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Design of Miniaturized Flexible Planar Antenna For Biomedical Application

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-9 Issue-2, July 2020

Design of Miniaturized Flexible Planar Antenna

for Biomedical Application
Padmalatha N, Deepa T, Susila M

ISM band represents Industrial, Scientific and Medical band.

Abstract— The proposed design of a Microstrip patch antenna ISM band frequency 2.4 GHz widely used for several wireless
for biomedical applications is represented in this paper which is communication systems. The miniaturization of antennas[1,2]
operating at 2.4GHz frequency range in ISM Band. The
can be done by an important techniques[3], some of the
significant feature of the proposed antenna is to make it perfect
for on-body biomedical applications. The Polyimide substrate
techniques for patch antenna are folding, patch modification,
which has dielectric constant (εr) of 3.5, thickness of 0.0508 mm shorting and folding[4,5],Meandering(meander lines on
and loss tangent 0.0027 is used. The proposed antenna dimension patch)[6,7], DGS(defected ground structure)[8], substrates
is 21 mm x 17 mm x 0.0508 mm length, width and height which has high dielectric constant values[9], fractal geometry
respectively. The radiating patch has the length and width is 20 method[10], using of metamaterial[11], modifications on the
mm and 16.5 mm respectively. The antenna is designed using 3D ground plane. Positives and negatives are evaluated for each
EM simulation tool and S11 response is of less than -10dB. The techniques, That is, miniaturization will be done at the cost of
designed and developed antenna has been fabricated in the
other factors. Therefore it is chosen according to the
laboratory and measured using RF equipment for parameters like
reflection coefficient, VSWR and input impedance. The application and requirements[13]. The physical dimension of
experimental results agree well with simulation results which the proposed radiating patch antenna operating at frequency
proves that it is a good candidate for Biomedical applications. at 2.4GHz is designed by the fundamental TM010 mode has
an electrical length of ~ λ0/2 which might be used for
Keywords— Miniaturized antenna, ISM Band, Meandering, applications operating for ISM band[1,15]. The meander
Reflection coefficient, Radiation pattern. antenna was introduced in the year 1991, Now adays for
miniaturization of antennas the meander antenna are used.
I. INTRODUCTION The main objective of the miniaturization of radiating patch
Over a past decade wearable device has become a well know antenna is longer bending and shorter length and width using a
for many applications in the area of medical devices, and for straight line for overall patch antenna. The structure meander
several applications like system for emergency rescuing and lines can be explain in simple version is zigzag lines
various type of modern communications, entertainment and (example-river)[3]. Generally, Microstrip patch antennas can
media etc. For the application scope of wearable, electronics achieve the compactness by using the meandering technique
devices, which can be bent flexed, reconfigured and is largely which shows the constructive technique for achieving
considerable[1]. Generally Microstrip patch antenna has compactness of the radiating patch. The meander line on the
important parameters to design the antenna. Here ISM band patch is achieved by inserting slits at the non radiating edges
2.4GHz is the one type of wireless fidelity. In recent year the of the antenna’s radiating patch[6,7].The radiating patch is
maximum attention given to the microstrip patch antenna designed by the meander slits which gives the results as, the
among the antenna community. Using a conventional radiating patch surface current density is lengthened, where as
microstrip fabrication technique we can construct a very the antennas resonant frequency is lowered. That is the typical
simple microstrip patch antenna. Microstrip patch antennas size of the antenna at a fixed operating frequency can be
consist of metallization of the patch on a grounded electric achieved meandering technique for radiating patch[3,12].
substrate. Fabrication of patch antenna is done by a substrate
acts in-between ground plane which is in bottom of the II. ANTENNA DESIGN
substrate and patch which radiates on top of the substrate. In
the antenna design, Microstrip patch antenna substrate act as A. Design procedures for patch antenna
main parts for all parameters and results. The proposed In design procedure Patch antenna design is done by the
antenna composition is used polyimide material and it has parameters width, length, height. The Microstrip patch
dielectric constant of 3.5 is represented in these paper. The antenna has substrate, patch, ground and feed line. The
parameters given has substrate length(Ls), substrate width
Revised Manuscript Received on June 22, 2020. (Ws), substrate height (h), and the substrate permittivity. The
* Correspondence Author patch length(Lg), patch width(Wg), patch height (h). The
Padmalatha N* Department of Electronics and Communication polyimide substrate which has dielectric constant value of εr =
Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu-padmalathanathan@gmail.com
3.5 is used[16,17], thickness taken as 0.0508 mm and 0.027 of
Deepa T,Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, loss tangent and operated at 2.4GHz frequency range in ISM
SRM Institute of Science and Technology,Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu-, Band. Initially we have know about general antenna
deepaprabavathi@gmail.com theory[22].
Susila M, Department of Telecommunication Engineering at SRM
Institute of Science and Technology, Kattakulathur, TamilNadu,

Published By:
Retrieval Number: B3674079220/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B3674.079220 519 & Sciences Publication
Design of Miniaturized Flexible Planar Antenna for Biomedical Application

Analytical formulation: To design a antenna the operating and the length and width of the patch is 20.5mm and 16.5 mm
frequency and substrate material is selected initially, respectively.
according to the given formulas below the parameters are
C. Table Ⅰ Dimensions of proposed antenna
Dimension of proposed antenna
Patch width(Wg): The patch width(Pw)is calculated
according to the equation given below, where, Pw= radiating Antenna elements Parameter(mm)
patch width, C= speed of light, 𝜀𝑟 = constant value of 21mm
dielectric substrate, 17mm
Subtrate Width(Ws)
Height(h) 0.0508mm

