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Significance of Quran

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Significance of Surah Yaseen Hazrat Abu Hurairah ( Rali) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Thousand

d Years before the creation of the sky and the land , Allah recited Surah Taha and Surah Yaseen .When the angels heard this recitation , they said Glad tidings to those on whom these verses will come down , Glad tidings to the hearts which memorize these verses, Glad tidings to those tongues which recite these verses. ( Mi shkath) Maqil Ibn Yasar (Rali ) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Surah Yaseen is the heart of the Quran , whoever recites that seeking the hereafter, sins will be forgiven for him. Recite it over the person who is on the death bed. ( Khazeenath ul Asrar ) Anas (Rali) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yaseen . Anyone who recites it one time will get the reward of reciting Quran ten times. ( Tirmidhi) Anas ( Rali ) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, One who recites Surah Yaseen every night regularly , and if he dies in the same status , will die as a Shaheed( Martyr). (Tabrani) In one Hadees Those who recite Surah Yaseen in the night will become the forgiven in the morning. (Khazeenathul Asrar ) One who recites Surah Yaseen in the morning, will be happy till evening. And one who recites in the evening will be happy till morning. Narrator: Yahya Bin Kaseer ( Rah) Ibn Umar narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Everything has a heart . The heart of the Quran is Surah Yaseen . Sins are forgiven for one who recites this seeking Allahs pleasure. Moreover Allah bestows upon him the reward of recitation of Quran twenty two times. If this

Surah is recited near the person who is on his deathbed , Malakul Mauth ( Angel of death)will come down at that time. A great number of Angels will come down at the rate of ten Angels per letter of this Surah. Then these Angles stand in line in front of this man and pray Allah to forgive him. Then they come to the place where he is given bath. Then they follow the Janaza and participate in the Janaza prayer. They also come to his grave yard. If Surah Yaseen is recited when a person is on his deathbed, an Angel named Rizhwan will bring a drink from the heaven to him. That persons soul will be seized in a state in which he has had the drink and quenched his thirst. Even in his grave he will not be thirsty. (On the Day of Judgment) He will enter heaven in a thirst quenched condition without the necessity to go to the Prophets pond. ( Khazeenathul Asrar ) There is one Surah in Quran. It will recommend for one who recites it. The sins of one who listens to it will be forgiven. It will be named as the one which gives victory in both the worlds (in this world and in the Hereafter). It will protect from the punishments of hereafter, and also from all evils and it will help in fulfilling all the needs. (Khazeenathul Asrar) The reward of performing twenty Hajjs will be given to one who recites Surah Yaseen. The reward for spending thousand dinars in the path of Allah will be given to one who listens to the recitation of Sura Yaseen. If he writes and drinks it , thousand medicines, thousand lights, thousand barakaths and thousand rahmaths will go inside him and he will get relief from thousand diseases and thousand hatreds. (Khazeenath ul Asrar ) I came to know that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, One who recites Surah Yaseen in the beginning of the morning, his needs will be fulfilled. Narrator: Athau bin Abirafah (Rah) ( Mishkath) It is written in the book Roohul Bayan, that Nabi (sal) said Surah Yaseen will fulfill the objective for which it is recited. In another hadees , it is stated that one who recites Surah Yaseen in the burial ground , will get the reward equal to the number of the bodies buried

there. And on that day, the punishment is reduced in the graves (on account of its recitation). Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, There is one Surah in Quran. One who recites it, it will recommend for him to Allah. And one who listens the recitation his sins will be forgiven. The Shaitan runs away when last three verses of Surah Yaseen and Surah Hashrs are recited. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, One who prays two rakaats on the Friday night, and recites Surah Yaseen in the first rakaat and Surah Tabarakallazi in the second rakaat, will be rewarded for each letter a light in the day of judgment. The light will go before him. He will get his Record of his deeds in his right hand. He will be freed from hell and his recommendation for seventy of his family members will be accepted. One who doubts this, will be a hypocrite.( Khazeenathul Asrar ) In one of the hadees it is said like this Recite Surah Yaseen frequently. It has ten different types of blessings.
1. If a hungry man recites this Surah, he will get food. 2. If a person who has no clothes to wear recites this Surah, he will get

clothes to wear. 3. If a thirsty man recites this Surah, his thirst will be quenched. 4. If a sick man recites this Surah, he will be cured.
5. If an unmarried man recites this Surah, he will get married.

