
each year with great success in many areas. Incidents in Indonesian waters have also dropped
dramatically since the cooperation begin.
The Indonesian Marine Police have advised all ships intending to anchor to do so at / near the following
areas where Indonesian Marine Police will conduct patrols for greater protection:
(After IMP-IMB started the cooperation, since 2014, no incident has been reported in the Adang Bay
region. With this in view, in March 2021, IMP has decided to replace Adang Bay with Tanjung Butan
at 01:11.30N – 104:12.30E as Singapore Straits and surrounding waters are now classified as risky
1. Belawan: 03:55.00N-098:45.30E
2. Dumai: 01:42.00N-101:28.00E
3. Nipah: 01:07.30N-103:37.00E
4. Tanjung Berakit/Bintan: 01:23.30N-104:42.30E
5. Tanjung Priok: 06:00.30S-106:54.00E
6. Gresik: 07:09.00S-112:40.00E
7. Taboneo: 03:41.30S-114:28.00E
8. Tanjung Butan: 01:11.30N-104:12.30E (effective 12 March 2021)
9. Muara Berau: 00:17.00S-117:36.00E
10. Balikpapan: 01:22.00S-116:53.00E
The Indonesian authorities have advised IMB that in accordance with the Road Map Program Police
Reforms Wave III, the above given ten locations prevention action of sea robbery / piracy in Indonesian
waters will continue until further notice.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Vessels are advised to maintain strict anti-piracy watch and measures and report all incidents and
suspicious sightings to the local authorities and the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre. The IMB PRC will
also liaise with the local authorities to render necessary assistance.
Malacca Straits: Although the number of incidents has dropped substantially due to increased and
aggressive patrols by the littoral states’ authorities since July 2005, vessels are advised to continue
maintaining strict anti-piracy / robbery watches when transiting the Straits. Currently, there are no
indications as to how long these patrols will continue or when they will be reduced. In some cases,
incidents may have gone unreported. Situation currently remains stable although one serious incident
was reported.
Malaysia: Bandar Penawar, Johor – past incidents reported on anchored vessels. Off Tanjung Piai –
past incidents reported on vessels underway. Though incidents have stopped, the IMB PRC is
monitoring the situation and will liaise with the Malaysian Authorities / MMEA as needed.
In / off Eastern Sabah – Kidnapping of merchant ship’s crew by ASG has stopped for several years due
to actions by the Malaysian and Philippines Authorities. Last kidnapping incident was reported in
January 2020. It was reported that several ASG militants had been captured / killed by the authorities.
Although the incidents have stopped, the waters remain risky.
Vessels are advised to continue to take precautionary measures and maintain strict anti-piracy watch
and measures. Vessels transiting these waters should refer to the Sabah Notice to Mariners NTM 14 of
2017 on the Ship Reporting System. Vessels are also urged to monitor the IMB PRC Warnings on
potential incidents / targets / description of militant boats issued on behalf of the Philippines and
Malaysian Intel Agencies.
Philippines: In / off Sibutu passage / off Sibutu island / Tawi Tawi / Sulu Sea / Celebes sea / off eastern
Sabah – past incidents included crew kidnappings. These kidnapping incidents have stopped for several
years due to the actions by the Malaysian and Philippines Authorities. Last kidnapping incident was
reported in January 2020. It was reported that several ASG militants had been captured / killed by the
authorities. Although the incidents have stopped, the waters remain risky.
Vessels are advised to continue to take precautionary measures and maintain strict anti-piracy watch
and measures. Vessels transiting these waters should refer to the Sabah Notice to Mariners NTM 14 of
2017 on the Ship Reporting System. Vessels are also urged to monitor the IMB PRC Warnings on
potential incidents / targets / description of militant boats issued on behalf of the Philippines and
Malaysian Intel Agencies.
Manila: Be vigilant. Several past and recent incidents / robberies have been reported.
