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Journal of Science and Technology

ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 5, Issue 6, Nov-December 2020

www.jst.org.in DOI: https://doi.org/10.46243/jst.2020.v5.i6.pp87-92

Wideband Compact Dual Frequency Dipole Microstrip Patch

Smarajit Maity1, Tapas Tewary2, Sunandan Bhunia3
(AEIE, Academy of Technology, India)
(ECE, Academy of Technology, India)
(ECE, Central Institute of Technology, India)
Corresponding Author: Smarajit.maity@aot.edu.in
To Cite this Article
Smarajit Maity, Tapas Tewary and Sunandan Bhunia, “Wideband Compact Dual frequency Dipole Microstrip
Patch Antenna”, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 05, Issue 06, Nov-December 2020, pp87-92

Article Info
Received: 25-06-2020 Revised: 10-09-2020 Accepted: 14-10-2020 Published: 16-10-2020
Abstract: A small size and very thinwideband dipole microstrip patch antenna for dual frequency operation is
designed and analysed in this paper. The dimension of the proposed antenna is 40×30×1.6 mm3.The proposed
antenna is designed using a low cost and reliable FR4 substrate. This FR4 substrate material has a thickness of 1.6
mm, dielectric constant of 4.4 and loss tangent of 0.02. The proposed antennaresonates at 2.19 GHz and 2.5 GHz
frequencies with a -10 dB impedance bandwidth of 4.37 GHz, ranging from 1.8 GHz to 6.17 GHz.This shows the
proposed antenna bandwidth is increased to 200%. The VSWR of the proposed antenna is less than 2 for entire
operating frequency range. Radiation efficiency is above 70% at both of the resonance frequencies. A very low cross
polarization is found at all resonance frequencies. CST Microwave Studio is used to design and analyse the
proposed antenna.
Keywords:Wideband, Dipole, Microstrip patch antenna, CST Microwave Studio
I. Introduction
To meet the need of high channel capacity for modern wireless communication systems in recent days wide
bandwidth has become a necessity.Planar microstrip patch antenna is extensively used in modern communication
systems due its various advantages1.But at the same time due to its narrow impedance bandwidth its use is limited
for different wireless applications. Earlier multiple antennas were used to tackle this situation. But again due to
multiple antennas area and cost requirement were also very high. Obviously a single antenna may solve this
problemwith high impedance bandwidth. That is whyrecently design of wideband microstrip patch antenna having
large impedance bandwidth is one of many challenges of the researchers. A no of methods have been studied to
design wideband antenna.These are staggering effect2, introduction of slots on the radiating patch3, 4 incorporation of
slots of appropriatedimensions in radiating and the ground plane at appropriate positions5, 6,7. In the process of broad
banding antenna gain, radiation patterns, cross-polarizationetc. are compromised. Various types of broadband
antennas have been studied to maintain moderate to high gain, stable radiation patterns,low cross polarizations etc.8,
9, 10, 11
This proposed work utilizes the defected ground structure in combination with loaded slot in the radiating
plane to achieve wideband characteristics. A large impedance bandwidth of 4.37 GHz with a percentage bandwidth
of 200% and a simulated peak gain of 4.2 dBi are obtained for the proposed antenna. The CST Microwave studio is
used to simulate the proposed antenna. All the simulated results are studied and analysed for confirming the quality
of proposed antenna.
II. Design of The Antenna
Thetraditional equations12 are studied and used to determine the Width and Length of the proposed antenna.
The radiating patch of the proposed antenna comprises of two overlapping ellipses and a rectangle. These two
ellipses have different dimensions. The dimension of the upper ellipse is larger than the lower ellipse. The lower
ellipse has a major axis of 28 mm and minor axis of 12 mm. the upper ellipse has a major axis of 30 mm and a minor
axis of 24 mm. The rectangular portion of the radiating patch has a dimension of 22x8 mm2. Also an elliptical

Published by: Longman Publishers 87 | Page

Wideband Compact Dual Frequency Dipole Microsrtip Patch Antenna

shaped slot is cut from the rectangular portion of the radiating patch. This structure of the radiating plane is printed
on the top of FR4 substrate having the dimension of Ls × Ws × h. A micro-strip line of length Lfmm and width
Wfmm is feeding the patch of the proposed antenna. To make 50Ωcharacteristics impedance,the width Wfof micro-
strip feed line is varied and finally chosen as 2.92 mm. The proposed antenna utilizes a low cost and reliable FR4
substrate having relative dielectric constant (ϵr) of 4.3 and loss tangent (tan δ) of 0.02. On the bottom of the
substrate, a rectangular conducting ground plane with a dimension of LG × WG is taken. The ground plane also
contains two rectangular slots andeach of which has a length of E and width of X. The length, width and position of
the slots have been varied and optimized to obtain the wideband characteristics of the proposed antenna. The detail
geometry of the radiating plane of the proposed antenna is shown in Fig.1 and that of ground plane is shown in

Fig.2. The proposed antenna characteristics parameters and also the design parameters along with dimensions are
summmarized in Table no.1. Fig. 1. Structure of radiating plane of the proposed. Fig. 2. Structure of the ground
plane of the proposed antenna