6. If a person who has fear of something recites this Surah, he will be free of fear.
7. If a person who is imprisoned recites this Surah, he will be free of fear.

8. If a traveler recites this Surah, he will get help in his journey. 9. If a person who has lost his belongings recites this Surah, he will get back his belongings.
10. If this Surah is recited on a person who is on deathbed, Sakrath

( agony of death) will be made easy.


Once Sayeed bin Zubair ( Rali) recited Surah Yaseen on an insane person. Soon he got back his saneness and was cured. If a person who is stone-hearted writes Surah Yaseen with saffron on a vessel made of granite and mixes with water and drinks it, he will get good results. If a person writes Surah Yaseen with saffron and rose water and drinks it for seven days, he will memorize whatever things he hears. He will win over the person with whom he debates. He will be respected by the people. Surah Yaseen can be kept in some places in the house for blessings in food and also for other good things. Significance of Surah Ar-Rahman Hazrat Ali narrated that he heard that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam saying: There is an ornamental nature of each object as bride. The ornamental nature of the Quran is Surah Ar-Rahman. (Mishkaath) Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam recited Surah Ar-Rahman before the Sahabas. All listened to the recitation quietly. At that time Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, The night when I conveyed Islam to the Jinns I recited this ( Surah ) before them. They replied in a better way than you .Whenever I recited the Ayah Fabi Ayyi aala irabbikumatu Kazzibaan, 'And which of the favours of the Lord will you deny', they were telling 'Oh! Allah, There is nothing among your bounties that we can deny. All praise to you'. Significance of Surah Waqiya Ibnu Masood narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Those who recite Surah Waqiya will not get into poverty. Surah Waqiya will generate wealth. So, you recite this and teach your children this. Let him recite Surah Waqiya who wants to know the condition of his ancestors, progeny, people of Heaven, people of Hell. Narrator: Masrook ( Rali ) Once Hazrat Usman ( Rali) gifted something to Abbas ( Rali) and asked him to give it to his women for their expenditure. He did not accept it, instead he told, I have ordered my women to recite Surah Waqiya. So, why you fear that poverty will come to them?

Ibn Masood (Rali) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Those who recite Surah Waqiya, will not suffer from poverty. Some Ulamas have said that, those who recite Surah Waqiya 41 times sitting in the same place, their needs will be fulfilled, especially in the matter of food. Significance of Surah Mulk Abu Hurairah ( Rali) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, The Surah Tabarakallazi which has thirty verses , requests Allah until the sin of man is forgiven. ( Mishqath) Ibn Abbas ( Rali) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Surah Tabarakallazi protects (man) from punishment ( in hereafter) and gives victory. It also protects (him) from punishments of the grave. ( Khazeenathul Asrar) Abu Hurairah ( Rali) narrated that Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, I wish that the Surah Tabarakallazi be in hearts of every Muslims. Ibn Masood (Rali) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Allah frees a person from the punishment of grave , who recites Surah Tabarakallazi every night. Hazrat Ibn Abbas ( Rali ) said to a man, Shall I narrate a hadees ? So that you will become victorious. To that the man said, Yes narrate. Ibn Abbas narrated that Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Along with reciting Surah Tbarakallazi memorize it,. Teach it to your family members and also to your children, younger ones, neighbours children and to everyone. Because, it requests to Allah to protect from the punishment of the hell in hereafter for the person who recites it. Allah protects a person from the punishment of grave, who has Surah Tabarakallazi in his heart. I wish that Surah Tabarakallazi be in his heart. I wish that Surah Tabarakallazi be in the hearts of everyone of my Ummah. ( Khazeenathul Asrar) A hadees narrated from Jabir ( Rali ) , Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam will not sleep without reciting Surah Alif Laam Meem and Surah Tabarakallazi. Those who recite Surah Tabarakallazi will come around (the heaven) sitting on the feathers of Angels, in the condition of having a beautiful face like that of Prophet Yusuf (Alaihissalam). ( Khazeenathul Asrar)