Singapore Straits: A General Warning issued in December 2019 indicating a sudden rise in incidents
in Singapore Straits especially during the night is still valid. The incidents are still occurring and
increasing. It appears one or more groups are targeting passing ships, including tugs / barges to rob
them. Authorities have been notified and are aware of the situation. Vessels are advised to remain
vigilant and to continue maintaining adequate watches and measures. Robbers board vessels while
underway or while at anchor especially during the night. Robbers will abort and move away when the
alarm is sounded, and authorities notified. Therefore, a strict watch is necessary.
South China Sea: Although incidents have stopped in the vicinity off Tioman / off Pulau Aur / off
Anambas / Natuna / Mangkai islands / Subi Besar / Merundung areas, vessels are advised to continue
to remain vigilant, especially during the night. In the past, several hijackings of small product tankers
occurred off the coast of Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and in the South China Sea area. This trend
started in April 2014, but the hijackings stopped abruptly in late 2015. It has been reported that some
criminals have been arrested by local authorities both in Malaysia and in Indonesia. There were three
incidents reported in 2017 where two tankers were hijacked off Kuantan / Off Pulau Aur / East coast
Malaysia. The IMB continues to monitor the situation.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Benin (Cotonou): No recent incidents reported. Past incidents reported in / off Benin. Vessels attacked
and crews kidnapped. Incidents showed that the pirates / robbers in the area are well armed and violent.
Pirates robbed vessels and kidnapped crews for ransom. In the past, tankers were hijacked, and part
cargo stolen (gas oil).
Cameroon (Douala): Recent incidents including vessels fired upon at anchor and kidnapping of crew.
Be vigilant.
Equatorial Guinea: Past incidents off Bioko Island and off Bata. One past incident involved
kidnapping and the other fired upon at 87nm off Bata.
Gabon (Port Gentil / Owendo anchorage): Incidents stopped. Past incidents / kidnapping of crews
occurred more than 70nm offshore.
Guinea (Conakry): Incidents dropped. Past incidents involving robberies reported at anchorages.
Nigeria (Lagos / Apapa, Off Bayelsa / Brass / Bonny Island / Port Harcourt): Pirates / robbers are often
well armed, violent and have attacked and hijacked / robbed vessels / kidnapped crews along or far from
the coast, rivers, anchorages, ports and surrounding waters. Incidents have also been reported up to
about 300nm from the coast. Generally, all waters in / off Nigeria remain highly risky. Vessels are
advised to be vigilant as incidents may have gone unreported. Kidnapping for ransom remains the
biggest risk for crews. Vessels are advised to take additional measures in these high-risk waters. In the
past, tankers were also hijacked, and part cargo stolen (gas oil).
Incidents dropped drastically for Nigeria, but vessels are advised to be vigilant as waters remain risky.
Togo (Lome): Incidents appear to have stopped. Past attacks reported at anchorage / in / off Togo.
Vessels robbed and crews kidnapped. In the past, tankers were also hijacked, and part cargo stolen (gas
Sao Tome & Principe: No recent reported incidents. Past incidents showed vessels hijacked / attacked,
and crews kidnapped. Vessels advised to continue to maintain strict anti-piracy watch and measures.
Waters are still considered high risk for fishing and merchant vessels although incidents have dropped.
Sierra Leone: (off Turtle Islands). One past hijacking incident reported.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Red Sea / Gulf of Aden / Somalia / Arabian Sea / Indian Ocean: One recent piracy attack and
hijacking reported around 700nm East of Bossaso, Somalia. The incident on 14 December 2023 is the
first successful hijacking of a merchant vessel by alleged Somali pirates since 2017. Reports also
suggest two dhows were subsequently hijacked.
The recent successful incidents demonstrate the continued capabilities of these criminals. Vessels are
advised to be vigilant, maintain strict anti-piracy watch and adhere to the recommendations in the latest
BMP, while transiting in these waters. The IMB PRC will continue to alert and broadcast information
to all ships in the region via Inmarsat EGC Safety Net.
In the past, Somali pirates have conducted their acts in waters off the southern Red Sea / Bab El Mandeb,
Gulf of Aden including Yemen and the northern Somali coast, Arabian sea / off Oman, Gulf of Oman
and off the eastern and southern Somali coast. Vessels have also been targeted off Kenya, Tanzania,
Seychelles, Madagascar, Mozambique, as well as in the Indian ocean, and off the west and south coasts
of India and west Maldives.