Table no. 1. Antenna design parameter Specifications and Dimensions

Antenna Parameter Value Design Parameter Value (mm) Design Parameter Value(mm)
Operating bandwidth 1.8GHz-6.17 GHz WS 30 E 12.7
Substrate FR4 epoxy LS 40 F 12.7
Substrate Thickness (h) 1.6 mm Wf 2.92 G 4.5
Relative permittivity 4.3 Lf 5 H 36
Loss Tangent 0.02 A 28 X 1.5
Characteristic Impedance 50Ω B 30 LG 40
C 22 WG 19
D 3

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Wideband Compact Dual Frequency Dipole Microsrtip Patch Antenna

III. Antenna Simulation Results and Discussions

The proposed antenna is simulated by using CST Microwave Studio to obtain all the simulation results. To
obtain the final model three antennas have been designed. The reflection coefficients of three designed antennas
have been illustrated in Fig. 3. In this figure the effect of width of the ground plane on the reflection coefficient of
the proposed antenna has been studied. When the width of the ground plane is 30 mm that is same as the substrate
width, the proposed antenna shows dual band characteristics. It is shown in Design 1.The design 1 has dual
frequency bands of (2.53 GHz -2.62 GHz) and (4.71 GHz – 4.86 GHz).When the ground plane width is modified to
22 mm then the reflection co-efficient of the proposed antenna shows slightly modified dual band characteristics. It
is shown in Design 2. The Design 2 has dual frequency bands of (2.4 GHz-2.6 GHz) and (4.67 GHz-4.92 GHz).
Finally the width of the ground plane is modified to 19 mm (proposed) to obtain wideband characteristics. It is
shown in Design 3. The simulation result of the design 3 shows the broadband (1.80 GHz – 6.17 GHz)
characteristics of the proposed antenna. The proposed antenna (design 3) has two resonance frequencies at 2.19 GHz
and 2.50 GHz with reflection coefficients of -47.00 dB and -29.00 dB respectively.

Figure. 3. Reflection coefficient vs. Frequency Figure 4. VSWR vs. Frequency of the
of the proposed antenna proposed antenna

Figure 5. Surface Current distribution of the proposed antenna at a) 2.19 GHz b) 2.5 GHz

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Wideband Compact Dual Frequency Dipole Microsrtip Patch Antenna

The VSWR of the proposed antenna lies in between 1 and 2 in the entire operating frequency region of the
proposed antenna. It is shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b) describe the surface current distributions of the
proposed antenna forboth the resonance frequencies at 2.19 GHz and 2.5 GHz respectively. Thesesurface current
distributionsguarantee that there is no null point in the microstrip feed line of the proposed antenna. It is also found
that at both the resonance frequencies of the proposed antenna the current intensity is sufficiently stable.

Figure 6. Peak gain vs. frequency of the proposed Figure 7 Efficiency vs. frequency of the proposed
antenna antenna
In Fig. 6 the simulated peak gain of the proposed antenna is plotted against frequency. It is found that a
peak gain of 4.2 dBi is obtained at 6 GHz frequency. The radiation efficiency is shown in Fig. 7. It illustrates that
the efficiency is more than 70% at both the resonance frequencies.The E plane co polarization and cross polarization
radiation patterns are shown in Fig. 8(a) and Fig. 8(b). TheH plane co polarization and cross polarization radiation
patterns are shown in Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b). From the radiation patterns it is found that the average isolation
between co polarization and cross polarization in E plane is about 20 dB and that of H plane is about 25 dB which
are very fruitful.

(a) E field at 2.19 Ghz (b) E field at 2.5 GHz

Figure. 8 Radiation patterns of the proposed antenna: E plane (a) at 2.19 GHz (b) at 2.5 GHz

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Wideband Compact Dual Frequency Dipole Microsrtip Patch Antenna

(a) H field at 2.19 GHz (b) H field at 2.5 GHz

Figure. 9 Radiation patterns of the proposed antenna: H plane (a) at 2.19 GHz (b) at 2.5 GHz

Table no 2. Results of the References and proposed work

Ref. No. Max B.W. % of B.W. Dimensions (mm2)

[1] (0.64-2) GHz 138 80 x160

[2] (1.01-2.01)GHz 66.2 120 x 120

[3] (2.23-5.35) GHz 80 37 x 37

[4] (1.38-3.5) GHz 86.9 65 x 30

[5] (0.82-6) GHz 152 140 x 140

[6] (4.53-12.6) GHz 94.22 30 x 20

[7] (1.61-3.45) GHz 72.7 150 x 150

[8] (1.46-1.68) GHz 25.31 120 × 120

[9] (0.7-1.15) GHz 49 120 x115.2

[10] (2.99-5.16) GHz 54.79 30 x 20

[11] (0.93-2.48) GHz 92 20.3 x 20.3

proposed (1.80-6.17) GHz 200 40 × 30

IV. Conclusion
From the Table no 2 it is obvious that the proposed antenna is a compact wideband dipole antenna which is
designed, simulated and analyzed in this paper. CST Microwave studio has been used to design, simulate and
analyze the proposed antenna. The simulation result of proposed antenna shows that the antenna bandwidth has been
increased to 200% which is comparatively very high with respect to all the previously designed antennas which are

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Wideband Compact Dual Frequency Dipole Microsrtip Patch Antenna

described in Table no 2. Also the dimension of the proposed antenna for this operating frequency range is
comparatively less than the previously designed antennas. The proposed antenna is designed using a low cost and
reliable FR4 substrate. So this antenna model can easily be manufactured in large quantities and also can be
integrated with ICs very easily. This antenna can be considered as a good radiating device for any C band
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