Ibn Abbas ( Rali ) narrated that, One of the Sahabas pitched a tent near a grave , not aware of that it was grave. Then a person recited Surah Tabarakallazi near the tent. When the Sahabi, who pitched the tent saw this went to Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam and said, I pitched a tent in a place, without knowing that there was a grave. A person recited Surah Tabarakallazi from that grave. Then Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Surah Tabarakallazi protects from the punishment of grave. It protects from the punishment of Allah and gives victory. (Mishkath) Anas ( Rali ) narrated , One who recites Surah Tabarakallazi at the night , is like the one who has attained Lailathul Qadr. Hazrat Tavoos (Rah) used to recite Surah Tabarakallazi when he travelled and when he was in his hometown. Ibn Masood ( Rali ) narrated that , Punishment will come over the head of a person who is in the grave , and because he used to recite Surah Tabarakallazi, it will say , You have no way to near him. Then the punishment will come over his legs, and because he used to recite Surah Tabarakallazi in his prayers, it will say, You have no way to near him. Then the punishment will come over his rib cage. Because he memorized it, it will say You have no way to near him. Surah Tabarakallazi protects the one who recites it from the punishment of grave. ( Khazeenthul Asrar) Secret treasures will be revealed to the one who recites this Surah and it has many secrets. If one recites the verse Ala yalamu man khalaqa va huval latheeful khabeer 2012 times, he will get rid of disease, distress, and poverty. He will get promotion, designation and many other benefits. Significance of Surah Kahf Abu Sayeed (Rali) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Those who recite Surah Kahf on the day of Jumma, light will shine on them (i.e, on their hearts, or on their graves, or in the mahshar ground) till time space between the two Jummas. (Mishkaat) Abu Darda( Rali ) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Those who recite the first three verses of Surah Kahf , will be protected from the trial of Dajjal. (Mishkaat)

In another hadees , Those who have memorized the first ten verses of Surah Kahf , will be protected from the trial of Dajjal. ( Mishkaat) In another hadees , Those who recite the last ten verses of Surah Kahf will be protected from the trial of Dajjal. ( Tafseer Ibn Kaseer) Muaad bin Anas (Rali) narrated from his father that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, One who recites the beginning and the end of the Surah Kahf his head to toe will be filled with light. And one who recites the whole Surah the space between the sky and the earth will be filled with light for him. ( Tafseer Ibn Kaseer ) Ibn Umar ( Rali ) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Those who recite Surah Kahf on the day of Jumma , light will shine from his sole of his feet to the roof of the sky on the day of Judgement . And sins committed between the days two Jummas will be forgiven for them. (Tafseer Ibn Kaseer) Significance of Surah Fatah Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam has said about Surah Fatah like this, One day a Surah was revealed. I like this Surah more than anything in this world. Those who recite Surah Fatah will be like those who participated in the victory of Makkah with Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam. Those who recite Surah Fatah will get rewards as that of the Sahabas who sweared allegiance to Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam in the treaty (in the place hudaibiyya) which took place under a tree . Ibn Masood ( Rali) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Allah gives protection for the whole year to those who recite Surah Fatah in the Nafil prayer on the first night of Ramzan. Hazrat Abu Hurairah ( Rali )and Abu Sayeedul Khudri ( Rali ) both have narrated a Hadees. Two Rakaats should be prayed in the first night of the month of Ramzan. In each Rakaat one should recite Surah Fatah after Surah Fatiha and after finishing Salaat by giving Salaam , Surah Inna Anzalna and Salawaat should be recited ten times each. Some Islamic scholars have said, Those who recite Surah Fatah after sighting the crescent on the first day of Ramazan , Allah extends food for them for that whole year.