Generally, Somali pirates tend to be well armed with automatic weapons and RPGs. They sometimes
use skiffs launched from mother vessels, which may be hijacked fishing vessels or dhows. Masters and
ship owners are encouraged to register their vessel and report as per the latest BMP procedures, ensure
their vessel is hardened prior to entering these waters and to maintain a 24-hour visual and radar watch.
Keeping in mind the warnings and alerts for the area, an early sighting / detection of an approaching
skiff will enable an accurate assessment, allowing the Master and PCASP to make informed decisions
to keep clear of small boats, dhows, fishing vessels and, if necessary, take evasive actions and request
assistance as needed.
Masters are reminded that fishermen in this region may try to protect their nets by attempting to
aggressively approach merchant vessels. Some of the fishermen may be armed to protect their catch
and they should not be confused with pirates.
Vessels transiting in / off Yemen / Gulf of Aden / Southern Red Sea / Bab El Mandeb: There is a
heightened security risk to vessels transiting these waters. Vessels are being approached by skiffs and
hailed via VHF allegedly by Yemeni naval forces to alter course into Yemeni waters. Masters are
encouraged to be cautious, ignore these calls and immediately report any such activities to Coalition
warships on VHF Ch 16. Ships transiting Gulf of Aden, Southern Red Sea and Bab El Mandeb are also
advised to be vigilant and take precautionary measures as vessels have been targeted by missiles and
unmanned aerial vehicles. The number of these reported incidents which are not piracy related are
Vessels transiting Straits of Hormuz / Gulf of Oman / Off Iran – incidents are not piracy related.
Unauthorised boardings have been reported.
Brazil (Macapa): Incidents have dropped. Waters remain risky. Stay vigilant.
Colombia (Cartagena): Incidents have dropped. Past incidents reported at anchorages, river passage
and pilot boarding ground. Stay vigilant.
Ecuador (Guayaquil): Incidents have stopped. Past incidents reported at anchorage / river passage with
pilot. Robbers well-armed. Fired upon.
Haiti (Port Au Prince / Lafiteau): Incidents dropped. Advised to continue maintaining watch and to stay
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Mexico (Puerto Dos Bocas): Incidents dropped. Past reported incidents - pirates / robbers in this area
armed with guns.
Peru (Callao): Incidents are continuing. Maintain vigilant watch and employ anti-piracy measures.
Venezuela (Puerto La Cruz / Puerto Jose / Guanta): Although incidents have stopped, vessels are still
reminded to maintain strict anti-piracy watch and measures especially at anchor.
Not piracy related: Ukraine and Russia conflict: stay clear of Ukrainian coast. Mines reported in the
Black Sea.
The Maritime Security Hotline can be contacted 24 hours every day at: Tel: +60 3 2031 0014
E-mail: imbsecurity@icc-ccs.org
WhatsApp or Telegram at +601126593057. Photograph or video submission encouraged.
REMEMBER: Your information may save lives. All information will be treated in strict
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
40 38 37
25 23
15 12
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
90 84
70 64
40 35
30 22
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
20 18
16 14
14 12
12 10
10 8
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
The IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) received 120 reported incidents of piracy and armed robbery
against ships in 2023 compared with 115 in 2022.
The 2023 figures are broken down as 105 vessels boarded, nine attempted attacks, four vessels hijacked
and two fired upon. While the number of 2023 reported incidents has increased slightly compared to
2022, the number of crew taken hostage and kidnapped has increased from 41 to 73 and from two to 14
in 2022 and 2023 respectively. A further 10 crew were threatened, four injured and one assaulted in
On 14 December 2023, a handymax bulk carrier was boarded and hijacked and its crew taken hostage
by alleged Somali pirates. The vessel was underway over 700nm East of Bosaso, Somalia demonstrating
the continued capabilities of these criminals. Reports also suggest two dhows, a type of vessel with
potential use as mother ships for further attacks, were subsequently hijacked. The IMB PRC continues
to urge caution to masters and vessel owners as they transit these waters and to follow the BMP
Gulf of Guinea activity is restrained compared to previous years, with 22 incidents reported in 2023
compared to 19 in 2022, 35 in 2021 and 81 in 2020. Crew, however, continue to be at risk with the
region responsible for three of the four globally reported hijackings, all 14 crew kidnappings, 75% of
reported crew hostages and two injured crew. Of the 22 reported incidents, four fall under the definition
of piracy while the remainder as armed robbery at sea.
