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Univariate Analysis of Variance

Output Created 26-APR-2024 19:01:41
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Missing Value Definition of Missing User-defined missing
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Cases Used Statistics are based on
all cases with valid
data for all variables in
the model.
Syntax UNIANOVA Biomassa
BY Pemupukan Irigasi
an Irigasi(TUKEY

Resources Processor Time 00:00:00,05

Elapsed Time 00:00:00,06

Between-Subjects Factors
Value N
Pemupuk 1 1 20
an 2 2 20
3 3 20
4 1 20
Irigasi A A 20
B B 20
C C 20
D D 20

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: Biomassa
Pemupuk Iriga Std.
an si Mean Deviation N
1 A 2700,20 188,945 5
B 3089,60 76,419 5
C 109,00 18,748 5
D 111,80 38,538 5
Total 1502,65 1438,563 20
2 A 3232,20 68,405 5
B 2646,00 277,340 5
C 340,60 50,257 5
D 151,40 64,306 5
Total 1592,55 1406,106 20
3 A 3169,00 105,676 5
B 3327,60 519,520 5
C 624,00 32,642 5
D 71,20 31,586 5
Total 1797,95 1522,285 20
1 A 3381,00 202,312 5
B 3097,00 86,212 5
C 338,00 82,356 5
D 183,80 38,868 5
Total 1749,95 1536,111 20
Total A 3120,60 296,170 20
B 3040,05 374,071 20
C 352,90 193,266 20
D 129,55 59,920 20
Total 1660,77 1453,397 80

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b

Levene df1 df2 Sig.
Biomas Based on Mean 4,542 15 64 <,001
sa Based on Median 1,364 15 64 ,193
Based on Median and 1,364 15 7,270 ,348
with adjusted df
Based on trimmed 3,622 15 64 <,001
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal
across groups.a,b
a. Dependent variable: Biomassa
b. Design: Intercept + Pemupukan + Irigasi + Pemupukan * Irigasi

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Biomassa
Type III Sum Mean
Source of Squares df Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 164990993, 15 10999399,5 373,318 <,001
150a 43
Intercept 220653888, 1 220653888, 7488,96 <,001
050 050 0
Pemupukan 1128546,55 3 376182,183 12,768 <,001
Irigasi 161773511, 3 53924503,8 1830,19 <,001
450 17 0
Pemupukan * 2088935,15 9 232103,906 7,878 <,001
Irigasi 0
Error 1885688,80 64 29463,887
Total 387530570, 80
Corrected Total 166876681, 79

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Biomassa
Source Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model ,989
Intercept ,992
Pemupukan ,374
Irigasi ,988
Pemupukan * Irigasi ,526
Corrected Total
a. R Squared = ,989 (Adjusted R
Squared = ,986)

Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Biomassa
Mean e Interval
(I) (J) Difference Std. Lower
Pemupukan Pemupukan (I-J) Error Sig. Bound
Tukey 1 2 -89,90 54,281 ,355 -233,08
HSD 3 -295,30* 54,281 <,001 -438,48
1 -247,30* 54,281 <,001 -390,48
2 1 89,90 54,281 ,355 -53,28
3 -205,40* 54,281 ,002 -348,58
1 -157,40* 54,281 ,026 -300,58
3 1 295,30* 54,281 <,001 152,12
2 205,40* 54,281 ,002 62,22
1 48,00 54,281 ,813 -95,18
1 1 247,30* 54,281 <,001 104,12
2 157,40* 54,281 ,026 14,22
3 -48,00 54,281 ,813 -191,18
LSD 1 2 -89,90 54,281 ,103 -198,34
3 -295,30* 54,281 <,001 -403,74
1 -247,30* 54,281 <,001 -355,74
2 1 89,90 54,281 ,103 -18,54
3 -205,40* 54,281 <,001 -313,84
1 -157,40* 54,281 ,005 -265,84
3 1 295,30* 54,281 <,001 186,86
2 205,40* 54,281 <,001 96,96
1 48,00 54,281 ,380 -60,44
1 1 247,30* 54,281 <,001 138,86
2 157,40* 54,281 ,005 48,96
3 -48,00 54,281 ,380 -156,44

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Biomassa
95% Confidence
(I) Pemupukan (J) Pemupukan Upper Bound
Tukey HSD 1 2 53,28
3 -152,12
1 -104,12
2 1 233,08
3 -62,22
1 -14,22
3 1 438,48
2 348,58
1 191,18
1 1 390,48
2 300,58
3 95,18
LSD 1 2 18,54
3 -186,86
1 -138,86
2 1 198,34
3 -96,96
1 -48,96
3 1 403,74
2 313,84
1 156,44
1 1 355,74
2 265,84
3 60,44

Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 29463,887.

*. The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.

Homogeneous Subsets
Pemupuk Subset
an N 1 2
Tukey 1 20 1502,65
HSDa,b 2 20 1592,55
1 20 1749,95
3 20 1797,95
Sig. ,355 ,813
Duncan a,b
1 20 1502,65
2 20 1592,55
1 20 1749,95
3 20 1797,95
Sig. ,103 ,380
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 29463,887.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 20,000.

b. Alpha = ,05.


Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Biomassa
Mean 95% Confidence Interval
(I) (J) Difference Std. Lower Upper
Irigasi Irigasi (I-J) Error Sig. Bound Bound
Tukey A B 80,55 54,281 ,453 -62,63 223,73
HSD C 2767,70* 54,281 <,001 2624,52 2910,88
D 2991,05* 54,281 <,001 2847,87 3134,23
B A -80,55 54,281 ,453 -223,73 62,63
C 2687,15* 54,281 <,001 2543,97 2830,33
D 2910,50* 54,281 <,001 2767,32 3053,68
C A -2767,70* 54,281 <,001 -2910,88 -2624,52
B -2687,15* 54,281 <,001 -2830,33 -2543,97
D 223,35* 54,281 <,001 80,17 366,53
D A -2991,05* 54,281 <,001 -3134,23 -2847,87
B -2910,50* 54,281 <,001 -3053,68 -2767,32
C -223,35* 54,281 <,001 -366,53 -80,17
LSD A B 80,55 54,281 ,143 -27,89 188,99
C 2767,70 *
54,281 <,001 2659,26 2876,14
D 2991,05 *
54,281 <,001 2882,61 3099,49
B A -80,55 54,281 ,143 -188,99 27,89
C 2687,15 *
54,281 <,001 2578,71 2795,59
D 2910,50* 54,281 <,001 2802,06 3018,94
C A -2767,70 *
54,281 <,001 -2876,14 -2659,26
B -2687,15 *
54,281 <,001 -2795,59 -2578,71
D 223,35 *
54,281 <,001 114,91 331,79
D A -2991,05 *
54,281 <,001 -3099,49 -2882,61
B -2910,50 *
54,281 <,001 -3018,94 -2802,06
C -223,35* 54,281 <,001 -331,79 -114,91
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 29463,887.

*. The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.

Homogeneous Subsets

Iriga Subset
si N 1 2 3
Tukey D 20 129,55
HSDa,b C 20 352,90
B 20 3040,05
A 20 3120,60
Sig. 1,000 1,000 ,453
Duncan a,b
D 20 129,55
C 20 352,90
B 20 3040,05
A 20 3120,60
Sig. 1,000 1,000 ,143
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 29463,887.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 20,000.

b. Alpha = ,05.

Output Created 26-APR-2024 19:02:24
Input Active Dataset DataSet1
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N of Rows in Working 80
Data File
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es Elapsed Time 00:00:00,00

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