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Design and Simulation of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna For C-Band Applications

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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 10, October 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968



Abstract achieved. Broadband devices are mainly operated in our

This paper represents a compact sized rectangular daily lives such like mobile phone, radio, laptop with
microstrip patch antenna for C (4.2-6GHz) band wireless connection and MSP antennas play a significant
applications. This is a dual band patch antenna which task of these devices. The most important drawbacks of
operates at uplink frequency (6GHz) and downlink MSP antennas in basic form are constricted bandwidth and
frequency (4.2 GHz) of C-Band. The antenna design low gain. Then many techniques are used to boost
consists of a rectangular patch having U-slot. The Patch bandwidth and gain of MSP antennas. By using thick
antenna has overall size of 17mm× 23mm. This antenna is substrate with low dielectic constant and compact slotted
designed on low cost FR-4 substrate (Dielectric constant = patch can augment the bandwidth and gain of antennas.
4.3) of thickness h = 1.5 mm.Microstrip patch antenna is The MSP antenna have some excellent features such as
excited using line feed technique. The proposed structures low cost, low profile, light weight, high efficiency, simply
were simulated by using the CST microwave simulation manufacture and easy to implement with circuits .The
software. This proposed antenna is appropriate for the design formation components of antenna become
applications of satellite communication systems. miniature in size and have low dispensation cost.[9]-[12]

Keywords: Microstrip Patch antenna, U-shaped Slot, C- 2. FUNDAMENTAL PARAMETERS TO

1. INTRODUCTION The three essential parameters for the design of a
In present era, the implication in the structure and rectangular microstrip patch antenna are:
escalating the compressed, cheap antennas are stimulated
by fast inventions of diverse communication services and i. Frequency of operation ( ): The resonant
other wireless services. [2]Hence, condensed microstrip frequency of the antenna must be selected
slot antennas have found improved convention in wireless appropriately. The resonant frequency selected for
applications specifically in C band wireless frequency design is at C band that is at 4 GHz and 6 GHz.
range. Several researchers have focused on improving a
variety of antenna considerations such as impedance ii. Dielectric constant of the substrate ( ): The
improvement and size reduction of microstrip antennas. dielectric material selected for the design is FR4-
To design procedures that have been deliberated for planar epoxy which has a dielectric constant of 4.3. A
antennas embrace the use of a thick substrates, parasitic substrate with a high dielectric constant reduces the
patches, E-slot patch, H-shaped patch, U-shaped slot dimensions of the antenna.
patch, T-shaped parasitic strip and several methods for
reducing the size (compact) of the microstrip antenna have iii. Height of dielectric substrate (h): For the microstrip
already been studied . [3]-[8] It is known that, the resonant patch antenna it is essential that the antenna is not
frequency of a patch antenna is inversely proportional to bulky. Hence, the height of the dielectric substrate is
dielectric constant. It is also possible to reduce the selected as 1.574mm.[1]
resonant frequency by using a substrate with high
dielectric constant .The rectangular U-slot patch antenna 3. GEOMETRICAL DESIGN OF ANTENNA
with a line feed had been studied practically. By cutting a
square slot at the centre of a rectangular microstrip patch, The conservative rectangular microstrip patch antenna
both compactness and dual frequency operation can be (RMPA) is contrived using a commercially available low

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 10, October 2015.
ISSN 2348 – 7968
cost glass epoxy substrate material of thickness h = 0.15
cm with relative permittivity ԑr =4.3. This antenna is
designed by user friendly and the most efficient CST
Microwave Studio 2010 software. First, by using some
mathematical equations and three essential parameters,
length and width of the patch, substrate and ground were
calculated. Table I shows the geometrical dimensions of
the designed rectangular patch antenna at C-band
(4.2GHz-6GHz).Figure1shows the side view geometry of
RMPA.The RMPA geometry includes the U shaped
radiating element. This antenna is powered through a
simple 50 Ohms microstrip line feed. Impedance
matching is done by doing optimization of line feed.

Table I: Geometrical Dimensions for Antenna Design

Sr. Antenna Dimensions Values


1. Substrate Length (Ls) 26.4mm

Fig 2: Geometrical Design of Rectangular Microstrip Patch
2. Substrate Width(Ws) 32.44mm Antenna
3. Substrate Thickness 1.5 mm Figure 3 and 4 show the simulated results of the proposed
antenna. The antenna has been simulated using CST
4. Patch Length (L) 16.6mm Microwave Studio 2010 software. Graph between Return
losses and frequency is obtained. As shown in below
5. Patch Width(W) 22.64mm
figures propose antenna operates at two operating
6. Dielectric Constant 4.3 frequencies which is the range of C-band. One is at 4.2
GHz which is the downlink frequency of C-band and
7. 4.2 Ghz,6Ghz another one is 6 GHz that is defined for the uplink
frequency of C-band.
8. Slot Length 8.3mm

9. Slot Width 5mm

Fig 1: Side View of Patch Antenna

Fig 3: Return Loss for Downlink Frequency

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 10, October 2015.
ISSN 2348 – 7968

Fig 6:Directivity/Gain Plot for Downlink Frequency

Fig 4: Return Loss for uplink frequency
Figure 5 and 6 show the radiation pattern with gain values
of the proposed antenna at uplink and downlink
frequencies.In this case,bandwidth values are obtained
between the points where -10 dB line cuts the curve
between return loss and frequency.Figure 7 and 8 show
the smith chart for 4.2 GHz and 6GHz frequency.These
figures reveal that designed microstrip patch antenna is
perfectly matched at 50 Ohms without using any external
source for impedance matching.Table II shows the
summary of all the resultant values obtained after
following an optimization and simulation process.

Fig:7 Smith Chart for Uplink Frequency

Fig 5: Directivity/Gain Plot for Uplink Frequency Fig:8 Smith Chart for Downlink Frequency

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 10, October 2015.
ISSN 2348 – 7968

SUMMARY OF RESULTS: Substrate”, Microwave and Optical Technology

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[8] Dheeraj Bhardwaj1, Rakshit Jain2, Vijay Sharma3
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[9] Rida El Messari1, José Carlos Reyes Guerrero2, Otman El
A rectangular patch antenna by is designed and simulated
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[10] Arvind Yadav1,Kuldip Pahwa2 International Journal of
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3 Scientist, LRDE, DRDO, Bangalore, India “Probe Fed
the future research. Different patches, dimensions and
Patch Antenna Array Using Rohacell Dielectric Material
feeding techniques may also influence the performance of
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the antenna.

[1] C. A. Balanis, “AntennaTheory” JohnWiley & Sons,
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[3] Puran Gour1 and Ravi Shankar Mishra2 “Bandwidth
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[4] M. R. Ahsan,1 M. T. Islam,1 M. Habib Ullah,1,2 W. N. L.
Mahadi,2 and T. A. Latef“Compact Double-P Slotted
Inset-Fed Microstrip Patch Antenna on High Dielectric


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