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BRANZ Appraisal No.779 (2018)
Technical Data
Hold-down Methods
Appraisal No .779 [2018]
No. 3208038

GoldenEdge MDF Panelbrace Wall Bracing Systems are a range

A world leader in environmentally of wall bracing systems based on 9 mm and 12 mm GoldenEdge
responsible MDF production. Regular MDF used to resist earthquake and wind loads on timber
frame buildings designed and constructed in accordance with
Nelson Pine Industries is one of Australasia's leading forest NZS 3604: 2011.
products companies. Established in 1986, Nelson Pine
Bracing System Components
Industries is one of the world's largest single site producers GoldenEdge Regular MDF Sheets
of medium density fibreboard. GoldenEdge MDF is GoldenEdge Regular MDF is 9mm and 12mm thick in sheets
1200x2400mm. The sheets have square edges to all four sides.
exported to markets around the world. The nominal density is 725 kg/m3.
From the beginning the products of Nelson Pine Industries Sheet Fasteners
• 40 x 2.8mm hot-dipped galvanised fibre cement nails.
New Zealand have led the world in meeting the needs of
• 8g x 40mm, gold-passivated countersunk, coarse-thread
kitchen and furniture manufacturers, joinery companies woodscrews.
and builders. Fasteners and Connections
• Coach screws 12mm x 150mm and 50 x 50 x 3mm washer hot-
Using the advanced technology of the Küsters continuous dipped galvanised for fixing to timber floors.
press, we produce superior quality MDF and offer an • Cast-in bolts M12 x 150 mm minimum and 50 x 50 x 3mm
washers for fixing to concrete floors. Proprietary fixings with a
unsurpassed range of board densities and thicknesses.
minimum characteristic strength of 15kN may be used.
175,000 hectares of sustainable radiata pine forests provide • BOWMAC® screw bolt - M10 x 140mm screw anchor, with a
blue painted hex-head.
Nelson Pine Industries with the superior quality raw material • Galvanised or stainless steel strap 25 x 0.9mm top and bottom
needed to manufacture our product range. plate connections.
• Strap fixings 30 x 2.5mm hot-dipped galvanised or stainless
Sustainable radiata pine forests reach maturity in around steel flat-head nails.
25 years compared with 200 years for tropical hardwoods. • GIB HandiBrac®, a galvanised steel 90 x 65 x 54 x 2.0mm thick
angle bracket, supplied with 5 Type 17 screws 14g x 35mm.
Nelson Pine Industries takes the environment seriously Note: For corrosion protection requirements refer to NZS 3604:
with production processes in place that minimise dust, 2011 Section 4.
water use, effluent and noise. We have developed Pack Sizes
9mm - 70 sheets per pack
techniques which have reduced the amount of water
12mm - 50 sheets per pack
required in the production process by two thirds despite
Paint System Specification
having trebled the output of GoldenEdge MDF. All visible GoldenEdge Regular MDF surfaces including edges,
must be finished with three coats of polyurethane or a paint
About 70% of the energy used on site is generated by system comprising a primer/sealer and two top coats.
burning wood waste in high efficiency furnaces. The Durability
remainder is from electricity. GoldenEdge Panelbrace Wall Bracing Systems have a serviceable
life of at least 50 years providing they remain dry in service
Since the mid 1980s we have been leading the way and are maintained in accordance with BRANZ Appraisal
in significantly reducing formaldehyde levels of No.779 (2013).
GoldenEdge MDF. Design Considerations
GoldenEdge MDF Panelbrace Wall Bracing Systems are for use
In February 2003 a new Japanese Industrial Standard in dry, internal, protected locations of thermally insulated buildings
(F✩✩✩✩) was introduced for a zero emissions MDF. which are heated, intermittently heated and predominantly
unheated in accordance with NZS 3602 Section 110, Table 1E and
Two months later Nelson Pine Industries became the first Section 205. The internal environment must be such that the
Australasian MDF producer to achieve certification to the moisture content of the supporting timber framing does not
exceed 18%.
F✩✩✩✩ standard.
GoldenEdge MDF Panelbrace Wall Bracing Systems must be
F✩✩✩✩ is also known as Super EO. located within the building thermal envelope and must either be
exposed to view or be in locations easily accessible for inspection.
The Nelson Pine Industries plant at Richmond, Nelson GoldenEdge MDF Panelbrace Wall Bracing Systems must not be
located in any high moisture environment or in areas subject to
water splash. They must not be used in areas such as bathrooms,
toilets, laundries or kitchens. GoldenEdge Regular MDF sheets
must not be used in saunas or steam rooms.
GoldenEdge MDF Panelbrace Wall Bracing Systems must not be
exposed to temperatures of 50ºC or greater for prolonged periods.
Refer to appliance and fitting manufacturers for installation details.
Prevention of Fire Occurring
Separation or protection must be provided to GoldenEdge Regular
MDF from heat sources such as stoves, heaters, flues and
chimneys. Part 7 of NZBC Acceptable Solutions C/AS1 to C/AS6
and NZBC Verification Method C/VM1 provide methods for
separation and protection of combustible materials from heat
Types NP4 and NP12 requires the use of end straps and a suitable
hold-down anchor (see Figure 2) at each end of the bracing element.
Panel Hold-Downs Alternatively the GIB HandiBrac® may be used instead of straps, but
The bottom plate in bracing system Type NP6 is fixed to the floor a suitable hold-down anchor with a characteristic or design strength
framing in accordance with NZS 3604: 2011 Table 8.19, which is either of 12kN (for timber floors) and 15kN (for concrete floors) is required.
2/100x3.75mm hand-driven nails or 3/90 x 3.15mm power-driven Within the length of the bracing element, intermediate fixings to the
nails, at maximum 600mm centres. bottom plate are to be in accordance with NZS 3604.

