Science Citation Index journal
Science Citation Index journal
Science Citation Index journal
Article Info
Received: 02.09.21 Revised: 05.09.21 Accepted: 09.09.2021 Published: 14.09.2021
Analysis and Identification of hair is the most complex and distinct aspect in the field of
forensics.The examination of animal hair is a ubiquitous discipline in wildlife forensics.
Examination is largely based on microscopy, which enables the hair analyst in identification
of hair as animal in origin, to distinguish the hair to a particular species, and to conduct
comparative examinations. Analysis of animal remains, e.g. hair at a crime scene helps to
provide evidence for contact of a suspected assailant and diagnosing drug expose. The
cuticular pattern, cross section and medullary index provides information on the domestic and
wild species of the animal. The present study was conducted to investigate some
morphological features of hair samples of domesticated and wild animal species using
scanning electron microscopy for their identification. Scanning Electron Microscope shows
the optical means of identification regarding structural, surface morphology, coupled with
scientific data and focuses on species identification.
Illegal poaching is a challenge to a wide variety of endangered species worldwide[1].It has en
dangered wildlife, ecosystems, lives, and livelihoods, in equal measure, in both developing
and developed world nations.It has changed dimensions and scale in a way that suits an incre
asingly digitized world that has seen personal and materialistic boundaries blur.Wildlife crim
es frequently occur in remote areas without witnesses, leaving wardens with very little eviden
ce to investigate.A seemingly perfect crime disguises a series of clues that are invisible to the
average eye that need to be strategically placed together to solve the crime.WildlifeForensics
use the same standards as human forensics, with a few variations. The difference is that wildli
fe forensics need to be able to identify and differentiate between a variety of species, whereas
human forensics includes only one species homo sapiens.Modern crime detection has becom
e a scientific endeavor that involves testing, evaluating and recognizing biological evidence, f
ingerprints, blood and skin traces, tissue samples, teeth pulp, hair to establish the nature of th
e crime and the method of execution and, most importantly, the perpetrator of the crime..Acc
ording to wildlife protection act, 1972 ‘wildlife’includes any animal, aquatic or land
vegetation which forms part of any habitat.
The killing of wild animals which are beingprotected from hunting by legislation, also know
as poaching, is one of the most serious crimes investigated by forensic wildlife scientists. Oth
er wildlife crimes include the purchase and sale of endangered animals, and the possession an
d sale of protected animals. [2,3]Wildlife forensic is one of the fields of forensic science that
involve the use of scientific procedures to examine, identify and compare the evidences from
crime scene .The purpose of this is to link the suspect with the victim (which is specifically
ananimal)[4].Forensic wildlife scientists must be prepared to recognise samples from any spec
ies in the world that are illegally hunted, stolen, poached or traded in an illicit market.Althoug
h wildlife forensic scientists may seem to be facing a daunting challenge in developing new a
nd accurate identification techniques, they have one advantage over human forensics-
sample size is rarely a problem.The mammalian hair fibres depict a compelling biological
material which can be sampled, collected, transported and resist putrefaction which remains
for very long periodof time, therefore which makes it feasible for providing long-term
information. In some cases, hair samples can be the only evidence recovered from a crime
scene. The hair morphology is useful for the study of evolution and domestication of various
mammals in zoology, morphology, archeological studies and forensic sciences.The macro
and microscopical structural features are widely used for identification of hair and for
proceeding the investigation. Microscopic analysis remains principally qualitative technique
including visual assessments and signifies on developing more objective metrics and even
less on quantitation of hair damage extremity. Thespecific features of the hair shaft (ratio of
development of three layers, cuticle, cortex and medulla) and their structures which is
discussed in figure 1 pigmentation of cortex, cuticular pattern, shape of cuticular scalesand
the shape, size, pigmentation and position of medullar cells. Scanning Electron Microscope
(SEM) is considered to be the most preferred method for identification and analyzation of
internal features of hair samples.
Search Action
A coordinated and methodized search was conducted for articles related to particular topic
includes collection of hair from crime scene, structure of hair, analyzation of hair using
scanning electron microscope and forensic significance of hair. Preliminary investigation in
Google Scholar gave up auxiliary unique results with respect to particular topic therefore, the
investigation of journal was restricted to PubMed, Web of science and Research Gate.
Study Selection
The search results from the database gave back 67 articles from PubMed. A supplementary
55 journal reports and articles were received from Web of Science and 112 from Research
Gate, pertinent to the study criteria. These contents were analyzed independently.234 articles
were included for the study and 67 were removed due to their insignificance to the pertained
topic. The complete texts of 73 articles were scrutinized for inclusion and 83 were rejected in
final scrutiny, by reason of reiteration of information. 11 journal report from the initial search
action were used in the study selection.