Length(Lg) 20.5mm
Patch Width(Wg) 16.5mm
Effective refractive index: In the designing the patch antenna
Height(h) 0.035mm
procedure, the important parameter is effective refractive
Width(Wf) 2.8mm
index[5]. Fringing effect is generally a the radiations traveling Feed line length(Lf) 6mm
towards the ground from the patch pass through air and some
through the substrate. Both the air and the substrates have
different dielectric values, therefore in order to account this
we find the value of effective dielectric constant. The D. Evolution of Proposed Antenna
effective dielectric constant (𝜀𝑟eff) is calculated using the
following equation[13],

Patch length(Lg): Due to fringing, electrically the size of the

antenna is increased by an amount of (ΔL). Therefore, the
actual increase in length (ΔL) of the patch is to be calculated
using the following equation,

Fig1(a).Antenna1 Fig1(b).Antenna 2

Where ‘h’= height or thickness of the substrate.

The length (Lg) of the radiating patch is calculated using the
below mentioned equation,

Length (Lg) and width (Wg), the dimensions of a patch are

known. The length and width of a substrate (Ls),(Ws) are
calculated using the following equations,[13,14].
Ls = 6h+Lg
Ws = 6h+Wg Fig1(c).Antenna 3 Fig1(d).Antenna 4

Ground plane is taken has half of the radiating patch

mentioned in table1. Generally there are different methods for
feeding techniques available for the microstrip patch antenna,
for example, coaxial probe feed and feed line method. The
proposed radiating patch antenna is designed by the coaxial
probe method as shown in fig1.e
B. Antenna Design and Development
After the analytical calculation from the above equations of
antenna we get the patch dimensions has Wg=41mm,
Lg=33mm, and the substrate Ws=42mm, Ls=34mm. Though Fig1(e).Antenna5 The Proposed antenna
the physical size of the antenna is large for the Bio-medical
application, aiming to reduce the size of the antenna into half,
from the actual dimensions by λ0/2[1,15] and the proposed
antenna shown in fig1.e has a dimensions of 21mm x 17mm x
0.0508mm length, width and height respectively. The shape
of the patch can represented by meander lines on the patch

Published By:
Retrieval Number: B3674079220/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B3674.079220 520 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-9 Issue-2, July 2020

Table1 represents the proposed antenna dimensions. To The proposed antenna provides the better return loss of 38 dB
achieve a proper design like meandering lines on the patch the and 17.8 MHz for lower frequency application[12], with the
proposed radiating patch antenna undergone some evolutions bandwidth efficiency of 74%, and the gain of the proposed
as shown in Fig1e. In order to achieve compactness, the patch patch antenna is 1.307dBi shown in fig 4. The S|11| (return
loss) for the evolution s11 of the proposed patch antenna is
dimensions is reduced as represented by antenna 1 in fig1(a).
shown in fig 5.
In fig1(b) the antenna 2 is structured with meander lines. In
antenna 3 the notch are added on the middle of the radiating
patch shown in fig1(c), therefore it improves the length of the
current path and therefore resonant frequency is decreases. In
antenna 4 the notches which is introduced on the middle of the
radiating patch is reduced to 3 notches for resonant frequency
and the feed width is increased as shown in the fig1(d) for
preferable antenna s11 response and antenna gain. And finally
in antenna 5 shown in fig1(e) the radiating patch feed width is
increased into 0.2mm from fig1(d) that is antenna 4 for better
return loss of 38dB.
Fig4. 3D Far-field plot for proposed antenna
The proposed antenna shows better radiating output which is
enhanced by the return loss achieved by the antenna. CST
Microwave Studio[23] has been used for the simulation which
provides a platform for antenna parameters measurements.
The antenna parameters like return loss and bandwidth are
realised successfully from the simulation results at operating
frequency 2.4 GHz for biomedical applications. Generally
antenna designers looks for innovative ways for improving
the performance. This antenna resembles meander lines patch
antenna with compactness.The miniaturized antenna has a
low profile and an omnidirectional pattern. The return loss of
the proposed antenna can cover the required bandwidth of the
S|11|< -38 dB at 2.4GHz shown in fig 2. The radiation pattern
is shown in fig 3. Fig5. Evolution process S11 of the proposed antenna

In this work the proposed Microstrip patch antenna is
miniaturised by λ0/2 [1,15] for smaller dimensions and for the
compact design, the meandering line technique is used on the
patch is designed and the simulated results are provided by
CST microwave studio[23] operating frequency 2.4 GHz for
Biomedical applications. The proposed microstrip patch
antenna design provides the parameters like return loss of
38dB and the bandwidth efficiency is 74% is realised
successfully. This works concludes that the Microstrip patch
antenna design enhance the performance by optimising the
Fig2. S11 response for proposed antenna patch length and width. For on-body applications[19] the
proposed antenna can be mainly used for medical data
collections from patients and rescue operations[20].

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Published By:
Retrieval Number: B3674079220/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B3674.079220 521 & Sciences Publication
Design of Miniaturized Flexible Planar Antenna for Biomedical Application

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Published By:
Retrieval Number: B3674079220/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B3674.079220 522 & Sciences Publication

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