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Performance Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Coaxial Probe Feed Technique

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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,

www.ijtra.com Volume 3, Issue 3 (May-June 2015), PP. 365-367


Mr. Murthi Mahadeva Naik G.1, Dr. Naveen Kumar S.K.2, Bhavya B.P.3
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan.
Mangalore University, Magalore.
Murthyishu1@gmail.com, nave12@gmail.com, bhavyabp123@gmail.com
Abstract Microstrip patch antennas are the most common form
of printed antennas. They became very popular due to their low
profile geometry, light weight and low cost. A Rectangular
Microstrip Patch Antenna with probe feed and substrate used is
Arlon AD260 has the relative permittivity of which is 2.6 is
designed and simulated using high frequency structure simulator
(HFSS). All the Parameters of this microsrip patch Antenna such
as bandwidth, S - parameter, Reflection loss and VSWR has been
found and plotted. The main objective of this work is to consider
the reactive loading effect on the patch and its effect towards the
improvement of the antenna characteristics, particularly the
radiation characteristics in principle plane (E and H) is
examined. As per theoretical approach reactive loading creates
either capacitive loading or inductive loading. Due to this effect
the antenna performance may be degraded or enhanced in terms
of efficiency, isolation, gain, impedance matching etc. The results
of this designed antenna are compared with the existing Micro
strip antenna.
Index TermsMicro strip Patch Antenna, Coaxial Probe Feed,
HFSS, Return Loss.

A microstrip patch antenna is a low profile antenna that

has a number of advantages over other antennas which are
lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to integrate with
accompanying electronics. Microstrip antennas are one of the
most widely used types of antennas in the microwave
frequency range, and they are often used in the milli metrewave application. Microstrip patch antennas consist of a
metallic patch of conducting material at the top surface with
thicknesst and width L and a ground plane to its opposite
face are separated by a dielectric substrate of thickness h, with
relative permittivity r as shown in Figure 1. The metallic
patch may be of various shapes, among rectangular and
circular being the most common. The metallic patch
essentially creates a resonant cavity, where the patch is at the
top of the cavity, the ground plane is the bottom of the cavity,
and the edges of the patch form the sides of the cavity. The
edges of the patch act approximately as an open-circuit
boundary condition. Hence, the patch acts approximately as a
cavity with perfect electric conductor on the top and bottom
surfaces, and a perfect magnetic conductor on the sides.
They can be designed to operate over a large range of
frequencies (1- 40 GHz). One advantage of the microstrip
patch antenna is that it is has low profile, in the sense that the
substrate is fairly thin. The substrate is thin enough, the
antenna becomes conformal, and popular for their low profile
geometry, light weight and low cost. The designed microstrip
patch antenna can be used in the following applications
WLAN, Wireless Sensor Network, Bluetooth, Cordless
Telephones and used in most of the ISM band applications,
also the designed antenna used in WLAN application. The
major disadvantages of the microstrip antenna are that is to be
used for narrowband application.

Figure 1: Microstrip Patch Antenna front view.

Figure 2: Microstrip Patch Antenna Top View.



The detailed design of Microstrip Patch Antenna is
shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. In this design choosing a
substrate is as crucial one for its parameters improvements.
The selection of dielectric material have many different factors
such as dielectric constant, thickness, stiffness as well as loss
tangent are considered.
Figure 3 shows the Structure of microstrip antenna. The
thickness of the dielectric substrate is h = 2.4 mm and the
dielectric constant is 2.6. The antenna is fed by a coaxial probe
with characteristic impedance of 50 on the midpoint of one
edge of the patch. The resonant frequency of the antenna is
4.24 GHz. The incident field is a linearly polarized plane wave
with frequency ranging from 1GHz to 7 GHz.
The resonant frequency of the patch is determined by the
patch length. The length of the patch should be slightly less
than half the dielectric wavelength. Figure 3, shows the simple
rectangular patch antenna. The length, L= 34mm, and width,
W= 20mm, the rectangular microstrip patch antenna designed
on one side of the Arlon AD260 with r =2.6 and height from
the ground plane is 2.4mm with a resonating frequency of
4.24GHz. The above dimension antenna is designed and
analyzed using a EM simulator software called High
Frequency Structural Simulator(HFSS).