Some elders have said that, one who recites this Surah constantly, will swear allegiance to Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam in his dream. He will get the reward of participating in the Baiathe Rizwan. He will be resurrected with the Sahabas on the Day of Judgment. All difficulties will become easy in this world and in the hereafter. Due to the mercy of Allah and the secrets of this Surah the weak person will get power. The despised will get honour. The failed will get help. The trapped will be released. The debtor will repay his debts. The imprisoned will be released. ( Khazeenathul Asrar) Those who recite this Surah 41 or 21 times for three or five or seven days to attain good things and abstain from bad things, their purpose will be fulfilled. Imam Badruddin (Rah) narrated that, After completing Salaatu Sunnah after Salaatul Juma , this Surah has to be recited seven times and Al-Fattah 489 times. Then every day after Salaatul Luhar it has to be repeated in the similar way. When reciting this, one should not do worldly things and should not speak worldly speech. After seven days with the grace of Allah, and with the secrets of this Surah his purpose will be fulfilled for which it was recited. (Khazeenathul Asrar) The same thing has been said even in the case of Surah Tabarakallazi. Hazrat Khali bin Maadan ( Rali ) will not go to bed without reciting these two Surahs. Hazrat Tavoos ( Rali ) narrated that, The two Surahs Alif Laam Meem Tanzeel and Tabarakallazi have 60 times specialty than the other Surahs in the Quran. (Mishkath) Significance of Amanarrasool Abu Masood ( Rali ) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Whoever recites the last two Ayat in Surat Al-Baqarah at night, they will suffice for him. (Mishkath) Aifa bin Abdul Kalayee ( Rali ) asked Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam O! Prophet of Allah, which of the verses (from the Quran) do you like, that will bring benefits and rewards to you and to your Ummah? For that he replied, I like the last of the Surah Baqarah. It is from the treasure of mercy, under the throne of Allah. Allah has given it to the Ummah. It has not left any benefits of the world and Hereafter. (Mishkath)

Jubair bin Nufair ( Rali ) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Allah has ended the Surah Baqarah with two verses. That two verses have been given to me from the treasure under his throne. Teach those (verses to others). Teach those (verses) to your women. Because, they become prayer, and it make ( us ) closer to Allah and they also act as dua. (Mishkath) Hazrat Ibn Abbas narrated ( Rali ) that , Once Jibreel ( Alai ) was sitting with Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam. That time a harsh sound came from above. Hazrat Jibreel (Alai) raised his head and said, This (is the sound of) one of the doors of heaven. It is being opened only today. It has not been opened ever before. From (that door) an Angel is coming down and he is coming down to the earth. He has not come to the earth ever before. The Angel came there and after conveying Salam, told him Be happy with the two lights given to you. They are Surah Fatiha and the last of Surah Baqara. Whichever part you recite from these two, they will give benefits to you (benefits mentioned in them). ( Mishkath ) Numaan bin Basheer ( Rali ) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, Allah wrote the Holy Book before two thousand years of the creation of heaven and earth. He revealed two verses from that. He completed the Surah Baqara with those two verses. Shaitan will not come near the house in which those two verses are recited for three nights. (Mishkath) Abuthar ( Rali ) narrated that Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam said, The last verses of Surah Baqara were given to me from the treasure under the throne (Arsh ). No Prophet before me was given those verses. ( Tafseer Ibn Kaseer) Abdullah ( Rali ) narrated , During the night of Miraaj The Messenger of Allah was given three things: the five prayers, the last Ayat in Surat AlBaqarah and forgiveness for whoever did not associate anything or anyone with Allah from his Ummah.'' ( Tafseer Ibn Kaseer) Ali ( Rali ) narrated, I do not consider a person knowledgeable in Islam who goes to bed without reciting Ayathul Kursi and the last verses of Surah Baqara. Because those were given to your Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Va Sallam from the treasure under the throne (Arsh). (Tafseer Ibn Kaseer)


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