Collection of hair
The hair samples from various regions of animal body, poaching surroundings and from
regions surrounding the dead animal body is taken using forceps. Gloves should be used
during collection process in order to avoid contamination of evidences. The collected hair and
other evidences are packed in zip lock bags and then transferred to a paper envelope. The hair
samples are preserved by washing them with absolute alcohol at room temperature for about
24 hours and are packed in fresh zip lock bags. The preserved hair sample is kept in 4°Ctill
further analysis. The sample should be properly cleansed to remove excess dirt or dust
particles for obtaining accurate result during analysis.
Analyzation using SEM provides accurate details of hair sample such as scale count, scale
structure, scale height, hair shape, hair diameter and surface damage, whether physical or
chemical at variable magnifications. Elemental analysis of hairscan be done by using Energy
Dispersive Spectrum (EDS) coupled with SEM for analysis of different elements of periodic
table.The animal hair variability in each race is greater than the variability of hairs on a single
individual’s head. Supporting the statement of(J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci(2019) 8(2): 1028-
1034) the hair of the cat is nearly circular in cross-sections ,coarser and straighter hair (which
is discussed in figure 3) and antelope hair is the roost flattened being quite curly in nature, as
tends to be the case with flattened ovaloid cross-sectioned hair(discussed in figure 2).
In SEM, stereo photographs can be taken which provides better magnification of the sample.
Stereo photographs are taken by placing the sample at a particular angle,then tilting it an
additional 2° to 10° to another angle for taking another picture. It is the angle at which the
sample can be normally observed and depth is interpreted by analysing the images formed at
the different angles. The stereo image can be observed by holding the picture about 10 inches
from the eyes, and views the stereo pair. Stereo glasses can also be used to view the image.
Stereo photographs show the depth of field which cannot be observed under normal light
optical instruments as the depth of field would not be the same and shows poor resolution
with the optical instruments in general use.
Hair is an eclectic integrant in forensic science and an indispensable feature in the process of
investigations. Animal hair is one of the most ubiquitous aspect in the field of wildlife
forensic. In forensic, morphological examination of hair is the pre-eminent process during
hair examination. The major medico legal concerns associated with hair examination includes
species identification,origin of the particular species, determination of the hair’s origin from
the body and the comparison of the hair sample from the victim to the crime scene. It is an
illustrious information that from morphological features of hairs, animal species can be
discriminated without further unpleasant concerns which provides the pathway for
The purpose of present study was to establish a detailed knowledge on the aspects of
peculiarity of hair samples in the field of wildlife forensic.Significance of hair in forensic, its
collection and preservation methods, structural characteristics of hair and its analyzation
using scanning electron microscope. Scanning electron microscope is an advanced technique
for sample analysis and provides a clear-cut view on the sample placed. Species identification
and determining the origin of species was a challenging factor once but with the advanced
technologies it seems elementary nowadays. Scanning Electron Microscope is one of the
major equipment used in hair analysis due to its high resolution and magnification power. It
is mainly used for species identification by examining the cuticular pattern, cross section and
medullary index of the hair. Species determination provides details on the origin and
characteristic of a particular animal individual.
Wildlife forensic is a combined version of various field of science in accordance with wildlife
protection and conservation act. Hair identification is an involuted and distinct aspect in view
of forensic investigation.It entails several tests and uncertainties still exist in determining
conclusions to establish whether a single hair is identifiable from an individual. The
Scanning Electron Microscope alone may not provide final conclusions, as however, with
farther tests and comparative studies, this type of study eventually leads toa more
constructive identification of the hairs, since it definitely shows improvement over the optical
means of identification regarding structural, surface morphology, coupled with other
scientific data.
1. Kumar Jha, D., Kumar Gupta, S., Kshetry, N. T., Panday , R., & Pokharel, B. R.
(2017). A Pioneer Case Study on Identification of Infant Rhinoceros Horn. Journal of
Forensic Research, 08(02).
2. Retrieved from
3. Retrived from
4. Retrived from
5. Deedrick DW, Koch SL (2004). Microscopy of hair Part I: A practical guide and
manual for human hairs. J. Forensic Sci. Comm. 6(1): 1-50.
6. Dobb MG, Johnston FR, Nott JA, Oster I, Sikorski J, Simpon WS (1996).
Morphology of the cuticle layer in wool fibres and other animal hairs. J. Text. Inst.
52: 153-170.