Figure 2: Systems NP4 and NP12 Figure 5: Systems NP4 and NP12
Concrete Floors – Internal Walls – End Straps Timber Floors – Internal Walls – End Straps

12mm dia x 150mm galvanised

coach screw and 50x50x3mm
M12 galvanised bolt and square galvanised washer
50x50x3mm square
galvanised washer 6 - 30x2.5mm flat head nails 100mm
100mm to each side of stud maximum
6 - 30x2.5mm flat head maximum
nails to each side of stud
3 - 30x2.5mm flat head
3 - 30x2.5mm flat head nails to each side of
nails to each side of bottom plate
bottom plate (strap (strap passes
passes underneath plate) underneath plate)

400mm brace strap 400mm brace strap

Figure 3: Systems NP4 and NP12 Figure 6: Systems NP4 and NP12
Concrete Floors – Internal Walls – GIB HandiBrac® Timber Floors – Internal Walls – GIB HandiBrac®

Locate the GIB HandiBrac® Locate the GIB HandiBrac®

bracket centrally on the stud bracket centrally on the stud

GIB HandiBrac® bracket GIB HandiBrac® bracket

Figure 4: Systems NP4 and NP12 Figure 7: Systems NP4 and NP12
Concrete Floors – External Walls – GIB HandiBrac® Timber Floors – External Walls – GIB HandiBrac®

To maximise concrete edge distance, Locate the GIB HandiBrac® bracket

locate the GIB HandiBrac® bracket flush flush such that the coach screw is
with the inside face of the stud centred over the joist or bearer below

GIB HandiBrac® bracket GIB HandiBrac® bracket

Bracing Design
Bracing Demand Sheet Fixing
NZS 3604: 2011 Section 5 contains design procedures and a manual GoldenEdge Regular MDF sheets are fixed vertically. Adjoining sheets
calculation method for calculating bracing demand. Refer to NZS require an approximate 2 mm gap between them to allow for
3604: 2011 Bracing Demand Tables 5.5 - 5.10 for 2 kPa floor loads and movement. Full sheets must be used wherever possible.
Tables 14.1 - 14.3 for 3 kPa floor loads. The bracing ratings given in Fixings must be no closer than 10 mm from the sheet edge and no
Table 1 are for manual calculations. The bracing units are derived closer than 18 mm from the top and bottom edges of the sheet.
from the BRANZ P21 test method based on a wall height of 2.4 m. Fixings are driven at right angles to the sheet until the head is flush
with the sheet surface for nail fixings or countersunk approximately
Bracing Ratings 0.5 mm for screw fixings.
GoldenEdge MDF Panelbrace Wall Bracing Systems provide bracing Fixings must not be over-driven.
ratings (BU/m) as given in Table 1. The bracing ratings values are
based on the timber framed walls being lined on one face only. GoldenEdge Regular MDF sheets are fixed at 150 mm centres around
the perimeter of the sheets and at 300 mm centres to intermediate
Table 1: GoldenEdge MDF Panelbrace Bracing Ratings studs. Fixing to dwangs/noggings is not required.

