لقطة شاشة ٢٠٢٤-٠٣-١٤ في ٤.٠٦.٢٦ ص
لقطة شاشة ٢٠٢٤-٠٣-١٤ في ٤.٠٦.٢٦ ص
لقطة شاشة ٢٠٢٤-٠٣-١٤ في ٤.٠٦.٢٦ ص
Parasite : is an organism that is entirely dependent on
another organism, referred to as its host, for all or part of
its life cycle . It is generally restricted to infections
caused by protozoa and helminths and excludes the
viruses, bacteria and fungi.
Parasite is of two types:
Microparasite: small, unicellular and multiplies within its vertebrate
host, often inside cells. Example: Protozoa .
Macroparasite: large,multicellular and hasnot direct reproduction
within its vertebrate host. Example: helminths.
Host: organism which harbors the parasite and provides the
nourishment and shelter .
Types of hosts:
-Definitive host: harbors the adult parasite, where the parasite
replicates sexually.
-Intermediate host :the host which alternates with the
definitive host and harbors the larval or asexual stages of a
parasite. Some parasites require 2 intermediate hosts for
completion of their life cycle.
-Reservoir host: can harbor a pathogen indefinitely with no ill
Host- parasite relationships:
Symbiosis: an association in which both host and parasite are so
dependent upon each other that one cannot live without the help of the
other. Neither of the partners suffers from any harm from this
Commensalism: an association in which only parasite may
benefit without detectable damage to the host as in case of
Entamoeba coli in the large intestine of man, (One partner
benefits but the other is not hurt)
are single-celled animals; each cell performs all of the
necessary functions of life, majority of which are free-living.
Classification of the protozoa:
Human Protozoa are classified into:
1- amoeba
2- flagellates
3- Ciliates
4- Sporozoa
Amoeboid organisms using pseudopodia for both
locomotion and feeding. Only Entamoeba histolytica is of
medical importance.
Entamoeba histolytica
Morphology: the parasite exists in three forms;
trophozoite, precyst and cyst.
Entamoeba histolytica
1-cyst stage
cysts are present only in the lumen of the
colon and in formed feces
The cyst wall, which is hard and impermeable to small
molecules, protects Entamoeba from lysis by environmental
condition such as osmotic shock ,and stomach acid .
The cyst may contain :
4 nuclei that characteristically have centrally-located
Chromatoid bodies
Entamoeba histolytica
2-Trophozoite stage
Offer a shorter treatment course and fewer
side effects.
Once the cyst is ingested, it passes through the host’s digestive system
reaches the small intestine, trophozoites are produced.
The trophozoites then colonize the large intestine (habitat), where they
live in the lumen and feed on the intestinal flora.
Some trophozoites invade the wall of the colon using proteolytic
enzymes (hyaluronidase) and multiply, and some of them return to the
Life cycle
Mastigophora (flagellates)
Intestinal flagellates
Giardia lamblia
also called Giardia duodenalis, is one of the most common intestinal parasites in
the world.
First observed by Anton Van Leuwenhoek in 1681 in a sample of his own
diarrheal stool
Life Cycle and Structure
When ingested exposure to the low pH of the stomach and pancreatic enzymes
induces excystation, with two trophozoite development from each cyst.
Troph. attach to epithelial cells of the upper intestine.