Incidents in the Singapore Straits continue with 37 incidents reported in 2023 compared to 38 in 2022.
95% of vessels targeted were boarded. Sixteen large vessels over 80,000 DWT were targeted, 14 of
which were bulk carriers and five of these bulkers and a tanker were over 170,000 DWT and
successfully boarded. While considered low level incidents, crew continue to be harmed with nine taken
hostage and two threatened. Guns were reported in three incidents and knives in 15. The majority of
incidents were reported during the hours of darkness and whilst vessels were underway. Local
authorities are commended for investigating nearly all reported incidents. The IMB PRC is concerned
of late reports as well as under reporting by vessels being boarded in these waters.
On 10 October 2023, a bulk carrier was boarded while underway in the Malacca Straits. The perpetrators
stabbed the master and escaped. The vessel had to divert into Singapore as the master required medical
attention. The last reported incident when crews were injured in the Malacca Straits was in 2015 during
the spate of tanker hijackings for fuel cargoes.
A year-on-year increase in reported incidents has been observed in the Indonesian archipelago, up from
10 in 2022 to 18 in 2023. Seven crew were threatened and two taken hostage in 2023. Knives were
reported in nine incidents.
Fourteen incidents were reported from vessels at Callao anchorage in Peru. Seven crew were taken
hostage and one each assaulted and threatened. Gun and knives were reported in nine incidents. Other
ports affected in South America are Macapa anchorage in Brazil, and Cartagena and Puerto Bolivar
anchorages in Colombia.
Since 1991 the IMB PRC’s 24-hour manned centre, has provided the maritime industry, governments
and response agencies with timely and transparent data on piracy and armed robbery incidents –
received directly from the Master of the vessel or its owners.
The IMB PRC’s prompt forwarding of reports and liaison with response agencies, its broadcasts to
shipping via Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Safety Net Services and email
alerts to Company Security Officers, all provided free of cost, has helped the response against piracy
and armed robbery and the security of seafarers, globally.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Narrations of the 120 attacks for 01 January to 31 December 2023 are listed on pages 30 to 50. The
following serious incidents, in chronological sequence are described in more detail.
On 30 June 2023, a Panama flagged General Cargo ship, MV Oya 1, was boarded by armed persons
while at anchor at position Latitude 04:00.05 North and Longitude 009:38.00 East at Douala Anchorage,
The armed persons boarded the anchored general cargo vessel, kidnapped five crew and escaped. Alarm
raised and a patrol boat came to assist. Remaining crew reported safe.
On 02 May 2023, a Marshall Islands flagged Bulk Carrier, MV Grebe Bulker, was boarded by unknown
persons while anchored at position Latitude 00:18.4 North and Longitude 009:24.3 East at Owendo
Inner Anchorage, Gabon, at approximately 0030 UTC.
The Chief Officer onboard the anchored ship noticed that the door to the Master’s cabin was damaged,
opened and the Master missing. The ship’s safe was also opened with contents missing. On searching
the ship, it was discovered that the Second Officer and Third Officer were also missing, and their cabin
doors also damaged and opened. The incident was immediately reported to the local Authorities who
boarded the ship for investigations. Later, the CSO confirmed that all three crew were kidnapped and
safely released on 21 May 2023.
Ivory Coast:
On 10 April 2023, a Singapore flagged Product Tanker, MT Success 9, was approached, boarded and
hijacked by pirates while underway at position Latitude 00:06.9 North and Longitude 004:34.0 West,
around 307nm SSW of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, at approximately 1350 UTC.
Around 12 pirates wearing ski masks and gloves and armed with guns attacked and hijacked the tanker.
