Tutorial 4
Tutorial 4
Tutorial 4
Trigonometric substitutions
3. (a) Show
√ that sinh x = ln(x + x2 + 1) for all x. (Note also that cosh−1 x = ln(x +
x2 − 1) for x ≥ 1.)
(b) Evaluate √ using (i) a trigonometric substitution, and (ii) the hyperbolic
9x2 + 1 √
substitution 3x = sinh u. (Ans: (i) 31 ln | 9x2 + 1+3x|+C, (ii) 13 sinh−1 (3x)+C)
(c) Use part (a) to show that the above answers are equivalent.
√ √
4. Obtain the
√ arc length√of the curve y = ln x from x = 1 to x = 2. (Ans: 5− 2+
ln(2 + 2 2) − ln(1 + 5))
√ x = e (y ∈ [0, ln 3])
5. Calculate the area of the surface
√ generated
√ by revolving
√ the curve
about the y axis. (Ans: π[3 10 − 2 + ln(3 + 10) − ln(1 + 2)])
Partial fractions