Type Minimum Lining Other BU/m Finishing

length (m) Requirements W EQ Prior to painting the sheets must be cleaned down, and any nail/screw
NP4 0.4 9 or 12mm Panel 95 105 holes filled. GoldenEdge Regular MDF sheets are finished with three
GoldenEdge hold-downs coats of polyurethane or a paint system comprising a primer/sealer
Regular MDF
one side and two top coats.
NP6 0.6 9 or 12mm n/a 80 70 Product Warranty
GoldenEdge GoldenEdge carries a 12 month warranty against faulty materials or
Regular MDF
one side workmanship by the manufacturer to the extent of replacement of
NP12 1.2 9 or 12mm Panel 150* 135
the product but not including any indirect or consequential loss
GoldenEdge hold-downs subject to the provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.
Regular MDF
one side WARNING
This warranty applies only when the product has been used in
Notes: * Timber Floors - A limit of 120 BU/m applies to NZS 3604: accordance with the recommendations. Any defect must be advised
2011 timber floors. to the manufacturer within 21 days of determination or from the day
For wall heights greater than 2.4 m, the bracing rating is calculated such defects should have become known.
by multiplying the appropriate value shown in Table 1 by a factor
Nelson Pine Industries Ltd reserves the right to change specifications
f=2.4/H where H is the wall height in metres. Walls lower than 2.4 m
contained in this publication without notice.
shall be rated as if they were 2.4 m high.
Braced wall elements longer than those given in Table 1, shall have This is a reconstituted wood panel made from wood, resin and wax.
their bracing capacity determined by multiplying the bracing rating This must be handled in accordance with safe work practices.
given in Table 1 by the length of the wall. The end studs of the bracing Exposure to wood dust and/or formaldehyde may cause irritation to
element must be provided with hold down details as required by the eyes, respiratory system and skin, and may cause sensitisation
Table 1. by inhalation resulting in asthma, and by skin contact resulting in
Framing Wood dust is classified as a known carcinogen. Repeated inhalation
Timber framing grade, spacing and construction must comply with of wood dust over many years may cause nasal cancer. Formaldehyde
NZS 3604: 2011. Timber treatment must comply with NZBC Acceptable is classified as a probable carcinogen.
Solution B2/AS1.
Nelson Pine Industries Ltd recommends the use of kiln-dried stress- Storage
graded framing timber. The minimum actual framing dimensions Storage areas containing large quantities of this product must be
are 90 x 45 mm for external walls and 75 x 45 mm for internal walls. adequately ventilated.
Joints in the top plates of bracing panels must be tied together as
Safe Work Practice
required by NZS 3604: 2011 with 3 kN and 6 kN top plate connectors
Work areas must be well ventilated and kept clean. Sawing, sanding
using 25 x 0.9 mm galvanised mild steel strap, 3 nails each side of
and machining equipment must be fitted with dust extractors to
joint for 3kN and 6 nails each side of joint for 6kN.
ensure that dust levels are kept within standards laid down by Worksafe
Australia, Worksafe New Zealand, or the specific country of use. If
Openings in Bracing Elements
not, a dust mask conforming with AS/NZS 1715 and AS/NZS 1716
Small openings of 90 x 90 mm or less may be placed anywhere except
and eye protection conforming with AS/NZS 1337 must be worn.
within 90 mm of the edge of the bracing element.
Offcuts, shavings and dust must be disposed of in a manner which
Handling and Storage avoids the generation of dust and in accordance with the requirements
The method of manufacturing MDF ensures a balanced construction, of local waste disposal authorities.
resulting from the uniform distribution of fibres throughout the
thickness of the board. The maintenance of this inherent flatness is In end use applications all product surfaces exposed to occupied
dependent upon the correct storage and handling procedures. Please space must be sealed.
consult the recommendations set out on the Nelson Pine Industries
Ltd website for the protection, storage and handling of the MDF. Further Information
Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for this product available from
Installation Nelson Pine Industries Ltd, their Distributors and Resellers.
The building must be closed in and weathertight prior to the installation
of the GoldenEdge MDF Sheets.

GoldenEdge Regular MDF can be cut with a fine tooth saw (either
hand or power). Cut edges can be tidied up by using a plane or

GoldenEdge, Tree Device and Panelbrace are tradenames and trademarks of Nelson Pine Industries Ltd MS 22012/NOVEMBER 2018

Your local Panelbrace stockist

Lower Queen Street
Richmond, Nelson, New Zealand
PO Box 3049, Richmond, Nelson 7050
Telephone 03-543 8800, Fax 03-543 8890
Freephone 0800-800 438, Freefax 0508 674 329
Email orders@nelsonpine.co.nz Website www.nelsonpine.co.nz

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