All communications with the tanker were thereafter lost. The pirates managed to self-navigate the
tanker. On being notified of the incident, the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre immediately informed the
regional and French Authorities in the Gulf of Guinea. A missing tanker message was also broadcasted
to all ships to lookout for the tanker. Position updates and all information received from all sources
were communicated with the relevant Authorities and Agencies for their coordination. On 15 April
2023, a French Naval Asset located the tanker which was subsequently escorted to a safe port by an
Ivory Coast guard patrol boat. It was discovered that the pirates had destroyed the tanker’s navigational
equipment. The crew were tied with cable ties and kept hostage and part of the oil cargo was stolen.
Malacca Straits:
On 26 October 2023, a Marshall Islands flagged Bulk Carrier, MV Merchia, was boarded by armed
robbers while underway at position Latitude 01:24.20 North and Longitude 103:03.33 East, in the
Malacca Straits, at approximately 2030 UTC.
Around five to six robbers armed with knives in a small boat, approached and boarded the vessel while
underway. They went into the Master’s cabin and stabbed him in his chest and hand. Master was able
to notify the bridge. Alarm raised and crew mustered resulting in the robbers escaping. Second Officer
and Chief Officer tended to the Master’s stab wounds. Vessel was diverted to Singapore anchorage. On
anchoring, a medical team disembarked the Master for shore medical assistance and the Singapore coast
guard boarded the ship to investigate.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Sierra Leone:
On 05 July 2023, a Turkish flagged Fishing Vessel, Haci Erdogan, was approached and boarded by
pirates while underway at position Latitude 08:53 North and Longitude 013:31 West, around 14.20nm
WSW of Yelibuya Island, Sierra Leone, at approximately 0355 UTC.
Eight armed pirates attacked and boarded the fishing vessel engaged in fishing activities. The pirates
destroyed the cameras onboard the vessel and other communication equipment. Before escaping, they
stole valuables and shot the Captain. Authorities were informed and a naval patrol team was dispatched
to the location to assist. The Fishing Vessel managed to sail into Freetown Port and the Captain was
hospitalized and underwent surgical treatment.
On 22 July 2023, a Chinese Fishing Vessel, Shenghai2, was approached, boarded and hijacked by
pirates while underway at position Latitude 08:22 North and Longitude 013:32 West, around 18nm SW
of Freetown, Sierra Leone, at approximately 0500 UTC.
The IMB Piracy Reporting Centre received information from Regional Authorities that 13 masked
pirates armed with guns attacked and hijacked the Fishing Vessel and took all 23 crew members hostage.
The Liberian Coast guard located the fishing vessel off Monrovia, Liberia. After an exchange of gunfire
between the pirates and the Coast guard, the fishing vessel and crews were rescued. Two pirates were
detained while others managed to escape.
On 14 December 2023, a Malta flagged Bulk Carrier, MV Ruen was approached, boarded and hijacked
by armed persons while underway at position Latitude 12:03 North and Longitude 061:20 East, around
700nm East of Bossaso, Somalia, at approximately 1200 UTC.
The Congo:
On 25 March 2023, a Liberian flagged Product Tanker, MT Monjasa Reformer, was approached,
boarded and hijacked by pirates while underway at position Latitude 05:29.3 South and Longitude
009:34.0 East, around 144nm WSW of Pointe Noire, The Congo, at approximately 2239 UTC.
On being notified of the incident, the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre immediately informed the regional
authorities in the Gulf of Guinea and the French authorities to assist the tanker and its crew members.
The Owners had lost communication with their vessel and a missing tanker message was broadcast to
ships at sea. On 30 March 2023, a French navy warship intercepted the tanker Off Bonny, Nigeria. Six
crew were reported kidnapped. The tanker was escorted to a safe port.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
3. 25.01.2023 Ceto 06:14.32S – Around five persons in a small boat
1915 UTC Product Tanker 108:25.33E, approached the anchored tanker. Duty
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
LKH 3883
8. 14.02.2023 Spica Harmony 01:15.7N – Two robbers armed with knives
2110 UTC Bulk Carrier 104:12.3E, boarded the ship underway and entered
Steaming Liberia Singapore the engine room. The robbers were
Boarded 22664 Straits spotted by the duty crew. Alarm raised
9832468 and crew mustered. A search was
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Anchored Cayman Islands Belawan near the paint locker and raised the
Boarded 25196 Anchorage, alarm. Seeing the watchman, the
- Indonesia persons jumped overboard and escaped
in a small wooden boat with stolen
ship’s stores. Port Authorities informed
through the agent.