365 | P a g e

International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,

www.ijtra.com Volume 3, Issue 3 (May-June 2015), PP. 365-367
3. Microstrip Line FeedIn this type of feed technique, a conducting strip is
connected directly to the edge of the microstrip patch. This
strip is smaller in width as compared to the patch. The major
advantage of this arrangement is that the feed can be etched on
the same substrate to provide a planar structure.

Length(L) Width(W) Height(h) r

Table 1: The dimension of Rectangular Patch and
Substrate in CM


m10.004.3000 -18.5473

Curve Info
Setup1 : Sweep1
pp='0mm' ppy='-10mm'


Figure 3: Structure of Microstrip Patch Antenna

The dimension of the designed antenna is given in the Table
1, various parameters are considered while doing the
simulation. For this designing purpose we are using substrate
material as Arlon AD260 the relative permittivity of which is

The simulation is done in HFSS (High Frequency
Structural Simulator). The simulated result of S11 parameter
(return loss) of single element rectangular microstrip patch
antenna is presented in figure 6. On the basis of different
techniques a Rectangular Probe Feed Patch antenna has been
designed and this prototype is improved by applying diffective
ground surface(DGS) techniques.
The return loss of Rectangular patch antenna is shown in
figure.6, which shows that it is resonating at 4.24GHz
Name X
XY Plot 1



1. Coaxial Probe FeedThe coaxial feed or probe feed is a very commonly used to
feed the patch located at the top surface of designed antenna.
The configuration of a coaxial feed is shown in Figure. 4. The
inner conductor of the coaxial connector extends through the
dielectric and is soldered to the radiating patch, while the outer
conductor is connected to the ground plane.






Freq [GHz]




Figure 6: Simulation of S11 Parameter (Return Loss)

Since a Micro strip patch antenna radiates normal to its
patch surface, the elevation pattern for = 0 and = 90
degrees would be important. The radiation pattern for
proposed microstrip patch antenna for gain-Total at 0deg and
90deg is presented in figure 7
Radiation Pattern 1



Curve Info


Setup1 : LastAdaptive
Freq='6GHz' Phi='0deg'


Setup1 : LastAdaptive
Freq='6GHz' Phi='90deg'



Figure 4: Probe Feed for Microstrip Patch.


2. Aperture Coupled FeedIn this feeding technique, the radiating patch and the
microstrip feed line are separated by the ground plane and
coupling between the patch and the feed line is made through a
slot or an aperture in the ground plane shown in figure 5. The
coupling aperture is usually centered under the patch, which
leads to lower the cross-polarization due to symmetry of the
configuration. The amount of power coupling from the feed
line to the patch is determined by the shape, size and location
of the aperture.

Figure 5: Aperture couple feed for Microstrip Patch






Fig 7: Radiation Pattern of Microstrip Patch

Figure 8 shows the antenna gain pattern and the gain of
proposed antenna at 4.24GHz is obtained as 4.80dB.

Fig 8: Gain of Microstrip Patch Antenna

366 | P a g e

International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,

www.ijtra.com Volume 3, Issue 3 (May-June 2015), PP. 365-367
Figure 9 shows the Freq vs dB plot that is VSWR. The VSWR
W. W. Xu, J. H. Wang, Z. Zhang, and M. E. Chen, Radiation
for proposed antenna is obtained as 2.06dB.


XY Plot 8


m1 4.3000 2.3152



Curve Info
Setup1 : Sw eep1














Freq [GHz]




Figure 9: VSWR

The Microstrip patch antenna is designed for a frequency
of 4.24GHz, the patch and ground plane are separated by a
dielectric substrate Arlon AD260 with dielectric constant of
2.6, thickness 2.4mm. The main objective of this work is to
consider the reactive loading effect on the patch and its effect
on the improvement of the antenna characteristics particularly
the radiation characteristics in principle plane (E and H) is
examined. As per theoretical approach reactive loading creates
either capacitive loading or inductive loading. Due to this
effect of the antenna performance may be degraded or
enhanced in terms of efficiency, isolation, gain, impedance
matching etc.
The characteristics of proposed antennas have been
investigated through different parametric studies using HFSS
simulation software.





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