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Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines


Ideas Focusing on current affairs and new concepts.

Bringing together the world's greatest thinkers.

Our mission is to turn ideas into experiences and
encourage free thinking as well as bringing
laughter, fun, passion, stories, adventure and
Making literature and its authors accessible. excitement to festival visitors.

Creating an atmosphere for storytelling and Use these key principles as inspiration when
imagination. selecting photographs or writing copy for
marketing materials.
Being highly sociable - good food, drink, dancing,
Inspiration laughter, debate.

Working with local people and organisations to

create a carnival spirit.


Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines

Never redraw or distort the logo in any way.
You can obtain original artwork for the Hay Festival logotype from www.hayfestival.com/branding
The Hay Festival logo must only be used on uncluttered backgrounds, photographs or pictures.

Minimum size of the Hay Festival logo is 8mm high.

Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines

The logotype should always appear on a clear uncluttered background colour.

It should adhere to the guidelines set out on page 3.

Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines

The style of photography should be inspired by and in line with the Hay Festival
tone - see page 2. It should reflect a sense of place and atmosphere at the
festival or its location.

People or place should be at the heart of the creative idea and therefore
prominent within the execution.

When used in conjunction with the Hay Festival logotype photographs should
have an area of solid colour background over which to lay the logo.

All photographs for print must be high resolution minimum 300dpi.

Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines

The corporate colours, like the Hay Festival logotype, are important design elements that can, if used correctly, reinforce Hay Festivalʼs corporate image. The colours above
are accents that apply to each festival.

To ensure precise reproduction of these colours, please refer to the numerical data supplied.

NOTE: The Hay Festival logotype should only ever be displayed in either black or white.

Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines

Do not distort or change the fonts in any way.

Please ensure the font is correctly installed according to the system requirements of your PC or Mac.

Partner agencies working on behalf of Hay Festival must ensure they have taken the appropriate legal measures to purchase and use these fonts.

Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines


General style Acronyms Literatura: exilio y memoria

Consistency is more important than anything else. Do not use full points in acronyms:
Titles and offices
Justification NATO not N.A.T.O. Titles are capitalized when immediately preceding
Text should be aligned left with ‘ragged right’, not proper names, but not otherwise:
justified, line endings; this means the lines all end Book & event titles
In English: book and event titles should have King Juan
at different lengths and is generally thought to be
maximum capitalization (all words other than Juan, king of Spain
more easily readable.
articles and prepositions): Prime Minister Brown met Barack Obama, the US
The Devil that Danced on the Water president, at a summit in Cairo.
The beginning of each paragraph should not be
indented. Poetry Gala
Job titles are capitalized when given as an official
identity a but not when used as a generic
Font In Spanish: book and event titles should have
A single 11- or 12-point font should be used minimum capitalization (first initial only):
throughout. The Hay Festival official font is Paul Preston is Professor of History at LSE
The devil that danced on the water
Garamond. AC Grayling is a professor at Birkbeck College
Gala de poesía
Page references
Use one of the following methods (consistently): Secondary titles following a colon should follow the
same rules:
see p. 6 / see page 6 / ver página 6 / ver pág. 6
Literature: Exile and Memory

Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines


Geography Dates Initials

As regions with accepted appellations, The standard form is: day, spelled-out month, year, Initials do not take a full stop, and should be
geographically descriptive adjectives should be no punctuation: separated from the surname by a space. Two or
capitalized; as general description they should be more initials should be closed up with no space
25 September 2008 / 25 septiembre 2008
lower-case: between them:
25 de septiembre 2008
The Western world but western Spain September 1998 / septiembre 2008 AC Grayling; DBC Pierre; Fernando R Lafuente
Islam and the West but west of Segovia Thursday 25 September / jueves 25 septiembre Italics
Eastern Europe (as in the group of states) The following take italics: Titles of books, plays,
Date & time ranges
eastern Europe (in the purely geographical sense) films, newspapers, periodicals:
Use the en-dash (–) to connect number, date & time
Eras ranges: The Female Eunuch, The Observer, The Battle for
When spelled out, these do not take capital letters: Haditha, Harpers & Queen
the twenties, the sixties 7PM–8PM / 19:00–20:00 H The following do not take italics but should appear
the 20s / the mid-70s (no apostrophe) 25–28 September in inverted commas: Titles of short stories, poems,
the 1920s / the mid-1970s (no apostrophe) 9–10 days songs:
25 September–3 October
Specific years do take a preceding apostrophe: ‘The Happiness of Blonde People’ by Elif Shafak;
May ’68 Sylvia Plath’s ‘Ariel’; ‘Ready for the Floor’ by Hot

Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines


Numbers Em-rules can also be used to denote parenthetical Ellipses

Spell out zero to ninety-nine; for 100 and above use clauses; they must be closed up to the text on Use the typographic character symbol (...) instead
numerals; except when short of space, in which either side: of typing three spaced full stops (. . . ). Leave one
case spell out zero to nine and use numerals for 10 space before and after the ellipses
The Hay Festival in 2008 was a great success—
and above. Use numerals for: ages; percentages;
apart from the weather—and will be repeated in ‘described by The Observer as ... the best singer in
2009. the world’
Use symbols where possible: €3 or 3 euros / Apostrophes
£3.50 / $4.50 Always use the ‘curly’ ones not the 'straight' ones.

Reference abbreviations
UK: 8PM / 8.30PM
These do not take full points: ie / eg / etc
Spain: 20:00 H / 20:30 H
Use square brackets to denote event numbers: Quotation marks
Single quotation marks should be used, except for
[76] 8PM–9PM, CAJA SEGOVIA, 7 EUROS a quote within a quote which should take double
quotation marks:
Use round brackets to denote parenthetical clauses
‘the best singer in the world’
Germaine Greer (author of The Female Eunuch)
‘the best singer of “Toxic” in the world’
will talk to Peter Florence about...

Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines


English: Indexes

[2] 8PM–9PM, SAN JUAN DE LOS CABALLEROS, 7 EUROS SURNAME IN SMALL CAPITALS, First name or initial(s) in normal text with initial
Michael Ondaatje in conversation with Juan Gabriel Vásquez capital:
Michael Ondaatje, author of The English Patient and Anil’s Ghost, talks with Juan GRAYLING, AC
Gabriel Vásquez (The Informers, Historia secreta de Costaguana), about his latest GREER, Germaine
book, Divisadero, and his experience of writing. LAFUENTE, Fernando R
Simultaneous translation from English into Spanish.
In association with the Colombian Embassy. Alphabetise according to the letter-by-letter method, so that

DEL POZO, Raul comes before DE MOURA, Beatriz


[2] 20:00–21:00 H, SAN JUAN DE LOS CABALLEROS, 7 EUROS Surnames in index do not take initial capitals:
Michael Ondaatje en conversación con Juan Gabriel Vásquez GREER, Germaine ✕
Michael Ondaatje, el célebre escritor de El Paciente Inglés, conversará con Juan GREER, Germaine ✔
Gabriel Vásquez, autor de Los Informantes y Historia secreta de Costaguana, acerca
de su última obra, Divisadero, y su experiencia como escritor. Event number(s) follow the first name, separated by a comma:

Se ofrecerá traducción simultanea del inglés al español. GRAYLING, AC, 18

Con el apoyo de la Embajada de Colombia. GREER, Germaine, 23, 34

Brand Manual and Creative Guidelines

The Drill Hall, 25 Lion Street, Hay-on-Wye, HR3 5AD
Registered in England and Wales #2258780 / VAT #826320939

Tel: +44 (0) 1497 822 620 email: admin@hayfestival.com twitter: @hayfestival website: www.hayfestival.com


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