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MCA Project Report

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Project Synopsis



ROLL NO: 1236

SESSION: 2014-2015




Project Synopsis

FORMAT for Project Training Joining Letter

Ms./Mr. ____________________ (name) of MCA 6th Semester, Department of

Govt. P.G. College Dharamshala (H.P) has joined as Project Trainee in the
department of
________________ in __________________ (company name) on
____________ (date). She/he has been assigned the project entitled
__________________________________________________ (name of the
project). She/he will be working in this organization from
_____________________ (starting date) to
_____________________ (last date) on this project.

Signature with Stamp

Project In charge/External Supervisor
Office Address
Project Synopsis

Table of Content

1. Background ………………………………………………...4

2. Scope……………………………………………………….5

3. Plan of Work………………………………………………6-7

4. Data Flow Diagram………………………………………...8-13

5. Objectives……………………………………………………14

6. Platform to be used…………………………………………..15

7. References…………………………………………………….16
Project Synopsis


Education has a wide scope and lots of educational websites are available today.
We all have face some problems regarding our studies in our student’s life, such
as find difficulties to search proper content and even it take more time. Some
time we don’t get proper answers for our queries .some time we need more
solution for our particular problem. There is no specific website that can
provide all these facility. Some of these sites don’t contain reliable information
(i.e. up to the mark). So we decide to develop our website that can provide this
facility to students.

Reason for making it is that, most of the important thing can be cover or
implemented in this site that we are learning during our training. Our target to
make this site is to provide facility to students in less time and at one place.
Students who are interested in different technology can learn it from here.

The information of this site beneficial for the beginners who

want to learn about different languages like Php, Java, JavaScript, C and C+
+etc. They are also able to participate in online test related to these languages
and different other concepts. Users are allowed to give their review regarding
the website; they can discuss possible changes in website.
Project Synopsis

The scope of this site is very vast from education point of view. User can easily
get the information regarding their queries related to our field. Scope defines
that the site will be enhanced in future according to requirement of the users. It
is also helpful to those who want to prepare for competitive exams and they can
easily prepare by giving online text provided by our site. We have different
module in this site which have different in their functioning. These modules are
beneficial for the users who want to get information in short period of time.

Our site includes the reliable information to the user regarding particular topics.
They can get useful information and member of the site get day to day updation
through Mails or SMS. Users can rely on the information present in this site.

Our target to make this site is to provide facility

to students in less time and at one place. Students who are interested in
technology can learn it from here. Our website can contain for alternative to
solve a particular problem. User can ask question to us. Students of self-finance
can get suggestion regarding their books they have to follow.


Project Synopsis

Plan of work

Plan of work consist of different modules. Each module has their own
functionality. Different modules of our project describe as below.


ADMIN part consist of login form for admin through which admin can
manage whole website. This module has three owners who can make changes as
per their requirement.


I) Registration form: This form contains the registration form for

users who want to become the member of our site.
II) Login form: This form contains a log in form for members of this


This module contain online test.Those users register with us allow to give
online test by login there self.


This module contains the query part. If any member has any query
he/she can ask through help desk.
Project Synopsis

5. Feedback:

Members can also send their feedback about their experience and
any changes they want. because it is helpful to enhance our site according
to their requirements.

6. Content:

Our website contains various tutorials regarding technology. It will

contain various E-books, question papers, notes, and online
competitive test.
Project Synopsis

Data Flow Diagram

The data flow diagram used for classifying system requirement to major
transformation that will become programs in system design. This is starting
point of the design phase that functionally decomposes the required
specification down to the lower level of details. It consists of series of bubbles
joined together by lines.

Data can trigger events and can be processed to useful information. System
analysis recognizes the central goal of data in organizations. This dataflow
analysis tells a great deal about the organization objectives are accomplished.

Dataflow analysis studies the use of data in each activity. It

documents this finding in DFD’s. Dataflow analysis give the activities of a
system from the viewpoint of data where it originates how they are used or
where they go, including the stops along the way from their destination and
system’s design. The first part is called dataflow analysis.

As the name suggest, we did not use the dataflow analysis tools exclusively for
the analysis stage but also in the designing phase with documentation.

Features of DFD’s:-

 The DFD shows flow of data, not of control loops and decision are
controlled consideration do not appear on a DFD.
 The DFD does not indicate the time factor involved in any process
whether the dataflow takes place daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
 The sequence of events is not brought out on the DFD.
Project Synopsis


It "expands" the single process on the context diagram to show the

major, high-level processes (or functions) within the system.

Figure1: Context Diagram

Project Synopsis


Input design involves the selection of best strategy for getting data into the
computer system at the right time and as accurately as possible. This is because
the most difficult of input design inaccuracy. The use of well defined document
can encourage users to record data accurately without omission.

Figure2: Context Diagram

Admin Login Process:-

Project Synopsis



Project Synopsis

2-LEVEL DFD:- In this level the detail of admin panel and

member module are illustrated Depth that how the flow of data 12
is goes.

Admin Panel
Project Synopsis

Project Synopsis


The main area of our project consist of education i.e. basically it is related
with learning. Learning facility is provided through this website by introducing
different modules in this project which contain different features. Our main
objective is mainly consisting of:--

1.) To design an educational website which is related to the field of

computer science.
2.) We design this project within the time period of 6 month of our industrial
training under the guidance of our internal guide.
3.) Our main objective to choose this concept as our project is that we want
to implement and post our knowledge of PHP and MYSQL through this
4.) This website is developed with the goal that it can help students and any
other person who want to get information regarding following:-
(i) Online tutorials of different technologies.
(ii) Placement papers of different MNC’s
(iii) Online test (reasoning, aptitude, communication).
(iv) Previous question papers of HPU for MCA and BCA
Project Synopsis

Platform used

Hardware requirements:

1. Processor: Intel Pentium.

2. RAM: 512 MB

3. Hard Disk: 1 GB

Software Requirement:

1. CMS: word press.

2. Data base: MYSQL.

3. Language: PHP.

4. Client side language: Java Script, Jquery, Html, CSS.

5. Local server: Apache TOMCAT.

6. Designing tool: Photoshop, Flash.

7. Editor: Dreamweaver, Notepad++.

Project Synopsis


1. www.w3cschool.com

2. www.wekipedia.com

3. www.google.com

4. Waytosuccess.com


 Name:-learning PHP, My SQL, Java Script and CSS (Robin

 PHP solution (David Powers)

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