22. 22.04.2023 Lion Kimtrans TB 01:16.8N – Unauthorized persons boarded the
0130 UTC 6 104:06.8E, barge under tow, stole some of the scrap
Steaming Tug Singapore metal cargo and escaped. Incident
Boarded Malaysia Straits reported to Singapore VTIS.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
Berthed Singapore Ujung Baru and raised the alarm resulting in the
Boarded 20517 Wharf No. 106, perpetrators escaping with stolen ship’s
9382061 Belawan Port, properties. Incident reported to the local
Indonesia authorities through the local agent.
61. 22.11.2023 Argent Daisy 01:43.20N – Four robbers armed with knives
2135 UTC Product Tanker 101:26.72E, boarded an anchored tanker. They
Anchored Singapore Dumai threatened and took hostage the duty
Boarded 20517 Anchorage, AB while the OS managed to escape
9382061 Indonesia and inform the Duty Officer. Alarm
raised and crew mustered. Seeing the
crew alertness, the perpetrators escaped
empty handed.
62. 25.11.2023 G. Crown 14:36.72N – Five unauthorised persons boarded an
1845 UTC Container 120:49.56E, anchored ship through the hawse pipe.
Anchored Liberia Manila Bay Duty AB on rounds noticed the persons
Boarded 18680 Anchorage, and raised the alarm resulting in the
9982483 Philippines persons escaping with stolen ship’s
properties. VTMS Manila notified, and
a patrol boat was dispatched to search
the area.
63. 25.11.2023 Hansa Colombo 14:35.58N – Duty crew onboard an anchored ship
1830 UTC Container 120:51.53E, noticed the storeroom open and ship’s
Anchored Marshall Islands Manila Bay properties missing. Theft reported to
Boarded 17964 Anchorage, VTMS Manila via VHF Ch.16/14 and
9357781 Philippines email.
64. 26.12.2023 Shokai 1:43.35N – Four robbers armed with long knives
1900 UTC Product Tanker 101:26.18E, boarded the anchored tanker. They took
Anchored Panama Dumai hostage the duty AB and tied him up.
Boarded 5997 Anchorage, The onboard shore security watchman
940710 Indonesia abandoned his post when threatened
with knives. Duty engineer on routine
rounds noticed the robbers and raised
the alarm resulting in the robbers
escaping with stolen engine spares.
Incident reported to the port authority
via local agent.
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
ICC- IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Report – January - December 2023
3. 30.06.2023 Hai Lu Feng 14 04:00.56N – Armed persons fired upon the anchored
2140 UTC Fishing Vessel 009:38.31E, fishing vessel. The armed naval
Anchored China Douala security team onboard retaliated
Fired upon - Anchorage, resulting in the persons aborting the
- Cameroon attempted boarding.
4. 05.07.2023 CB Caribic 09:17.0N – Duty AB on routine rounds onboard the
0150 UTC Product Tanker 013:45.7W, anchored tanker noticed six
Anchored Portugal Conakry unauthorised persons attempting to
Attempted 27250 Anchorage, board via the stern, using a long
9851713 Guinea ladder. Alarm raised and crew
mustered. Hearing the alerted crew, the
persons aborted the boarding attempt.
Incident reported to the authorities
through the local agent.
5. 05.08.2023 Anggun 04:50.0N – Around five unauthorised persons in a
2352 UTC Fire Fighting 001:43.0W, canoe approached and attempted to
Anchored Vessel Takoradi board the anchored vessel twice within
Attempted Malaysia Anchorage, 48 hours. Alert crew raised the alarm
2339 Ghana resulting in the persons aborting the
9390056 attempted boarding and moving away.
Incident reported to local authorities
via VHF.
IMB Piracy Report – January to December 2023
Gulf of Guinea – 22
IMB Piracy Report – January to December 2023
South America – 19
IMB Piracy Report – January to December 2023