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result 6th sem

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Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur

University, Gorakhpur
Grade Sheet of Semester Examination 2023-24
B.Tech. (IT) (CBCS System)
Semester : VI


Father's Name SANJAY SINGH Roll No 2214670010015
Mother's Name MITHILESH SINGH Enrollment No DDU0012204237

Max. Obt. Course Earned Grade Grade

Course Code Course Title Type
Marks Marks Credits Credits Awarded Point
Major Courses
IT306 Principle of Compiler Design Theory 100 75 3 3 A 8
IT307 Machine Learning Techniques Theory 100 76 4 4 A 8
IT356 Principle of Compiler Design Practical 100 81 1 1 A+ 9
IT357 Machine Learning Techniques Lab Practical 100 86 1 1 A+ 9
ITP312 Micro Project Practical 100 70 3 3 A 8
IT308 Advanced Topics in Data Mining Theory 100 70 3 3 A 8
ITE115 Neural Networks Theory 100 71 3 3 A 8
CSEOE01 Web Technology Theory 100 77 3 3 A 8
Carry Over Paper :
Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) : 8.10
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) : 7.94
Result : PASSED


1) Any Discrepancies may be reported to the COE office.

2) Although, utmost care has been exercised in preparation of the results; still at any stage if any error is detected based on the facts, those marks will be treated as
null and void and fresh actual marks would be awarded.

3) If it is detected at any stage that a student appeared in the examination in violation of admission/examination rules/norms, the result awarded will be treated as
null and void.

4) The Grade sheet above is for display purpose, In case of dispute, marks recorded in University confidential record will be final.

5) Formula for the conversation of CGPA into percent marks is CGPA * 10=(% Marks).

6) First Division With Distinction=8.5-10 CGPA, First Division=6.5-8.49 CGPA, Second Division=5.0-6.49 CGPA, Third Division=4.0-4.99 CGPA, If Not Awarded or
Blank in the DIVISION of the student's final semester then the student has not passed any semester.

7) Passing Marks for Minor Co Curricular (Qualifying Subject) are '40' out of '100'. Marks less than 40 in 'Minor Co Curricular' Subject will be considered as NQ (Not

Award of Grades Based on Absolute Marks

Letter Grade Description Marks Range (Out of 100) Grade Points
O Outstanding 90 - 100 10
A+ Excellent 80 - 89 9
A Very Good 70 - 79 8
B+ Good 60 - 69 7
B Above Average 50 - 59 6
C Average 45 - 49 5
P Poor 40 - 44 4
F Fail 0 - 39 0
Print Result


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